<% local form, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ... require("viewfunctions") html = require("acf.html") %> <% displaycommandresults({"deletepolicy", "editpolicy", "viewpolicy", "enablepolicy", "disablepolicy", "startstop"}, session) %> <% displaycommandresults({"createpolicy"}, session, true) %>


<% if form.errtxt then %>

<%= string.gsub(html.html_escape(form.errtxt), "\n", "
") %>

<% end %> <% for i,pol in ipairs(form.value) do %> <% end %>
Action Status Name Description
<% if viewlibrary.check_permission("deletepolicy") and pol.editable and pol.status ~= "enabled" and pol.status ~= "required" then io.write(html.link{value = "deletepolicy?Delete=true&filename=" .. pol.filename, label="Delete ", class="deletepolicy" }) end if viewlibrary.check_permission("editpolicy") and pol.editable then io.write(html.link{value = "editpolicy?filename=" .. pol.filename.."&redir="..page_info.orig_action, label="Edit " }) end if viewlibrary.check_permission("viewpolicy") and not pol.editable and pol.filename then io.write(html.link{value = "viewpolicy?filename=" .. pol.filename.."&redir="..page_info.orig_action, label="View " }) end if viewlibrary.check_permission("enablepolicy") and (pol.status == "disabled" or pol.status == "required") then io.write(html.link{value = "enablepolicy?Enable=true&name=" .. pol.name, label="Enable " }) end if viewlibrary.check_permission("disablepolicy") and pol.status == "enabled" then io.write(html.link{value = "disablepolicy?Disable=true&name=" .. pol.name, label="Disable " }) end %> <%= html.html_escape(string.gsub(pol.status or "", "^%l", string.upper)) %> <%= html.html_escape(pol.name) %> <%= html.html_escape(pol.description) %>
<% if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component and viewlibrary.check_permission("createpolicy") then viewlibrary.dispatch_component("createpolicy") end %> <% if viewlibrary and viewlibrary.dispatch_component and viewlibrary.check_permission("startstop") then viewlibrary.dispatch_component("startstop") end %>