path: root/lib/html.lua
diff options
authorNatanael Copa <>2007-07-27 12:53:38 +0000
committerNatanael Copa <>2007-07-27 12:53:38 +0000
commitdc53423183a0c459284ebd139022b707f01af006 (patch)
tree8a67a2904ec991028bddd429d57eec114b05baab /lib/html.lua
parent275c80281ba2e84b8d810bdb1c2b7f8c9a4333d9 (diff)
moved core files to new dir structurev2.0_alpha1
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/html.lua')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/html.lua b/lib/html.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e60c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/html.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+--[[ lowlevel html functions
+ Written for Alpine Configuration Framework (ACF) -- see
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Nathan Angelacos
+ Licensed under the terms of GPL2
+module (..., package.seeall)
+--[[ Cookie functions ]]------------------------------------------------------
+-- Set a cookie - returns a string suitable for setting a cookie
+-- if the value is the boolean "false", then set the cookie to expire
+cookie.set = function ( name, value, path )
+ local expires = ""
+ if name == nil then
+ return ("")
+ end
+ if value == false then
+ expires = 'expires=Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 EST 1970'
+ value = ""
+ end
+ if path == nil then
+ path = "/"
+ end
+ return (string.format('Set-Cookie: %s=%s; path=%s; %s\n', tostring(name),
+ tostring(value), path, expires))
+-- wrapper function to clear a cookie
+cookie.unset = function ( name, path)
+ return cookie.set (name, false, path)
+-- escape unsafe html characters
+function html_escape (text )
+ text = text or ""
+ local str = string.gsub (text, "&", "&amp;" )
+ str = string.gsub (str, "<", "&lt;" )
+ return string.gsub (str, ">", "&gt;" )
+-- return a name,value pair as a string.
+nv_pair = function ( name, value)
+ if ( name == nil ) then
+ return ( value or "" )
+ end
+ if ( type(value) == "boolean" ) then
+ value = tostring(value)
+ end
+ if ( value == nil ) then
+ return ( "" )
+ else
+ return (string.format (' %s="%s" ', name , ( value or "" ) ))
+ end
+ each of these functions take a table that has an associative array of
+ the values we might care about:
+ value -- this is the value in the form element, or the selected element
+ name -- this is the name of the element
+ cols, rows
+ class
+ id
+ etc.
+local generic_input = function ( field_type, v )
+ if type(v.value) == "table" then
+ ret = {}
+ local vals = v.value
+ for n, val in ipairs(vals) do
+ v.value = val
+ table.insert(ret, generic_input(field_type, v))
+ end
+ v.value = vals
+ return table.concat(ret)
+ end
+ if ( field_type == nil ) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local str = string.format ( '<input type="%s" ', field_type )
+ for i,k in ipairs ( {
+ "name", "size", "checked", "maxlength",
+ "value", "length", "class", "id", "src",
+ "align", "alt",
+ "tabindex", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur"
+ } ) do
+ str = str .. nv_pair ( k, v[k] )
+ end
+ if ( v.disabled ~= nil ) then
+ str = str .. " disabled"
+ end
+ return ( str .. ">" )
+--[[ Form functions ]]------------------------------------------------------
+-- These expect something like a cfe to work (see acf_www-controller.lua)
+form = {}
+form.text = function ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "text", v )
+form.longtext = function ( v )
+ local str = "<textarea"
+ for i,k in ipairs ( {
+ "name", "rows", "cols",
+ "class", "id", "tabindex", "accesskey",
+ "onfocus", "onblur"
+ } ) do
+ str = str .. nv_pair ( k, v[k] )
+ end
+ str = str .. nv_pair (nil, v.disabled)
+ return ( str .. ">" .. (v.value or "" ) .. "</textarea>" )
+function form.passwd ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "password", v )
+function form.hidden ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "hidden", v )
+function form.submit ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "submit", v )
+function form.action (v)
+ return generic_input ("submit", v)
+function form.file ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "file", v )
+function form.image ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "image", v )
+-- v.value is the selected item
+-- v.option is an array of valid options
+-- NOTE use of value and values (plural)
+function ( v )
+ if ( == nil ) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local str = "<select"
+ for i,k in ipairs ( {
+ "name", "size", "tabindex", "accesskey",
+ "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange", "id",
+ "class"
+ } ) do
+ str = str .. nv_pair ( k, v[k] )
+ end
+ if ( v.disabled ~= nil ) then
+ str = str .. " disabled"
+ end
+ str = str .. ">"
+ -- now the options
+ for i, k in ipairs ( v.option ) do
+ local val = k
+ local txt = nil
+ if type(val) == "table" then
+ txt=val[1]
+ val=val[0]
+ end
+ str = str .. "<option "
+ if ( v.value == val ) then
+ str = str .. " selected "
+ end
+ str = str .. nv_pair("value", val) .. ">" .. k .. "</option>"
+ end
+ str = str .. "</select>"
+ return (str)
+function form.checkbox ( v )
+ return generic_input ( "checkbox", v )
+-- NOTE: VALUE of a form is a table containing the form elements ...
+function form.start ( v)
+ if ( v.action == nil ) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local method = v.method or "get"
+ return ( string.format (
+ '<form %s%s%s>',
+ nv_pair ( "class", v.class ),
+ nv_pair ( "method", v.method),
+ nv_pair ( "action", v.action )
+ ) )
+function form.stop ( )
+ return ("</form>")
+-- For "h1, h2, p," etc
+-- WARNING - Text is printed verbatim - you may want to
+-- wrap the text in html_escape
+function entity (tag, text, class, id)
+ return ( string.format (
+ "<%s%s%s>%s</%s>",
+ tag,
+ nv_pair ("class", class),
+ nv_pair("id", id), text , tag)
+ )
+function link ( v )
+ if ( v.value == nil ) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local str = nv_pair ( "href", v.value )
+ for i,k in ipairs( { "class", "id" }) do
+ str = str .. nv_pair ( k, v[k] )
+ end
+ return ( "<a " .. str .. ">" .. (v.label or "" ) .. "</a>" )