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diff --git a/acf-hooks.lua b/acf-hooks.lua
index 203733a..41119bf 100644
--- a/acf-hooks.lua
+++ b/acf-hooks.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,42 @@
--- This file is loaded into self.conf.app_hooks as lua source code
--- The purpose is to add user-specified hooks into the acf code
+-- This file is loaded into self.conf.app_hooks using loadfile;
+-- it must be correct lua source code.
+-- The current format for this file is a table for each controller,
+-- and then values (or tables) under the controller.
+-- The purpose of this file is to add user-specified hooks into the
+-- acf code.
+-- Currently the only use for this is a per-controller audit function
+-- (this overrides the acf.conf audit_precommit / postcommit globals)
+-- audit_precommit | audit_postcommit can be strings (like in acf.conf)
-- or functions. For functions, three variables are passed:
---[[ This is commented out example code..
+-- Example of a general logging function
+local precommit=function(self, conf, temp)
+ local logfile = "/var/log/acf-" .. self.conf.controller .. ".log"
+ fs.write_line_file (logfile, "#---- BEGIN TRANSACTION - " ..
+ .. "\n" .. self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid ..
+ " modifed " .. conf .. " as follows:")
+ os.execute ("diff -u " .. conf .. " " .. temp .. " >>" .. logfile)
+ fs.write_line_file (logfile, "\n#---- END TRANSACTION -")
+ end
- audit_precommit = function (self, CONFFILE, TEMPFILE)
- os.execute("echo this is tinydns's precommit command >> /var/log/acf.log")
+interfaces = {
+ -- note that we must define the audit command as a
+ -- new function to wrap the local func:
+ audit_precommit=function(self,conf,temp)
+ precommit(self, conf, temp)
- audit_postcommit = "echo 'this is the tinydns postcommit command.' >>/var/log/acf.log "
+-- audit_postcommit = [[ echo "this is tinydns's postcommit command." >>/var/log/acf.log ]]
+-- but after defining the audit_* commands as direct functions,
+-- assining other controllers to be the same is fine...