--[[ Code for the Alpine Configuration WEB framework see http://wiki.alpinelinux.org Copyright (C) 2007 Nathan Angelacos Licensed under the terms of GPL2 ]]-- -- Required global libraries local mymodule = {} -- This is not in the global namespace, but future -- require statements shouldn't need to go to the disk lib posix = require("posix") -- We use the parent exception handler in a last-case situation local parent_exception_handler local parent_create_helper_library local parent_view_resolver local function build_menus(self) m=require("menubuilder") roll = require ("roles") -- Build the permissions table local roles = {} if self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.roles then roles = self.sessiondata.userinfo.roles end local permissions = roll.get_roles_perm(self,roles) self.sessiondata.permissions = permissions --Build the menu local cats = m.get_menuitems(self) -- now, loop through menu and remove actions without permission -- go in reverse so we can remove entries while looping for x = #cats,1,-1 do local cat = cats[x] for y = #cat.groups,1,-1 do local group = cat.groups[y] for z = #group.tabs,1,-1 do local tab = group.tabs[z] if nil == permissions[tab.prefix] or nil == permissions[tab.prefix][tab.controller] or nil == permissions[tab.prefix][tab.controller][tab.action] then table.remove(group.tabs, z) end end if 0 == #group.tabs then table.remove(cat.groups, y) end end if 0 == #cat.groups then table.remove(cats, x) end end self.sessiondata.menu = {} self.sessiondata.menu.cats = cats -- Debug: Timestamp on menu creation self.sessiondata.menu.timestamp = {tab="Menu_created: " .. os.date(),action="Menu_created: " .. os.date(),} end local check_permission = function(self, prefix, controller, action) --self.logevent("Trying "..(prefix or "/")..(controller or "nil").."/"..(action or "nil")) if nil == self.sessiondata.permissions then return false end if prefix and controller then if nil == self.sessiondata.permissions[prefix] or nil == self.sessiondata.permissions[prefix][controller] then return false end if action and nil == self.sessiondata.permissions[prefix][controller][action] then return false end end return true end local check_permission_string = function (self, str) local prefix, controller, action = self.parse_redir_string(str) if prefix == "/" then prefix = self.conf.prefix end if controller == "" then controller = self.conf.controller end if "" == action then action = rawget(self.worker, "default_action") or "" end return check_permission(self, prefix, controller, action) end -- look for a template -- ctlr-action-view, then ctlr-view, then action-view, then view local find_template find_template = function ( appdir, prefix, controller, action, viewtype ) if string.find(appdir, ",") then local template for p in string.gmatch(appdir, "[^,]+") do template = find_template(p, prefix, controller, action, viewtype) if template then break end end return template end local targets = { appdir .. prefix .. "template-" .. controller .. "-" .. action .. "-" .. viewtype .. ".lsp", appdir .. prefix .. "template-" .. controller .. "-" .. viewtype .. ".lsp", appdir .. prefix .. "template-" .. action .. "-" .. viewtype .. ".lsp", appdir .. prefix .. "template-" .. viewtype .. ".lsp" } local file for k,v in pairs(targets) do file = io.open (v) if file then io.close (file) return v end end -- not found, so try one level higher if prefix == "/" then -- already at the top level - fail return nil end prefix = posix.dirname (prefix) return find_template ( appdir, prefix, controller, action, viewtype ) end -- This function is made available within the view to allow loading of components local dispatch_component = function(self, str, clientdata, suppress_view) -- Before we call dispatch, we have to set up conf and clientdata like it was really called for this component local tempconf = self.conf self.conf = {} for x,y in pairs(tempconf) do self.conf[x] = y end self.conf.component = true self.conf.suppress_view = suppress_view self.conf.orig_action = self.conf.orig_action or self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller .. "/" .. self.conf.action local tempclientdata = self.clientdata self.clientdata = clientdata or {} self.clientdata.sessionid = tempclientdata.sessionid local prefix, controller, action = self.parse_redir_string(str) if prefix == "/" then prefix = self.conf.prefix end if controller == "" then controller = self.conf.controller end local viewtable = self.dispatch(self, prefix, controller, action) -- Revert to the old conf and clientdata self.conf = nil if not (self.conf) then self.conf = tempconf end self.clientdata = nil if not (self.clientdata) then self.clientdata = tempclientdata end return viewtable end local has_view = function(self) for p in string.gmatch(self.conf.appdir, "[^,]+") do local file = posix.stat(p .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller .. "-" .. self.conf.action .. "-" .. self.conf.viewtype .. ".lsp", "type") if file == "regular" or file == "link" then return true end end return false end -- Override the mvc create_helper_library function to add our functions mymodule.create_helper_library = function ( self ) -- Call the mvc version local library = parent_create_helper_library(self) --[[ -- If we have a separate library, here's how we could do it local library = require("library_name") for name,func in pairs(library) do if type(func) == "function" then library.name = function(...) return func(self, ...) end end end --]] library.dispatch_component = function(...) return dispatch_component(self, ...) end library.check_permission = function(...) return check_permission_string(self, ...) end return library end -- Our local view resolver called by our dispatch - add the template and skin mymodule.view_resolver = function(self) self.conf.viewtype = self.conf.viewtype or "html" local viewfunc, viewlibrary, pageinfo = parent_view_resolver(self) pageinfo.viewfunc = viewfunc pageinfo.skinned = self.clientdata.skinned or "true" if self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.skin and self.sessiondata.userinfo.skin ~= "" then pageinfo.skin = self.sessiondata.userinfo.skin else pageinfo.skin = self.conf.skin or "" end -- search for template local template if self.conf.component ~= true then -- First, check for skin-specific template if pageinfo.skin ~= "" then template = find_template ( self.conf.wwwdir..pageinfo.skin, "/", self.conf.controller, self.conf.action, self.conf.viewtype ) end if not template then template = find_template ( self.conf.appdir, self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action, self.conf.viewtype ) end end local func = viewfunc if template then -- We have a template, use it as the function func = haserl.loadfile (template) end return func, viewlibrary, pageinfo, self.sessiondata end mymodule.mvc = {} mymodule.mvc.on_load = function (self, parent) -- open the log file if self.conf.logfile then self.conf.loghandle = io.open (self.conf.logfile, "a+") end --self.logevent("acf_www-controller mvc.on_load") -- Make sure we have some kind of sane defaults for libdir, wwwdir, and sessiondir self.conf.libdir = self.conf.libdir or ( string.match(self.conf.appdir, "[^,]+/") .. "/lib/" ) self.conf.wwwdir = self.conf.wwwdir or ( string.match(self.conf.appdir, "[^,]+/") .. "/www/" ) self.conf.sessiondir = self.conf.sessiondir or "/tmp/" self.conf.script = ENV.SCRIPT_NAME self.clientdata = FORM self.conf.clientip = ENV.REMOTE_ADDR parent_exception_handler = parent.exception_handler parent_create_helper_library = parent.create_helper_library parent_view_resolver = parent.view_resolver sessionlib=require ("session") -- before we look at sessions, remove old sessions and events -- this prevents us from giving a "session timeout" message, but I'm ok with that sessionlib.expired_events(self.conf.sessiondir, self.conf.sessiontimeout) -- Load the session data self.sessiondata = nil self.sessiondata = {} if nil ~= self.clientdata.sessionid then --self.logevent("Found session id = " .. self.clientdata.sessionid) -- Load existing session data local timestamp timestamp, self.sessiondata = sessionlib.load_session(self.conf.sessiondir, self.clientdata.sessionid) if timestamp == nil then -- invalid session id, report event and create new one sessionlib.record_event(self.conf.sessiondir, nil, sessionlib.hash_ip_addr(self.conf.clientip)) --self.logevent("Didn't find session") else --self.logevent("Found session") -- We read in a valid session, check if it's ok if self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid and sessionlib.count_events(self.conf.sessiondir, self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid, sessionlib.hash_ip_addr(self.conf.clientip), self.conf.lockouttime, self.conf.lockouteventlimit) then --self.logevent("Bad session, erasing") -- Too many events on this id / ip, kill the session sessionlib.unlink_session(self.conf.sessiondir, self.clientdata.sessionid) self.sessiondata.id = nil end end end if not (self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid) and ENV.REMOTE_USER then -- We do not have a valid user in session data, but we have successful HTTP auth -- Kill the existing session if (self.sessiondata.id and self.clientdata.sessionid) then sessionlib.unlink_session(self.conf.sessiondir, self.clientdata.sessionid) end self.sessiondata = {} self.sessiondata.id = sessionlib.random_hash(512) authenticator = require("authenticator") self.sessiondata.userinfo = authenticator.get_userinfo(self, ENV.REMOTE_USER) self.logevent("Automatic logon as ENV.REMOTE_USER: "..tostring(ENV.REMOTE_USER)) end if nil == self.sessiondata.id then self.sessiondata = {} self.sessiondata.id = sessionlib.random_hash(512) --self.logevent("New session = " .. self.sessiondata.id) end if nil == self.sessiondata.permissions or nil == self.sessiondata.menu then --self.logevent("Build menus") build_menus(self) end end mymodule.mvc.on_unload = function (self) sessionlib=require ("session") if self.sessiondata.id then sessionlib.save_session(self.conf.sessiondir, self.sessiondata) end -- Close the logfile --self.logevent("acf_www-controller mvc.on_unload") if self.conf.loghandle then self.conf.loghandle:close() end end -- Overload the MVC's exception handler with our own to handle redirection mymodule.exception_handler = function (self, message ) local html = require ("acf.html") local viewtable if type(message) == "table" then if self.conf.component == true then io.write ("Component cannot be found") elseif message.type == "dispatch" and self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid then viewtable = message self.conf.prefix = "/" self.conf.controller = "dispatcherror" self.conf.action = "" elseif message.type == "redir" or message.type == "redir_to_referrer" or message.type == "dispatch" then --if self.sessiondata.id then self.logevent("Redirecting " .. self.sessiondata.id) end io.write ("Status: 302 Moved\n") if message.type == "redir" then io.write ("Location: " .. ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] .. message.prefix .. message.controller .. "/" .. message.action .. (message.extra or "" ) .. "\n") elseif message.type == "dispatch" then -- We got a dispatch error because the user session timed out -- We want to save the URL and any get / post data to resubmit after logon self.sessiondata.logonredirect = message self.sessiondata.logonredirect.clientdata = self.clientdata self.sessiondata.logonredirect.clientdata.sessionid = nil self.sessiondata.logonredirect.referrer = ENV.HTTP_REFERER if message.controller ~= "" then io.write ("Location: " .. ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] .. "/acf-util/logon/logon?redir="..message.prefix..message.controller.."/"..message.action.."\n") else io.write ("Location: " .. ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] .. "/acf-util/logon/logon\n") end else io.write ("Location: " .. ENV.HTTP_REFERER .. "\n") end if self.sessiondata.id then io.write (html.cookie.set("sessionid", self.sessiondata.id)) else io.write (html.cookie.unset("sessionid")) end io.write ( "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" ) else parent_exception_handler(self, message) end else self.logevent("Exception: "..message) viewtable = {message = message} self.conf.prefix = "/" self.conf.controller = "exception" self.conf.action = "" end if viewtable then if not self.conf.suppress_view then local success, err = xpcall ( function () local viewfunc, p1, p2, p3 = self.view_resolver(self) viewfunc (viewtable, p1, p2, p3) end, self:soft_traceback() ) if not success then parent_exception_handler(self, err) end end end end -- Overload the MVC's dispatch function with our own -- check permissions and redirect if not allowed to see -- pass more parameters to the view -- allow display of views without actions mymodule.dispatch = function (self, userprefix, userctlr, useraction) local controller = nil local viewtable local success, err = xpcall ( function () if userprefix == nil then self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action = self.parse_path_info(ENV["PATH_INFO"]) self.conf.wwwprefix = string.gsub(ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] or "", "/?cgi%-bin/acf.*", "") else self.conf.prefix = userprefix or "/" self.conf.controller = userctlr or "" self.conf.action = useraction or "" end -- This is for get / post data saved for after logon if self.sessiondata.logonredirect and self.conf.prefix == self.sessiondata.logonredirect.prefix and self.conf.controller == self.sessiondata.logonredirect.controller and self.conf.action == self.sessiondata.logonredirect.action then ENV.HTTP_REFERER = self.sessiondata.logonredirect.referrer or ENV.HTTP_REFERER self.clientdata = self.sessiondata.logonredirect.clientdata self.sessiondata.logonredirect = nil end -- Before we start checking for views, set the viewtype (also before any redirect or dispatch error) if self.clientdata.viewtype then self.conf.viewtype = self.clientdata.viewtype else self.conf.viewtype = "html" end -- Find the proper prefix/controller/action combo local origconf = {} for name,value in pairs(self.conf) do origconf[name]=value end if "" == self.conf.controller and self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.home and self.sessiondata.userinfo.home ~= "" then self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action = self.parse_path_info(self.sessiondata.userinfo.home) end if "" == self.conf.controller and self.conf.home and self.conf.home ~= "" then self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action = self.parse_path_info(self.conf.home) end if "" == self.conf.controller then self.conf.prefix = "/acf-util/" self.conf.controller = "welcome" self.conf.action = "read" end -- If we have different prefix / controller / action, redirect if self.conf.prefix ~= origconf.prefix or self.conf.controller ~= origconf.controller or self.conf.action ~= origconf.action then self:redirect(self.conf.action) -- controller and prefix already in self.conf end if "" ~= self.conf.controller then -- We now know the prefix / controller / action combo, check if we're allowed to do it local perm = check_permission(self, self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller) local worker_loaded = false if perm then controller, worker_loaded = self:new(self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller) end if worker_loaded then local default_action = rawget(controller.worker, "default_action") or "" if self.conf.action == "" then self.conf.action = default_action end if "" ~= self.conf.action then local perm = check_permission(controller, self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action) -- Because of the inheritance, normally the -- controller.worker.action will flow up, so that all children have -- actions of all parents. We use rawget to make sure that only -- controller defined actions are used on dispatch if (not perm) or (type(rawget(controller.worker, self.conf.action)) ~= "function") then controller:destroy() controller = nil end end elseif controller then controller:destroy() controller = nil end end -- If the controller or action are missing, display an error view if nil == controller then -- If we have a view w/o an action, just display the view (passing in the clientdata) if (not self.conf.suppress_view) and has_view(self) and check_permission(self, self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action) then viewtable = self.clientdata else origconf.type = "dispatch" error (origconf) end end if controller then -- run the (first found) pre_exec code, starting at the controller -- and moving up the parents if type(controller.worker.mvc.pre_exec) == "function" then controller.worker.mvc.pre_exec ( controller ) end -- run the action viewtable = controller.worker[self.conf.action](controller) -- run the post_exec code if type(controller.worker.mvc.post_exec) == "function" then controller.worker.mvc.post_exec ( controller ) end -- we're done with the controller, destroy it controller:destroy() controller = nil end if not self.conf.suppress_view then local viewfunc, p1, p2, p3 = self.view_resolver(self) viewfunc (viewtable, p1, p2, p3) end end, self:soft_traceback(message) ) if not success then if controller then controller:exception_handler(err) controller:destroy() controller = nil else self:exception_handler(err) end end return viewtable end -- Cause a redirect to specified (or default) action -- We use the self.conf table because it already has prefix,controller,etc -- The actual redirection is defined in exception_handler above mymodule.redirect = function (self, str, result) if self.conf.viewtype ~= "html" then return end if result then self.sessiondata[self.conf.action.."result"] = result end local prefix, controller, action = self.parse_redir_string(str) if prefix ~= "/" then self.conf.prefix = prefix end if controller ~= "" then self.conf.controller = controller end if "" == action then action = rawget(self.worker, "default_action") or "" end self.conf.action = action self.conf.type = "redir" error(self.conf) end -- If we've done something, cause a redirect to the referring page (assuming it's different) -- Also handles retrieving the result of a previously redirected action mymodule.redirect_to_referrer = function(self, result) if self.conf.viewtype ~= "html" then return result end if result and not self.conf.component then -- If we have a result, then we did something, so we might have to redirect if not ENV.HTTP_REFERER then -- If no referrer, we have a potential problem. if not find_view(self.conf.appdir, self.conf.prefix, self.conf.controller, self.conf.action, self.conf.viewtype or "html") then -- Action does not have view, so redirect to default action for this controller. self:redirect() end else local p = ENV.HTTP_REFERER:gsub("%?.*", ""):gsub("%%(%x%x)", function(h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end ) local prefix, controller, action = self.parse_path_info(p) if prefix ~= self.conf.prefix or controller ~= self.conf.controller or action ~= self.conf.action then self.sessiondata[self.conf.action.."result"] = result error({type="redir_to_referrer"}) end end elseif self.sessiondata[self.conf.action.."result"] then -- If we don't have a result, but there's a result in the session data, -- then we're a component redirected as above. Return the last result. result = self.sessiondata[self.conf.action.."result"] self.sessiondata[self.conf.action.."result"] = nil end return result end -- parse a "URI" like string into a prefix, controller and action -- this is the same as URI string, but opposite preference -- if only one is defined, it's assumed to be the action mymodule.parse_redir_string = function( str ) str = str or "" str = string.gsub(str, "/+$", "") local action = string.match(str, "[^/]+$") or "" str = string.gsub(str, "/*[^/]*$", "") local controller = string.match(str, "[^/]+$") or "" str = string.gsub(str, "/*[^/]*$", "") local prefix = string.match(str, "[^/]+$") or "" if prefix == "" then prefix = "/" else prefix = "/"..prefix.."/" end return prefix, controller, action end mymodule.logevent = function ( message ) if mymodule.conf.loghandle then mymodule.conf.loghandle:write (string.format("%s: %s\n", os.date(), message or "")) else -- call to parent's handler mymodule.__index.logevent(message) end end mymodule.handle_clientdata = function(form, clientdata) clientdata = clientdata or {} form.errtxt = nil for name,value in pairs(form.value) do value.errtxt = nil if name:find("%.") and not clientdata[name] then -- If the name has a '.' in it, haserl will interpret it as a table local actualval = clientdata for entry in name:gmatch("[^%.]+") do if tonumber(entry) then actualval = actualval[tonumber(entry)] else actualval = actualval[entry] end if not actualval then break end end clientdata[name] = actualval end if value.type == "group" then mymodule.handle_clientdata(value, clientdata[name]) elseif value.type == "boolean" then --- HTML forms simply don't include checkboxes unless they're checked value.value = (clientdata[name] ~= nil) and (clientdata[name] ~= "false") elseif value.type == "multi" then -- FIXME this is because multi selects don't work in haserl -- Multi-selects are implemented as checkboxes, so if none exists, it means nothing is selected local oldtable = clientdata[name] or {} -- Assume it's a sparse array, and remove blanks local newtable={} for x=1,table.maxn(oldtable) do if oldtable[x] then newtable[#newtable + 1] = oldtable[x] end end value.value = newtable elseif clientdata[name] then -- The other types will be returned in clientdata even if set to blank, so if no result, leave the default if value.type == "list" then value.value = {} if clientdata[name] ~= "" then -- for www we use \r separated list for l in string.gmatch(clientdata[name].."\n", "%s*([^\n]*%S)%s*\n") do table.insert(value.value, l) end end else value.value = clientdata[name] end end end end mymodule.handle_form = function(self, getFunction, setFunction, clientdata, option, label, descr) local form = getFunction(self, clientdata) if clientdata.submit then self.handle_clientdata(form, clientdata) form = setFunction(self, form, clientdata.submit) if not form.errtxt and descr then form.descr = descr end if clientdata.redir then form.value.redir = cfe({ type="hidden", value=clientdata.redir, label="" }) end form = self:redirect_to_referrer(form) if clientdata.redir and not form.errtxt then form.value = form.descr -- make it a command result form.descr = nil self:redirect(clientdata.redir, form) end else if clientdata.redir then form.value.redir = cfe({ type="hidden", value=clientdata.redir, label="" }) end form = self:redirect_to_referrer() or form end form.type = "form" form.option = option or form.option form.label = label or form.label return form end return mymodule