module (..., package.seeall) require "fs" --TODO this should be somehow figureoutable from acf info local cfgdir = "/usr/share/acf/app/cfgfile" --TODO, in fs actually, find should use coroutines instead of reading --all in table local files = nil --TODO might on demand load only part of config that is needed for this app --but then TODO need to make persistent item ids local function loadCfg() if files ~= nil then return end files = {} for fname in fs.find(".*%.cfg", cfgdir) do f =, 'r') if f then s = f:read("*a") f:close() if s then c = loadstring("return ({\n" .. s .. "\n})") if c then for i,v in ipairs(c()) do files[#files + 1] = v end end end end end end local function getLbuStatus() local ret = {} local f = io.popen("/sbin/lbu status -v", "r") if not f then return ret end for line in f:lines() do local status, name = string.match(line, "^(%S+)%s+(.+)$") if status and name then ret[string.gsub('/' .. name, "/+", "/")] = status end end f:close() return ret end --TODO this 'filter' breaks model isolation by requring caller to know --keys in files[] items. But this way the breakage is at least very obvious, --unlike passing these values as an argument to this function. function list(self, filter) loadCfg() local ret = {} local lbuStatus = getLbuStatus() for k,v in pairs(files) do if not filter or filter(v) then ret[#ret+1] = { id=k,, section=v.section,, descr=v.descr, status=lbuStatus[v.filename] } end end return ret end function get(self, id) loadCfg() local item = files[id] if not item then return false end local f =, "r") local n = "" if f then n = f:read("*a") f:close() end return true, { id=cfe{ value=tostring(id) }, content=cfe{ value=n, type="longtext" }, name=cfe{ } } end function set(self, id, data) loadCfg() local item = files[id] if not item then return false, date end local f =, "w") if f then f:write(data.content.value) f:close() end -- TODO update processing return get(self, id) end