--[[ middle level functions for the webconf view templates. Part of acf Copyright (C) 2006 N. Angelacos Licensed under terms of GPL2 ]]-- module ( ..., package.seeall ) require ("html") -- This is the main function that walks a table formatted for a template -- (This is the magic in generic) function render_table ( element, level) local level = level or 1 if (type(element) ~= "table" ) then return nil end for k,v in pairs (element) do if ( v.type ~= nil ) then if ( v.type == "group" ) then print ( html.entity ( ( "h" .. tostring(level) ), v.label, v.class, v.id ) ) print ( html.entity ( "p" , v.text, v.class ) ) render_table ( v.value, level + 1 ) elseif ( v.type == "label" ) then print ( html.entity ( "h" .. level , v.value, v.class, v.id ) ) if ( v.text ~= nil ) then print ( html.entity ( "p", v.text, v.class )) end elseif ( v.type == "html" ) then print (v.value) elseif ( v.type == "log" ) then print("
				if type(v.lines) == "function" then
					for line in v.lines do
				elseif v.lines then
") elseif ( v.type == "link" ) then print (html.link ( v ) ) elseif ( v.type == "form" ) then print ( html.form.start ( v ) ) print ("
") render_table ( v.value, level + 1 ) print ("
") print ( html.form.stop () ) elseif type(html.form[v.type]) ~= "nil" then if v.type == "hidden" then v.noitem = true end if not v.noitem then print ( string.format ("
", ( v.label or "" ))) end print ( html.form[v.type] ( v ) ) if not v.noitem then print ("
") end end end end end -- This function prints the main menu, with the given prefix/controller "selected" -- returns the group, category, subcat that is selected function render_mainmenu ( menu, prefix, controller, action ) -- prefix+controller defines which menu is "selected" local megroup = nil local mecat = nil local mesubcat = nil local liston = nil local group = "" local cat = "" -- find the current group/cat/subcat for i=1,table.maxn(menu) do if (menu[i].prefix == prefix) and ( menu[i].controller == controller ) then megroup = menu[i].group mecat = menu[i].cat if ( menu[i].action == action ) then mesubcat = menu[i].subcat elseif ( menu[i].action == "*" ) and ( mesubcat == nil ) then mesubcat = menu[i].subcat end end end -- render the mainmenu local thisgroup = "" local thiscat = "" for i=1,table.maxn(menu),1 do if menu[i].group ~= thisgroup then thisgroup = menu[i].group if ( liston ) then io.write ("") end print ( html.entity ( "h3", menu[i].group ) ) io.write("") return megroup, mecat, mesubcat end -- This function prints the tabs for the submenu, with the given submenu "selected" function render_submenu ( menu, group, cat, subcat ) cat = cat or "" group = group or "" local this_subcat = nil local foo = group .. " > " .. cat if (foo ~= " > " ) then print ( html.entity ( "h2", html.html_escape( group .. " > " .. cat ) )) end -- print (string.format ("%s - %s - %s", group, cat , (subcat or ""))) io.write ("") end