path: root/dansguardian-model.lua
diff options
authorTed Trask <>2008-09-11 14:31:28 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2008-09-11 14:31:28 +0000
commit2764edeac9b4b54096f7a3c5eaa5b202e0c32f01 (patch)
tree97cef2733c05861c8e6b9062a2d5bafda694a7a3 /dansguardian-model.lua
parent6d20b13cb8257b69654e508383eac0acaa135889 (diff)
Modified dansguardian. Changed advanced to listfiles and expert to listconfigfiles. Made general and edit be normal forms. Removed categories, which didn't work.
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
Diffstat (limited to 'dansguardian-model.lua')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/dansguardian-model.lua b/dansguardian-model.lua
index 7fb76a1..f24748e 100644
--- a/dansguardian-model.lua
+++ b/dansguardian-model.lua
@@ -3,12 +3,9 @@ module (..., package.seeall)
-- Load libraries
-require "posix"
-require "format"
+--require "posix"
-- Set variables
@@ -16,7 +13,9 @@ dansguardiancfg = "/etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf"
dansguardiancfg2 = "/etc/dansguardian/dansguardianf1.conf"
local processname = "dansguardian"
local packagename = "dansguardian"
-local baseurl = "/etc/dansguardian" -- Without trailing /
+local baseurl = "/etc/dansguardian"
local categoryfiles = {
['weighted'] = tostring(baseurl .. "/weightedphraselist"),
['banned'] = tostring(baseurl .. "/bannedphraselist"),
@@ -42,7 +41,39 @@ local categoryfilecontent = {
['banned'] = get_includes_from_file(categoryfiles['banned']),
['exception'] = get_includes_from_file(categoryfiles['exception']),
+local validate_general_config = function( config )
+ local success = true
+ if config.value.filterip.value ~= "" and not validator.is_ipv4(config.value.filterip.value) then
+ config.value.filterip.errtxt = "Invalid IP address"
+ success = false
+ end
+ if not validator.is_port(config.value.filterport.value) then
+ config.value.filterport.errtxt = "Invalid port"
+ success = false
+ end
+ if not validator.is_ipv4(config.value.proxyip.value) then
+ config.value.proxyip.errtxt = "Invalid IP address"
+ success = false
+ end
+ if not validator.is_port(config.value.proxyport.value) then
+ config.value.proxyport.errtxt = "Invalid port"
+ success = false
+ end
+ -- FIXME don't know how to validate accessdeniedaddress
+ if not validator.is_integer(config.value.naughtynesslimit.value) then
+ config.value.naughtynesslimit.errtxt = "Invalid number"
+ success = false
+ end
+ return success, config
+local is_valid_filename = function(filename)
+ local dirname = dirname(filename)
+ return validator.is_valid_filename(filename) and string.match(dirname, baseurl) and not string.match(dirname, "%.%.")
-- ################################################################################
@@ -55,274 +86,100 @@ startstop_service = function( action )
return modelfunctions.startstop_service(processname, action)
-get_general_config = function()
+read_general_config = function()
+ local retval = { filterip = cfe({ label="Filter IP", descr="Leave blank to listen on all IPs" }),
+ filterport = cfe({ label="Filter Port" }),
+ proxyip = cfe({ label="Proxy IP" }),
+ proxyport = cfe({ label="Proxy Port" }),
+ accessdeniedaddress = cfe({ label="AccessDeniedAddress" }),
+ naughtynesslimit = cfe({ label="NaughtynessLimit" })
+ }
- local retval = {}
- local error = ""
- retval = { filterip = { label="Filter IP", type="text", value="" },
- filterport = { label="Filter Port", type="text", value="" },
- proxyip = { label="Proxy IP", type="text", value="" },
- proxyport = { label="Proxy Port", type="text", value="" },
- accessdeniedaddress = { label="AccessDeniedAddress", type="text", value="" },
- naughtynesslimit = { label="NaughtynessLimit", type="text", value="" }
- }
- local fptr = dansguardiancfg, "r" )
- if fptr ~= nil then
- local line = fptr:read( "*l" )
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.sub( line, 1, 1 ) ~= "#" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 8 ) == "filterip" then
- retval.filterip.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 10 ) == "filterport" then
- retval.filterport.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "proxyip" then
- retval.proxyip.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 9 ) == "proxyport" then
- retval.proxyport.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "accessdeniedaddress" then
- retval.accessdeniedaddress.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- end
- end
- line = fptr:read( "*l" ) -- read one config file
- end
- fptr:close()
- else
- error = "Failed to open " .. dansguardiancfg .. " file!"
+ local config = getopts.getoptsfromfile(dansguardiancfg, "")
+ if config then
+ if config.filterip then retval.filterip.value = config.filterip end
+ if config.filterport then retval.filterport.value = config.filterport end
+ if config.proxyip then retval.proxyip.value = config.proxyip end
+ if config.proxyport then retval.proxyport.value = config.proxyport end
+ if config.accessdeniedaddress then retval.accessdeniedaddress.value = string.sub(config.accessdeniedaddress, 2, -2) end
- local fptr2 = dansguardiancfg2, "r" )
- if fptr2 ~= nil then
- local line = fptr2:read( "*l" )
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.sub( line, 1, 1 ) ~= "#" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "naughtynesslimit" then
- retval.naughtynesslimit.value = get_cfg_value( line )
- end
- end
- line = fptr2:read( "*l" ) -- read one config file line
- end
- fptr2:close()
- else
- error = "Failed to open " .. dansguardiancfg2 .. " file!"
+ config = getopts.getoptsfromfile(dansguardiancfg2, "")
+ if config then
+ if config.naughtynesslimit then retval.naughtynesslimit.value = config.naughtynesslimit end
- return retval, error
-getconfigfile = function()
- return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(dansguardiancfg)
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Dansguardian General Config" })
-get_edit_config = function( name )
- local retval = ""
- local error = ""
- if not is_valid_configfile( name ) then
- return "", "Hacker"
- end
- local fptr = "/etc/dansguardian/" .. name )
- if fptr ~= nil then
- retval = fptr:read( "*a" )
- fptr:close()
- if retval == nil then
- retval = ""
- error = "Failed to read /etc/dansguardian/" .. name .. " file!"
- end
- else
- error = "Failed to open /etc/dansguardian/" .. name .. " file!"
+update_general_config = function( config )
+ local success, config = validate_general_config(config)
+ if success then
+ local a,b,c
+ local text = fs.read_file(dansguardiancfg)
+ a,b,c,text = getopts.setoptsinfile(text, "", "filterip", config.value.filterip.value)
+ a,b,c,text = getopts.setoptsinfile(text, "", "filterport", config.value.filterport.value)
+ a,b,c,text = getopts.setoptsinfile(text, "", "proxyip", config.value.proxyip.value)
+ a,b,c,text = getopts.setoptsinfile(text, "", "proxyport", config.value.proxyport.value)
+ a,b,c,text = getopts.setoptsinfile(text, "", "accessdeniedaddress", "'"..config.value.accessdeniedaddress.value.."'")
+ fs.write_file(dansguardiancfg, string.gsub(text, "\n+$", ""))
+ getopts.setoptsinfile(dansguardiancfg2, "", "naughtynesslimit", config.value.naughtynesslimit.value)
+ else
+ config.errtxt = "Failed to set config"
- return retval, error
+ return config
-update_edit_config = function( name, config )
- local retval = ""
- if not is_valid_configfile( name ) then
- return "", "Hacker"
- end
- local fptr = "/etc/dansguardian/" .. name, "wb+" )
- if fptr ~= nil then
- fptr:write( format.dostounix( config ) )
- fptr:close()
- retval = ""
+get_file = function(filename)
+ local retval
+ if is_valid_filename(filename) then
+ retval = modelfunctions.getfiledetails(filename)
- error = "Failed to open /etc/dansguardian/" .. name .. " file!"
+ retval = modelfunctions.getfiledetails("")
+ retval.value.filename.value = filename
- return retval
-update_general_config = function( config )
- local retval = ""
- local tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- local tmpfile = -1
- local cfgptr = -1
- local line = ""
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "wb+" )
- if tmpfile == nil then
- return "Failed to create temporary config file!"
- end
- cfgptr = dansguardiancfg, "r" )
- if cfgptr == nil then
- tmpfile:close()
- os.remove( tmpfilename )
- return "Failed to open " .. dansguardiancfg .. "!"
- end
- line = cfgptr:read( "*l" )
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.sub( line, 1, 8 ) == "filterip" then
- tmpfile:write( "filterip = " .. config.filterip .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 10 ) == "filterport" then
- tmpfile:write( "filterport = " .. config.filterport .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "proxyip" then
- tmpfile:write( "proxyip = " .. config.proxyip .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 9 ) == "proxyport" then
- tmpfile:write( "proxyport = " .. config.proxyport .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "accessdeniedaddress" then
- tmpfile:write( "accessdeniedaddress = " .. config.accessdeniedaddress .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- line = cfgptr:read( "*l" )
- end
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgptr:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, dansguardiancfg )
- --- step 2 - dansguardiancfg2
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "wb+" )
- if tmpfile == nil then
- return "Failed to create temporary config file!"
- end
- cfgptr = dansguardiancfg2, "r" )
- if cfgptr == nil then
- tmpfile:close()
- os.remove( tmpfilename )
- return "Failed to open " .. dansguardiancfg2 .. "!"
- end
- line = cfgptr:read( "*l" )
- while line ~= nil do
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "naughtynesslimit" then
- tmpfile:write( "naughtynesslimit = " .. config.naughtynesslimit .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- line = cfgptr:read( "*l" )
- end
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgptr:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, dansguardiancfg2 )
return retval
-updateconfigfile = function( filedetails )
- filedetails.value.filename.value = dansguardiancfg
- return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(dansguardiancfg)
-get_cfg_value = function( str )
- local retval = ""
- local pos = 1
- local found = false
- local found2 = false
- while not found and pos < #str -1 do
- if string.sub( str, pos, pos ) == "=" then
- found = true
- end
- pos = pos + 1
- end
- if found then
- pos = pos - 1
- while not found2 and pos < #str -1 do
- if string.sub( str, pos+1, pos+1 ) ~= " " then
- found2 = true
- end
- pos = pos + 1
- end
- end
- if found2 then
- retval = string.sub( str, pos )
+update_file = function(filedetails)
+ local retval
+ if is_valid_filename(filedetails.value.filename.value) then
+ retval = modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails)
+ else
+ retval.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid filename"
+ retval.errtxt = "Failed to save file"
- return retval
-get_advanced_config = function()
- local retval = { files = {} }
- local errmsg = ""
- get_file_tree( retval.files, "/etc/dansguardian", "" )
- return retval, errmsg
+ return retval
-get_file_tree = function( treetable, dir, prefix )
- local entries = posix.dir( dir )
- local k = ""
- local v = ""
- for k,v in ipairs( entries ) do
- local attrs = posix.stat( dir .. "/" .. v )
- if attrs.type == "regular" and string.sub( v, -4) ~= ".gif" then
- local path = dir .. "/" .. v
- local filedetails = fs.stat(path)
- filedetails.path = prefix .. v
- table.insert( treetable, filedetails )
- end
- end
- entries = posix.dir( dir )
- for k,v in ipairs( entries ) do
- local attrs = posix.stat( dir .. "/" .. v )
- if attrs.type == "directory" and v~= "." and v~= ".." then
- get_file_tree( treetable, dir .. "/" .. v, prefix .. v .. "/" )
+list_files = function()
+ local retval = {}
+ for file in fs.find(null, baseurl) do
+ local details = fs.stat(file)
+ if details.type == "regular" and not string.match(file, "logrotation$") and not string.match(file, "%.conf$") and not string.match(file, "%.gif$") then
+ details.filename = file
+ table.insert(retval, details)
- return
+ return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Dansguardian files" })
-is_valid_configfile = function( name )
- local retval = false
- local ftable = {}
- local k
- local v
- get_file_tree( ftable, "/etc/dansguardian", "" )
- for k,v in ipairs( ftable ) do
- if v.path == name then
- retval = true
- end
- end
- return retval
+list_config_files = function()
+ local list = {}
+ local details = fs.stat(dansguardiancfg)
+ details.filename = dansguardiancfg
+ list[1] = details
+ details = fs.stat(dansguardiancfg2)
+ details.filename = dansguardiancfg2
+ list[2] = details
+ return cfe({ type="list", value=list, label="List of Dansguardian config files" })
get_categories = function()
local retval = {}
@@ -412,4 +269,4 @@ get_category = function(category, object)
return retval