<% local data, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ... require("viewfunctions") %> <% displaycommandresults({"install", "log"}, session) %> <% local cmdresult = {} for i,cmd in ipairs({"status", "update", "diff"}) do if session[cmd.."result"] then cmdresult[#cmdresult + 1] = session[cmd.."result"] session[cmd.."result"] = nil end end if #cmdresult > 0 then for i,result in ipairs(cmdresult) do io.write("


\n") for i,value in ipairs(result.value) do if value.updates ~= "" then %>

<%= html.html_escape(value.name) %>

<%= html.html_escape(value.updates) %>
<% end end io.write("
\n") end end %>

System Info

<% displayitem(data.value.version) if data.value.version and data.value.version.errtxt and session.permissions.apk and session.permissions.apk.install then %> Install <% end displayitem(data.value.repository) %>
<% if not data.value.repository.errtxt then %>


View Status
" method="POST">
<% if session.permissions.acfupdate.diff then %>
View Diff
" method="POST">
<% end %>
View Log
" method="POST">
<% if session.permissions.acfupdate.update then %>
" method="POST">
<% end %>
<% end %>