module(..., package.seeall) -- Load libraries require("modelfunctions") format = require("acf.format") validator = require("acf.validator") require("luasql.postgres") require("authenticator") require("roles") -- NOTE -- This is the SQL statement that should be run by the VoIP server to figure out the current extension for a DID -- "SELECT extension FROM pubdid WHERE did='$1' AND 'now'>=starttime AND 'now'&1" local f = io.popen(cmd) local result = f:read("*a") or "" f:close() for line in string.gmatch(result, "[^\n]+") do dbs[#dbs+1] = string.match(line, "^ (%S+)") end return dbs end -- Create the necessary database local createdatabase = function(password) local result = {} -- First, create the users local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER '..DatabaseOwner..' WITH PASSWORD \''..password..'\'" 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER '..DatabaseUser..'" 2>&1' f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() -- Create the database cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE '..DatabaseName..' WITH OWNER '..DatabaseOwner..'" 2>&1' f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() return table.concat(result, "\n") end -- Delete the database and roles local deletedatabase = function() local result = {} local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE '..DatabaseName..'" 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "DROP ROLE '..DatabaseUser..'" 2>&1' f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "DROP ROLE '..DatabaseOwner..'" 2>&1' f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() return table.concat(result, "\n") end -- Run an SQL script local runSQLscript = function(filename) -- Create the database local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -f "'..filename..'" '..DatabaseName..' 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) local result = f:read("*a") or "" f:close() -- Create the tables print (result) return result end -- Create the database and tables -- pg_dump -U postgres -c did > did.postgres --runSQLscript("/path/did.postgres") local databaseconnect = function(username, password) if not con then -- create environment object env = assert (luasql.postgres()) -- connect to data source con = assert (env:connect(DatabaseName, username, password)) return true end end local databasedisconnect = function() if env then env:close() env = nil end if con then con:close() con = nil end end local updateuserid = function(self) if self and self.sessiondata and self.sessiondata.userinfo and self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid then userid = self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid end end local logme = function(message) local sql = string.format("INSERT INTO dbhistlog VALUES ('now', '%s', '%s')", escape(message), userid) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) end local listhistorylogentries = function() local entries = {} cur = assert (con:execute"SELECT logdatetime, msgtext, userid from dbhistlog ORDER BY logdatetime DESC") row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = {logdatetime = row.logdatetime, msgtext = row.msgtext, userid = row.userid} row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end cur:close() return entries end -- Delete history log information from more than a month ago local groomdbhistlog = function() local res = assert (con:execute("delete from dbhistlog where " .. "logdatetime < (now() - INTERVAL '1 month')")) logme("removed " .. res .. " old dbhistlog lines") end local generatewhereclause = function(did, extension, identification, description, department, available, allowedlist, clause) local sql = "" local where = {} -- We're going to use regular expressions so can search for substrings if did and did ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "definition.did ~ '"..escaperegex(did).."'" end if extension and extension ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "extension ~ '"..escaperegex(extension).."'" end if identification and identification ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "identification ~ '"..escaperegex(identification).."'" end -- For these two, specify case insensitive if description and description ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "description ~* '"..escaperegex(description).."'" end if department and department ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "department ~* '"..escaperegex(department).."'" end if (available ~= nil) then where[#where+1] = "available = "..tostring(available) end --if allowedlist and #allowedlist > 0 then if allowedlist then where[#where+1] = "definition.did IN ('"..table.concat(allowedlist, "', '").."')" end if #where > 0 then sql = " " .. (clause or "WHERE") .. " " .. table.concat(where, " AND ") end return sql end local generatelimitclause = function(page) local sql = "" if page and tonumber(page) and tonumber(page) > 0 then sql = " LIMIT "..pagesize.." OFFSET "..((page-1)*pagesize) end return sql end local getdefinitionentries = function(sql) local entries = {} cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = {did=row.did, identification=row.identification, department=row.department, description=row.description, extension=row.extension, available=row.available, lastchange=row.lastchange, type=row.type} entries[#entries].available = (entries[#entries].available == 't') row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local listunuseddefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, allowedlist, page) local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist, "AND") local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule)"..where.." ORDER BY did"..generatelimitclause(page) return getdefinitionentries(sql) end local countunuseddefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, allowedlist) local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist, "AND") local sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule)"..where cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local count = cur:fetch() cur:close() return count end -- Lists only the definitions that have rules, this also allows us to select based upon extension local listuseddefinitions = function(did, extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist, page) local where = string.gsub(generatewhereclause(did, extension, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist, "HAVING"), "extension", "array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ')") -- Combine with rules to get extensions, this will drop all dids that don't have rules -- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined -- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')" local sql = "SELECT definition.did, identification, department, description, array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ') AS extension FROM definition,rule WHERE definition.did=rule.did" sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did, identification, department, description"..where.." ORDER BY definition.did"..generatelimitclause(page) return getdefinitionentries(sql) end -- Counts only the definitions that have rules, this also allows us to select based upon extension local countuseddefinitions = function(did, extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist) local where = string.gsub(generatewhereclause(did, extension, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist, "HAVING"), "extension", "array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ')") -- Combine with rules to get extensions, this will drop all dids that don't have rules -- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined -- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')" local sql = "SELECT definition.did FROM definition,rule WHERE definition.did=rule.did" sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did"..where sql = "SELECT count(*) from ("..sql..") AS temp" cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local count = cur:fetch() cur:close() return count end local listdefinitionsandextensions = function(did, identification, description, department, allowedlist, page) local where = generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist, "HAVING") -- Combine with rules to get extensions, use LEFT JOIN to not drop all dids that don't have rules -- Relies on this custom aggregate function being defined -- local sql = "CREATE AGGREGATE array_accum(anyelement)(sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}')" local sql = "SELECT definition.did, identification, department, description, array_to_string(array_accum(rule.extension), ', ') AS extension FROM definition LEFT JOIN rule ON definition.did=rule.did" sql = sql.." GROUP BY definition.did, identification, department, description"..where.." ORDER BY definition.did"..generatelimitclause(page) return getdefinitionentries(sql) end local listdefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, available, allowedlist, page) local sql = "SELECT * FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, available, allowedlist).." ORDER BY did"..generatelimitclause(page) return getdefinitionentries(sql) end local countdefinitions = function(did, identification, description, department, allowedlist) local sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist) cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local count = cur:fetch() cur:close() return count end local listdefs = function(did, identification, description, department, allowedlist) local sql = "SELECT did FROM definition"..generatewhereclause(did, nil, identification, description, department, nil, allowedlist).." ORDER BY did" local entries = {} cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = row.did row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local listexchanges = function() local entries = {} local sql = "SELECT substring(did from 1 for 6) AS exchange FROM definition GROUP BY exchange ORDER BY exchange" cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local findunuseddefinition = function(exchange) local entries = {} local sql = "SELECT did FROM definition WHERE did NOT IN (SELECT did FROM rule) AND substring(did from 1 for 6)='""' AND identification='' AND department=''" cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = row.did row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local updatedefinitionentry = function(definition) local sql = string.format("UPDATE definition SET identification='%s', department='%s', description='%s', available=%s, type='%s', lastchange='now' WHERE did='%s'", escape(definition.identification), escape(definition.department), escape(definition.description), tostring(definition.available or false), escape(definition.type), escape(definition.did)) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) -- logme("Updated DID "..definition.did) return res end local insertdefinitionentry = function(definition) local sql = string.format("INSERT INTO definition (did, identification, department, description) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", escape(definition.did), escape(definition.identification), escape(definition.department), escape(definition.description)) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) logme("Inserted DID "..definition.did) return res end local deletedefinitionentry = function(did) local sql = string.format("DELETE FROM definition WHERE did='%s'", escape(did)) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) logme("Deleted DID "..did) return res end local listtypes = function() local entries = {} local sql = "SELECT * from type" cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local listrules = function(did, date, dayofweek) local entries = {} -- retrieve a cursor local sql = "SELECT * from rule" local where = {} if did then where[#where+1] = "did='" .. did .. "'" end if date then where[#where+1] = "(startdate IS NULL OR startdate <= '""') AND (enddate IS NULL OR enddate >= '""')" end if dayofweek then where[#where+1] = "(dayofweek = '0000000' OR SUBSTRING(dayofweek FROM "..dayofweek.." FOR 1) = '1')" end if #where > 0 then sql = sql .. " WHERE " .. table.concat(where, " AND ") end -- This ordering controls which rule overrides another, highest priority will be first sql = sql .. " ORDER BY did, startdate ASC NULLS FIRST, enddate DESC NULLS FIRST, dayofweek ASC, starttime ASC NULLS FIRST, endtime DESC NULLS FIRST" cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = {did=row.did, extension=row.extension, starttime=row.starttime, endtime=row.endtime, startdate=row.startdate, enddate=row.enddate, dayofweek=row.dayofweek} row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() return entries end local updaterules = function(did, rules) -- delete all rules for this did, and add in new ones local sql = string.format("DELETE FROM rule WHERE did='%s'", escape(did)) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do sql = {} sql[1] = "INSERT INTO rule (" sql[3] = ") VALUES (" sql[5] = ")" names = {} vals = {} for name,val in pairs(rule) do if val and val ~= "" then names[#names+1] = escape(name) vals[#vals+1] = "'"..escape(val).."'" end end sql[2] = table.concat(names, ", ") sql[4] = table.concat(vals, ", ") sql = table.concat(sql, "") res = assert (con:execute(sql)) end return res end local testrules = function(rules) local success = true local errtxt local entries = {} local res, err = pcall(function() local sql = "CREATE TEMP TABLE testing (did character varying(40) NOT NULL, extension character varying(40) NOT NULL, starttime time without time zone, endtime time without time zone, startdate date, enddate date, dayofweek bit(7))" assert (con:execute(sql)) for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do sql = {} sql[1] = "INSERT INTO testing (" sql[3] = ") VALUES (" sql[5] = ")" names = {} vals = {} for name,val in pairs(rule) do if val and val ~= "" then names[#names+1] = escape(name) vals[#vals+1] = "'"..escape(val).."'" end end sql[2] = table.concat(names, ", ") sql[4] = table.concat(vals, ", ") sql = table.concat(sql, "") res = assert (con:execute(sql)) end sql = "SELECT * FROM testing ORDER BY did, startdate ASC NULLS FIRST, enddate DESC NULLS FIRST, dayofweek ASC, starttime ASC NULLS FIRST, endtime DESC NULLS FIRST" local cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do entries[#entries+1] = {did=row.did, extension=row.extension, starttime=row.starttime, endtime=row.endtime, startdate=row.startdate, enddate=row.enddate, dayofweek=row.dayofweek} row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() end) if not res then success = false entries = rules errtxt = string.gsub(err or "", "\n.*", "") end local res, err = pcall(function() local sql = "DROP TABLE testing" assert (con:execute(sql)) end) return success, errtxt, entries end -- Put the given rules into pubdid local publishrules = function(did, rules) -- mark all rules for this did as stale, add in new ones, and delete the stale ones local sql = string.format("UPDATE pubdid SET stale=TRUE WHERE did='%s'", escape(did)) local res = assert (con:execute(sql)) for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do sql = string.format("INSERT INTO pubdid VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', FALSE)", escape(rule.did), escape(rule.extension), escape(rule.starttime), escape(rule.endtime)) res = assert (con:execute(sql)) end sql = string.format("DELETE FROM pubdid WHERE did='%s' AND stale=TRUE", escape(did)) res = assert (con:execute(sql)) --logme("Published DID "..did) return res end local testdatabaseentry = function(datatype, value) local success = true local errtxt local sql = "CREATE TEMP TABLE testing ( test "..escape(datatype).." DEFAULT '"..escape(value).."' ) ON COMMIT DROP" local res, err = pcall(function() assert (con:execute(sql)) end) if not res then success = false errtxt = string.gsub(err or "", "\n.*", "") end return success, errtxt end local convertdatabaseentry = function(datatype, value) local success = true local errtxt local result = value local res, err = pcall(function() local sql = "CREATE TEMP TABLE testing ( test "..escape(datatype).." )" assert (con:execute(sql)) sql = "INSERT INTO testing VALUES ('"..value.."')" assert (con:execute(sql)) sql = "SELECT * FROM testing" local cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") if row then result = row.test end end) if not res then success = false errtxt = string.gsub(err or "", "\n.*", "") end local res, err = pcall(function() local sql = "DROP TABLE testing" assert (con:execute(sql)) end) return success, errtxt, result end local printtableentries = function(tablename) -- retrieve a cursor local count = 0 cur = assert (con:execute("SELECT * from "..tablename)) -- print all rows, the rows will be indexed by field names row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do count = count + 1 for name,val in pairs(row) do logevent(name.." = "..val..", ") end row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end -- close everything cur:close() logevent("Table "..tablename.." contains "..count.." rows") end local function insertdailyentry(rule, daily) rule.starttime = rule.starttime or "00:00:00" rule.endtime = rule.endtime or "24:00:00" -- find the spot for this entry local loc = #daily + 1 -- default to put at end for i,ent in ipairs(daily) do if ent.starttime >= rule.starttime then loc = i break end end -- Adjust previous entry if loc > 1 then if daily[loc-1].endtime > rule.endtime then -- split the previous entry local temp = {} for name,val in pairs(daily[loc-1]) do temp[name]=val end table.insert(daily, loc, temp) end daily[loc-1].endtime = rule.starttime end -- Adjust the trailing entries while #daily >= loc do daily[loc].starttime = rule.endtime if daily[loc].endtime <= daily[loc].starttime then table.remove(daily, loc) else break end end table.insert(daily, loc, rule) return daily end -- time is a Lua time value (ie. result of os.time() local function getdailyentry(did, time) time = time or os.time() local date ="%Y-%m-%d", time) local dayofweek ="%w", time) if dayofweek == "0" then dayofweek = "7" end -- get the rules for this did and date local rules = listrules(did, date, dayofweek) local daily = {} for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do insertdailyentry(rule, daily) end return daily end -- We're going to handle rules as a string, one rule per line, comma separated -- Convert rules table to string local function formatrules(rules) value = {} for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do local rulearray = {rule.extension or "", rule.starttime or "", rule.endtime or "", rule.startdate or "", rule.enddate or "", rule.dayofweek or ""} table.insert(value, table.concat(rulearray, ", ")) end return table.concat(value, "\n") end -- Convert rules string to table local function parserules(did, rules) local value = {} for line in string.gmatch(rules, "([^\n]+)") do local tabs = format.string_to_table(line, "%s*,%s*") if #tabs > 0 then value[#value+1] = {did=did, extension=tabs[1], starttime=tabs[2] or "", endtime=tabs[3] or "", startdate=tabs[4] or "", enddate=tabs[5] or "", dayofweek=tabs[6] or "0000000"} end end return value end local function validaterules(rules) -- Basically, we assume that any combination of rules is acceptable as long as each rule is valid local success = true local errtxt = {} local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) for i,rule in ipairs(rules) do if not validator.is_integer(rule.did) then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": DID is not a valid number" end if rule.extension == "" or string.find(rule.extension, "[^%d#%*]") then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": Extension is not a valid number" end local res,err if rule.starttime ~= "" then res,err,rule.starttime = convertdatabaseentry("TIME", rule.starttime) if not res then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": StartTime "..err end end if rule.endtime ~= "" then res,err,rule.endtime = convertdatabaseentry("TIME", rule.endtime) if not res then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": EndTime "..err end end if rule.startdate ~= "" then res,err,rule.startdate = convertdatabaseentry("DATE", rule.startdate) if not res then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": StartDate "..err end end if rule.enddate ~= "" then res,err,rule.enddate = convertdatabaseentry("DATE", rule.enddate) if not res then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": EndDate "..err end end if #rule.dayofweek ~= 7 or string.find(rule.dayofweek, "[^01]") then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Rule "..i..": DayOfWeek invalid entry" end end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt[#errtxt+1] = err end if #errtxt > 0 then success = false errtxt = table.concat(errtxt, "\n") else errtxt = nil end return success, errtxt end local validatedefinition = function(defin) local success = true if not validator.is_integer(defin.value.did.value) then defin.value.did.errtxt = "Must be a number" success = false end if defin.value.identification.value ~= "" and not validator.is_integer(defin.value.identification.value) then defin.value.identification.errtxt = "Invalid identification number" success = false end success = modelfunctions.validateselect(defin.value.type) and success -- defin.value.department -- defin.value.description return success end local function createdefinitionlist(did, extension, identification, description, department) local retval = {} retval.definitions = cfe({ type="list", value={}, label="DID Number List" }) retval.did = cfe({ value=did or "", label="DID search string" }) retval.extension = cfe({ value=extension or "", label="Extension search string" }) retval.identification = cfe({ value=identification or "", label="Identification search string" }) retval.description = cfe({ value=description or "", label="Description search string" }) retval.department = cfe({ value=department or "", label="Department search string" }) retval.pagedata = cfe({ type="table", value={numpages=1, page=1, pagesize=pagesize, num=0}, label="Pagination Data"}) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="DID Number List" }) end local function stripdash(did) return (string.gsub(did or "", "%-", "")) end local function adddash(did) if #did > 0 then return (did:sub(1,3) or "") .. "-" .. (did:sub(4,6) or "") .. "-" .. (did:sub(7) or "") else return did end end local describechange = function(olddef, newdef) local changes = {} olddef = olddef or {} for name,val in pairs(newdef) do if name ~= "lastchange" and name ~= "did" and name ~= "rules" and tostring(val) ~= (tostring(olddef[name]) or "") then changes[#changes+1] = name.." from '"..(tostring(olddef[name]) or "").."' to '"..tostring(val).."'" end end if #changes > 0 then return table.concat(changes, "\n") else return nil end end local describeruleschange = function(oldrules, newrules) local changes = {} for i,rule in ipairs(newrules) do rule2 = oldrules[i] or {did=rule.did, dayofweek="0000000"} for name,val in pairs(rule) do if val ~= (rule2[name] or "") then changes[#changes+1] = "Rule "..i.." "" from '"..(rule2[name] or "").."' to '"..val.."'" end end end for i=#newrules+1,#oldrules do local values = {} for name,val in pairs(oldrules[i]) do if name ~= "did" and not (name == "dayofweek" and val == "0000000") then values[#values+1] = name.." = '"..val.."'" end end changes[#changes+1] = "Rule "..i.." deleted ("..table.concat(values, ", ")..")" end if #changes > 0 then return table.concat(changes, "\n") else return nil end end local determinepagedata = function(count, page) count = tonumber(count) or 0 local page_data = { numpages=1, page=1, pagesize=pagesize, num=count } if count > pagesize then page_data.numpages = math.floor((count + pagesize -1)/pagesize) if page and tonumber(page) then = tonumber(page) end if > page_data.numpages then = page_data.numpages elseif < 0 then = 0 end end return page_data end local function parseentry(entry) local allowedlist = {} local restricted = (string.find(entry, "^true:") ~= nil) for x in string.gmatch(string.match(entry, "[^:]*$") or "", "([^,]+),?") do allowedlist[#allowedlist + 1] = x end return restricted, allowedlist end local function getallowedlist(self, userid) local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, userid) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) -- also check to see if there are allowed files for this user's roles local userinfo = authenticator.get_userinfo(self, userid) -- add in the guest role userinfo.roles[#userinfo.roles + 1] = roles.guest_role for i,role in ipairs(userinfo.roles) do local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.roletable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, role) or "" local restricted2, allowed2 restricted2, allowed2 = parseentry(entry) restricted = restricted or restricted2 for i,x in ipairs(allowed2) do allowedlist[#allowedlist + 1] = x end end if not restricted then return nil end return allowedlist end local function adduserpermission(self, userid, did) local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, userid) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) allowedlist[#allowedlist+1] = did auth.write_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, userid, tostring(restricted)..":"..(table.concat(allowedlist, ",") or "")) end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS function getuseddefinitionlist(self, userid, did, extension, identification, description, department, page) updateuserid(self) local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department) def.label = "Used "..def.label local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) local count = countuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist) def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page) def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist, if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then def.errtxt = err end for i,d in ipairs(def.value.definitions.value) do d.did = adddash(d.did) end return def end function getunuseddefinitionlist(self, userid, did, identification, description, department, page) updateuserid(self) local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), nil, identification, description, department) def.value.extension = nil def.label = "Unused "..def.label local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) local count = countunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department, allowedlist) def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page) def.value.definitions.value = listunuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department, allowedlist, if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then def.errtxt = err end for i,d in ipairs(def.value.definitions.value) do d.did = adddash(d.did) end return def end function getdefinitionlist(self, userid, did, extension, identification, description, department, page) updateuserid(self) local def = createdefinitionlist(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department) --def.value.extension = nil local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) if def.value.extension.value == "" then local count = countdefinitions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department, allowedlist) def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page) def.value.definitions.value = listdefinitionsandextensions(stripdash(did), identification, description, department, allowedlist, else local count = countuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist) def.value.pagedata.value = determinepagedata(count, page) def.value.definitions.value = listuseddefinitions(stripdash(did), extension, identification, description, department, allowedlist, end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then def.errtxt = err end for i,d in ipairs(def.value.definitions.value) do d.did = adddash(d.did) end return def end function searchdefinitions(self, userid, did) updateuserid(self) local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local result = {} local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) result = listdefs(did, nil, nil, nil, allowedlist) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then def.errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="list", value=result, label="DID list" }) end function getdefinition(self, userid, did) updateuserid(self) local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local errtxt local group = {} group.did = cfe({ value=stripdash(did) or "", label="DID" }) group.identification = cfe({ label="Identification Number" }) group.department = cfe({ label="Department" }) group.lastchange = cfe({ label="Last Change" }) group.description = cfe({ label="Description" }) group.rules = cfe({ type="longtext", label="Rules", descr="One entry (extension, starttime, endtime, startdate, enddate, dayofweek) per line"}) group.available = cfe({ type="boolean", label="Available", descr="Available for request"}) group.type = cfe({ type="select", label="Type", option={}}) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) group.type.option = listtypes() table.sort(group.type.option) if did then group.did.errtxt = "DID does not exist" local definition = listdefinitions(stripdash(did), nil, nil, nil, nil, allowedlist) local rules = listrules(stripdash(did)) if connected then databasedisconnect() end if #definition == 1 then group.did.errtxt = nil for name,val in pairs(definition[1]) do if group[name] then group[name].value = val end end end if #rules > 0 then group.rules.value = formatrules(rules) end end end) if not res then errtxt = err end group.did.value = adddash(group.did.value) return cfe({ type="group", value=group, label="DID Description", errtxt=errtxt }) end -- If exists true, then make sure exists first, if false or undefined, make sure doesn't exist function savedefinition(self, userid, defin, test, exists) updateuserid(self) local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) -- remove blank entries, if present defin.value.rules.value = string.gsub("\n"..format.dostounix(defin.value.rules.value), "\n%s*,%s*,%s*,%s*,%s*,%s*0000000", "") defin.value.rules.value = string.gsub(defin.value.rules.value, "$\n", "") defin.value.did.value = stripdash(defin.value.did.value) local rules = parserules(defin.value.did.value, defin.value.rules.value) -- note that validaterules might change the rules to standard formatting local success, errtxt = validaterules(rules) defin.value.rules.value = formatrules(rules) defin.value.rules.errtxt = errtxt success = validatedefinition(defin) and success if test then defin.errtxt = "Failed test for DID" else defin.errtxt = "Failed to save DID" end if success then local definition = {} for name,val in pairs(defin.value) do definition[name] = val.value end local res, err = pcall(function() local connected if not test and not exists then databasedisconnect() local pw = format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(configfile) or "", "", "password") or "" connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseOwner, pw) else connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) end local def = listdefinitions(definition.did, nil, nil, nil, nil, allowedlist) if #def > 0 and not exists then defin.value.did.errtxt = "DID Number already exists" elseif #def == 0 and exists then defin.value.did.errtxt = "DID Number does not exist" elseif test then success, defin.value.rules.errtxt, rules = testrules(rules) defin.value.rules.value = formatrules(rules) if success then defin.errtxt = "Passed test for DID" end else local descr = {} descr[#descr+1] = describechange(def[1], definition) if exists then defin.descr = "Updated DID "..definition.did.." " updatedefinitionentry(definition) else defin.descr = "Created DID "..definition.did.." " insertdefinitionentry(definition) end local oldrules = listrules(definition.did) updaterules(defin.value.did.value, rules) descr[#descr+1] = describeruleschange(oldrules, listrules(definition.did)) if #descr > 0 then defin.descr = defin.descr..table.concat(descr, "\n") logme(defin.descr) elseif exists then defin.descr = defin.descr.." no change" end defin.errtxt = nil -- Publish the change immediately publishdefinition(definition.did) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then defin.descr = nil defin.errtxt = defin.errtxt .. "\n" .. err end end defin.value.did.value = adddash(defin.value.did.value) return defin end function updatedefinition(self, userid, defin, test) updateuserid(self) return savedefinition(self, userid, defin, test, true) end function deletedefinition(self, userid, did) updateuserid(self) local allowedlist = getallowedlist(self, userid) local result = cfe({ label="Delete DID Number Result", errtxt="DID Number does not exist" }) did = stripdash(did) local res, err = pcall(function() databasedisconnect() local pw = format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(configfile) or "", "", "password") or "" databaseconnect(DatabaseOwner, pw) local def = listdefs(did, nil, nil, nil, allowedlist) if #def == 1 then deletedefinitionentry(did) result.value = "DID Number Deleted" result.errtxt = nil end databasedisconnect() end) if not res then result.errtxt = err end return result end function getunuseddefinition(self, clientdata) updateuserid(self) local errtxt local retval = {} = cfe({ type="select", label="Exchange", option={} }) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) local exchanges = listexchanges() if #exchanges == 0 then = "No exchanges available" else for i,val in ipairs(exchanges) do table.insert(, (string.gsub(val, "^(...)", "(%1) "))) end =[1] end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Create New DID Number" }) end function setunuseddefinition(defin) updateuserid(self) local success = modelfunctions.validateselect( if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) local did = findunuseddefinition(string.gsub(, "[^%d]", "")) if #did == 0 then success = false = "There are no unused extensions for that exchange" else defin.value.did = cfe({ value=adddash(did[1]), label="DID" }) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then defin.errtxt = err end end if not success then defin.errtxt = "Failed to create new definition" end return defin end function publishdefinition(did) updateuserid(self) local result = "" local errtxt = "Invalid DID" did = stripdash(did) local pw = format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(configfile) or "", "", "password") or "" local res, err = pcall(function() databasedisconnect() databaseconnect(DatabaseOwner, pw) local def = listdefs(did) if #def == 1 then local rules = getdailyentry(did) publishrules(did, rules) errtxt = nil result = "Published DID rules" --logme("Published DID "..did) end databasedisconnect() end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Result of Publish" }) end function publishalldefinitions() updateuserid(self) local result = "" local errtxt local pw = format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(configfile) or "", "", "password") or "" local res, err = pcall(function() databasedisconnect() databaseconnect(DatabaseOwner, pw) didlist = didlist or listdefs() local time = os.time() for i,did in ipairs(didlist) do local rules = getdailyentry(did, time) publishrules(did, rules) end result = "Published "..#didlist.." DID rules" logme("Publishing "..#didlist.." DIDs took "..os.time()-time.." seconds") groomdbhistlog() databasedisconnect() end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result or "", errtxt=errtxt, label="Result of Publish" }) end function testdatabase() updateuserid(self) local retval = cfe({ type="boolean", value=false, label="Database present" }) local dbs = listdatabases() for i,db in ipairs(dbs) do if db == DatabaseName then retval.value = true break end end return retval end function getnewdatabase() updateuserid(self) local database = {} local errtxt database.password = cfe({ type="password", label="Password", seq=1 }) database.password_confirm = cfe({ type="password", label="Password (confirm)", seq=2 }) local test = testdatabase() if test.value then errtxt = "Database already exists!" success = false end return cfe({ type="group", value=database, label="Create Database", errtxt=errtxt }) end function create_database(self, database) updateuserid(self) local success = true local errtxt if database.value.password.value == "" or string.match(database.value.password.value, "'%s") then database.value.password.errtxt = "Invalid password" success = false end if database.value.password.value ~= database.value.password_confirm.value then database.value.password_confirm.errtxt = "Password does not match" success = false end local test = testdatabase() if test.value then errtxt = "Database already exists!" success = false end if success then errtxt = createdatabase(database.value.password.value) test = testdatabase() if not test.value then success = false else local res, err = pcall(function() databasedisconnect() databaseconnect(DatabaseOwner, database.value.password.value) for i,scr in ipairs(database_creation_script) do assert (con:execute(scr)) end databasedisconnect() -- put the password in the config file for future use local configcontent = format.update_ini_file(fs.read_file(configfile) or "", "", "password", database.value.password.value) fs.write_file(configfile, configcontent) end) if not res then errtxt = err success = false end end if not success then deletedatabase() end end if not success then database.errtxt = "Failed to create database" if errtxt then database.errtxt = database.errtxt.."\n"..errtxt end end return database end function getactivitylog() updateuserid(self) local retval = cfe({ type="list", value={}, label="DID Activity Log" }) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) retval.value = listhistorylogentries() or {} if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then retval.errtxt = err end return retval end function getpermissionslist(self) updateuserid(self) local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) local users = authenticator.list_users(self) local userlist = {} for i,user in ipairs(users) do local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, user) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) userlist[#userlist + 1] = {id=user, restricted=restricted, allowed=allowedlist} end -- Need to check for roles as well as users local rolelist = {} local rols = roles.list_all_roles(self) for i,role in ipairs(rols) do local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.roletable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, role) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) rolelist[#rolelist + 1] = {id=role, restricted=restricted, allowed=allowedlist} end table.sort(userlist, function(a,b) return < end) return cfe({ type="structure", value={user=userlist, role=rolelist}, label="DID Permissions" }) end local function validatepermissions(permissions) local success = true if not didlist then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) didlist = listdefs() if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res then permissions.value.allowed.errtxt = err success = false end end if success then local newlist = {} if not reversedidlist then reversedidlist = {} for i,d in ipairs(didlist) do reversedidlist[d] = i end end for i,d in ipairs(permissions.value.allowed.value) do local nd = stripdash(d) newlist[#newlist+1] = nd if not reversedidlist[nd] then success = false permissions.value.allowed.errtxt = "Contains invalid DID" break end end permissions.value.allowed.value = newlist end return success end local function validateuserpermissions(self, userpermissions) local success = true local userinfo = authenticator.get_userinfo(self, userpermissions.value.userid.value) if not userinfo then userpermissions.value.userid.errtxt = "Invalid user" success = false end success = validatepermissions(userpermissions) and success return success, userpermissions end local function validaterolepermissions(self, rolepermissions) local success = false rolepermissions.value.role.errtxt = "Invalid role" local rols = roles.list_all_roles(self) for i,role in ipairs(rols) do if rolepermissions.value.role.value == role then rolepermissions.value.role.errtxt = nil success = true break end end success = validatepermissions(rolepermissions) and success return success, rolepermissions end function getuserpermissions(self, userid) updateuserid(self) local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, userid) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) local allowed = cfe({ type="list", value=allowedlist, label="DID Permissions", descr="List one DID per line", seq=3 }) local restrict = cfe({ type="boolean", value=restricted, label="Enable Restrictions", seq=2 }) local user = cfe({ value=userid or "", label="User Name", seq=1 }) if userid then user.readonly=true end local output = cfe({ type="group", value={userid=user, allowed=allowed, restricted=restrict}, label="DID Permissions" }) validateuserpermissions(self, output) return output end function setuserpermissions(self, userpermissions) updateuserid(self) local success, userpermissions = validateuserpermissions(self, userpermissions) if success then local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) auth.write_entry(self, authenticator.usertable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, userpermissions.value.userid.value, tostring(userpermissions.value.restricted.value)..":"..(table.concat(userpermissions.value.allowed.value, ",") or "")) else userpermissions.errtxt = "Failed to set user permissions" end return userpermissions end function getrolepermissions(self, role) updateuserid(self) local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) local entry = auth.read_entry(self, authenticator.roletable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, role) or "" local restricted, allowedlist restricted, allowedlist = parseentry(entry) local allowed = cfe({ type="list", value=allowedlist, label="DID Permissions", descr="List one DID per line", seq=3 }) local restrict = cfe({ type="boolean", value=restricted, label="Enable Restrictions", seq=2 }) local rol = cfe({ value=role or "", label="Role", seq=1 }) if role then rol.readonly=true end local output = cfe({ type="group", value={role=rol, allowed=allowed, restricted=restrict}, label="DID Permissions" }) validaterolepermissions(self, output) return output end function setrolepermissions(self, rolepermissions) updateuserid(self) local success, rolepermissions = validaterolepermissions(self, rolepermissions) if success then local auth = authenticator.get_subauth(self) auth.write_entry(self, authenticator.roletable, self.conf.prefix..self.conf.controller, rolepermissions.value.role.value, tostring(rolepermissions.value.restricted.value)..":"..(table.concat(rolepermissions.value.allowed.value, ",") or "")) else rolepermissions.errtxt = "Failed to set role permissions" end return rolepermissions end function requestdid(self, userid) updateuserid(self) local errtxt local result = "" local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect(DatabaseUser) local defs = listdefinitions(nil, nil, nil, nil, true) if #defs == 0 then errtxt = "No DIDs available" else adduserpermission(self, userid, defs[1].did) defs[1].description = "Reserved for "..userid defs[1].available = false updatedefinitionentry(defs[1]) result = "Assigned new DID "..defs[1].did end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Result of Request DID" }) end