diff options
authorTed Trask <>2009-06-12 14:02:29 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2009-06-12 14:02:29 +0000
commiteed04050845bf81ac5e5d114c2fb05ae8dfede47 (patch)
parentf76355c4abe55be89c91061533d01e689325c51f (diff)
Rewrote config write to make keyword order consistent and always put username as first user option.
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/fetchmail-model.lua b/fetchmail-model.lua
index bb74348..610b99c 100644
--- a/fetchmail-model.lua
+++ b/fetchmail-model.lua
@@ -106,29 +106,45 @@ local function writeentryline(entrystruct, entryline)
-- If there is a structure, create the entryline array
if entrystruct then
- entryline = entryline or {}
- insertentries = {}
- local reverseentry = findkeywordsinentry(entryline)
- -- Server options must come before user options, so add user option to end
- -- and add server options just after remotehost (3). To do this, we'll use an array
- -- of insertentries that will be inserted at the end. To delete entries, just set
- -- them to nil, creating a sparse array. We can fix that at the end also
- -- Here are two helper functions
- function setserveroption(option, value)
- if reverseentry[option] then
- entryline[reverseentry[option]+1] = value
- else
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = option
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = value
+ -- We'll use a reverseentry array to tell where entries are in entryline
+ local reverseentry = {}
+ if entryline then
+ reverseentry = findkeywordsinentry(entryline)
+ -- to handle entries that have multiple names
+ function equateentries(option1,option2)
+ if reverseentry[option1] then
+ reverseentry[option2] = reverseentry[option1]
+ else
+ reverseentry[option1] = reverseentry[option2]
+ end
+ equateentries("proto", "protocol")
+ equateentries("local", "localdomains")
+ equateentries("auth", "authenticate")
+ equateentries("user", "username")
+ equateentries("pass", "password")
+ else
+ entryline = {}
+ end
+ -- From
+ -- "All user options must begin with a user description (user or username option)
+ -- and follow all server descriptions and options."
+ -- So, what we'll do is build two new server/user option arrays.
+ -- Then, we'll add in the options we don't understand and combine the arrays.
+ -- So, our options will be in order and unknown ones will be at the end of each section.
+ local serveroptions = {}
+ local useroptions = {}
+ -- Here are some helper functions to set option values and delete from entryline
+ function setserveroption(option, value)
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = option
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = value
+ deleteoptionandvalue(option)
function setuseroption(option, value)
- if reverseentry[option] then
- entryline[reverseentry[option]+1] = value
- else
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = option
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = value
- end
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = option
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = value
+ deleteoptionandvalue(option)
function deleteoption(option)
if reverseentry[option] then
@@ -152,21 +168,57 @@ local function writeentryline(entrystruct, entryline)
-- Now we can start to set stuff
+ -- First, the first two entries
if entrystruct.value.enabled.value then
- entryline[1] = "poll"
+ serveroptions[1] = "poll"
- entryline[1] = "skip"
- end
- entryline[2] = entrystruct.value.remotehost.value
- -- generic stuff
- deleteoptionandvalue("proto")
- deleteoptionandvalue("local")
- deleteoptionandvalue("user")
- deleteoptionandvalue("pass")
+ serveroptions[1] = "skip"
+ end
+ serveroptions[2] = entrystruct.value.remotehost.value
+ entryline[1] = nil
+ entryline[2] = nil
-- remove here and there
- for i=1,table.maxn(entryline) do
- if entryline[i] == "here" or entryline[i] == "there" then
- entryline[i] = nil
+ if then
+ entryline[] = nil
+ end
+ if reverseentry.there then
+ entryline[reverseentry.there] = nil
+ end
+ -- Now we get to the interesting stuff
+ if entrystruct.value.method.value == "etrn" then
+ deleteoptionandvalue("username")
+ deleteoptionandvalue("password")
+ deleteoptionandvalue("is")
+ deleteoptionandvalue("smtphost")
+ deleteoption("ssl")
+ deletenooption("rewrite")
+ deleteoption("fetchall")
+ deletenooption("dns")
+ else -- Method not etrn
+ setuseroption("username", entrystruct.value.remotemailbox.value)
+ setuseroption("password", '"'..entrystruct.value.remotepassword.value..'"')
+ if entrystruct.value.method.value == "pop3domain" then
+ deleteoptionandvalue("is")
+ else
+ setuseroption("is", entrystruct.value.localmailbox.value)
+ end
+ setuseroption("smtphost", entrystruct.value.localhost.value)
+ if entrystruct.value.ssl.value and not reverseentry["ssl"] then
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = "ssl"
+ elseif not entrystruct.value.ssl.value and reverseentry["ssl"] then
+ entryline[reverseentry["ssl"]] = nil
+ end
+ if not reverseentry["rewrite"] then
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = "no"
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = "rewrite"
+ end
+ if not reverseentry["fetchall"] then
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = "fetchall"
+ end
+ if not reverseentry["dns"] then
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = "no"
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = "dns"
if entrystruct.value.method.value == "pop3domain" then
@@ -208,58 +260,29 @@ local function writeentryline(entrystruct, entryline)
if entrystruct.value.method.value == "pop3domain" then
if entrystruct.value.envelope.value == "disabled" then
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = "no"
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = "envelope"
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = "no"
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = "envelope"
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = "envelope"
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = envelopecount
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = entrystruct.value.envelope.value
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = "envelope"
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = envelopecount
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = entrystruct.value.envelope.value
- if entrystruct.value.method.value == "etrn" then
- deletenooption("dns")
- deleteoptionandvalue("username")
- deleteoptionandvalue("password")
- deleteoptionandvalue("smtphost")
- deletenooption("rewrite")
- deleteoption("fetchall")
- deleteoption("ssl")
- else -- Method not etrn
- if not reverseentry["dns"] then
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = "no"
- insertentries[table.maxn(insertentries)+1] = "dns"
- end
- setuseroption("username", entrystruct.value.remotemailbox.value)
- setuseroption("password", '"'..entrystruct.value.remotepassword.value..'"')
- setuseroption("smtphost", entrystruct.value.localhost.value)
- if not reverseentry["rewrite"] then
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = "no"
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = "rewrite"
- end
- if not reverseentry["fetchall"] then
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = "fetchall"
- end
- if entrystruct.value.ssl.value and not reverseentry["ssl"] then
- entryline[table.maxn(entryline)+1] = "ssl"
- elseif not entrystruct.value.ssl.value and reverseentry["ssl"] then
- entryline[reverseentry["ssl"]] = nil
- end
+ -- Now, insert the remaining options
+ for i=1,reverseentry["username"] or table.maxn(entryline) do
+ serveroptions[#serveroptions+1] = entryline[i]
- -- for some reason, the "is" option has to come after username/password
- if entrystruct.value.method.value == "pop3domain" or entrystruct.value.method.value == "etrn" then
- deleteoptionandvalue("is")
- else
- setuseroption("is", entrystruct.value.localmailbox.value)
+ for i=reverseentry["username"] or table.maxn(entryline), table.maxn(entryline) do
+ useroptions[#useroptions+1] = entryline[i]
- -- Now, insert the insertentries and remove the nil entries
- table.insert(insertentries, 1, entryline[1])
- table.insert(insertentries, 2, entryline[2])
- for i=3,table.maxn(entryline) do
- table.insert(insertentries, entryline[i])
+ local linenum = entryline.linenum
+ entryline = serveroptions
+ for i,val in ipairs(useroptions) do
+ entryline[#entryline+1] = val
- insertentries.linenum = entryline.linenum
- entryline = insertentries
+ entryline.linenum = linenum
local file = fs.read_file(configfile) or ""