local mymodule = {} -- Load libraries modelfunctions = require("modelfunctions") posix = require("posix") fs = require("acf.fs") format = require("acf.format") validator = require("acf.validator") db = require("acf.db") session = require("session") socket = require("socket") -- Set variables local configfile = "/etc/freeswitchvmail.conf" local db_path = "/var/lib/freeswitch/db/" local configcontent = fs.read_file(configfile) or "" local config = format.parse_ini_file(configcontent, "") or {} config.database = config.database or db_path.."voicemail_default.db" config.domain = config.domain or "voicemail" config.event_socket_ip = config.event_socket_ip or "" config.event_socket_port = config.event_socket_port or "8021" config.event_socket_password = config.event_socket_password or "ClueCon" config.callback_command = config.callback_command or "originate {ignore_early_media=true,origination_caller_id_name='Voicemail',origination_caller_id_number='Voicemail'}sofia/gateway/asterlink.com/$1 &playback($2)" local vmaildb local dbengine = db.engine.sqlite3 if not config.dsn then -- Backward compatible assumed sqlite3 with full path in config.database config.dsn = "sqlite://"..config.database end if string.find(config.dsn, "^sqlite://") then local params = string.match(config.dsn, "^sqlite://(.*)") or "" if not string.find(params, "^/") then params = db_path..params end vmaildb = db.create(dbengine, params) elseif string.find(config.dsn, "^pgsql://") then local params = string.match(config.dsn, "^pgsql://(.*)") or "" dbengine = db.engine.postgresql -- Sample params: hostaddr= dbname=freeswitch user=freeswitch password= options='-c client_min_messages=NOTICE' application_name='freeswitch' -- Second sample: hostaddr= dbname=voicemail user=postgres password= options='' local hostaddr = string.match(params, "hostaddr=(%S*)") or "" local dbname = string.match(params, "dbname=(%S*)") or "freeswitch" local user = string.match(params, "user=(%S*)") local password = string.match(params, "password=(%S*)") vmaildb = db.create(dbengine, dbname, user, password, hostaddr) else -- Failure - we do not support ODBC database end vmaildb.table_creation_scripts = { voicemail_values = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_values (uid INTEGER, nid INTEGER, value VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(uid, nid))", }, voicemail_folders = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_folders (in_folder VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, label VARCHAR(255))", "INSERT INTO voicemail_folders VALUES('inbox', 'Inbox')", }, -- The voicemail_prefs table is created by Freeswitch mod_voicemail.c, but we duplicate here in case not already created voicemail_prefs = {"CREATE TABLE voicemail_prefs (username VARCHAR(255), domain VARCHAR(255), name_path VARCHAR(255), greeting_path VARCHAR(255), password VARCHAR(255))", "create index voicemail_prefs_idx1 on voicemail_prefs(username)", "create index voicemail_prefs_idx2 on voicemail_prefs(domain)", }, } if dbengine == db.engine.postgresql then vmaildb.table_creation_scripts.voicemail_users = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_users (uid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)", "CREATE INDEX users_username_idx ON voicemail_users (username)", } vmaildb.table_creation_scripts.voicemail_params = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_params (nid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, type VARCHAR(255), label VARCHAR(255), descr TEXT, value VARCHAR(255), seq INTEGER)", "CREATE INDEX params_name_idx ON voicemail_params (name)", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'username', 'text', 'Extension', '', '', '1')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'firstname', 'text', 'User First Name', '', '', '2')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'lastname', 'text', 'User Last Name', '', '', '3')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-password', 'password', 'Voicemail Password', 'Passwords must be all numbers and at least three digits', '', '4')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-password-confirm', 'password', 'Enter again to confirm', '', '', '5')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-mailto', 'text', 'Email Address', 'Email a notification, including audio file if enabled', '', '6')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-email-all-messages', 'boolean', 'Email Enable', '', 'false', '7')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-attach-file', 'boolean', 'Attach voicemail to email', 'Option to attach audio file to emaie', 'false', '8')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-keep-local-after-email', 'boolean', 'Keep voicemail', 'When disabled, the message will be deleted from the voicemailbox after any notification email is sent (whether or not email is enabled). This allows receiving voicemail via email alone, rather than having the voicemail available from the Web interface or by telephone. CAUTION: \"Email Address\" must be valid and \"Email Enable\" and \"Attach voicemail to email\" must be enabled, OTHERWISE YOUR MESSAGES WILL BE LOST FOREVER.', 'true', '9')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-notify-mailto', 'text', 'Pager Email Address', 'Email a short notification', '', '10')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'vm-notify-email-all-messages', 'boolean', 'Pager Email Enable', '', 'false', '11')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'callmenumber', 'text', 'Call Me Number', '', '', '12')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(DEFAULT, 'timezone', 'text', 'Timezone Settings', 'Linux timezone format (ex. America/New_York)', '', '13')", } else vmaildb.table_creation_scripts.voicemail_users = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_users (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)", "CREATE INDEX users_username_idx ON voicemail_users (username)", } vmaildb.table_creation_scripts.voicemail_params = { "CREATE TABLE voicemail_params (nid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, type VARCHAR(255), label VARCHAR(255), descr TEXT, value VARCHAR(255), seq INTEGER)", "CREATE INDEX params_name_idx ON voicemail_params (name)", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'username', 'text', 'Extension', '', '', '1')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'firstname', 'text', 'User First Name', '', '', '2')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'lastname', 'text', 'User Last Name', '', '', '3')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-password', 'password', 'Voicemail Password', 'Passwords must be all numbers and at least three digits', '', '4')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-password-confirm', 'password', 'Enter again to confirm', '', '', '5')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-mailto', 'text', 'Email Address', 'Email a notification, including audio file if enabled', '', '6')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-email-all-messages', 'boolean', 'Email Enable', '', 'false', '7')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-attach-file', 'boolean', 'Attach voicemail to email', 'Option to attach audio file to emaie', 'false', '8')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-keep-local-after-email', 'boolean', 'Keep voicemail', 'When disabled, the message will be deleted from the voicemailbox after any notification email is sent (whether or not email is enabled). This allows receiving voicemail via email alone, rather than having the voicemail available from the Web interface or by telephone. CAUTION: \"Email Address\" must be valid and \"Email Enable\" and \"Attach voicemail to email\" must be enabled, OTHERWISE YOUR MESSAGES WILL BE LOST FOREVER.', 'true', '9')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-notify-mailto', 'text', 'Pager Email Address', 'Email a short notification', '', '10')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'vm-notify-email-all-messages', 'boolean', 'Pager Email Enable', '', 'false', '11')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'callmenumber', 'text', 'Call Me Number', '', '', '12')", "INSERT INTO voicemail_params VALUES(null, 'timezone', 'text', 'Timezone Settings', 'Linux timezone format (ex. America/New_York)', '', '13')", } end -- ################################################################################ -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS -- Use socket.protect to create a function that will not throw exceptions and cleans itself up local send_to_event_socket = socket.protect(function(cmd) -- connect to freeswitch local conn = socket.try(socket.connect(config.event_socket_ip, config.event_socket_port)) -- create a try function that closes 'conn' on error local try = socket.newtry(function() conn:close() end) -- do everything reassured conn will be closed local out = {} repeat out[#out+1] = try(conn:receive()) until out[#out] == "" for i,c in ipairs(cmd) do posix.sleep(0) try(conn:send(c.."\n\n")) repeat out[#out+1] = try(conn:receive()) until out[#out] == "" end conn:close() return table.concat(out, "\n") or "" end) local function voicemail_inject(user, domain, sound_file, cid_num, cid_name) local cmd = {"auth "..config.event_socket_password, "api voicemail_inject "..user.."@"..domain.." "..sound_file.." "..cid_num.." "..string.gsub(cid_name, " ", "%%20"), "exit"} return send_to_event_socket(cmd) end local function voicemail_callback(extension, sound_file, username) local c = config.callback_command c = c:gsub("%$1", extension) c = c:gsub("%$2", sound_file) c = c:gsub("%$3", username) local cmd = {"auth "..config.event_socket_password, "bgapi "..c, "exit"} return send_to_event_socket(cmd) end -- Need to update the voicemail module to turn off MWI local function voicemail_update(user, domain) local cmd = {"auth "..config.event_socket_password, "api vm_list "..user.."@"..domain, "exit"} return send_to_event_socket(cmd) end local function voicemail_read(user, domain, message) local cmd = {"auth "..config.event_socket_password, "api vm_read "..user.."@"..domain.." read "..message, "exit"} return send_to_event_socket(cmd) end local databasedisconnect = function() vmaildb.databasedisconnect() if dbengine == db.engine.sqlite3 then posix.chown(vmaildb.database, posix.getpasswd("freeswitch", "uid") or 0, posix.getpasswd("freeswitch", "gid") or 0) end end local generatewhereclause = function(username, message, foldername, uid) local sql = "" local where = {} if username and username ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "username = '"..vmaildb.escape(username).."'" end if message and type(message) == "string" and message ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "uuid = '"..vmaildb.escape(message).."'" elseif message and type(message) == "table" and #message > 0 then local where2 = {} for i,m in ipairs(message) do where2[#where2+1] = "uuid = '"..vmaildb.escape(m).."'" end where[#where+1] = "(" .. table.concat(where2, " OR ") .. ")" end if foldername and foldername ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "in_folder = '"..vmaildb.escape(foldername).."'" end if uid and uid ~= "" then where[#where+1] = "uid = '"..vmaildb.escape(uid).."'" end if #where > 0 then sql = " WHERE " .. table.concat(where, " AND ") end return sql end -- These funtions access the new voicemail tables added for ACF local listfolders = function(foldername) local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_folders" .. generatewhereclause(nil, nil, foldername).." ORDER BY label" return vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) end local validfolder = function(foldername) return foldername and (foldername ~= "") and (#listfolders(foldername) > 0) end local listusers = function(username) local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_users" .. generatewhereclause(username).." ORDER BY username" return vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) end local validuser = function(username) return username and (username ~= "") and (#listusers(username) > 0) end local getuserparams = function(username) local retval = {} local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_params" local params = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) local reverse_nids = {} for i,parm in ipairs(params) do if parm.name then reverse_nids[parm.nid] = parm.name retval[parm.name] = {} for n,v in pairs(parm) do retval[parm.name][n] = v end if retval[parm.name].type == "boolean" then retval[parm.name].value = (retval[parm.name].value == "true") end end end if retval.username and username then retval.username.value = username retval.username.readonly = true local users = listusers(username) if #users == 1 then -- Get password from voicemail_prefs sql = "SELECT password FROM voicemail_prefs"..generatewhereclause(username) local password = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if retval["vm-password"] and password[1] then retval["vm-password"].value = password[1].password end local uid = users[1].uid if uid then -- Get other parameters from voicemail_values sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_values"..generatewhereclause(nil, nil, nil, uid) local params = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) for i,param in ipairs(params) do if param.nid and reverse_nids[param.nid] and retval[reverse_nids[param.nid]] and param.value then if retval[reverse_nids[param.nid]].type == "boolean" then param.value = (param.value == "true") end retval[reverse_nids[param.nid]].value = param.value end end end end end return retval end local setuserparams = function(userparams) if not userparams.username or not userparams.username.value or not validuser(userparams.username.value) then return false, "Invalid User" end local success = true local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_params" local params = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) -- Get the uid that corresponds to this username sql = "SELECT uid FROM voicemail_users"..generatewhereclause(userparams.username.value) local uid = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #uid == 1 then -- There are a few params not to put in the voicemail_values table local ignoreparam = { username=true, ["vm-password"]=true, ["vm-password-confirm"]=true } vmaildb.runsqlcommand("BEGIN TRANSACTION") sql = "DELETE FROM voicemail_values"..generatewhereclause(nil, nil, nil, uid[1].uid).." AND nid IN (SELECT nid FROM voicemail_params)" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql, true) for i,parm in ipairs(params) do if parm.name and not ignoreparam[parm.name] then if userparams[parm.name] and (userparams[parm.name].value ~= nil) and tostring(userparams[parm.name].value) ~= parm.value then sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_values VALUES('"..vmaildb.escape(uid[1].uid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(parm.nid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(tostring(userparams[parm.name].value)).."')" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql, true) end end end end -- Set password to voicemail_prefs if userparams["vm-password"] and userparams["vm-password"].value and userparams["vm-password"].value ~= "" then sql = "SELECT password FROM voicemail_prefs"..generatewhereclause(userparams.username.value) local password = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql, true) if #password > 0 then -- update sql = "UPDATE voicemail_prefs SET password='"..vmaildb.escape(userparams["vm-password"].value).."'"..generatewhereclause(userparams.username.value) else -- insert sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_prefs (username, domain, password) VALUES ('"..vmaildb.escape(userparams.username.value).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(config.domain).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(userparams["vm-password"].value).."')" end vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql, true) end vmaildb.runsqlcommand("COMMIT") return success end local function validateconfig(newconfig) local success = true if newconfig.value.domain.value == "" then newconfig.value.domain.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end if newconfig.value.dsn.value == "" then newconfig.value.dsn.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end if newconfig.value.event_socket_ip.value == "" then newconfig.value.event_socket_ip.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end if newconfig.value.event_socket_port.value == "" then newconfig.value.event_socket_port.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end if newconfig.value.event_socket_password.value == "" then newconfig.value.event_socket_password.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end if newconfig.value.callback_command.value == "" then newconfig.value.callback_command.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" success = false end return success, newconfig end local delete_message = function(messages, username) local retval = "" local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" sql = sql .. generatewhereclause(username, messages) local tmp = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == #messages then sql = "DELETE FROM voicemail_msgs" .. generatewhereclause(username, messages) vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) for i,t in ipairs(tmp) do os.remove(t.file_path) end if #messages == 1 then retval = "Deleted message" else retval = "Deleted "..#messages.." messages" end if username then voicemail_update(username, config.domain) else for i,m in ipairs(tmp) do voicemail_update(m.username, m.domain) end end end if not res and err then return false, err end return retval end local delete_user = function(username) local users = listusers(username) if #users == 0 then return false, "User does not exist" else local recording_path -- Delete all of the user's voicemails local messages = mymodule.list_messages(username) if #messages.value > 0 then recording_path = posix.dirname(messages.value[1].file_path) local uuids = {} for i,m in ipairs(messages.value) do uuids[#uuids+1] = m.uuid end delete_message(uuids) end -- Remove the greetings if not recording_path then local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_prefs"..generatewhereclause(username) local prefs = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if prefs and prefs[1] then if prefs[1].greeting_path then recording_path = posix.dirname(prefs[1].greeting_path) elseif prefs[1].name_path then recording_path = posix.dirname(prefs[1].name_path) end end end if recording_path then fs.remove_directory(recording_path) end -- Remove the user parameters local sql = "DELETE FROM voicemail_values " .. generatewhereclause(nil, nil, nil, users[1].uid) vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) -- Remove the user password sql = "DELETE FROM voicemail_prefs " .. generatewhereclause(username) vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) -- Remove the user sql = "DELETE FROM voicemail_users " .. generatewhereclause(nil, nil, nil, users[1].uid) vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) result = "Voicemail User Deleted" end return true end local validateentry = function(entry) local success = true -- Validate the settings if entry.value["vm-password"] and not string.match(entry.value["vm-password"].value, "^%d%d%d+$") then success = false entry.value["vm-password"].errtxt = "Passwords must be all numbers and at least three digits" end if entry.value["vm-password"] and entry.value["vm-password-confirm"] and entry.value["vm-password"].value ~= entry.value["vm-password-confirm"].value then success = false entry.value["vm-password-confirm"].errtxt = "Password does not match" end return success end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS mymodule.get_config = function() local result = {} result.domain = cfe({ value=config.domain, label="Domain" }) result.dsn = cfe({ value=config.dsn, label="Data Source Name (DSN)" }) result.event_socket_ip = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_ip, label="FS Event Socket IP" }) result.event_socket_port = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_port, label="FS Event Socket Port" }) result.event_socket_password = cfe({ value=config.event_socket_password, label="FS Event Socket Password" }) result.callback_command = cfe({ value=config.callback_command, label="FS API Command for Callback", desc="Use $1 for extension, $2 for audio filename, and $3 for originating user. No other parameters allowed." }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Voicemail Config" }) end mymodule.update_config = function(self, newconfig) local success = validateconfig(newconfig) if success then for name,val in pairs(newconfig.value) do configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", name, tostring(val.value)) end fs.write_file(configfile, configcontent) config = format.parse_ini_file(configcontent, "") or {} else newconfig.errtxt = "Failed to update config" end return newconfig end mymodule.list_messages = function(username) local retval = {} local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" sql = sql .. generatewhereclause(username) sql = sql .. " ORDER BY username ASC, created_epoch ASC" retval = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="Messages", errtxt=errtxt }) end mymodule.get_download_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ label="Message" }) result.username = cfe({ label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Download Message" }) end mymodule.download_message = function(self, downloadrequest) local file = cfe({ type="raw", label="error", option="audio/x-wav" }) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT username, file_path FROM voicemail_msgs" sql = sql .. generatewhereclause(downloadrequest.value.username.value, downloadrequest.value.message.value) local tmp = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end if #tmp == 0 then downloadrequest.errtxt = "Invalid message" else file.label = posix.basename(tmp[1].file_path) file.value = fs.read_file(tmp[1].file_path) file.length = #file.value local option = string.match(file.label, "[^.]*$") if "wav" == option then option = "x-wav" elseif "mp3" == option then option = "mpeg" end file.option = "audio/"..option -- Mark the message as read voicemail_read(tmp[1].username, config.domain, downloadrequest.value.message.value) end downloadrequest.value.file = file end) if not res and err then downloadrequest.errtxt = err end return downloadrequest end mymodule.get_delete_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ value=clientdata.message or "", label="Message" }) result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Delete Message" }) end mymodule.set_delete_message = function(self, deleterequest) if not deleterequest.value.message.value or deleterequest.value.message.value == "" then deleterequest.errtxt = "Failed to delete message - message not found" return deleterequest end local messages = format.string_to_table(deleterequest.value.message.value, "%s*,%s*") local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() res, err = delete_message(messages, deleterequest.value.username.value) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if res then deleterequest.descr = res end if not res and err then deleterequest.errtxt = err end return deleterequest end mymodule.get_forward_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ value=clientdata.message or "", label="Message" }) result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) result.newuser = cfe({ value=clientdata.newuser or "", label="New User" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Forward Message" }) end mymodule.forward_message = function(self, forwardrequest) local messages = format.string_to_table(forwardrequest.value.message.value, "%s*,%s*") local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() -- Check if message exists local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" .. generatewhereclause(forwardrequest.value.username.value, messages) local mess = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #mess == #messages then -- Check if newuser exists if validuser(forwardrequest.value.newuser.value) then for i,m in ipairs(mess) do -- Forward message using mod_voicemail API -- doesn't seem like there's any way to tell whether or not it worked voicemail_inject(forwardrequest.value.newuser.value, config.domain, m.file_path, m.cid_number, m.cid_name) end if #mess == 1 then forwardrequest.descr = "Forwarded message" else forwardrequest.descr = "Forwarded "..#mess.." messages" end else forwardrequest.errtxt = "Failed to forward message - invalid user" end else forwardrequest.errtxt = "Failed to forward message - message not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then forwardrequest.errtxt = err end return forwardrequest end mymodule.get_email_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ value=clientdata.message or "", label="Message" }) result.address = cfe({ value=clientdata.newuser or "", label="Address" }) result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Email Message" }) end mymodule.email_message = function(self, emailrequest) local messages = format.string_to_table(emailrequest.value.message.value, "%s*,%s*") if emailrequest.value.address.value == "" or string.find(emailrequest.value.address.value, "%s") or not string.find(emailrequest.value.address.value, "@") then emailrequest.errtxt = "Failed to e-mail message - invalid address" else local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() -- Check if message exists local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" .. generatewhereclause(emailrequest.value.username.value, messages) local mess = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #mess == #messages then -- Create a temporary user and settings local newuser = "tempuser"..session.random_hash(128) while validuser(newuser) do newuser = "tempuser"..session.random_hash(128) end local settings = mymodule.get_usersettings(self, {username=newuser}) if settings.value["vm-mailto"] and settings.value["vm-email-all-messages"] and settings.value["vm-attach-file"] and settings.value["vm-keep-local-after-email"] then settings.value["vm-mailto"].value = emailrequest.value.address.value settings.value["vm-email-all-messages"].value = true settings.value["vm-attach-file"].value = true settings.value["vm-keep-local-after-email"].value = true -- this allows us to delete the folder in delete_user if settings.value["vm-password"] then settings.value["vm-password"].value = "1234" end if settings.value["vm-password-confirm"] then settings.value["vm-password-confirm"].value = "1234" end settings = mymodule.create_usersettings(self, settings) if not settings.errtxt then for i,m in ipairs(mess) do -- E-mail message using mod_voicemail API -- doesn't seem like there's any way to tell whether or not it worked voicemail_inject(newuser, config.domain, m.file_path, m.cid_number, m.cid_name) end if #mess == 1 then emailrequest.descr = "E-mailed message" else emailrequest.descr = "E-mailed "..#mess.." messages" end -- Now, delete the temporary user delete_user(newuser) else emailrequest.errtxt = "Failed to e-mail message - "..settings.errtxt end else emailrequest.errtxt = "Failed to e-mail message - unsupported" end else emailrequest.errtxt = "Failed to e-mail message - message not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then emailrequest.errtxt = err end end return emailrequest end mymodule.get_move_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ value=clientdata.message or "", label="Message" }) result.newfolder = cfe({ value=clientdata.newfolder or "", label="New Folder" }) result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Move Message" }) end mymodule.move_message = function(self, moverequest) local messages = format.string_to_table(moverequest.value.message.value, "%s*,%s*") local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() -- Check if message exists local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" .. generatewhereclause(moverequest.value.username.value, messages) local mess = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #mess == #messages then -- Check if newfolder exists if validfolder(moverequest.value.newfolder.value) then for i,m in ipairs(mess) do local sql = "UPDATE voicemail_msgs SET in_folder='"..vmaildb.escape(moverequest.value.newfolder.value).."'" .. generatewhereclause(moverequest.value.username.value, messages) vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) end if #mess == 1 then moverequest.descr = "Moved message" else moverequest.descr = "Moved "..#mess.." messages" end if moverequest.value.username.value then voicemail_update(moverequest.value.username.value, config.domain) else for i,m in ipairs(mess) do voicemail_update(m.username, m.domain) end end else moverequest.errtxt = "Failed to move message - invalid folder" end else moverequest.errtxt = "Failed to move message - message not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then moverequest.errtxt = err end return moverequest end mymodule.get_callback_message = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.message = cfe({ value=clientdata.message or "", label="Message" }) result.extension = cfe({ value=clientdata.extension or "", label="Extension" }) result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Callback Message" }) end mymodule.callback_message = function(self, callbackrequest) if string.find(callbackrequest.value.message.value, ",") then callbackrequest.errtxt = "Failed to callback message - can only callback one message at a time" elseif callbackrequest.value.extension.value == "" or string.find(callbackrequest.value.extension.value, "[%s@]") then callbackrequest.errtxt = "Failed to callback message - invalid extension" else local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() -- Check if message exists local sql = "SELECT * FROM voicemail_msgs" .. generatewhereclause(callbackrequest.value.username.value, callbackrequest.value.message.value) local mess = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if #mess == 1 then -- Mark the message as read voicemail_read(mess[1].username, config.domain, callbackrequest.value.message.value) -- Initiate the call to the extension voicemail_callback(callbackrequest.value.extension.value, mess[1].file_path, mess[1].username) callbackrequest.descr = "Initiated callback" else callbackrequest.errtxt = "Failed to callback message - message not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then callbackrequest.errtxt = err end end return callbackrequest end mymodule.list_folders = function() local errtxt local folders = {} local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() folders = listfolders() if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=folders, label="Voicemail Folders", errtxt=errtxt }) end mymodule.list_passwords = function(username) local errtxt local users = {} local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT username, password FROM voicemail_prefs"..generatewhereclause(username) users = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=users, label="Voicemail User Passwords", errtxt=errtxt }) end mymodule.list_users = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Voicemail Users" }) retval.value.page = cfe({ value=0, label="Page Number", descr="0 indicates ALL", key=true }) retval.value.pagesize = cfe({ value=10, label="Page Size", key=true }) retval.value.rowcount = cfe({ value=0, label="Row Count" }) -- orderby must be an array of tables with column name and direction retval.value.orderby = cfe({ type="structure", value={{column="username", direction="asc"}}, label="Order By", key=true }) -- filter is a table with a string filter for each column retval.value.filter = cfe({ type="structure", value={username="", firstname="", lastname=""}, label="Filter", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) retval.value.result = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="Voicemail Users" }) -- Process the incoming page data local page = tonumber(retval.value.page.value) or 0 retval.value.page.value = page local pagesize = tonumber(retval.value.pagesize.value) or 10 retval.value.pagesize.value = pagesize local orderby = {} local columns = {username="u.username", lastname="v1.value", firstname="v2.value"} local directions = {asc="ASC", desc="DESC", ASC="ASC", DESC="DESC"} for i,o in ipairs(retval.value.orderby.value) do if columns[o.column] and directions[o.direction] then orderby[#orderby+1] = columns[o.column].." "..directions[o.direction] end end if #orderby == 0 then orderby[#orderby+1] = "username ASC" end local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local filter = {} for c,f in pairs(retval.value.filter.value) do if columns[c] and f ~= "" then filter[#filter+1] = columns[c].."~'"..vmaildb.escape(f).."'" end end -- This crazy query gets the username from voicemail_users, the firstname and lastname from two instances of voicemail_values (using voicemail_params to determine the corresponding nid values) drops usernames starting with "tempuser" local sql = " FROM voicemail_users u LEFT OUTER JOIN voicemail_values v1 ON u.uid = v1.uid AND v1.nid=(SELECT nid FROM voicemail_params WHERE name='lastname') LEFT OUTER JOIN voicemail_values v2 ON u.uid = v2.uid AND v2.nid=(SELECT nid FROM voicemail_params WHERE name='firstname') WHERE u.username NOT LIKE 'tempuser%'" if #filter>0 then sql = sql.." AND "..table.concat(filter, " AND ") end if page > 0 then local count = vmaildb.getselectresponse("SELECT count(*) AS count"..sql) retval.value.rowcount.value = count[1].count end sql = sql.." ORDER BY "..table.concat(orderby, ", ") if page > 0 then sql = sql.." LIMIT "..pagesize.." OFFSET "..(page - 1)*pagesize end retval.value.result.value = vmaildb.getselectresponse("SELECT u.username, v1.value lastname, v2.value firstname"..sql) or {} if page <= 0 then retval.value.rowcount.value = #retval.value.result.value end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then retval.errtxt = err end return retval end mymodule.get_delete_user = function(self, clientdata) local result = {} result.username = cfe({ value=clientdata.username or "", label="User Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=result, label="Delete User" }) end mymodule.set_delete_user = function(self, deleterequest) local result = "" local success = true if deleterequest.value.username.value == "" then deleterequest.value.username.errtxt = "User does not exist" success = false end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() success, deleterequest.errtxt = delete_user(deleterequest.value.username.value) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then deleterequest.errtxt = err end else deleterequest.errtxt = "Failed to delete user" end return deleterequest end mymodule.get_bunchsettings = function (self) local bunch = cfe({ name="list", label="List", type="longtext", descr="Each line will be seen as a new extension. To separate fields make use of colons. Follow the format:\n\nExtension:Name:Lastname:Password"}) return cfe({ type="group", value={bunch=bunch}, label="Voicemail Users List" }) end mymodule.set_bunchsettings = function (self, bunchdata) local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local entry = {} entry.value = getuserparams() if not entry.value or not entry.value.username or not entry.value.firstname or not entry.value.lastname or not entry.value["vm-password"] then error("Database parameters missing", 0) end entry.value["vm-password-confirm"] = nil local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) for i,line in ipairs(format.string_to_table(format.dostounix(bunchdata.value.bunch.value), '\n')) do if string.find(line, "%S") then local username, firstname, lastname, password = string.match(line, "(%w+):(%w+):(%w+):(%w+)") if not username then bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt = "Invalid syntax on line "..i bunchdata.errtxt = "Failed to create users" vmaildb.runsqlcommand("ROLLBACK") break elseif validuser(username) then bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt = "Username already exists on line "..i bunchdata.errtxt = "Failed to create users" vmaildb.runsqlcommand("ROLLBACK") break else entry.value.username.value = username entry.value.firstname.value=firstname entry.value.lastname.value=lastname entry.value["vm-password"].value=password if validateentry(entry) then if dbengine == db.engine.postgresql then sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_users VALUES(default, '"..vmaildb.escape(username).."')" else sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_users VALUES(null, '"..vmaildb.escape(username).."')" end vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "SELECT uid FROM voicemail_users where username ='"..vmaildb.escape(username).."'"; uid = vmaildb.getselectresponse(sql) sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_values VALUES('"..vmaildb.escape(uid[1].uid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(entry.value.firstname.nid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(tostring(firstname)).."')" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_values VALUES('"..vmaildb.escape(uid[1].uid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(entry.value.lastname.nid).."', '"..vmaildb.escape(tostring(lastname)).."')" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_prefs (username, domain, password) VALUES ('"..vmaildb.escape(username).."', '"..config.domain.."', '"..vmaildb.escape(password).."')" vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) else bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt = {"Error on line "..i} for n,v in pairs(entry.value) do bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt[#bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt+1] = v.errtxt end bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt = table.concat(bunchdata.value.bunch.errtxt, '\n') bunchdata.errtxt = "Failed to create users" vmaildb.runsqlcommand("ROLLBACK") break end end end end if not bunchdata.errtxt then vmaildb.runsqlcommand("COMMIT") end if connected then vmaildb.databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then bunchdata.errtxt = err end return bunchdata end mymodule.get_usersettings = function(self, clientdata) local retval = {} local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() retval = getuserparams(clientdata.username) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end if retval["vm-password"] and retval["vm-password-confirm"] then retval["vm-password-confirm"].value = retval["vm-password"].value end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Voicemail User Settings", errtxt=errtxt }) end mymodule.create_usersettings = function(self, usersettings, action) return mymodule.update_usersettings(self, usersettings, action, true) end mymodule.update_usersettings = function(self, usersettings, action, create) local errtxt local success = validateentry(usersettings) if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() local u = listusers(usersettings.value.username.value) if create and #u > 0 then success = false errtxt = "User already exists" elseif not create and #u == 0 then success = false errtxt = "User does not exist" else if create then if dbengine == db.engine.postgresql then sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_users VALUES(default, '"..vmaildb.escape(usersettings.value.username.value).."')" else sql = "INSERT INTO voicemail_users VALUES(null, '"..vmaildb.escape(usersettings.value.username.value).."')" end vmaildb.runsqlcommand(sql) end success,errtxt = setuserparams(usersettings.value) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then usersettings.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create user" else usersettings.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save settings" end end return usersettings end mymodule.process_directory_xml_request = function(input) local output = {} local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() if validuser(input.user) then output = getuserparams(input.user) -- Add the domain output.domain = cfe({ value=input.domain }) else errtxt = "User not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=output, label="Directory Data", errtxt=errtxt }) end mymodule.process_dialplan_xml_request = function(input) local output = {} local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = vmaildb.databaseconnect() if validuser(input["Caller-Destination-Number"]) then output.domain = cfe({ value=config.domain }) output.username = cfe({ value=input["Caller-Destination-Number"] }) else errtxt = "User not found" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=output, label="Dialplan Data", errtxt=errtxt }) end return mymodule