<% local form = ... %> <% --[[ io.write("



") io.write(html.cfe_unpack(form)) io.write("
") --]] if form.query ~= nil then %> <% function displayinfo(myform,tags,viewtype) for k,v in pairs(tags) do if (myform[v]) and (myform[v]["value"]) then local val = myform[v] io.write("\n\t" .. html.html_escape(val.label) .. "") io.write("\n\t\t
") if (viewtype == "viewonly") then if not (val.value) or (val.value == "") then val.value = " " end io.write(html.html_escape(val.value)) elseif (val.type == "radio") and (type(val.option) == "table") and (#val.option > 0) then io.write("") for k1,v1 in pairs(val.option) do io.write("\n\t\t\t"..html.html_escape(tostring(v1)) .. ":") io.write("") end io.write("\n\t\t\t") else io.write(html.form[val.type](val)) end if (val.descr) and (#val.descr > 0) then io.write("\n\t\t

" .. string.gsub(html.html_escape(val.descr), "\n", "
") .. "

") end if (val.errtxt) then io.write("\n\t\t

" .. string.gsub(html.html_escape(val.errtxt), "\n", "
") .. "

") end io.write("\n\t\t
\n") end end end %>

<% io.write(html.html_escape(form["query"]["sfields"]["category"]["value"] .. "/")) io.write(html.html_escape(form["query"]["sfields"]["number"]["value"] .. ": " )) io.write(html.html_escape(form["query"]["sfields"]["synopsis"]["value"] or form["query"]["header"]["subject"]["value"] or "Qurery object"))%>

<% local myform = form.query.header local tags = { "from","date", } displayinfo(myform,tags,"viewonly") %>


<% local myform = form.query.sfields local tags = { "class", "release", "state", "priority", "severity", "responsible", } displayinfo(myform,tags,"viewonly") %>
<% local myform = form.query.mfields local tags = {"environment", "description", "how_to_repeat", "fix", } for k,v in pairs(tags) do local myform=myform[v] %>

<%= html.html_escape(myform.label) %>

<%= html.html_escape(myform.value) %>
<% end %> <% local myform = form.query["mfields"]["audit_trail"] %>

<%= html.html_escape(myform.label) %>

<% for k,v in pairs(myform.option) do io.write("\n") if (#v.label > 0) then io.write("") end for i=1,#v do io.write("") end io.write("\n
" .. html.html_escape(v.label or "Uknown") .. "
" .. html.html_escape(v[i] or "Uknown") .. "
") end %>
<% local myform = form.query.mfields local tags = {"unformatted", } for k,v in pairs(tags) do local myform=myform[v] %>

<%= html.html_escape(myform.label) %>

<%= html.html_escape(myform.value) %>
<% end %> <% elseif (form.summary) then -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Summary -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- require("viewfunctions") %>

Current Alpine problem reports

Bugs can be in one of several states (S)

o - open
A problem report has been submitted, no sanity checking performed.
a - analyzed
The problem is understood and a solution is being sought.
f - feedback
Further work requires additional information from the originator or the community - possibly confirmation of the effectiveness of a proposed solution.
s - suspended
The problem is not being worked on, due to lack of information or resources. This is a prime candidate for somebody who is looking for a project to do. If the problem cannot be solved at all, it will be closed, rather than suspended.
c - closed
A problem report is closed when any changes have been integrated, documented, and tested -- or when fixing the problem is abandoned.


<% for k,v in pairs(form.summary) do %> <% end %>
ID S Submitted Severity Description
<%= html.html_escape(v.number) %> <%= html.html_escape(string.sub(v.state,1,1)) %> <%= html.html_escape(v.submit_date) %> <%= html.html_escape(v.severity) %> <%= html.html_escape(v.synopsis) %>
<% end %>