path: root/openssh-controller.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'openssh-controller.lua')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/openssh-controller.lua b/openssh-controller.lua
index 767c5fd..c5b199a 100644
--- a/openssh-controller.lua
+++ b/openssh-controller.lua
@@ -1,166 +1,93 @@
-module (..., package.seeall)
+module(..., package.seeall)
-- Load libraries
--- ################################################################################
-local function displaycmdmanagement(pidofstatus)
- -- Add a management buttons
- local management = {}
- management.start = cfe({ name="cmdmanagement",
- label="Program control-panel",
- value="Start",
- type="submit",
- })
- management.stop = cfe({ name="cmdmanagement",
- label="Program control-panel",
- value="Stop",
- type="submit",
- })
- management.restart = cfe({ name="cmdmanagement",
- label="Program control-panel",
- value="Restart",
- type="submit",
- })
- -- next CFE can be used to present the result of the previous action
- management.actionresult = cfe({ name="actionresult",
- label="Previous action result",
- })
- -- Disable management buttons based on if the process is running or not
- if (pidofstatus) then
- management.start.disabled = "yes"
- else
- management.stop.disabled = "yes"
- management.restart.disabled = "yes"
- end
- return management
-local function displaycmdsave(self)
- -- Add a cmd button to the view
- local cmdsave = cfe({ name="cmdsave",
- label="Save/Apply above settings",
- value="Save",
- type="submit",
- })
- return cmdsave
--- ################################################################################
-default_action = "config"
-function config(self)
- local errors = {}
- local modify_opts = nil
- local cmdsavereply = {}
- local cmdsaveresult = {}
- -- Start/Stop/Restart process
- local cmdmanagement, actionresult
- if ( self.clientdata.cmdmanagement) then
- cmdmanagement = cfe({
- name="cmdmanagement",
- label="Previous action result",
- action=cfe({
- name="cmdmanagement",
- value=string.lower(self.clientdata.cmdmanagement), -- This row contains start/stop/restart (one of these commands)
- }),
- })
- actionresult, cmdmanagement = self.model:startstop_service( cmdmanagement.action )
- end
- return ( {status = status,
- config = self.model.read_config(),
- management = management,
- url = url,
- errors = errors,
- cmdsavereply = cmdsavereply,
- cmdsaveresult = cmdsaveresult,
- modify_opts = modify_opts,
- clientdata = self.clientdata,
- } )
-function logfile(self)
- local status = self.model:getstatus(self)
- local logfile = self.model:get_logfile()
+local checkboxes = { "PermitRootLogin", "PasswordAuthentication", "UseDNS" }
- return ({
- status = status,
- logfile = logfile,
- url = url,
- })
+default_action = "status"
-function status (self)
- local cmd = self.clientdata.cmd
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- return ( {status = "whoops", url = url } )
+function status(self)
+ return self.model.getstatus()
-function expert (self)
- local modifications = self.clientdata.filecontent or ""
- if ( self.clientdata.cmdsave ) then
- modifications = self.model:update_filecontent(modifications)
- end
- local url = self.conf.script .. self.conf.prefix .. self.conf.controller
- -- Start/Stop/Restart process
- local cmdmanagement, actionresult
- if ( self.clientdata.cmdmanagement) then
- cmdmanagement = cfe({
- name="cmdmanagement",
- label="Previous action result",
- action=cfe({
- name="cmdmanagement",
- value=string.lower(self.clientdata.cmdmanagement), -- This row contains start/stop/restart (one of these commands)
- }),
- })
- actionresult, cmdmanagement = self.model:startstop_service( cmdmanagement.action )
+function config(self)
+ local output = {}
+ local errtxt = {}
+ local successfuledit
+ if (self.clientdata.cmdsave) then
+ local fields = { "Port", "ListenAddress", "PermitRootLogin", "PasswordAuthentication", "UseDNS", }
+ local newconfig = {}
+ for _ , v in pairs(fields) do
+ newconfig[v] = self.clientdata[v] or ""
+ end
+ successfuledit, errtxt = self.model.write_config(newconfig)
- local status = self.model:getstatus(self)
- local file = self.model:get_filedetails()
- -- Add buttons
- file.cmdsave = cfe ({
+ local config = self.model.read_config() or {}
+ output.cmdsave = cfe({
- label="Apply settings",
+ label="Save above changes",
- })
- if (self.clientdata.cmdsave) then
- file.cmdsave.descr="* Changes has been saved!"
- end
- -- Management buttons (Hide/show buttons
- local pidofstatus
- if (string.lower(status.status.value) == "enabled" ) then pidofstatus = true end
- management = displaycmdmanagement(pidofstatus)
- if (actionresult) then
- management.actionresult.descr=cmdmanagement.descr
- management.actionresult.errtxt=cmdmanagement.errtxt
+ })
+ output.Port = cfe({
+ name="Port",
+ label="Port",
+ value=config.Port,
+ })
+ output.ListenAddress = cfe({
+ name="ListenAddress",
+ label="Listen address",
+ value=config.ListenAddress,
+ })
+ output.PermitRootLogin = cfe({
+ name="PermitRootLogin",
+ label="Permit Root Login",
+ })
+ output.PasswordAuthentication = cfe({
+ name="PasswordAuthentication",
+ label="Password Authentication",
+ })
+ output.UseDNS = cfe({
+ name="UseDNS",
+ label="Use DNS",
+ })
+ -- Display checkboxes checked/unchecked
+ for k,v in pairs(checkboxes) do
+ output[v]['value']="yes"
+ output[v]['type']="checkbox"
+ if (config[v]) and (string.lower(tostring(config[v] or "")) == "yes") then
+ output[v]['checked']="yes"
+ end
- if (status) and (status.version) and (#status.version.value == 0) then
- management.start.disabled = "yes"
- management.stop.disabled = "yes"
- management.restart.disabled = "yes"
+ -- Display results of previous save action
+ if (self.clientdata.cmdsave) and not (successfuledit) then
+ for k,v in pairs(self.clientdata) do
+ if (output) and (output[k]) and (k) then
+ output[k]['value'] = self.clientdata[k]
+ output[k]['errtxt'] = errtxt[k]
+ end
+ end
+ output.cmdsave.errtxt = "Save action was canceled because there was invalid input."
+ elseif (self.clientdata.cmdsave) and (successfuledit) then
+ output.cmdsave.descr = "* Configuration was succesfully saved"
- return ( {
- status = status,
- file = file,
- modifications = modifications,
- management = management,
- url = url, } )
+ return output
+function startstop(self)
+ return controllerfunctions.handle_startstop(self, self.model.startstop_service, self.model.getstatus, self.clientdata)
+function expert(self)
+ return controllerfunctions.handle_form(self, self.model.getconfigfile, self.model.setconfigfile, self.clientdata, "Save", "Edit Config", "Configuration Saved")