<% local view, viewlibrary, page_info, session = ... %> <% require("viewfunctions") %> <% displaycommandresults({"deleteauth"}, session) %> <% displaycommandresults({"addauth"}, session, true) %>

Authorized Keys for <%= html.html_escape(view.value.user.value) %>

<% for i,auth in ipairs(view.value.auth.value) do %> <% end %>
Action ID Key
" method="POST">
<%= html.html_escape(auth.id) %> <% if #auth.key>32 then io.write(html.html_escape(string.sub(auth.key,0,16)) .. " ... " .. html.html_escape(string.sub(auth.key, -16))) else io.write(html.html_escape(auth.key)) end %>

In order to preserve keys with lbu, you must add /<% if view.value.user.value ~= "root" then io.write("home/") end %><%= view.value.user.value %>/.ssh/authorized_keys to lbu include

<% viewlibrary.dispatch_component("addauth", {user=view.value.user.value}) %>