local mymodule = {} posix = require("posix") modelfunctions = require("modelfunctions") fs = require("acf.fs") format = require("acf.format") processinfo = require("acf.processinfo") validator = require("acf.validator") -- There are two options of how to allow users to specify the type of certificate they want - the request extensions -- and the ca signing extensions. We have opted for making all requests look the same (same extensions) and defining -- different ca sections for the different types of certificates. The ca section to use when signing the request is -- actually stored in the request filename. The request filename is in the following format: -- 'username'.'ca section name'.'common name'.csr local packagename = "openssl" local configfile = "openssl-ca-acf.cnf" local requestdir = "req/" local certdir = "cert/" local openssldir = "/etc/ssl/" -- Save the config in a variable so isn't loaded each and every time needed local config = nil -- list of request entries that can be edited local short_names = { countryName="C", stateOrProvinceName="ST", localityName="L", organizationName="O", organizationalUnitName="OU", commonName="CN" } -- list of entries that may be found in cert extensions section local extensions = { "basicConstraints", "nsCertType", "nsComment", "keyUsage", "subjectKeyIdentifier", "authorityKeyIdentifier", "subjectAltName", "issuerAltName" } -- list of entries that must be found in ca section (used to define our certificate types) local ca_mandatory_entries = { "new_certs_dir", "certificate", "private_key", "default_md", "database", "serial", "policy", "default_days" } -- Create a cfe with the distinguished name defaults local getdefaults = function() local defaults = cfe({ type="group", value={} }) config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local distinguished_name = config.req.distinguished_name or "" -- Define the order of the parameters in the form local order = { "countryName", "C", "stateOrProvinceName", "ST", "localityName", "L", "organizationName", "O", "organizationalUnitName", "OU", "commonName", "CN", "emailAddress" } local reverseorder = {} for i,o in ipairs(order) do reverseorder[o] = i end -- Get the distinguished name defaults for name,value in pairs(config[distinguished_name]) do if nil == string.find(name, "_") then defaults.value[name] = cfe({ label=value, value=config[distinguished_name][name .. "_default"] or "", seq=reverseorder[name] or 90 }) end end return defaults end -- Validate the values of distinguished names using the min/max found in the config file local validate_distinguished_names = function(values) config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local distinguished_name = config.req.distinguished_name or "" local success = true for name,value in pairs(values.value) do if string.find(value.value, "[#]") then value.errtxt = "Value cannot contain #" success = false end -- check min, but empty is allowed local min = config[distinguished_name][name.."_min"] if min and value.value and #value.value < tonumber(min) and #value.value > 0 then value.errtxt = "Value too short" success = false end local max = config[distinguished_name][name.."_max"] if max and value.value and #value.value > tonumber(max) then value.errtxt = "Value too long" success = false end end return success, values end -- Write distinguished name defaults to config file local write_distinguished_names = function(file, values, ignorevalues) local reverseignore = {} for i,value in ipairs(ignorevalues) do reverseignore[value]=i end config = config or format.parse_ini_file(file) local distinguished_name = config.req.distinguished_name or "" for name,value in pairs(values.value) do if not reverseignore[name] then local wname = name.."_default" file = format.update_ini_file(file, distinguished_name, wname, value.value) end end config = nil return file end local create_subject_string = function(values, ignorevalues) local outstr = {} local reverseignore = {} for i,value in ipairs(ignorevalues) do reverseignore[value]=i end -- do the ones with short names first local reverseshorts = {} for name,short in pairs(short_names) do reverseshorts[short] = name end for name,value in pairs(values.value) do name = name:gsub(".*%.", "") -- remove the "0." from the front if (short_names[name] or reverseshorts[name]) and value.value and value.value ~= "" then name = short_names[name] or name -- escape characters outstr[#outstr + 1] = name .. "=" .. format.escapespecialcharacters(value.value):gsub("[=]", "\\%1") end end -- now do the ones with no short names (and not ignored) for name,value in pairs(values.value) do name = name:gsub(".*%.", "") -- remove the "0." from the front if not reverseignore[name] and not short_names[name] and not reverseshorts[name] and value.value and value.value ~= "" then -- escape characters outstr[#outstr + 1] = format.escapespecialcharacters(name) .. "=" .. format.escapespecialcharacters(value.value):gsub("[=]", "\\%1") end end return "/"..table.concat(outstr, "/") end local getconfigentry = function(section, value) config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local result = config[section][value] or config[""][value] or "" while string.find(result, "%$[%w_]+") do local sub = string.match(result, "%$[%w_]+") result = string.gsub(result, sub, config[section][string.sub(sub,2)] or config[""][string.sub(sub,2)] or "") end return result end -- Find the sections of the config file that define ca's (ca -name option) local find_ca_sections = function() config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local cert_types = {} for section in pairs(config) do local success = true for i,entry in ipairs(ca_mandatory_entries) do if getconfigentry(section,entry) == "" then success = false break end end if success then cert_types[#cert_types + 1] = section end end return cert_types end local validate_request = function(defaults, noextensionsections) local success success, defaults = validate_distinguished_names(defaults) if defaults.value.certtype then local foundcert=false for i,cert in ipairs(defaults.value.certtype.option) do if defaults.value.certtype.value == cert then foundcert=true break end end if not foundcert then success = false defaults.value.certtype.errtxt = "Invalid certificate type" end end if defaults.value.extensions then config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local extensions = format.parse_ini_file(defaults.value.extensions.value) for name,value in pairs(extensions or {}) do if name ~= "" and noextensionsections then defaults.value.extensions.errtxt = "Cannot contain sections" success = false elseif name ~= "" and config[name] then defaults.value.extensions.errtxt = "Duplicate section name" success = false end end end return success, defaults end local copyca = function(cacert, cakey) config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local certpath = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "certificate") fs.move_file(cacert, certpath) local keypath = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "private_key") fs.move_file(cakey, keypath) end local checkdir = function(name, dirpath) local errtxt, cmdline local filestats = posix.stat(dirpath, "type") if not filestats or filestats == "" then errtxt = name.." does not exist" cmdline = function() fs.create_directory(dirpath) end elseif filestats ~= "directory" then errtxt = "UNRECOVERABLE - "..name.." not a directory" end return errtxt, cmdline end local checkfile = function(name, filepath, default) local errtxt, cmdline local filestats = posix.stat(filepath, "type") if not filestats or filestats == "" then errtxt = name.." does not exist" if default then cmdline = function() fs.write_file(filepath, default) end else cmdline = function() fs.create_file(filepath) end end elseif filestats ~= "regular" then errtxt = "UNRECOVERABLE - "..name.." not a file" end return errtxt, cmdline end local hashname = function(name) local hash = {name:byte(1,-1)} -- no longer returning '-' separated decimal, but 2 char hex --return table.concat(hash, "-") for i,val in ipairs(hash) do hash[i] = string.format("%02X", val) end return table.concat(hash) end local unhashname = function(hashstring) local hash = {} -- this is to be backward compatible with '-' separated decimal if string.find(hashstring, "-") then for char in string.gmatch(hashstring, "([^-]+)-*") do hash[#hash+1] = char end else for char in string.gmatch(hashstring, "%x%x") do hash[#hash+1] = tonumber(char, 16) end end return string.char(unpack(hash)) end local listrequests = function(user) user = user or "*" local list={} local files = posix.glob(openssldir..requestdir..user..".*\\.csr") or {} for i,x in ipairs(files) do local name = string.gsub(posix.basename(x), ".csr$", "") local a,b,c = string.match(name, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)") list[#list + 1] = {request=name, user=a, certtype=b, commonName=unhashname(c)} end return cfe({ type="list", value=list, label="List of pending requests" }) end local listcerts = function(user) user = user or "*" local list={} local files = posix.glob(openssldir..certdir..user..".*\\.pfx") or {} -- Do this in two steps - saves forking openssl for each cert, which -- speeds things up noticably for > 100 certs local crtlist = {} for i,x in ipairs(files) do local name = string.gsub(posix.basename(x), ".pfx$", "") local a,b,c,d = string.match(name, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*).([^%.]*)") list[#list + 1] = {cert=name, user=a, certtype=b, commonName=unhashname(c), serial=d, enddate=enddate, daysremaining=time} crtlist[#crtlist+1] = "x509 -in "..openssldir..certdir..name..".crt -noout -enddate" end local out = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl"}, false, table.concat(crtlist, "\n").."\nexit\n") local outtab = format.string_to_table(out, "\n") for i,x in ipairs(files) do local enddate = string.match(outtab[i] or "", "notAfter=(.*)") or "Jan 1 00:00:01 1970 GMT" local month, day, year = string.match(enddate, "(%a+)%s+(%d+)%s+%S+%s+(%d+)") local reversemonth = {Jan=1,Feb=2,Mar=3,Apr=4,May=5,Jun=6, Jul=7,Aug=8,Sep=9,Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12} local time = os.time({year=year, month=reversemonth[month], day=day}) if os.time() > time then time = 0 else time = (time-os.time())/86400 end list[i].enddate = enddate list[i].daysremaining = time end return cfe({ type="list", value=list, label="List of approved certificates" }) end local listrevoked = function() config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") local databasepath = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "database") local revoked = {} local database = fs.read_file_as_array(databasepath) or {} for x,line in ipairs(database) do if string.sub(line,1,1) == "R" then revoked[#revoked + 1] = string.match(line, "^%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)") end end return cfe({ type="list", value=revoked, label="Revoked serial numbers" }) end mymodule.getstatus = function(self, clientdata) -- set the working directory and umask once for model posix.umask("rw-------") posix.chdir(openssldir) local value,errtxt=processinfo.package_version(packagename) local version = cfe({ value=value, errtxt=errtxt, label="Program version", name=packagename }) local conffile = cfe({ value=openssldir..configfile, label="Configuration file" }) local cacert = cfe({ label="CA Certificate" }) local cacertcontents = cfe({ type="longtext", label="CA Certificate contents" }) local cakey = cfe({ label="CA Key" }) if not fs.is_file(openssldir..configfile) then conffile.errtxt="File not found" cacert.errtxt="File not defined" cacertcontents.errtxt="" cakey.errtxt="File not defined" else config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") if (not config) or (not config.ca) or (not config.ca.default_ca) then conffile.errtxt="Invalid config file" cacert.errtxt="File not defined" cacertcontents.errtxt="" cakey.errtxt="File not defined" else cacert.value = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "certificate") if not fs.is_file(cacert.value) then cacert.errtxt="File not found" else cacertcontents.value, cacertcontents.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "x509", "-in", cacert.value, "-noout", "-text"}) local enddate = string.match(cacertcontents.value, "Not After : (.*)") local month, day, year = string.match(enddate, "(%a+)%s+(%d+)%s+%S+%s+(%d+)") local reversemonth = {Jan=1,Feb=2,Mar=3,Apr=4,May=5,Jun=6,Jul=7,Aug=8,Sep=9,Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12} local time = os.time({year=year, month=reversemonth[month], day=day}) if os.time() > time then time = 0 cacert.errtxt="Certificate expired" else time = (time-os.time())/86400 end cacert.daysremaining=time end cakey.value = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "private_key") if not fs.is_file(cakey.value) then cakey.errtxt="File not found" end end end local environment = mymodule.checkenvironment() return cfe({ type="group", value={version=version, conffile=conffile, environment=environment, cacert=cacert, cacertcontents=cacertcontents, cakey=cakey}, label="OpenSSL status" }) end mymodule.getreqdefaults = function() local defaults = getdefaults() --Add in the encryption bit default local encryption = config.req.default_bits defaults.value.encryption = cfe({ type="select", label="Encryption Bits", value=encryption, option={"2048", "4096"}, seq=94 }) -- Add in the default days local validdays = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "default_days") defaults.value.validdays = cfe({ type="text", label="Period of Validity (Days)", value=validdays, descr="Number of days this certificate is valid for", seq=95 }) -- Add in the ca type default defaults.value.certtype = cfe({ type="select", label="Certificate Type", value=config.ca.default_ca, option=find_ca_sections(), seq=96 }) -- Add in the extensions local extensions = "" local content = fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "" config = config or format.parse_ini_file(content) if config.req.req_extensions then extensions = format.get_ini_section(content, config.req.req_extensions) end defaults.value.extensions = cfe({ type="longtext", label="Additional x509 Extensions", value=extensions, descr="These extensions can be overridden by the Certificate Type", seq=97 }) return defaults end mymodule.setreqdefaults = function(self, defaults) local success, defaults = validate_request(defaults, true) -- If success, write the values to the config file if success then local fileval = fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "" config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fileval) local ext_section if not config.req or not config.req.req_extensions then ext_section = "v3_req" while config[ext_section] do ext_section = "v3_req_"..tostring(os.time()) end fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval, "req", "req_extensions", ext_section) else ext_section = config.req.req_extensions end config = nil fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval,"","default_days",defaults.value.validdays.value) fileval = format.set_ini_section(fileval, ext_section, format.dostounix(defaults.value.extensions.value)) fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval, "ca", "default_ca", defaults.value.certtype.value) fileval = write_distinguished_names(fileval, defaults, {"certtype", "extensions", "validdays"}) fs.write_file(openssldir..configfile, fileval) end if not success then defaults.errtxt = "Failed to set defaults" end return defaults end mymodule.getnewrequest = function() local values = mymodule.getreqdefaults() -- In addition to the request defaults, we need a password and confirmation values.value.password = cfe({ type="password", label="Password", seq=98 }) values.value.password_confirm = cfe({ type="password", label="Password confirmation", seq=99 }) return values end mymodule.submitrequest = function(defaults, user) local success, defaults = validate_request(defaults) -- Must have a common name if #defaults.value.commonName.value == 0 then defaults.value.commonName.errtxt = "Common Name cannot be blank" success = false end -- Check validity of password if #defaults.value.password.value < 4 then defaults.value.password.errtxt = "Password too short" success = false end if defaults.value.password.value ~= defaults.value.password_confirm.value then defaults.value.password_confirm.errtxt = "You entered wrong password/confirmation" success = false end local reqname = openssldir..requestdir..user.."."..defaults.value.certtype.value.."."..hashname(defaults.value.commonName.value) if fs.is_file(reqname..".csr") then defaults.errtxt = "Failed to submit request\nRequest already exists" success = false end if not tonumber(defaults.value.validdays.value) then defaults.value.validdays.errtxt = "Period of Validity is not a number" success = false end if success then -- Submit the request local subject = create_subject_string(defaults, {"password", "password_confirm", "certtype", "extensions"}) -- Generate a temp config file for this request local fileval = fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "" config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fileval) local ext_section = "v3_req" while config[ext_section] do ext_section = "v3_req_"..tostring(os.time()) end local content = format.dostounix(defaults.value.extensions.value) -- Override with the extensions for this cert type if config[defaults.value.certtype.value].x509_extensions then local temp = config[defaults.value.certtype.value].x509_extensions for name,value in pairs(config[temp] or {}) do if not string.find(value, "issuer") then content = format.update_ini_file(content, "", name, value) end end end fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval, "req","default_bits",defaults.value.encryption.value) fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval, "","default_days",defaults.value.validdays.value) fileval = format.set_ini_section(fileval, ext_section, content) fileval = format.update_ini_file(fileval, "req", "req_extensions", ext_section) fs.write_file(reqname..".cfg", fileval) defaults.descr, defaults.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "req", "-nodes", "-new", "-config", reqname..".cfg", "-keyout", reqname..".pem", "-out", reqname..".csr", "-subj", subject}, true) local certfilestats = posix.stat(reqname..".csr") local keyfilestats = posix.stat(reqname..".pem") if not certfilestats or certfilestats.size == 0 or not keyfilestats or keyfilestats.size == 0 then success = false os.remove(reqname..".cfg") os.remove(reqname..".csr") os.remove(reqname..".pem") else fs.write_file(reqname..".pwd", defaults.value.password.value) fs.write_file(reqname..".sbj", subject) end end if not success and not defaults.errtxt then defaults.errtxt = "Failed to submit request" end return defaults end mymodule.readall = function(self, clientdata) local result = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="All Certificates" }) result.value.pending = listrequests() result.value.approved = listcerts() result.value.revoked = listrevoked() return result end mymodule.readuser = function(self, clientdata, user) local result = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Certificates for "..user }) result.value.user = cfe({ value=user, label="User Name" }) result.value.pending = listrequests(user) result.value.approved = listcerts(user) result.value.revoked = listrevoked() return result end mymodule.viewrequest = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Request" }) retval.value.request = cfe({ label="Request", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) local request = retval.value.request.value local reqpath = openssldir..requestdir .. request local cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "req", "-in", reqpath..".csr", "-text", "-noout"}) local a,b,c = string.match(request, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)") retval.value.details = cfe({ type="table", value={request=request, user=a, certtype=b, commonName=unhashname(c), value=cmdresult}, label="Request Details" }) return retval end mymodule.getapproverequest = function(self, clientdata) local retval = {} retval.request = cfe({ value=clientdata.request or "", label="Request" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Approve Request" }) end mymodule.approverequest = function(self, apprequest) local reqpath = openssldir..requestdir .. apprequest.value.request.value if fs.is_file(reqpath..".csr") then -- Request file exists, so try to sign local user,certtype,commonName = string.match(apprequest.value.request.value, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)") -- Add the serial number to the end of the cert file name local serialpath = getconfigentry(certtype, "serial") local serialfile = fs.read_file(serialpath) or "" local serial = string.match(serialfile, "%x+") local certname = openssldir..certdir..apprequest.value.request.value.."."..serial -- Now, sign the certificate apprequest.descr, apprequest.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "ca", "-config", reqpath..".cfg", "-in", reqpath..".csr", "-out", certname..".crt", "-name", certtype, "-batch"}, true) -- If certificate created, create the wrapped up pkcs12 local filestats = posix.stat(certname..".crt") if filestats and filestats.size > 0 then -- We're wrapping up the key, the cert, and the CA cert (and whatever came with it) local newcmdresult, newerrtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-export", "-inkey", reqpath..".pem", "-in", certname..".crt", "-out", certname..".pfx", "-passout", "file:"..reqpath..".pwd", "-certfile", getconfigentry(certtype, "certificate")}, true) apprequest.descr = apprequest.descr .. newcmdresult if apprequest.errtxt then apprequest.errtxt = apprequest.errtxt .. (newerrtxt or "") else apprequest.errtxt = newerrtxt end end -- Finally, remove the request filestats = posix.stat(certname..".pfx") if filestats and filestats.size > 0 then fs.move_file(reqpath..".pwd", certname..".pwd") fs.move_file(reqpath..".sbj", certname..".sbj") fs.move_file(reqpath..".pem", certname..".pem") fs.move_file(reqpath..".cfg", certname..".cfg") os.remove(reqpath..".csr") else -- or failed, remove the cert os.remove(certname..".crt") os.remove(certname..".pfx") end else apprequest.errtxt = "Failed to approve request" apprequest.value.request.errtxt = "Failed to find request" end return apprequest end mymodule.getdeleterequest = function(self, clientdata) local retval = {} retval.request = cfe({ value=clientdata.request or "", label="Request" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Delete Request" }) end mymodule.deleterequest = function(self, delrequest, user) user = user or ".*" if (not fs.is_file(openssldir..requestdir..delrequest.value.request.value..".csr")) or (not string.find(delrequest.value.request.value, "^"..user.."%.")) then delrequest.value.request.errtxt = "Request not found" delrequest.errtxt = "Failed to Delete Request" else local reqpath = openssldir..requestdir..delrequest.value.request.value os.remove(reqpath..".pwd") os.remove(reqpath..".sbj") os.remove(reqpath..".pem") os.remove(reqpath..".cfg") os.remove(reqpath..".csr") end return delrequest end mymodule.viewcert = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Certificate" }) retval.value.cert = cfe({ label="Certificate", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) local cert = retval.value.cert.value local cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "x509", "-in", openssldir..certdir..cert..".crt", "-noout", "-text"}) local a,b,c,d = string.match(cert, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*).([^%.]*)") retval.value.details = cfe({ type="table", value={cert=cert, user=a, certtype=b, commonName=unhashname(c), serial=d, value=cmdresult}, label="Certificate Details" }) return retval end mymodule.getcert = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Certificate" }) retval.value.cert = cfe({ label="Certificate", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) local cert = retval.value.cert.value if cert ~= "" then local f = fs.read_file(openssldir..certdir..cert..".pfx") or "" local a,b,c,d = string.match(cert, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*).([^%.]*)") c = string.gsub(unhashname(c), "[^%w_-]", "") retval.value.details = cfe({ type="raw", value=f, label=c..".pfx", option="application/x-pkcs12" }) end return retval end mymodule.getrevokecert = function(self, clientdata) retval = {} retval.cert = cfe({ value=clientdata.cert or "", label="Certificate" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Revoke Certificate" }) end mymodule.revokecert = function(self, revreq) revreq.descr, revreq.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "ca", "-config", openssldir..configfile, "-revoke", openssldir..certdir..revreq.value.cert.value..".crt", "-batch"}, true) return revreq end mymodule.getdeletecert = function(self, clientdata) retval = {} retval.cert = cfe({ value=clientdata.cert or "", label="Certificate" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Delete Certificate" }) end mymodule.deletecert = function(self, delcert) -- The certificate will still be in the ca directories and index.txt, just not available for web interface local certname = openssldir..certdir..delcert.value.cert.value os.remove(certname..".cfg") os.remove(certname..".crt") os.remove(certname..".pem") os.remove(certname..".pfx") os.remove(certname..".pwd") os.remove(certname..".sbj") return delcert end mymodule.getrenewcert = function(self, clientdata) retval = {} retval.cert = cfe({ value=clientdata.cert or "", label="Certificate" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Renew Certificate" }) end mymodule.renewcert = function(self, recert, submit, approve) local success = true local user,certtype,commonName,serialnum = string.match(recert.value.cert.value, "([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*)%.([^%.]*).([^%.]*)") local reqname = openssldir..requestdir..user.."."..certtype.."."..commonName if fs.is_file(reqname..".csr") then recert.errtxt = "Failed to submit request" recert.value.cert.errtxt = "Request already exists" success = false end if success then -- Submit the request -- First, put the subject, config file and password in place local certname = openssldir..certdir..recert.value.cert.value fs.copy_file(certname..".pwd", reqname..".pwd") fs.copy_file(certname..".sbj", reqname..".sbj") fs.copy_file(certname..".cfg", reqname..".cfg") -- Next, get the subject (removing the /n inserted by fs.write_file) local subject = string.gsub(fs.read_file(reqname..".sbj") or "", "\n", "") -- Next, submit the request (new key) recert.descr, recert.errtxt = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "req", "-nodes", "-new", "-config", reqname..".cfg", "-keyout", reqname..".pem", "-out", reqname..".csr", "-subj", subject}, true) local filestats = posix.stat(reqname..".csr") if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then recert.errtxt = "Failed to submit request\n"..recert.descr recert.descr = nil success = false os.remove(reqname..".pwd") os.remove(reqname..".sbj") os.remove(reqname..".cfg") os.remove(reqname..".pem") os.remove(reqname..".csr") else recert.descr = "Submitted request" end end if success and approve then local tmp = mymodule.getapproverequest(self, {}) tmp.value.request.value = posix.basename(reqname) tmp = mymodule.approverequest(self, tmp) if tmp.errtxt then recert.descr = recert.descr.."\n"..tmp.errtxt end end return recert end mymodule.getcrl = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="Certificate Revocation List" }) retval.value.crltype = cfe({ type="select", value="", option={"", "DER", "PEM"}, label="CRL Type", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) local crltype = retval.value.crltype.value if modelfunctions.validateselect(retval.value.crltype) then retval.value.details = cfe({ type="raw", option="application/pkix-crl" }) modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "ca", "-config", openssldir..configfile, "-gencrl", "-out", openssldir.."ca-crl.crl"}) modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "crl", "-in", openssldir.."ca-crl.crl", "-out", openssldir.."ca-der-crl.crl", "-outform", "DER"}) if crltype == "DER" then retval.value.details.label = "ca-der-crl.crl" retval.value.details.value = fs.read_file(retval.value.details.label) or "" elseif crltype == "PEM" then retval.value.details.label = "ca-crl.crl" retval.value.details.value = fs.read_file(retval.value.details.label) or "" else retval.value.details.value = fs.read_file("ca-der-crl.crl") or "" end end return retval end mymodule.getca = function(self, clientdata) local retval = cfe({ type="group", value={}, label="CA Certificate" }) retval.value.certtype = cfe({ type="select", value="", option={"", "DER", "PEM"}, label="Certificate Type", key=true }) self.handle_clientdata(retval, clientdata) local certtype = retval.value.certtype.value if modelfunctions.validateselect(retval.value.certtype) then retval.value.details = cfe({ type="raw", option="application/x-x509-ca-cert" }) local fname = "cacert." if certtype == "DER" then if not posix.stat(openssldir.."cacert.der") then modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "x509", "-in", openssldir.."cacert.pem", "-outform", "der", "-out", openssldir.."cacert.der"}) end fname = fname.."der" retval.value.details.label = fname elseif certtype == "PEM" then fname = fname.."pem" retval.value.details.label = fname else fname = fname.."pem" end retval.value.details.value = fs.read_file(fname) or "" end return retval end mymodule.getnewputca = function() local ca = cfe({ type="raw", value=0, label="CA Certificate", descr='File must be a password protected ".pfx" file', seq=1 }) local password = cfe({ type="password", label="Certificate Password", seq=2 }) return cfe({ type="group", value={ca=ca, password=password} }) end mymodule.putca = function(self, newca) local success = true -- Trying to upload a cert/key -- The way haserl works, ca contains the temporary file name -- First, get the cert local cmd, f, cmdresult if validator.is_valid_filename(newca.value.ca.value, "/tmp/") and fs.is_file(newca.value.ca.value) then cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-in", newca.value.ca.value, "-out", newca.value.ca.value.."cert.pem", "-password", "pass:"..newca.value.password.value, "-nokeys"}, true) local filestats = posix.stat(newca.value.ca.value.."cert.pem") if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then newca.value.ca.errtxt = "Could not open certificate\n"..cmdresult success = false end else newca.value.ca.errtxt = "Invalid certificate" success = false end -- Check to make sure we got a CA cert if success then cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "x509", "-in", newca.value.ca.value.."cert.pem", "-noout","-text"}) if not string.find(cmdresult, "CA:TRUE") then newca.value.ca.errtxt = "Could not find CA Certificate" success = false end end -- Now, get the key if success then cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "pkcs12", "-in", newca.value.ca.value, "-out", newca.value.ca.value.."key.pem", "-password", "pass:"..newca.value.password.value, "-nocerts", "-nodes"}, true) filestats = posix.stat(newca.value.ca.value.."key.pem") if not filestats or filestats.size == 0 then newca.value.ca.errtxt = "Could not find CA key\n"..cmdresult success = false end end if success then -- copy the keys copyca(newca.value.ca.value.."cert.pem", newca.value.ca.value.."key.pem") else newca.errtxt = "Failed to upload CA certificate" end -- Delete the temporary files if validator.is_valid_filename(newca.value.ca.value, "/tmp/") and fs.is_file(newca.value.ca.value) then os.remove(newca.value.ca.value.."cert.pem") os.remove(newca.value.ca.value.."key.pem") end -- Clear the values newca.value.ca.value = "" newca.value.password.value = "" return newca end mymodule.getnewcarequest = function() request = getdefaults() -- In addition to the distinguished name defaults, we need days request.value.days = cfe({ value="365", label="Number of days to certify", seq=95 }) return request end mymodule.generateca = function(self, defaults) local success, defaults = validate_request(defaults) if not validator.is_integer(defaults.value.days.value) then defaults.value.days.errtxt = "Must be a number" success = false end if success then os.remove("/tmp/cacert.pem") os.remove("/tmp/cakey.pem") -- Submit the request local subject = create_subject_string(defaults, {"days"}) local cmdresult = modelfunctions.run_executable({"openssl", "req", "-x509", "-nodes", "-new", "-config", openssldir..configfile, "-keyout", "/tmp/cakey.pem", "-out", "/tmp/cacert.pem", "-subj", subject, "-days", defaults.value.days.value}, true) local certfilestats = posix.stat("/tmp/cacert.pem") local keyfilestats = posix.stat("/tmp/cakey.pem") if not certfilestats or certfilestats.size == 0 or not keyfilestats or keyfilestats.size == 0 then defaults.errtxt = "Failed to generate CA certificate\n"..cmdresult success = false end if success then -- copy the keys copyca("/tmp/cacert.pem", "/tmp/cakey.pem") end -- Delete the temporary files os.remove("/tmp/cacert.pem") os.remove("/tmp/cakey.pem") end if not success and not defaults.errtxt then defaults.errtxt = "Failed to generate CA certificate" end return defaults end mymodule.getconfigfile = function() return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(openssldir..configfile) end mymodule.setconfigfile = function(self, filedetails) -- validate return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(self, filedetails, {openssldir..configfile}) end mymodule.getenvironment = function(self, clientdata) local retval = {} retval.status = mymodule.checkenvironment() return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Check Environment" }) end mymodule.setenvironment = function(self, setenv) -- loop through the cmdline and execute for x,cmd in ipairs(setenv.value.status.cmdline) do cmd() end setenv.value.status = mymodule.checkenvironment() if setenv.value.status.errtxt then setenv.errtxt = "Failed to Configure Environment" end return setenv end mymodule.checkenvironment = function() local errtxt = {} local cmdline = {} -- First check for the openssl, req, and cert directories errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("openssl directory", openssldir) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("new certificate directory", openssldir..certdir) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("request directory", openssldir..requestdir) -- Then check for the config file entries config = config or format.parse_ini_file(fs.read_file(openssldir..configfile) or "") if config then local chkpath = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "new_certs_dir") errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("new_certs_dir", chkpath) local file = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "certificate") chkpath = posix.dirname(file) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("certificate directory", chkpath) file = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "private_key") chkpath = posix.dirname(file) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("private_key directory", chkpath) file = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "database") chkpath = posix.dirname(file) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("database directory", chkpath) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkfile("database", file) file = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "serial") chkpath = posix.dirname(file) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("serial directory", chkpath) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkfile("serial", file, "01") file = getconfigentry(config.ca.default_ca, "crlnumber") if file ~= "" then chkpath = posix.dirname(file) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkdir("crlnumber directory", chkpath) errtxt[#errtxt+1], cmdline[#cmdline+1] = checkfile("crlnumber", file, "01") end else errtxt[#errtxt+1] = "Configuration invalid" end errtxt = table.concat(errtxt, '\n') local value if errtxt == "" then errtxt = nil value = "Environment ready" else value = "Environment not ready" end return cfe({ value=value, errtxt=errtxt, cmdline=cmdline, label="Environment" }) end return mymodule