path: root/provisioning-model.lua
diff options
authorTed Trask <>2015-11-06 15:45:04 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2015-11-06 15:45:04 +0000
commitedcd7b309885d0d01a8a84dfe212fae3fee711c0 (patch)
treeec3e5bf9d7f6ba8462995cfcbaeb32b44c664b19 /provisioning-model.lua
parenta3e94bf2d5040214d098197fb00456e4196a0e64 (diff)
Create bulkcreatedevices action
Diffstat (limited to 'provisioning-model.lua')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/provisioning-model.lua b/provisioning-model.lua
index 1f6c9c7..669ed4a 100644
--- a/provisioning-model.lua
+++ b/provisioning-model.lua
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ local get_device_params = function(device_id, editable)
-- This function is used by scripts, do not change prototype
-local set_device_params = function(params, editable)
+local set_device_params = function(params, editable, intransaction)
-- Validate the settings
local success = validateparam(params)
local errtxt
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ local set_device_params = function(params, editable)
if not saved_device_params[params.value.device_id.value] then get_device_params(params.value.device_id.value) end
- runsqlcommand(sql)
+ if not intransaction then runsqlcommand(sql) end
if not editable then
-- Delete all values for this device (can't do this if only updating editable)
sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_values WHERE device_id='"..provdb.escape(params.value.device_id.value).."'"
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ local set_device_params = function(params, editable)
sql = "COMMIT"
- runsqlcommand(sql)
+ if not intransaction then runsqlcommand(sql) end
local tmp = saved_device_params[params.value.device_id.value]
local p = params
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ mymodule.create_device = function(self, device, action)
return mymodule.update_device(self, device, action, true)
-mymodule.update_device = function(self, device, action, create)
+mymodule.update_device = function(self, device, action, create, intransaction)
local success = true
local errtxt
-- Validate the settings
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ mymodule.update_device = function(self, device, action, create)
if not saved_device_params[device.value.device_id.value] then get_device_params(device.value.device_id.value) end
- runsqlcommand(sql)
+ if not intransaction then runsqlcommand(sql) end
if create then
sql = "SELECT nextval('provisioning_device_seq')"
local tmp = getselectresponse(sql, true)
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ mymodule.update_device = function(self, device, action, create)
sql = "COMMIT"
- runsqlcommand(sql)
+ if not intransaction then runsqlcommand(sql) end
local s = saved_device_params[device.value.device_id.value]
callscript(updatedevicescriptfile, device, saved_devices[device.value.device_id.value], get_device_params(device.value.device_id.value), s)
@@ -2287,4 +2287,113 @@ mymodule.create_from_request = function(self, request)
return request
+mymodule.get_bulk_create_request = function(self, clientdata)
+ local retval = {}
+ retval.bulkdevicedata = cfe({ type="list", value={}, label="Bulk device list", descr="List of devices as comma-separated fields (first row must contain column headers)" })
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Create Multiple Devices" })
+mymodule.bulk_create_devices = function(self, devicelist)
+ local res, err = pcall(function()
+ local connected = databaseconnect()
+ local groups = mymodule.list_class_groups()
+ local headers = format.string_to_table(devicelist.value.bulkdevicedata.value[1], ",")
+ local reverseheaders = {}
+ for i,h in ipairs(headers) do
+ reverseheaders[h] = i
+ end
+ runsqlcommand("BEGIN TRANSACTION")
+ for i=2,#devicelist.value.bulkdevicedata.value do
+ local values = format.string_to_table(devicelist.value.bulkdevicedata.value[i], ",")
+ -- Create the device
+ local device = get_device(nil, true)
+ for name,class in pairs(device.value.classes.value) do
+ if reverseheaders[name] then
+ local value = values[reverseheaders[name]]
+ -- Allow the class value to be the class_id number or a unique string
+ local found = false
+ if tonumber(value) then
+ for k,c in ipairs(class.option) do
+ if tonumber(value) == tonumber(c.value) then
+ found = true
+ class.value = value
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ -- Check for string match
+ for k,c in ipairs(class.option) do
+ if string.find(c.label, value) then
+ if found then
+ error("Ambiguous "" class in line "..i)
+ end
+ found = c.value
+ end
+ end
+ if found then
+ class.value = found
+ else
+ error("Invalid "" class in line "..i)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ device = mymodule.update_device(self, device, "Create", true, true)
+ if device.errtxt then
+ local err = {"Failed to create device in line "..i}
+ err[#err+1] = device.errtxt
+ for n,v in pairs(device.value) do
+ if v.errtxt then
+ err[#err + 1] = v.errtxt
+ end
+ end
+ error(table.concat(err, "\n"))
+ end
+ -- Set the params
+ local params = get_device_params(device.value.device_id.value, false)
+ for j,h in ipairs(headers) do
+ if values[j] and string.find(h, "%.") then
+ local class,param = string.match(h, "^([^.]+)%.(.*)")
+ if params.value[class] and params.value[class].value[param] then
+ params.value[class].value[param].value = values[j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ params = set_device_params(params, false, true)
+ if params.errtxt then
+ local err = {"Failed to create device in line "..i}
+ err[#err+1] = params.errtxt
+ for cname,cvalue in pairs(params.value) do
+ if type(cvalue.value) == "table" then
+ for pname,pvalue in pairs(cvalue.value) do
+ if pvalue.errtxt then
+ err[#err + 1] = cname.."."..pname..": "..pvalue.errtxt
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ error(table.concat(err, "\n"))
+ end
+ end
+ runsqlcommand("COMMIT")
+ if connected then provdb.databasedisconnect() end
+ end)
+ if not res and err then
+ pcall(function() runsqlcommand("ROLLBACK") end)
+ devicelist.errtxt = err
+ end
+ return devicelist
return mymodule