path: root/provisioning.roles
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Implement deletedeviceparamgroup actionHEADmasterTed Trask2019-10-021-2/+2
| | | | | | | | The deletedeviceparamgroup action will delete a parameter group from a device and move up all of the subsequent parameter groups. Only works for parameter groups with names ending with numbers, such as regX. This can be used to delete a registration and move up all of the subsequent registrations, working around the Polycom bug where subsequent registrations do not show up on the device.
* Added viewactivitylog functionality (no actual logs yet)Ted Trask2017-11-081-2/+2
* Add bulk HTML action to show available bulk actionsTed Trask2017-06-071-2/+2
* Modify bulkdumpdevices to only show editable values and add bulkdumprawdevicesTed Trask2017-06-071-2/+2
* Add viewdeviceparams action and modify roles to add USERTed Trask2017-02-221-2/+3
* Add bulkdumpdevices action to export devices to CSV fileTed Trask2015-11-121-2/+2
* Create bulkcreatedevices actionTed Trask2015-11-061-2/+2
* Added new listrequests, deleterequest, and createdevicefromrequest actionsTed Trask2011-10-141-2/+2
* Change viewclassparams to getclassvaluesTed Trask2011-10-101-1/+1
* Added viewclassparams, getfile, and putfile actions plus determine_class.lua ↵Ted Trask2011-10-101-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | script and provisioning_requests table. viewclassparams shows the parameters and default values for a class getfile is used to get the config file for a known device and a default config file for unconfigured devices putfile is unimplemented, but will be used for parsing files uploaded to the server determine_class.lua determines which device class best matches an unconfigured device (by agent) provisioning_requests table will track the last request (ip, agent, and timestamp) for each device
* Moved getdevicevalues permission from USER to EXPERTTed Trask2011-07-041-2/+1
* Added getdeviceparams to admin roleTed Trask2011-07-041-1/+1
* Added new dumpdatabase action to dump database without ids - helps compare ↵Ted Trask2011-07-041-1/+1
| | | | databases
* Moved getdevicevalues permission from guest to user roleTed Trask2011-06-291-2/+1
* Minor - permissions for EDITOR and display of searchby...Ted Trask2011-03-041-1/+1
* Made getdevicevalues and searchdevices into proper forms and added ↵Ted Trask2011-03-011-2/+2
| | | | searchbyextension and searchbymac actions.
* Added concept of class groups to allow separate name and label for class groupsTed Trask2011-02-111-2/+2
| | | | | | | Added four new actions - listclassgroups, editclassgroup, createclassgroup, and deleteclassgroup Added new provisioning_class_groups table Changed provisioning_classes to change name to class_group_id plus added seq field Modified groups to only accept alphanumeric names and display param group label instead of name when editing params
* Added script files to be run after edit device and after edit device params.Ted Trask2011-01-111-2/+2
* Added support for select type and provisioning options.Ted Trask2010-12-091-2/+2
* Added searchdevices action and fixed getdeviceparams to be proper structure, ↵Ted Trask2010-11-101-2/+2
| | | | not array
* Added duplicatedevice actionTed Trask2010-11-041-2/+2
* Starting to develop provisioning application.Ted Trask2010-10-281-0/+5
It has the basics for creating/editing/deleting devices/templates/classes/groups/parameters.