module (..., package.seeall) -- Load libraries require("modelfunctions") require("posix") require("fs") require("format") require("validator") require("luasql.postgres") require("session") -- Set variables local DatabaseName = "provisioning" local DatabaseUser = "postgres" local DatabasePassword local path = "PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin " local baseurl = "/etc/provisioning/" local env local con local table_creation_scripts = { -- List of all available templates provisioning_templates = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_templates (template_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, filename VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, label VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)", }, -- List of each device that we manage provisioning_devices = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_devices (device_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, label VARCHAR(255), template_id INTEGER)", }, -- Multi-to-multi mapping of devices to classes -- Need to enforce that devices do not contain more than one class with same name (using triggers) devices_to_classes = { "CREATE TABLE devices_to_classes (device_id INTEGER, class_id INTEGER)", }, -- List of different device classes provisioning_classes = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_classes (class_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), label VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)", }, -- Multi-to-multi mapping of classes to parameter groups -- Need to enforce that classes do not contain more than one parameter group with same name (using triggers) classes_to_param_groups = { "CREATE TABLE classes_to_param_groups (class_id INTEGER, group_id INTEGER)", }, -- List of different parameter groups provisioning_groups = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_groups (group_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), label VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, seq INTEGER)", }, -- Multi-to-multi mapping of parameter groups to parameters param_groups_to_params = { "CREATE TABLE param_groups_to_params (group_id INTEGER, param_id INTEGER, value VARCHAR(255), editable BOOLEAN)", }, -- List of each parameter used in any way for any device - mostly for how to display provisioning_params = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_params (param_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, type VARCHAR(255), label VARCHAR(255), descr VARCHAR(255), value VARCHAR(255), seq INTEGER)", -- Add a way to include validation code and/or options list }, -- All of the (non-default) parameter values for all devices are stored here provisioning_values = { -- device_id is a device id from provisioning_devices and param_id is a param id from provisioning_params "CREATE TABLE provisioning_values (device_id INTEGER, group_name VARCHAR(255), param_id INTEGER, value VARCHAR(255))", }, -- List of options for parameters provisioning_options = { "CREATE TABLE provisioning_options (param_id INTEGER, label VARCHAR(255), value VARCHAR(255), seq INTEGER)", }, -- Where do we define the triggers to enforce the foreign keys? Triggers are only on updates, so don't have to worry about read speed -- Need to define indices } --[[ -- Get the values for a particular device for use 1) select * from provisioning_devices where name = 'devicename' 2) SELECT AS group,, CASE WHEN v.value IS NOT NULL THEN v.value WHEN g2p.value IS NOT NULL THEN g2p.value ELSE p.value END AS value FROM (devices_to_classes d2t JOIN provisioning_classes t USING(class_id) JOIN classes_to_param_groups t2g USING (class_id) JOIN provisioning_groups g USING(group_id) JOIN param_groups_to_params g2p USING(group_id) JOIN provisioning_params p USING(param_id)) LEFT JOIN provisioning_values v USING(device_id, group_id, param_id) WHERE d2t.device_id='yyyyy' -- Get the values for a particular device for editing in ACF 1) Same as above 2) Same as above, but replace step 2 first line with: SELECT AS group,, p.type, p.label, p.descr, CASE WHEN v.value IS NOT NULL THEN v.value WHEN g2p.value IS NOT NULL THEN g2p.value ELSE p.value END AS value, CASE WHEN g2p.value IS NOT NULL THEN g2p.value ELSE p.value END AS default, g2p.seq, g.label AS grouplabel 3) Get the options -- Get the params for a class of device a = select * from provisioning_types where name = '%1' b = select * from provisioning_params c, a.params d where = order by d.order (loop through looking for type="group" or option ~= null) to get the options, it is: select * from e.option order by order -- Creating new param_table or option_table is just a matter of copying the schema (and indexes) of param_table or option_table --]] -- ################################################################################ -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS local function escape_quotes(str) return string.gsub(str or "", "'", "'\\''") end local function assert (v, m) if not v then m = m or "Assertion failed!" error(m, 0) end return v, m end -- Escape special characters in sql statements local escape = function(sql) sql = sql or "" sql = string.gsub(sql, "'", "''") return string.gsub(sql, "\\", "\\\\") end local createdatabase = function() local result = {} -- First, create the user if DatabaseUser ~= "postgres" then local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER '..DatabaseUser..'' if DatabasePassword then cmd = cmd .. ' WITH PASSWORD \''..DatabasePassword..'\'' end cmd = cmd .. '" 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() end -- Create the database local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE '..DatabaseName..' WITH OWNER '..DatabaseUser..'" 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() logevent(table.concat(result, "\n")) return table.concat(result, "\n") end -- Delete the database and roles local deletedatabase = function() local result = {} local cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE '..DatabaseName..'" 2>&1' local f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() if DatabaseUser ~= "postgres" then cmd = path..'psql -U postgres -c "DROP ROLE '..DatabaseUser..'" 2>&1' f = io.popen(cmd) table.insert(result, f:read("*a")) f:close() end logevent(table.concat(result, "\n")) return table.concat(result, "\n") end local databaseconnect = function() if not con then -- create environment object env = assert (luasql.postgres()) -- connect to data source local err con, err = env:connect(DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePassword) if err and string.match(err, "Error connecting to database.") then createdatabase() con, err = env:connect(DatabaseName, DatabaseUser, DatabasePassword) end assert(con, err) return true end return false end local databasedisconnect = function() if env then env:close() env = nil end if con then con:close() con = nil end end local runscript = function(script) for i,scr in ipairs(script) do logevent(scr) assert( con:execute(scr) ) end end runsqlcommand = function(sql, in_transaction) logevent(sql) if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("SAVEPOINT before_command")) end local res, err = con:execute(sql) if not res and err then -- Catch the error to see if it's caused by lack of table logevent(err) local table = string.match(err, "relation \"(%S+)\" does not exist") if table and table_creation_scripts[table] then if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("ROLLBACK TO before_command")) end runscript(table_creation_scripts[table]) runsqlcommand(sql) else if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT before_command")) end assert(res, err) end else if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT before_command")) end end end getselectresponse = function(sql, in_transaction) local retval = {} if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("SAVEPOINT before_select")) end local res, err = pcall(function() logevent(sql) local cur = assert (con:execute(sql)) local row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do local tmp = {} for name,val in pairs(row) do tmp[name] = val end retval[#retval + 1] = tmp row = cur:fetch (row, "a") end cur:close() end) if not res and err then logevent(err) -- Catch the error to see if it's caused by lack of table local table = string.match(err, "relation \"(%S+)\" does not exist") if table and table_creation_scripts[table] then if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("ROLLBACK TO before_select")) end runscript(table_creation_scripts[table]) return getselectresponse(sql) else if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT before_select")) end assert(res, err) end else if in_transaction then assert(con:execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT before_select")) end end return retval end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS list_templates = function() local retval = {} local errtxt -- Get the templates from the DB local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_templates ORDER BY template_id ASC" retval = getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end local reversed = {} for i,t in ipairs(retval) do reversed[t.filename] = i end -- Get the file stats for each template and add in any template files that aren't in the DB for f in posix.files(baseurl) do local file = baseurl..f local details = fs.stat(file) if details.type == "regular" then if not reversed[file] then retval[#retval+1] = {filename=file} reversed[file] = #retval end local t = retval[reversed[file]] t.filesize = details.size t.mtime = details.mtime end end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Templates", errtxt=errtxt }) end get_template = function(template_id, filename) local retval = {} if filename and not string.match(filename, "/") then filename = baseurl .. filename end retval.template_id = cfe({value=template_id or "", label="Template ID"}) retval.filename = cfe({value=filename or "", label="File Name", descr="Must be in "..baseurl}) retval.label = cfe({label="Template Label"}) local errtxt if template_id and template_id ~= "" then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_templates WHERE template_id='"..escape(template_id).."' ORDER BY label ASC" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end end local filedetails = modelfunctions.getfiledetails(retval.filename.value, function(filename) return validator.is_valid_filename(filename, baseurl) end) for i,n in ipairs({"filecontent", "filesize", "mtime"}) do retval[n] = filedetails.value[n] end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Template", errtxt=errtxt }) end create_template = function(template) return update_template(template, true) end update_template = function(template, create) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings if template.value.filename and not string.match(template.value.filename.value, "/") then template.value.filename.value = baseurl .. template.value.filename.value end if not validator.is_valid_filename(template.value.filename.value, baseurl) then success = false template.value.filename.errtxt = "Invalid filename" end if template.value.label.value == "" then success = false template.value.label.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_templates WHERE template_id='"..escape(template.value.template_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Template does not exist" end end if success then if create then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_templates VALUES(DEFAULT, '"..escape(template.value.filename.value).."', '"..escape(template.value.label.value).."')" else sql = "UPDATE provisioning_templates SET (filename, label) = ('"..escape(template.value.filename.value).."', '"..escape(template.value.label.value).."') WHERE template_id='"..escape(template.value.template_id.value).."'" end runsqlcommand(sql) fs.write_file(template.value.filename.value, template.value.filecontent.value) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then template.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create template" else template.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save template" end end return template end delete_template = function(template_id) local result = "" local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_templates WHERE template_id='"..escape(template_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == 0 then errtxt = "Template does not exist" else -- Remove the template sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_templates WHERE template_id='"..escape(template_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql) -- Delete the template file os.remove(tmp[1].filename) result = "Template Deleted" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Delete Template Result" }) end list_classes = function() local retval = {} local errtxt -- Get the classes from the DB local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_classes ORDER BY class_id ASC" retval = getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Classes", errtxt=errtxt }) end get_class = function(class_id) local retval = {} retval.class_id = cfe({value=class_id or "", label="Class ID"}) = cfe({label="Name"}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label"}) retval.groups = cfe({type="multi", value={}, label="Parameter Groups", option={}}) local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if class_id and class_id ~= "" then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_classes WHERE class_id='"..escape(class_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end end -- Now, get the class-to-paramgroup mappings sql = "SELECT group_id FROM classes_to_param_groups WHERE class_id="..escape(class_id) tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,g in ipairs(tmp) do retval.groups.value[#retval.groups.value + 1] = g.group_id end end -- Finally, get the paramgroup options sql = "SELECT group_id, name, label FROM provisioning_groups ORDER BY label ASC" tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,g in ipairs(tmp) do retval.groups.option[#retval.groups.option + 1] = {value=g.group_id, label=g.label,} end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Class", errtxt=errtxt }) end create_class = function(class) return update_class(class, true) end update_class = function(class, create) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings success = modelfunctions.validatemulti(class.value.groups) if == "" then success = false = "Cannot be blank" end if class.value.label.value == "" then success = false class.value.label.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_classes WHERE class_id='"..escape(class.value.class_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Class does not exist" end end if success then local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) if create then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_classes VALUES(DEFAULT, '"..escape("', '"..escape(class.value.label.value).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "SELECT class_id FROM provisioning_classes WHERE name='"..escape("' AND label='"..escape(class.value.label.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql, true) if tmp and #tmp>0 then class.value.class_id.value = tmp[1].class_id end else sql = "UPDATE provisioning_classes SET (name, label) = ('"..escape("', '"..escape(class.value.label.value).."') WHERE class_id='"..escape(class.value.class_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM classes_to_param_groups WHERE class_id='"..escape(class.value.class_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end -- Insert the class to group entries for i,g in ipairs(class.value.groups.value) do sql = "INSERT INTO classes_to_param_groups VALUES('"..escape(class.value.class_id.value).."', '"..escape(g).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then pcall(function() con:execute("ROLLBACK") end) success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then class.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create class" else class.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save class" end end return class end delete_class = function(class_id) local result = "" local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_classes WHERE class_id='"..escape(class_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == 0 then errtxt = "Class does not exist" else sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_classes WHERE class_id='"..escape(class_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM classes_to_param_groups WHERE class_id='"..escape(class_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) result = "Class Deleted" sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Delete Class Result" }) end list_groups = function() local retval = {} local errtxt -- Get the groups from the DB local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_groups ORDER BY seq ASC, name ASC, label ASC" retval = getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Parameter Groups", errtxt=errtxt }) end get_group = function(group_id) local retval = {} retval.group_id = cfe({value=group_id or "", label="Group ID", seq=1}) = cfe({label="Name", seq=2}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label", seq=3}) retval.seq = cfe({label="Sequence", seq=4}) retval.params = cfe({type="multi", value={}, label="Parameters", option={}, descr="Each selected parameter will be included in the group", seq=5}) retval.editable = cfe({type="multi", value={}, label="Editable Parameters", option={}, descr="Each selected parameter will be user editable", seq=6}) retval.defaults = cfe({type="group", value={}, label="Parameter Defaults", seq=7}) local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() -- First, let's get all the parameters to set up the params.options and defaults local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_params ORDER BY seq ASC, name ASC" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,p in ipairs(tmp) do retval.params.option[#retval.params.option + 1] = {value=p.param_id, label=p.label} retval.editable.option[#retval.editable.option + 1] = {value=p.param_id, label=p.label} p.seq = i if p.type == "boolean" then p.value = (p.value == "true") end retval.defaults.value[p.param_id] = p end if group_id and group_id ~= "" then sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_groups WHERE group_id='"..escape(group_id).."'" tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end end -- Now, get the paramgroup-to-param mappings sql = "SELECT * FROM param_groups_to_params WHERE group_id="..escape(group_id) tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,p in ipairs(tmp) do retval.params.value[#retval.params.value + 1] = p.param_id if (p.editable == "t") then retval.editable.value[#retval.editable.value + 1] = p.param_id end if retval.defaults.value[p.param_id].type == "boolean" then retval.defaults.value[p.param_id].value = (p.value == "true") else retval.defaults.value[p.param_id].value = p.value end end end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Parameter Group", errtxt=errtxt }) end create_group = function(group) return update_group(group, true) end update_group = function(group, create) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings success = modelfunctions.validatemulti(group.value.params) if == "" then success = false = "Cannot be blank" end if group.value.label.value == "" then success = false group.value.label.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" end if not validator.is_integer(group.value.seq.value) then success = false group.value.seq.errtxt = "Must be an integer" end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_groups WHERE group_id='"..escape(group.value.group_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Group does not exist" end end if success then local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) if create then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_groups VALUES(DEFAULT, '"..escape("', '"..escape(group.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(group.value.seq.value).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "SELECT group_id FROM provisioning_groups WHERE name='"..escape("' AND label='"..escape(group.value.label.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql, true) if tmp and #tmp>0 then group.value.group_id.value = tmp[1].group_id end else sql = "UPDATE provisioning_groups SET (name, label, seq) = ('"..escape("', '"..escape(group.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(group.value.seq.value).."') WHERE group_id='"..escape(group.value.group_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM param_groups_to_params WHERE group_id='"..escape(group.value.group_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end -- Reverse the editable table for ease of use below local reverseeditable = {} for i,p in ipairs(group.value.editable.value) do reverseeditable[p] = i end -- Insert the group to param entries for i,p in ipairs(group.value.params.value) do sql = "INSERT INTO param_groups_to_params VALUES('"..escape(group.value.group_id.value).."', '"..escape(p).."', '"..escape(tostring(group.value.defaults.value[p].value)).."', '"..tostring(reverseeditable[p] ~= nil).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then pcall(function() con:execute("ROLLBACK") end) success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then group.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create parameter group" else group.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save parameter group" end end return group end delete_group = function(group_id) local result = "" local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_groups WHERE group_id='"..escape(group_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == 0 then errtxt = "Group does not exist" else sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_groups WHERE group_id='"..escape(group_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM param_groups_to_params WHERE group_id='"..escape(group_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) result = "Parameter Group Deleted" sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Delete Parameter Group Result" }) end list_params = function() local retval = {} local errtxt -- Get the params from the DB local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_params ORDER BY seq ASC, name ASC, label ASC" retval = getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Parameters", errtxt=errtxt }) end get_param = function(param_id) local retval = {} retval.param_id = cfe({value=param_id or "", label="Param ID", seq=1}) = cfe({label="Name", seq=2}) retval.type = cfe({type="select", label="Type", option={"text", "boolean"}, seq=3}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label", seq=4}) retval.descr = cfe({label="Description", seq=5}) retval.value = cfe({label="Default Value", seq=6}) retval.seq = cfe({label="Sequence", seq=7}) -- FIXME - we should add validation and option stuff here local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if param_id and param_id ~= "" then sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_params WHERE param_id='"..escape(param_id).."'" tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end end end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Parameter", errtxt=errtxt }) end create_param = function(param) return update_param(param, true) end update_param = function(param, create) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings success = modelfunctions.validateselect(param.value.type) if == "" then success = false = "Cannot be blank" end if param.value.label.value == "" then success = false param.value.label.errtxt = "Cannot be blank" end if not validator.is_integer(param.value.seq.value) then success = false param.value.seq.errtxt = "Must be an integer" end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_params WHERE param_id='"..escape(param.value.param_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Param does not exist" end end if success then local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) if create then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_params VALUES(DEFAULT, '"..escape("', '"..escape(param.value.type.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.descr.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.value.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.seq.value).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "SELECT param_id FROM provisioning_params WHERE name='"..escape("' AND label='"..escape(param.value.label.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql, true) if tmp and #tmp>0 then param.value.param_id.value = tmp[1].param_id end else sql = "UPDATE provisioning_params SET (name, type, label, descr, value, seq) = ('"..escape("', '"..escape(param.value.type.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.descr.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.value.value).."', '"..escape(param.value.seq.value).."') WHERE param_id='"..escape(param.value.param_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then pcall(function() con:execute("ROLLBACK") end) success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then param.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create parameter" else param.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save parameter" end end return param end delete_param = function(param_id) local result = "" local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_params WHERE param_id='"..escape(param_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == 0 then errtxt = "Parameter does not exist" else sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_params WHERE param_id='"..escape(param_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) result = "Parameter Deleted" sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Delete Parameter Result" }) end list_devices = function() local retval = {} local errtxt -- Get the devices from the DB local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices ORDER BY name ASC, label ASC" retval = getselectresponse(sql) if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="structure", value=retval, label="List of Devices", errtxt=errtxt }) end get_device = function(device_id) local retval = {} retval.device_id = cfe({value=device_id or "", label="Device ID", seq=1}) = cfe({label="Name", seq=2}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label", seq=3}) retval.template_id = cfe({type="select", label="Template", option={}, seq=4}) retval.classes = cfe({type="multi", value={}, label="Classes", option={}, seq=5}) local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if device_id and device_id ~= "" then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end end -- Now, get the device-to-class mappings sql = "SELECT class_id FROM devices_to_classes WHERE device_id="..escape(device_id) tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,g in ipairs(tmp) do retval.classes.value[#retval.classes.value + 1] = g.class_id end end -- Next, get the template options sql = "SELECT template_id, label FROM provisioning_templates ORDER BY template_id ASC" tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,t in ipairs(tmp) do retval.template_id.option[#retval.template_id.option + 1] = {value=t.template_id, label=t.label} end -- Finally, get the class options sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_classes ORDER BY class_id ASC" tmp = getselectresponse(sql) for i,c in ipairs(tmp) do retval.classes.option[#retval.classes.option + 1] = {value=c.class_id, label=c.label} end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Device", errtxt=errtxt }) end create_device = function(device) return update_device(device, true) end update_device = function(device, create) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings success = modelfunctions.validateselect(device.value.template_id) success = modelfunctions.validatemulti(device.value.classes) and success if == "" then success = false = "Cannot be blank" end if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(device.value.device_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Device does not exist" end end if success then local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) if create then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_devices VALUES(DEFAULT, '"..escape("', '"..escape(device.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(device.value.template_id.value).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "SELECT device_id FROM provisioning_devices WHERE name='"..escape("' AND label='"..escape(device.value.label.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql, true) if tmp and #tmp>0 then device.value.device_id.value = tmp[1].device_id end else sql = "UPDATE provisioning_devices SET (name, label, template_id) = ('"..escape("', '"..escape(device.value.label.value).."', '"..escape(device.value.template_id.value).."') WHERE device_id='"..escape(device.value.device_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM devices_to_classes WHERE device_id='"..escape(device.value.device_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end -- Insert the device to class entries for i,c in ipairs(device.value.classes.value) do sql = "INSERT INTO devices_to_classes VALUES('"..escape(device.value.device_id.value).."', '"..escape(c).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then pcall(function() con:execute("ROLLBACK") end) success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then if create then device.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to create device" else device.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save device" end end return device end delete_device = function(device_id) local result = "" local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if #tmp == 0 then errtxt = "Device does not exist" else sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) sql = "DELETE FROM devices_to_classes WHERE device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) result = "Device Deleted" sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ value=result, errtxt=errtxt, label="Delete Device Result" }) end get_editable_device_params = function(device_id) return get_device_params(device_id, true) end get_device_params = function(device_id, editable) local retval = {} retval.device_id = cfe({value=device_id or "", label="Device ID", seq=0}) = cfe({label="Name", seq=0}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label", seq=0}) local errtxt = "Cannot find device" if device_id and device_id ~= "" then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() -- First, just check to see if device_id exists local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then errtxt = nil = tmp[1].name retval.label.value = tmp[1].label -- Next, get all of the param groups sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_groups" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) -- Loop through the groups and put them into the result for i,g in ipairs(tmp) do retval[] = g retval[].type="group" retval[].value={} end -- Then, get all of the parameters for this device sql = "SELECT AS group, p.param_id,, p.type, p.label, p.descr, p.seq, CASE WHEN v.value IS NOT NULL THEN v.value WHEN g2p.value IS NOT NULL THEN g2p.value ELSE p.value END AS value, g2p.value AS default ".. "FROM (devices_to_classes d2t JOIN provisioning_classes t USING(class_id) JOIN classes_to_param_groups t2g USING (class_id) JOIN provisioning_groups g USING(group_id) ".. "JOIN param_groups_to_params g2p USING(group_id) JOIN provisioning_params p USING(param_id)) LEFT JOIN provisioning_values v ON(d2t.device_id=v.device_id AND p.param_id=v.param_id AND ) ".. "WHERE d2t.device_id='"..escape(device_id).."'" if editable then sql = sql.." AND g2p.editable='t'" end local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) -- Loop through the params and put them into the groups for i,p in ipairs(tmp) do local value = retval[].value if p.type == "boolean" then p.value = (p.value == "true") end value[#value+1] = p end -- Finally, loop through the result and remove empty groups for name,val in pairs(retval) do if #val.value == 0 then retval[name] = nil end end end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Device Parameters", errtxt=errtxt }) end set_editable_device_params = function(params) return set_device_params(params, true) end set_device_params = function(params, editable) local success = true local errtxt -- Validate the settings -- FIXME if success then local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if not create then local sql = "SELECT * FROM provisioning_devices WHERE device_id='"..escape(params.value.device_id.value).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if not tmp or #tmp == 0 then success = false errtxt = "Device does not exist" end end if success then local sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION" runsqlcommand(sql) if not editable then -- Delete all values fro this device (can't do this if only updating editable) sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_values WHERE device_id='"..escape(params.value.device_id.value).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end -- Loop through the groups and params for group,v in pairs(params.value) do if v.type == "group" then for name,param in pairs(v.value) do if editable then sql = "DELETE FROM provisioning_values WHERE device_id='"..escape(params.value.device_id.value).."' AND group_name='"..escape(group).."' AND param_id='"..escape(param.param_id).."'" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end if tostring(param.value) ~= param.default then sql = "INSERT INTO provisioning_values VALUES('"..escape(params.value.device_id.value).."', '"..escape(group).."', '"..escape(param.param_id).."', '"..escape(tostring(param.value)).."')" runsqlcommand(sql, true) end end end end sql = "COMMIT" runsqlcommand(sql) end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end) if not res and err then pcall(function() con:execute("ROLLBACK") end) success = false errtxt = err end end if not success then params.errtxt = errtxt or "Failed to save device parameters" end return params end get_device_values = function(name) local retval = {} retval.device_id = cfe({value=device_id or "", label="Device ID", seq=1}) = cfe({label="Name", seq=2}) retval.label = cfe({label="Label", seq=3}) retval.template = cfe({type="select", label="Template", option={}, seq=4}) retval.values = cfe({type="structure", value={}, label="Parameter Values", option={}, seq=5}) local errtxt local res, err = pcall(function() local connected = databaseconnect() if name and name ~= "" then local sql = "SELECT d.device_id,, d.label, t.filename AS template FROM provisioning_devices d JOIN provisioning_templates t USING(template_id) WHERE name='"..escape(name).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) if tmp and #tmp > 0 then for n,v in pairs(tmp[1]) do if retval[n] then retval[n].value = v end end -- Next, get all of the parameters for this device sql = "SELECT AS group,, p.type, CASE WHEN v.value IS NOT NULL THEN v.value WHEN g2p.value IS NOT NULL THEN g2p.value ELSE p.value END AS value ".. "FROM (devices_to_classes d2t JOIN provisioning_classes t USING(class_id) JOIN classes_to_param_groups t2g USING (class_id) JOIN provisioning_groups g USING(group_id) ".. "JOIN param_groups_to_params g2p USING(group_id) JOIN provisioning_params p USING(param_id)) LEFT JOIN provisioning_values v ON(d2t.device_id=v.device_id AND p.param_id=v.param_id AND ) ".. "WHERE d2t.device_id='"..escape(tmp[1].device_id).."'" local tmp = getselectresponse(sql) -- Loop through the params and put them into the groups for i,p in ipairs(tmp) do if p.type == "boolean" then p.value = (p.value == "true") end if not retval.values.value[] then retval.values.value[] = {} end retval.values.value[][] = p.value end else errtxt = "Invalid device name" end if connected then databasedisconnect() end end end) if not res and err then errtxt = err end return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Provisioning Device Parameter Values", errtxt=errtxt }) end