module(..., package.seeall) -- Load libraries require("modelfunctions") require("posix") require("fs") require("format") -- Set variables local configfile = "/etc/rrdtool/acf-rrdtool.conf" local databases = "/etc/rrdtool/databases" local processname = "rrdtool" local packagename = "rrdtool" local header = "rrdtool" local path="PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin " -- ################################################################################ -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS -- Function to recursively insert all filenames in a dir into an array local function recursedir(path, filearray) filearray = filearray or {} local k,v for k,v in pairs(posix.dir(path) or {}) do -- Ignore files that begins with a '.' if not string.match(v, "^%.") then local f = path .. "/" .. v -- If subfolder exists, list files in this subfolder if (posix.stat(f).type == "directory") then recursedir(f, filearray) else table.insert(filearray, f) end end end return filearray end local function file_info ( path ) local st = fs.stat(path) local size = st.size or "0" local lastmod = st.mtime or "---" return lastmod,size end local function list_files ( ... ) local listed_files = {} local open_files = {} local files = {} local k,v -- Generate a single table with all the files for k,v in pairs{...} do recursedir(v, files) end -- Loop through each file and present its info for k,v in pairs(files) do -- Get info on this specific file and put it in a table local lastmod,size = file_info(v) local filename = cfe({ value=v, label="File name" }) local filesize = cfe({ value=size, label="File size" }) local mtime = cfe({ value=lastmod, label="File date" }) table.insert ( listed_files , cfe({ type="group", value={filename=filename, filesize=filesize, mtime=mtime, label="File details"} }) ) end table.sort(listed_files, function (a,b) return (a.value.filename.value < b.value.filename.value) end ) return cfe({ type="list", value=listed_files, label="Log files" }) end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS function startstop_service(action) return modelfunctions.startstop_service(processname, action) end function getstatus() return modelfunctions.getstatus(processname, packagename, header .. " status") end function getconfigfile() return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(configfile) end function setconfigfile(filedetails) return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails, {configfile}) end function getrrdlist() return list_files(databases) end function createnewrrd() local newdb = {} = cfe({label="Name",value="mydb.rrd",descr="The name of the RRD you want to create. RRD files should end with the extension .rrd. However, RRDtool will accept any filename."}) newdb.start = cfe({label="Start",value="",descr="Specifies the time in seconds since 1970-01-01 UTC when the first value should be added to the RRD. RRDtool will not accept any data timed before or at the time specified."}) newdb.step = cfe({label="Step",value="",descr="Specifies the base interval in seconds with which data will be fed into the RRD."}) newdb.ds = cfe({label="Data stores",value="",descr="DS:ds-name:GAUGE | COUNTER | DERIVE | ABSOLUTE:heartbeat:min:max \ DS:ds-name:COMPUTE:rpn-expression"}) newdb.rra = cfe({label="Round Robin Archive",value="",descr="RRA:AVERAGE | MIN | MAX | LAST:xff:steps:rows"}) return {value=newdb} end