diff options
authorAlexander Poslavsky <>2007-11-02 09:24:27 +0000
committerAlexander Poslavsky <>2007-11-02 09:24:27 +0000
commitccc6fc77ca7f75294c45f3cd571473488df0042d (patch)
parent1f2bc0676beae8672512edc37fff46a5e76b02a2 (diff)
trying to get shorewall to install+status indicator, cleanup
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/app/cfgfile/firewall.cfg b/app/cfgfile/firewall.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ba9d6..0000000
--- a/app/cfgfile/firewall.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
---[[ cfgfile-model loads all .cfg files in this directory and
- evaluates them by putting return ({ ... }) around file contents.
- This file contains body of lua table with one item per config file.
- Each item is table with following keys currently having meaning:
- app - string that is used to group items by controller
- section - string that is used to group items visually on page
- name - short name that is shown to user
- filename - filesystem path of config file
- descr - descr, one liner
-{ app="firewall", section="general",
- name="params", filename="/etc/shorewall/params",
- descr="Define variables used in the other configuration files." },
-{ app="firewall", section="general",
- name="shorewall", filename="/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf",
- descr="Modify global configuration settings." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="zones", filename="/etc/shorewall/zones",
- descr="Name network partitions. Firewall rules are applied to defined zones." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="interfaces", filename="/etc/shorewall/interfaces",
- descr="Map physical interfaces to named zones." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="hosts", filename="/etc/shorewall/hosts",
- descr="Name specific hosts within zones." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="policy", filename="/etc/shorewall/policy",
- descr="Set default rules (policies) for zones." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="rules", filename="/etc/shorewall/rules",
- descr="Define exceptions to policies." },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="routestopped", filename="/etc/shorewall/routestopped",
- descr="Define hosts that can access this host when the firewall is \"stopped\"" },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="tunnels", filename="/etc/shorewall/tunnels",
- descr="Specify ipsec tunnel endpoints" },
-{ app="firewall", section="firewalling",
- name="blacklist", filename="/etc/shorewall/blacklist",
- descr="List ip addresses or names that should be denied all access to the firewall." },
-{ app="firewall", section="nat",
- name="masq", filename="/etc/shorewall/masq",
- descr="Define dynamic Masquerading or DNAT tables" },
-{ app="firewall", section="nat",
- name="nat", filename="/etc/shorewall/nat",
- descr="Define static Network Address Translation table" },
-{ app="firewall", section="qos",
- name="tos", filename="/etc/shorewall/tos",
- descr="Specify type of service markers for packets traversing the firewall." },
-{ app="firewall", section="qos",
- name="tcrules", filename="/etc/shorewall/tcrules",
- descr="Define traffic control rules." },
--- /* vim: set filetype=lua : */
diff --git a/app/shorewall-controller.lua b/app/shorewall-controller.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f1583cf..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-controller.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-module(..., package.seeall)
-local list_redir = function(self)
- self.conf.action = "read"
- self.conf.type = "redir"
- error(self.conf)
-mvc.on_load = function(self, parent)
- --TODO: This needs to be looked at
- --there has to be cute, standard way of loading models into controller
- self.cfgfile = self:soft_require("cfgfile-model")
- setmetatable(self.cfgfile, self.cfgfile)
- self.cfgfile.__index = self.worker
- self.service = self:soft_require("service-model")
- setmetatable(self.service, self.service)
- self.service.__index = self.worker
- if (self.worker[self.conf.action] == nil) or (self.conf.action == "init") then
- self.worker[self.conf.action] = list_redir(self)
- end
--- Public methods
--- <prefix>/hostname/get
-read = function(self)
- return {
- list=self.cfgfile:list("firewall"),
- script=ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"],
- prefix=self.conf.prefix,
- controller=self.conf.controller,
- action="update",
- }
-update = function(self)
- local id = tonumber( or -1
- local result
- local data
- result, data = self.cfgfile:get(id)
- if not result then return list_redir(self) end
- if self.clientdata.cmd then
- for k,v in pairs (data) do
- if self.clientdata[k] then
- data[k].value = self.clientdata[k]
- end
- end
- result, data = self.cfgfile:set(id, data)
- if result then return list_redir(self) end
- end
- data.cmd = cfe { type="action", value="save", label="action" }
- return cfe{ type="form",
- option={ script=ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"],
- prefix=self.conf.prefix,
- controller = self.conf.controller,
- action = "update",
- extra = ""},
- value = data}
-local function service(self, action)
- local id = tonumber( or -1
- local svc = self.service:list("firewall")
- local ret = {
- script=ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"],
- prefix=self.conf.prefix,
- controller = self.conf.controller,
- action={},
- title="Firewall",
- text={},
- active={ id=id }
- }
- for i,s in pairs(svc) do
- for i,a in ipairs(s.actions) do
- ret.action[#ret.action + 1] = {
- name = a,
- section = .. " (" .. tostring(s.status) .. ")",
- id =,
- label = a,
- }
- end
- end
- if self.clientdata[action] then
- local result, report = self.service:update(id, action)
- local label = "Error"
- if result then
- = action
- label = "Report"
- end
- ret.text[#ret.text + 1] = { label=label, content=report }
- end
- return ret
-start = function(self) return service(self, "start") end
-stop = function(self) return service(self, "stop") end
-restart = function(self) return service(self, "restart") end
diff --git a/app/shorewall-html.lsp b/app/shorewall-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index efb1c38..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-local form = ...
-?><h1>Edit <?=
-?></h1><?= html.form.start{
- method="POST",
- action= form.option.script .. "/" .. form.option.prefix
- .. form.option.controller .. "/" .. form.option.action ..
- form.option.extra
-local myform = form.value
-local tags = {
- { "content", "longtext" },
- { "cmd", "action" },
- { "id", "hidden" },
-for i,v in pairs(tags) do
- local name = v[1]
- local val = myform[name]
- val.type = v[2]
- ?><tr><td><?
- if val.label then
- io.write(val.label)
- elseif val.type ~= "hidden" then
- io.write(name)
- end
- ?></td><td><?
- if == "" then = name end
- if val.type == "longtext" then
- val.cols = 80
- val.rows = 24
- end
- ?><?= html.form[val.type](val)
- ?></td></tr><?
-?></table><?= html.form.stop()
diff --git a/app/shorewall-read-html.lsp b/app/shorewall-read-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index c4732a0..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-read-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<? local view = ... ?>
-<? --Status Block
-<table border=0>
-<? local sct=""
-for i,item in ipairs(view.list) do
- if item.section ~= sct then
- ?><tr><td colspan='3'><h2><?= item.section ?></td></tr><?
- sct = item.section
- end
- ?><tr><td><?= item.status or '' ?><?
- ?><td><?={
- value = view.script .. view.prefix .. view.controller .. "/"
- .. view.action .. "?id=" .. tostring(,
- }
- ?></td><td><?= item.descr
- ?></td></tr><?
-end ?>
diff --git a/app/shorewall-restart-html.lsp b/app/shorewall-restart-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2daa4bc..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-restart-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-local view = ...
-local function packURL(script, prefix, controller, action, extra)
- ret = script .. "/" .. prefix .. controller .. "/" .. action
- sep = '?'
- for k,v in pairs(extra) do
- ret = ret .. sep .. k .. '=' .. v
- sep = '&'
- end
- return ret
- script, prefix, controller
- action[]
- name, script, prefix, controller
- section
- id
- label
- disabled
- active
- id
- action
- title
- text[]
- label
- content
-?><h1><?= view.title
-local section = ""
-for i,item in ipairs(view.action) do
- if section ~= item.section then
- section = item.section
- ?><h2><?= section ?></h2><?
- end
- if item.disabled then
- ?><i><?= item.label or ?></i><?
- else
- ?><?= html.form.start {
- method="POST",
- action = packURL(item.script or view.script,
- item.prefix or view.prefix,
- item.controller or view.controller,
-, {})
- } ?><?= html.form.hidden { name="id", } ?><?
- local label = (item.label or
- if == and == then
- label = '['..label..']'
- end
- ?><?= html.form.submit {
- name =, value = label
- } ?><?= html.form.stop() ?><?
- end
-for i,item in ipairs(view.text) do
- if item.label then
- ?><h2><?= item.label ?></h2><?
- end
- ?><pre><?= item.content ?></pre><?
--- vim: set filetype=lua :
diff --git a/app/shorewall-start-html.lsp b/app/shorewall-start-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2daa4bc..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-start-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-local view = ...
-local function packURL(script, prefix, controller, action, extra)
- ret = script .. "/" .. prefix .. controller .. "/" .. action
- sep = '?'
- for k,v in pairs(extra) do
- ret = ret .. sep .. k .. '=' .. v
- sep = '&'
- end
- return ret
- script, prefix, controller
- action[]
- name, script, prefix, controller
- section
- id
- label
- disabled
- active
- id
- action
- title
- text[]
- label
- content
-?><h1><?= view.title
-local section = ""
-for i,item in ipairs(view.action) do
- if section ~= item.section then
- section = item.section
- ?><h2><?= section ?></h2><?
- end
- if item.disabled then
- ?><i><?= item.label or ?></i><?
- else
- ?><?= html.form.start {
- method="POST",
- action = packURL(item.script or view.script,
- item.prefix or view.prefix,
- item.controller or view.controller,
-, {})
- } ?><?= html.form.hidden { name="id", } ?><?
- local label = (item.label or
- if == and == then
- label = '['..label..']'
- end
- ?><?= html.form.submit {
- name =, value = label
- } ?><?= html.form.stop() ?><?
- end
-for i,item in ipairs(view.text) do
- if item.label then
- ?><h2><?= item.label ?></h2><?
- end
- ?><pre><?= item.content ?></pre><?
--- vim: set filetype=lua :
diff --git a/app/shorewall-stop-html.lsp b/app/shorewall-stop-html.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2daa4bc..0000000
--- a/app/shorewall-stop-html.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-local view = ...
-local function packURL(script, prefix, controller, action, extra)
- ret = script .. "/" .. prefix .. controller .. "/" .. action
- sep = '?'
- for k,v in pairs(extra) do
- ret = ret .. sep .. k .. '=' .. v
- sep = '&'
- end
- return ret
- script, prefix, controller
- action[]
- name, script, prefix, controller
- section
- id
- label
- disabled
- active
- id
- action
- title
- text[]
- label
- content
-?><h1><?= view.title
-local section = ""
-for i,item in ipairs(view.action) do
- if section ~= item.section then
- section = item.section
- ?><h2><?= section ?></h2><?
- end
- if item.disabled then
- ?><i><?= item.label or ?></i><?
- else
- ?><?= html.form.start {
- method="POST",
- action = packURL(item.script or view.script,
- item.prefix or view.prefix,
- item.controller or view.controller,
-, {})
- } ?><?= html.form.hidden { name="id", } ?><?
- local label = (item.label or
- if == and == then
- label = '['..label..']'
- end
- ?><?= html.form.submit {
- name =, value = label
- } ?><?= html.form.stop() ?><?
- end
-for i,item in ipairs(view.text) do
- if item.label then
- ?><h2><?= item.label ?></h2><?
- end
- ?><pre><?= item.content ?></pre><?
--- vim: set filetype=lua :
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
deleted file mode 100644
index 21066d5..0000000
--- a/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Networking Shorewall Define read