path: root/jqmobile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jqmobile.js')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jqmobile.js b/jqmobile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cbd096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jqmobile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * needs cleaning
+//collapse page navs after use
+ $('body').delegate('.content-secondary .ui-collapsible-content', 'click', function(){
+ $(this).trigger("collapse");
+ });
+// Listen for any attempts to call changePage().
+$(document).bind( "pagebeforechange", function( e, data ) {
+ var commandresult = $( "#content .command-results" );
+ var descr = $( "#content p.descr" );
+ var error = $( "#content p.error" );
+ var commandpage = $( "#infopage .content" );
+ var showinfopage = false;
+ if(commandresult.length > 0) {
+ commandresult.hide();
+ commandpage.html( commandresult.html() );
+ commandresult.remove();
+ var showinfopage = true;
+ }
+ if(descr.length > 0) {
+ descr.hide();
+ commandpage.html( descr.html() );
+ descr.remove();
+ var showinfopage = true;
+ }
+ if(error.length > 0) {
+ error.hide();
+ commandpage.html( error.html() );
+ error.remove();
+ var showinfopage = true;
+ }
+ if(showinfopage) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $.mobile.changePage( "#infopage", {
+ transition: "pop"
+ });
+ }
+ var section4 = $( "div.section4" );
+ section4.attr({
+ 'data-role': 'collapsible',
+ 'data-mini': 'true',
+ 'data-collapsed': 'false',
+ 'data-content-theme': 'c'
+ });
+ var alink = $( "dd a" );
+ alink.attr({
+ 'data-role': 'button',
+ 'data-mini': 'true',
+ 'data-theme': 'c',
+ 'data-inline': 'true',
+ 'data-iconpos': 'left',
+ 'data-icon': 'gear'
+ });
+ var inputsubmit = $( "#page input[type='submit']" );
+ inputsubmit.attr({
+ 'data-role': 'button',
+ 'data-mini': 'false',
+ //'data-iconpos': 'left',
+ 'data-theme': 'd',
+ 'data-inline': 'false'
+ });
+ var tdalink = $( "td .a" );
+ tdalink.attr({
+ 'data-role': 'button',
+ 'data-mini': 'true',
+ //'data-iconpos': 'left',
+ 'data-theme': 'c',
+ 'data-inline': 'true'
+ });
+// display the version of ACF
+$(document).bind( 'pagecreate', function() {
+ var version = $.mobile.version || "dev",
+ words = version.split( "-" ),
+ ver = words[0],
+ //str = (words[1] || "Final"),
+ str = (words[1] || ""),
+ //html = 'Acf - ' + ver;
+ html = 'Acf - 0.16.0';
+ if( str.indexOf( "rc" ) == -1 ){
+ str = str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 );
+ } else {
+ str = str.toUpperCase().replace(".", "");
+ }
+ if ( $.mobile.version && str ) {
+ html += " <b>" + str + "</b>";
+ }
+ $( "p.acf-version" ).html( html );
+ $.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
+// Turn off AJAX for local file browsing
+if ( location.protocol.substr(0,4) === 'file' ||
+ location.protocol.substr(0,11) === '*-extension' ||
+ location.protocol.substr(0,6) === 'widget' ) {
+ // Start with links with only the trailing slash and that aren't external links
+ var fixLinks = function() {
+ $( "a[href$='/'], a[href='.'], a[href='..']" ).not( "[rel='external']" ).each( function() {
+ this.href = $( this ).attr( "href" ).replace( /\/$/, "" ) + "/index.html";
+ });
+ };
+ // fix the links for the initial page
+ $(fixLinks);
+ // fix the links for subsequent ajax page loads
+ $(document).bind( 'pagecreate', fixLinks );
+ // Check to see if ajax can be used. This does a quick ajax request and blocks the page until its done
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '.',
+ async: false,
+ isLocal: true
+ }).error(function() {
+ // Ajax doesn't work so turn it off
+ $( document ).bind( "mobileinit", function() {
+ $.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
+ var message = $( '<div>' , {
+ 'class': "ui-footer ui-bar-e",
+ style: "overflow: auto; padding:10px 15px;",
+ 'data-ajax-warning': true
+ });
+ message
+ .append( "<h3>Note: Navigation may not work if viewed locally</h3>" )
+ .append( "<p>The AJAX-based navigation used throughout the ACF jqMobile skin may need to be viewed on a web server to work in certain browsers. If you see an error message when you click a link, try a different browser.</p>" );
+ $( document ).bind( "pagecreate", function( event ) {
+ $( ).append( message );
+ });
+ });
+ });