path: root/squid-model.lua
diff options
authorTed Trask <>2008-09-18 12:29:20 +0000
committerTed Trask <>2008-09-18 12:29:20 +0000
commit28fb85a4404b102e9660c306c2c71e0633c03ddb (patch)
treef36f93b7c620fc290b54e76e862c1015750b79f3 /squid-model.lua
parent77b5c04c6b5c6aa966c558fc6e63cd2283205dc9 (diff)
Rewrote squid to remove dependence on tags in config file. Removed ntlm settings, which will have to be implemented in winbindd acf. No support yet for advanced config.
git-svn-id: svn:// ab2d0c66-481e-0410-8bed-d214d4d58bed
Diffstat (limited to 'squid-model.lua')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/squid-model.lua b/squid-model.lua
index 101a279..9eeb11d 100644
--- a/squid-model.lua
+++ b/squid-model.lua
@@ -1,58 +1,37 @@
-- acf model for squid
--- Copyright(c) 2007 A. Brodmann - Licensed under terms of GPL2
module (..., package.seeall)
-- Load libraries
-- Set variables
local squidconf = "/etc/squid/squid.conf"
-local squidtempl = "/etc/squid/squid.conf.template"
+local squiddigestusers = "/etc/squid/users.list"
local processname = "squid"
local packagename = "squid"
---- the tokenizer functions - must be dislocated into a library later
-tokenizer = {}
+local config, configcontent = function( str, delim )
- local token = {}
- token.value = str;
- token.delim = delim;
- token.pos = 1
- return token
-tokenizer.pos = function( value, substr, pos )
- local retval = pos
- local done = false
- while not done and retval <= #value do
- if string.sub( value, retval, retval ) == substr then
- done = true
- else
- retval = retval + 1
+local validate_config = function(newconfig)
+ local success = true
+ success = modelfunctions.validatemulti(newconfig.value.authmethod)
+ for i,val in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do
+ local before, after = string.match(val, "^([^:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ if not (before and after) then
+ after = val
+ if not validator.is_port(after) then
+ newconfig.value.httpports.errtxt = "Invalid port"
+ success = false
+ break
+ end
- return retval
- = function( token )
- if token.pos > #token.value then
- return token, nil
- end
- local strpos = tokenizer.pos( token.value, token.delim, token.pos )
- retval = string.sub(token.value, token.pos, strpos-1)
- if retval == token.delim then
- retval = ""
- token.pos = token.pos + 1
- else
- token.pos = strpos + 1
- end
- return token, retval
+ return success, newconfig
getstatus = function()
return modelfunctions.getstatus(processname, packagename, "Squid status")
@@ -62,101 +41,81 @@ startstop_service = function(action)
return modelfunctions.startstop_service(processname, action)
-get_winbind_version = function()
+get_configfile = function()
+ return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squidconf)
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = io.popen( "/usr/sbin/winbindd -V" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- retval = ptr:read( "*l" )
- ptr:close()
- else
- retval = "Error - can't retrieve winbindd version"
- end
- return retval
+update_configfile = function( filedetails )
+ filedetails.value.filename.value = squidconf
+ return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails)
-get_status_winbindd = function()
+read_digest_userlist = function()
+ local retval = modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squiddigestusers)
+ retval.value.filecontent.descr = "List of username:password entries"
- local retval = "Disabled"
+ -- check to see if the file is being used
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
- local ptr = io.popen( "/bin/pidof winbindd" )
- local pid = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if pid ~= nil then
- if #pid > 1 then
- retval = "Enabled"
+ retval.value.status = cfe({ errtxt="Digest authentication not enabled", label="User list status" })
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "auth_param" and line[2] == "digest" and line[3] == "program" then
+ if line[5] == squiddigestusers then
+ retval.value.status.value = "User list in use"
+ retval.value.status.errtxt = nil
+ else
+ retval.value.status.errtxt = "Digest authentication not using this user list"
+ end
return retval
-service_control_winbindd = function( control )
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = io.popen( "/etc/init.d/winbindd " .. control, "r" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- local retmsg = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if retmsg ~= nil then
- retval = retmsg
- else
- retval = "service_control(): Failed to read output from initscript!\n"
- end
- else
- retval = "service_control(): Failed to start/stop/restart service!\n"
- end
- return retval
+update_digest_userlist = function( userlistdetails )
+ userlistdetails.value.filename.value = squiddigestusers
+ return modelfunctions.updatefiledetails(userlistdetails)
-get_winbindd_config = function()
- local error = ""
- local config = { domain = { value="", type="text", label="domain" },
- dcnetbiosname = { value="", type="text", label="DC NetBIOS name" },
- dcipaddress = { value="", type="text", label="DC IP Address" },
- interface = { value="", type="text", label="interfaces" },
- loglevel = { value="", type="text", label="0" },
- account = { value="", type="text", label="account" },
- password = { value="", type="text", label="password" }
- }
- local ptr = "/etc/samba/smb.conf" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- ptr:close()
- else
+enable_digest_userlist = function()
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ local newline = "auth_param digest program /usr/sbin/digest_pw_auth "..squiddigestusers
+ local lastauth, authline
+ local lines = {}
+ -- first loop to comment out / uncomment existing lines
+ local linenum = 0
+ for line in string.gmatch(configcontent, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ linenum = linenum + 1
+ if not authline and not string.match(line, "^[%s#]*$") then
+ local first, second, third = string.match(line, "([^%s#]+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
+ if first == "auth_param" then
+ lastauth = linenum
+ if second == "digest" and third == "program" then
+ authline = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ local fifth = string.match(line, "^%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)")
+ line = string.gsub(line, fifth, squiddigestusers)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
- return config
-get_configfile = function()
- return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squidconf)
-get_digest_userlist = function()
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = "/etc/squid/users.list" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- local retcfg = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if retcfg == nil then
- retval = "\n\n Error: Failed to read user/password list!\n\n"
+ if not authline then
+ if not lastauth then
+ lines[#lines+1] = newline
- retval = retcfg
+ table.insert(lines, lastauth+1, newline)
- return retval
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(table.concat(lines, "\n"), "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return cfe({ value="Successfully enabled user list", label="Enable disgest user list result" })
get_saccess = function()
local config = {}
@@ -203,631 +162,223 @@ get_file_contents = function( name )
return retval
-update_configfile = function( filedetails )
- filedetails.value.filename.value = squidconf
- return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails)
-update_digest_userlist = function( config )
- local retval = "Successfully updated user list!"
- local ptr = "/etc/squid/users.list", "wb+" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- ptr:write( format.dostounix( config ) )
- ptr:close()
- else
- retval = "Update Digest User List: Error, failed to open /etc/squid/users.list!\n"
- end
-get_conf_tag = function( tag, gat )
- local retval = ""
- local error = ""
- local found = false
- local done = false
- local fptr = squidconf, "r" )
- if fptr == nil then
- return "", "Failed to open squid config file!"
- end
- while not found and not done do
- local line = fptr:read( "*l" )
- if line == nil then
- done = true
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == tag then
- found = true
+read_config = function()
+ local retval = {
+ httpports = { type="list", value={}, label="HTTP Ports", descr="List of port, IP:port, or hostname:port entries that Squid will listen on" },
+ accesslog = { type="boolean", value=false, label="Log Access" },
+ diskcache = { type="boolean", value=false, label="Disk Cache" },
+ authmethod = { type="multi", value={}, label="Authentication Methods", option={"negotiate", "ntlm", "digest", "basic"} },
+ }
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ if config then
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "http_port" then
+ table.insert(retval.httpports.value, line[2])
+ elseif line[1] == "access_log" then
+ retval.accesslog.value = (line[2] ~= "none")
+ elseif line[1] == "cache_dir" then
+ retval.diskcache.value = (line[2] ~= "null")
+ elseif line[1] == "auth_param" and line[3] == "program" then
+ table.insert(retval.authmethod.value, line[2])
- if done then
- fptr:close()
- return "", "TAG not found in squid config!"
- end
- found = false
- done = false
- while not found and not done do
- local line = fptr:read( "*l" )
- if line == nil then
- done = true
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == gat then
- found = true
- else
- retval = retval .. "\n" .. line
- end
- end
- if done then
- fptr:close()
- return "", "End TAG (GAT) not found in squid config! '" .. gat .. "'"
- end
- fptr:close()
- return retval, error
-get_basic_config = function()
- local error = ""
- local config = { proxyip = { value="empty", type="text", label="Proxy IP" },
- proxyport = { value="", type="text", label="Proxy Port" },
- filterip = { value="", type="text", label="Filter IP" },
- filterport = { value="", type="text", label="Filter Port" },
- filterregex = { value="", type="text", label="FilterRegex" },
- safeports = { value="", type="text", label="Safe_ports" },
- sslports = { value="", type="text", label="SSL_ports" },
- accesslog = { value="", type="select", label="Access Logs", option={ "yes", "no" } },
- diskcache = { value="", type="select", label="Disk Cache Parameters", option={ "yes", "no" } },
- authmethod = { value="", type="text", label="Authentication Method" }
- }
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0001", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0001" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Squid Config" })
- local cfg1tok = ""
- local cfg2tok = ""
- local cfg3tok = ""
- --- get proxyip, proxyport
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- local done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'http_port' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 10 ) == "http_port " then
- local str2 = ""
- local ipport = ""
- local ip = ""
- local port = ""
- cfg2tok = str1, " " )
- cfg2tok, ipport = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, ipport = cfg2tok )
- if ipport == nil then
- return config, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing parameter #1 for 'http_port' statement!"
- end
- cfg3tok = ipport, ":" )
- cfg3tok, ip = cfg3tok )
- cfg3tok, port = cfg3tok )
- if port == nil then
- port = ip
- ip = ""
- end
- config.proxyip.value = ip
- config.proxyport.value = port
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get filterip, filterport
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0007", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0007" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_peer' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 11 ) == "cache_peer " then
- local str2 = ""
- local tmp = ""
- local ip = ""
- local port = ""
- cfg2tok = str1, " " )
- cfg2tok, tmp = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, ip = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, tmp = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, port = cfg2tok )
- if ip == nil or port == nil then
- return config, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing parameters #2 and/or #4 for 'cache_peer' statement!"
+update_config = function(newconfig)
+ local success, newconfig = validate_config(newconfig)
+ if success then
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ local lastport, lastlog, lastcache, lastauth
+ local didports = {}
+ local didlog, didcache
+ local didauths = {}
+ local reverseports = {} for i,port in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do reverseports[port] = i end
+ local reverseauths = {} for i,auth in ipairs(newconfig.value.authmethod.value) do reverseauths[auth] = i end
+ local lines = {}
+ -- first loop to comment out / uncomment existing lines
+ local linenum = 0
+ for line in string.gmatch(configcontent, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ linenum = linenum + 1
+ if not string.match(line, "^[%s#]*$") then
+ local first, second = string.match(line, "([^%s#]+)%s+(%S+)")
+ if first == "http_port" then
+ lastport = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if not reverseports[second] then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didports[second] = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "access_log" then
+ lastlog = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if (newconfig.value.accesslog.value and second == "none")
+ or (not newconfig.value.accesslog.value and second ~= "none") then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didlog = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "cache_dir" then
+ lastcache = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if (newconfig.value.diskcache.value and second == "null")
+ or (not newconfig.value.diskcache.value and second ~= "null") then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didcache = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "auth_param" and string.match(line, "[^%s#]+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)") == "program" then
+ lastauth = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if not reverseauths[second] then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didauths[second] = true
+ end
- config.filterip.value = ip
- config.filterport.value = port
- done = true
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get diskcache
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0002", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0002" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_dir' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 15 ) == "cache_dir diskd" then
- config.diskcache.value = "yes"
- done = true
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 14 ) == "cache_dir null" then
- config.diskcache.value = "no"
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- get cache_access log
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0003", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0003" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- local str1 = ""
- while str1 ~= nil do
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 ~= nil then
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 16 ) == "cache_access_log" then
- config.accesslog.value = "yes"
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 17 ) == "#cache_access_log" or
- string.sub( str1, 1, 18 ) == "# cache_access_log" then
- config.accesslog.value = "no"
- end
- end
- end
- if config.accesslog.value == "" then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_access_log' statement!"
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- authentication method
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0004", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0004" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- local done = false
- local auth = ""
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- done = true
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 18 ) == "auth_param digest " then
- if string.match( auth, "D" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "D"
- end
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 16 ) == "auth_param ntlm " then
- if string.match( auth, "N" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "N"
- end
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 17 ) == "auth_param basic " then
- if string.match( auth, "B" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "B"
+ -- We've gone through the file, now check to see if everything is done
+ local tobedone = {}
+ local line
+ for i,port in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do
+ if not didports[port] then
+ line = "http_port "..port
+ if lastport then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastport+1, line=line})
+ else
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config.authmethod.value = auth
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- get filterregex
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0005", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0005" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 35 ) == "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i " then
- config.filterregex.value = string.sub( str1, 36 )
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get SSL_ports, Safe_ports
- local done1 = false
- local done2 = false
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- while not done1 or not done2 do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'acl SSL_ports/Safe_ports' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 19 ) == "acl SSL_ports port " then
- config.sslports.value = string.sub( str1, 20 )
- done1 = true
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 20 ) == "acl Safe_ports port " then
- config.safeports.value = string.sub( str1, 21 )
- done2 = true
+ if not didlog then
+ if newconfig.value.accesslog.value then
+ line = "access_log /var/log/squid/access.log"
+ else
+ line = "access_log none"
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- return config, error
-config_preblock_copy = function( fromfile, tofile, tag )
- local done = false
- local line = ""
- while not done do
- line = fromfile:read( "*l" )
- tofile:write( line .. "\n" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, #tag ) == tag then
- done = true
- end
- end
-config_postblock_copy = function( fromfile, tofile )
- local done = false
- local line = ""
- while not done do
- line = fromfile:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- tofile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- done = true
- end
- end
-update_basic_config = function( config )
- local error = ""
- --- put proxyip, proxyport
- local tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- local tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- local cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- local done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0001" )
- local don2 = false
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0001" then
- done = true
- end
- if don2 then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 10 ) == "http_port " then
- don2 = true
- tmpfile:write( "http_port " .. config.proxyip.value .. ":" .. config.proxyport.value .. "\n" )
+ if lastlog then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastlog+1, line=line})
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- put filterip, filterport
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0007" )
- local don2 = false
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0007" then
- done = true
- end
- if don2 then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 11 ) == "cache_peer " then
- don2 = true
- local lap = 1
- local cfg2tok = line, " " )
- local tmpval = ""
- local newstr = ""
- local tmparr = {}
- cfg2tok, tmpval = cfg2tok )
- while tmpval ~= nil do
- tmparr[lap] = tmpval
- if lap == 2 then
- newstr = newstr .. config.filterip.value .. " "
- elseif lap == 4 then
- newstr = newstr .. config.filterport.value .. " "
- else
- newstr = newstr .. tmpval .. " "
- end
- lap = lap + 1
- cfg2tok, tmpval = cfg2tok )
- end
- tmpfile:write( newstr .. "\n" )
+ if not didcache then
+ if newconfig.value.diskcache.value then
+ line = "cache_dir diskd /var/cache/squid 400 16 256"
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ line = "cache_dir null"
- end
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- disk cache parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0002" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if config.diskcache.value == "yes" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "#cache_dir diskd" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 14 ) == "cache_dir null" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ if lastcache then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastcache+1, line=line})
- if string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "cache_dir diskd" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "#cache_dir null" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- cache access log parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0003" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if config.accesslog.value == "yes" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 17 ) == "#cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "# cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 3 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ for i,auth in ipairs(newconfig.value.authmethod.value) do
+ if not didauths[auth] then
+ line = "auth_param "..auth.." program "
+ -- These entries have not been tested and probably don't work
+ if auth == "basic" then line = line .. "/usr/libexec/ncsa_auth /usr/etc/passwd"
+ elseif auth == "digest" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/digest_pw_auth /etc/squid/users.list"
+ elseif auth == "ntlm" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/wb_ntlmauth"
+ elseif auth == "negotiate" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=gss-spnego"
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
+ if lastauth then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastauth+1, line=line})
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- cache access log parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0005" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "acl SSL_ports port" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl SSL_ports port " .. config.sslports.value .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "acl Safe_ports port" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl Safe_ports port " .. config.safeports.value .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 34 ) == "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i " .. config.filterregex.value .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ if #tobedone > 0 then
+ table.sort(tobedone, function(a,b) return (a.linenum > b.linenum) end)
+ for i,entry in ipairs(tobedone) do
+ table.insert(lines, entry.linenum, entry.line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- return error
-upd_authmethod = function( method )
+ -- finally, write the file
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(table.concat(lines, "\n"), "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ else
+ newconfig.errtxt = "Failed to set config"
+ end
- local tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- local tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- local cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- local error = ""
- local line = ""
- local done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0004" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 17 ) == "auth_param digest" then
- if string.find( method, "D" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "#auth_param digest" then
- if string.find( method, "D" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "auth_param ntlm" then
- if string.find( method, "N" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "#auth_param ntlm" then
- if string.find( method, "N" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ return newconfig
+read_acls = function()
+ local acls = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="Squid Access Lists" })
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "acl" then
+ table.insert(acls.value, {line=line.line, linenum=line.linenum})
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- return error
+ return acls
-dependancy_ok = function()
- local retval = false
- local cfgfile = squidconf )
- local line = ""
- if cfgfile ~= nil then
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-MAGIC" then
- retval = true
- end
- end
- end
- return retval
+read_acl = function(linenum)
+ local line = cfe({ label="Squid Access List" })
+ local linecfe = cfe({ value=linenum, label="Line number" })
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ line.value = parser.getline(configcontent, linenum) or ""
+ return cfe({ type="group", value={line=line, linenum=linecfe}, label="Squid Access List" })
-create_cfg_from_template = function()
+update_acl = function(acl)
+-- local success, acl = validate_acl(acl)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ configcontent = parser.replaceline(configcontent, acl.value.linenum.value, acl.value.line.value)
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl
- local from = squidtempl )
- local to = squidconf, "wb+" )
- local line = ""
- while line ~= nil do
- line = from:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- to:write( line .. "\n" )
+create_acl = function(acl)
+-- local success, acl = validate_acl(acl)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ local linenum = -1
+ for i=#config,1,-1 do
+ if config[i][1] == "acl" then
+ linenum = config[i].linenum
+ configcontent = parser.insertline(configcontent, linenum, acl.value.line.value)
+ break
- from:close()
- to:close()
- return
+ if linenum == -1 then
+ configcontent = string.gsub(configcontent, "\n?$", "\n") .. acl.value.line.value
+ end
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl
+delete_acl = function(linenum)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ configcontent = parser.replaceline(configcontent, linenum)
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl