path: root/squid-model.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'squid-model.lua')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/squid-model.lua b/squid-model.lua
index 101a279..9eeb11d 100644
--- a/squid-model.lua
+++ b/squid-model.lua
@@ -1,58 +1,37 @@
-- acf model for squid
--- Copyright(c) 2007 A. Brodmann - Licensed under terms of GPL2
module (..., package.seeall)
-- Load libraries
-- Set variables
local squidconf = "/etc/squid/squid.conf"
-local squidtempl = "/etc/squid/squid.conf.template"
+local squiddigestusers = "/etc/squid/users.list"
local processname = "squid"
local packagename = "squid"
---- the tokenizer functions - must be dislocated into a library later
-tokenizer = {}
+local config, configcontent = function( str, delim )
- local token = {}
- token.value = str;
- token.delim = delim;
- token.pos = 1
- return token
-tokenizer.pos = function( value, substr, pos )
- local retval = pos
- local done = false
- while not done and retval <= #value do
- if string.sub( value, retval, retval ) == substr then
- done = true
- else
- retval = retval + 1
+local validate_config = function(newconfig)
+ local success = true
+ success = modelfunctions.validatemulti(newconfig.value.authmethod)
+ for i,val in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do
+ local before, after = string.match(val, "^([^:]+):([^:]+)$")
+ if not (before and after) then
+ after = val
+ if not validator.is_port(after) then
+ newconfig.value.httpports.errtxt = "Invalid port"
+ success = false
+ break
+ end
- return retval
- = function( token )
- if token.pos > #token.value then
- return token, nil
- end
- local strpos = tokenizer.pos( token.value, token.delim, token.pos )
- retval = string.sub(token.value, token.pos, strpos-1)
- if retval == token.delim then
- retval = ""
- token.pos = token.pos + 1
- else
- token.pos = strpos + 1
- end
- return token, retval
+ return success, newconfig
getstatus = function()
return modelfunctions.getstatus(processname, packagename, "Squid status")
@@ -62,101 +41,81 @@ startstop_service = function(action)
return modelfunctions.startstop_service(processname, action)
-get_winbind_version = function()
+get_configfile = function()
+ return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squidconf)
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = io.popen( "/usr/sbin/winbindd -V" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- retval = ptr:read( "*l" )
- ptr:close()
- else
- retval = "Error - can't retrieve winbindd version"
- end
- return retval
+update_configfile = function( filedetails )
+ filedetails.value.filename.value = squidconf
+ return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails)
-get_status_winbindd = function()
+read_digest_userlist = function()
+ local retval = modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squiddigestusers)
+ retval.value.filecontent.descr = "List of username:password entries"
- local retval = "Disabled"
+ -- check to see if the file is being used
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
- local ptr = io.popen( "/bin/pidof winbindd" )
- local pid = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if pid ~= nil then
- if #pid > 1 then
- retval = "Enabled"
+ retval.value.status = cfe({ errtxt="Digest authentication not enabled", label="User list status" })
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "auth_param" and line[2] == "digest" and line[3] == "program" then
+ if line[5] == squiddigestusers then
+ retval.value.status.value = "User list in use"
+ retval.value.status.errtxt = nil
+ else
+ retval.value.status.errtxt = "Digest authentication not using this user list"
+ end
return retval
-service_control_winbindd = function( control )
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = io.popen( "/etc/init.d/winbindd " .. control, "r" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- local retmsg = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if retmsg ~= nil then
- retval = retmsg
- else
- retval = "service_control(): Failed to read output from initscript!\n"
- end
- else
- retval = "service_control(): Failed to start/stop/restart service!\n"
- end
- return retval
+update_digest_userlist = function( userlistdetails )
+ userlistdetails.value.filename.value = squiddigestusers
+ return modelfunctions.updatefiledetails(userlistdetails)
-get_winbindd_config = function()
- local error = ""
- local config = { domain = { value="", type="text", label="domain" },
- dcnetbiosname = { value="", type="text", label="DC NetBIOS name" },
- dcipaddress = { value="", type="text", label="DC IP Address" },
- interface = { value="", type="text", label="interfaces" },
- loglevel = { value="", type="text", label="0" },
- account = { value="", type="text", label="account" },
- password = { value="", type="text", label="password" }
- }
- local ptr = "/etc/samba/smb.conf" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- ptr:close()
- else
+enable_digest_userlist = function()
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ local newline = "auth_param digest program /usr/sbin/digest_pw_auth "..squiddigestusers
+ local lastauth, authline
+ local lines = {}
+ -- first loop to comment out / uncomment existing lines
+ local linenum = 0
+ for line in string.gmatch(configcontent, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ linenum = linenum + 1
+ if not authline and not string.match(line, "^[%s#]*$") then
+ local first, second, third = string.match(line, "([^%s#]+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)")
+ if first == "auth_param" then
+ lastauth = linenum
+ if second == "digest" and third == "program" then
+ authline = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ local fifth = string.match(line, "^%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)")
+ line = string.gsub(line, fifth, squiddigestusers)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
- return config
-get_configfile = function()
- return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(squidconf)
-get_digest_userlist = function()
- local retval = ""
- local ptr = "/etc/squid/users.list" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- local retcfg = ptr:read( "*a" )
- ptr:close()
- if retcfg == nil then
- retval = "\n\n Error: Failed to read user/password list!\n\n"
+ if not authline then
+ if not lastauth then
+ lines[#lines+1] = newline
- retval = retcfg
+ table.insert(lines, lastauth+1, newline)
- return retval
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(table.concat(lines, "\n"), "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return cfe({ value="Successfully enabled user list", label="Enable disgest user list result" })
get_saccess = function()
local config = {}
@@ -203,631 +162,223 @@ get_file_contents = function( name )
return retval
-update_configfile = function( filedetails )
- filedetails.value.filename.value = squidconf
- return modelfunctions.setfiledetails(filedetails)
-update_digest_userlist = function( config )
- local retval = "Successfully updated user list!"
- local ptr = "/etc/squid/users.list", "wb+" )
- if ptr ~= nil then
- ptr:write( format.dostounix( config ) )
- ptr:close()
- else
- retval = "Update Digest User List: Error, failed to open /etc/squid/users.list!\n"
- end
-get_conf_tag = function( tag, gat )
- local retval = ""
- local error = ""
- local found = false
- local done = false
- local fptr = squidconf, "r" )
- if fptr == nil then
- return "", "Failed to open squid config file!"
- end
- while not found and not done do
- local line = fptr:read( "*l" )
- if line == nil then
- done = true
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == tag then
- found = true
+read_config = function()
+ local retval = {
+ httpports = { type="list", value={}, label="HTTP Ports", descr="List of port, IP:port, or hostname:port entries that Squid will listen on" },
+ accesslog = { type="boolean", value=false, label="Log Access" },
+ diskcache = { type="boolean", value=false, label="Disk Cache" },
+ authmethod = { type="multi", value={}, label="Authentication Methods", option={"negotiate", "ntlm", "digest", "basic"} },
+ }
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ if config then
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "http_port" then
+ table.insert(retval.httpports.value, line[2])
+ elseif line[1] == "access_log" then
+ retval.accesslog.value = (line[2] ~= "none")
+ elseif line[1] == "cache_dir" then
+ retval.diskcache.value = (line[2] ~= "null")
+ elseif line[1] == "auth_param" and line[3] == "program" then
+ table.insert(retval.authmethod.value, line[2])
- if done then
- fptr:close()
- return "", "TAG not found in squid config!"
- end
- found = false
- done = false
- while not found and not done do
- local line = fptr:read( "*l" )
- if line == nil then
- done = true
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == gat then
- found = true
- else
- retval = retval .. "\n" .. line
- end
- end
- if done then
- fptr:close()
- return "", "End TAG (GAT) not found in squid config! '" .. gat .. "'"
- end
- fptr:close()
- return retval, error
-get_basic_config = function()
- local error = ""
- local config = { proxyip = { value="empty", type="text", label="Proxy IP" },
- proxyport = { value="", type="text", label="Proxy Port" },
- filterip = { value="", type="text", label="Filter IP" },
- filterport = { value="", type="text", label="Filter Port" },
- filterregex = { value="", type="text", label="FilterRegex" },
- safeports = { value="", type="text", label="Safe_ports" },
- sslports = { value="", type="text", label="SSL_ports" },
- accesslog = { value="", type="select", label="Access Logs", option={ "yes", "no" } },
- diskcache = { value="", type="select", label="Disk Cache Parameters", option={ "yes", "no" } },
- authmethod = { value="", type="text", label="Authentication Method" }
- }
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0001", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0001" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
+ return cfe({ type="group", value=retval, label="Squid Config" })
- local cfg1tok = ""
- local cfg2tok = ""
- local cfg3tok = ""
- --- get proxyip, proxyport
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- local done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'http_port' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 10 ) == "http_port " then
- local str2 = ""
- local ipport = ""
- local ip = ""
- local port = ""
- cfg2tok = str1, " " )
- cfg2tok, ipport = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, ipport = cfg2tok )
- if ipport == nil then
- return config, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing parameter #1 for 'http_port' statement!"
- end
- cfg3tok = ipport, ":" )
- cfg3tok, ip = cfg3tok )
- cfg3tok, port = cfg3tok )
- if port == nil then
- port = ip
- ip = ""
- end
- config.proxyip.value = ip
- config.proxyport.value = port
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get filterip, filterport
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0007", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0007" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_peer' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 11 ) == "cache_peer " then
- local str2 = ""
- local tmp = ""
- local ip = ""
- local port = ""
- cfg2tok = str1, " " )
- cfg2tok, tmp = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, ip = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, tmp = cfg2tok )
- cfg2tok, port = cfg2tok )
- if ip == nil or port == nil then
- return config, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing parameters #2 and/or #4 for 'cache_peer' statement!"
+update_config = function(newconfig)
+ local success, newconfig = validate_config(newconfig)
+ if success then
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ local lastport, lastlog, lastcache, lastauth
+ local didports = {}
+ local didlog, didcache
+ local didauths = {}
+ local reverseports = {} for i,port in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do reverseports[port] = i end
+ local reverseauths = {} for i,auth in ipairs(newconfig.value.authmethod.value) do reverseauths[auth] = i end
+ local lines = {}
+ -- first loop to comment out / uncomment existing lines
+ local linenum = 0
+ for line in string.gmatch(configcontent, "([^\n]*)\n?") do
+ linenum = linenum + 1
+ if not string.match(line, "^[%s#]*$") then
+ local first, second = string.match(line, "([^%s#]+)%s+(%S+)")
+ if first == "http_port" then
+ lastport = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if not reverseports[second] then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didports[second] = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "access_log" then
+ lastlog = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if (newconfig.value.accesslog.value and second == "none")
+ or (not newconfig.value.accesslog.value and second ~= "none") then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didlog = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "cache_dir" then
+ lastcache = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if (newconfig.value.diskcache.value and second == "null")
+ or (not newconfig.value.diskcache.value and second ~= "null") then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didcache = true
+ end
+ elseif first == "auth_param" and string.match(line, "[^%s#]+%s+%S+%s+(%S+)") == "program" then
+ lastauth = linenum
+ line = string.gsub(line, "^[%s#]+", "")
+ if not reverseauths[second] then
+ line = "# "..line
+ else
+ didauths[second] = true
+ end
- config.filterip.value = ip
- config.filterport.value = port
- done = true
+ lines[#lines+1] = line
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get diskcache
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0002", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0002" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_dir' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 15 ) == "cache_dir diskd" then
- config.diskcache.value = "yes"
- done = true
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 14 ) == "cache_dir null" then
- config.diskcache.value = "no"
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- get cache_access log
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0003", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0003" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- local str1 = ""
- while str1 ~= nil do
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 ~= nil then
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 16 ) == "cache_access_log" then
- config.accesslog.value = "yes"
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 17 ) == "#cache_access_log" or
- string.sub( str1, 1, 18 ) == "# cache_access_log" then
- config.accesslog.value = "no"
- end
- end
- end
- if config.accesslog.value == "" then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'cache_access_log' statement!"
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- authentication method
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0004", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0004" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- local done = false
- local auth = ""
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- done = true
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 18 ) == "auth_param digest " then
- if string.match( auth, "D" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "D"
- end
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 16 ) == "auth_param ntlm " then
- if string.match( auth, "N" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "N"
- end
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 17 ) == "auth_param basic " then
- if string.match( auth, "B" ) == nil then
- auth = auth .. "B"
+ -- We've gone through the file, now check to see if everything is done
+ local tobedone = {}
+ local line
+ for i,port in ipairs(newconfig.value.httpports.value) do
+ if not didports[port] then
+ line = "http_port "..port
+ if lastport then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastport+1, line=line})
+ else
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config.authmethod.value = auth
- cfg1tok = nil
- --- get filterregex
- local cfg1, error = get_conf_tag( "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0005", "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0005" )
- if #error > 0 then
- return config, error
- end
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- done = false
- while not done do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 35 ) == "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i " then
- config.filterregex.value = string.sub( str1, 36 )
- done = true
- end
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- cfg2tok = nil
- cfg3tok = nil
- --- get SSL_ports, Safe_ports
- local done1 = false
- local done2 = false
- cfg1tok = cfg1, "\n" )
- while not done1 or not done2 do
- local str1 = ""
- cfg1tok, str1 = cfg1tok )
- if str1 == nil then
- return nil, "Corrupt squid.conf! Missing 'acl SSL_ports/Safe_ports' statement!"
- else
- if string.sub( str1, 1, 19 ) == "acl SSL_ports port " then
- config.sslports.value = string.sub( str1, 20 )
- done1 = true
- elseif string.sub( str1, 1, 20 ) == "acl Safe_ports port " then
- config.safeports.value = string.sub( str1, 21 )
- done2 = true
+ if not didlog then
+ if newconfig.value.accesslog.value then
+ line = "access_log /var/log/squid/access.log"
+ else
+ line = "access_log none"
- end
- end
- cfg1tok = nil
- return config, error
-config_preblock_copy = function( fromfile, tofile, tag )
- local done = false
- local line = ""
- while not done do
- line = fromfile:read( "*l" )
- tofile:write( line .. "\n" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, #tag ) == tag then
- done = true
- end
- end
-config_postblock_copy = function( fromfile, tofile )
- local done = false
- local line = ""
- while not done do
- line = fromfile:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- tofile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- done = true
- end
- end
-update_basic_config = function( config )
- local error = ""
- --- put proxyip, proxyport
- local tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- local tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- local cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- local done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0001" )
- local don2 = false
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0001" then
- done = true
- end
- if don2 then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 10 ) == "http_port " then
- don2 = true
- tmpfile:write( "http_port " .. config.proxyip.value .. ":" .. config.proxyport.value .. "\n" )
+ if lastlog then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastlog+1, line=line})
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- put filterip, filterport
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0007" )
- local don2 = false
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 22 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-GAT-0007" then
- done = true
- end
- if don2 then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 11 ) == "cache_peer " then
- don2 = true
- local lap = 1
- local cfg2tok = line, " " )
- local tmpval = ""
- local newstr = ""
- local tmparr = {}
- cfg2tok, tmpval = cfg2tok )
- while tmpval ~= nil do
- tmparr[lap] = tmpval
- if lap == 2 then
- newstr = newstr .. config.filterip.value .. " "
- elseif lap == 4 then
- newstr = newstr .. config.filterport.value .. " "
- else
- newstr = newstr .. tmpval .. " "
- end
- lap = lap + 1
- cfg2tok, tmpval = cfg2tok )
- end
- tmpfile:write( newstr .. "\n" )
+ if not didcache then
+ if newconfig.value.diskcache.value then
+ line = "cache_dir diskd /var/cache/squid 400 16 256"
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ line = "cache_dir null"
- end
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- disk cache parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0002" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if config.diskcache.value == "yes" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "#cache_dir diskd" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 14 ) == "cache_dir null" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ if lastcache then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastcache+1, line=line})
- if string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "cache_dir diskd" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "#cache_dir null" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- cache access log parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0003" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if config.accesslog.value == "yes" then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 17 ) == "#cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "# cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 3 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ for i,auth in ipairs(newconfig.value.authmethod.value) do
+ if not didauths[auth] then
+ line = "auth_param "..auth.." program "
+ -- These entries have not been tested and probably don't work
+ if auth == "basic" then line = line .. "/usr/libexec/ncsa_auth /usr/etc/passwd"
+ elseif auth == "digest" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/digest_pw_auth /etc/squid/users.list"
+ elseif auth == "ntlm" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/wb_ntlmauth"
+ elseif auth == "negotiate" then line = line .. "/usr/sbin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=gss-spnego"
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "cache_access_log" then
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
+ if lastauth then
+ table.insert(tobedone, {linenum=lastauth+1, line=line})
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ table.insert(lines, line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- --- cache access log parameters
- tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0005" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "acl SSL_ports port" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl SSL_ports port " .. config.sslports.value .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "acl Safe_ports port" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl Safe_ports port " .. config.safeports.value .. "\n" )
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 34 ) == "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i" then
- tmpfile:write( "acl ContentFilter urlpath_regex -i " .. config.filterregex.value .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
+ if #tobedone > 0 then
+ table.sort(tobedone, function(a,b) return (a.linenum > b.linenum) end)
+ for i,entry in ipairs(tobedone) do
+ table.insert(lines, entry.linenum, entry.line)
- end
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- return error
-upd_authmethod = function( method )
+ -- finally, write the file
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(table.concat(lines, "\n"), "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ else
+ newconfig.errtxt = "Failed to set config"
+ end
- local tmpfilename = os.tmpname()
- local tmpfile = tmpfilename, "w+" )
- local cfgfile = squidconf, "r" )
- local error = ""
- local line = ""
- local done = false
- config_preblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile, "### ACF-SQUID-TAG-0004" )
- while not done do
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if string.sub( line, 1, 7 ) == "### ACF" then
- done = true
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- if string.sub( line, 1, 17 ) == "auth_param digest" then
- if string.find( method, "D" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 18 ) == "#auth_param digest" then
- if string.find( method, "D" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 15 ) == "auth_param ntlm" then
- if string.find( method, "N" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( "#" .. line .. "\n" )
- end
- elseif string.sub( line, 1, 16 ) == "#auth_param ntlm" then
- if string.find( method, "N" ) ~= nil then
- tmpfile:write( string.sub( line, 2 ) .. "\n" )
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
- else
- tmpfile:write( line .. "\n" )
- end
+ return newconfig
+read_acls = function()
+ local acls = cfe({ type="structure", value={}, label="Squid Access Lists" })
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ for i,line in ipairs(config) do
+ if line[1] == "acl" then
+ table.insert(acls.value, {line=line.line, linenum=line.linenum})
- config_postblock_copy( cfgfile, tmpfile )
- tmpfile:close()
- cfgfile:close()
- os.rename( tmpfilename, squidconf )
- return error
+ return acls
-dependancy_ok = function()
- local retval = false
- local cfgfile = squidconf )
- local line = ""
- if cfgfile ~= nil then
- line = cfgfile:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- if string.sub( line, 1, 19 ) == "### ACF-SQUID-MAGIC" then
- retval = true
- end
- end
- end
- return retval
+read_acl = function(linenum)
+ local line = cfe({ label="Squid Access List" })
+ local linecfe = cfe({ value=linenum, label="Line number" })
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ line.value = parser.getline(configcontent, linenum) or ""
+ return cfe({ type="group", value={line=line, linenum=linecfe}, label="Squid Access List" })
-create_cfg_from_template = function()
+update_acl = function(acl)
+-- local success, acl = validate_acl(acl)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ configcontent = parser.replaceline(configcontent, acl.value.linenum.value, acl.value.line.value)
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl
- local from = squidtempl )
- local to = squidconf, "wb+" )
- local line = ""
- while line ~= nil do
- line = from:read( "*l" )
- if line ~= nil then
- to:write( line .. "\n" )
+create_acl = function(acl)
+-- local success, acl = validate_acl(acl)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ config = config or parser.parseconfigfile(configcontent)
+ local linenum = -1
+ for i=#config,1,-1 do
+ if config[i][1] == "acl" then
+ linenum = config[i].linenum
+ configcontent = parser.insertline(configcontent, linenum, acl.value.line.value)
+ break
- from:close()
- to:close()
- return
+ if linenum == -1 then
+ configcontent = string.gsub(configcontent, "\n?$", "\n") .. acl.value.line.value
+ end
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl
+delete_acl = function(linenum)
+ configcontent = configcontent or fs.read_file(squidconf)
+ configcontent = parser.replaceline(configcontent, linenum)
+ fs.write_file(squidconf, string.gsub(configcontent, "\n+$", ""))
+ config = nil
+ configcontent = nil
+ return acl