<% require("viewfunctions") local form = ... local data = form.option local service = form.service local config = form.service.config local srv1fill = "" local srv2fill = "disabled" if form.info.status.value == "Enabled" then srv1fill = "disabled" srv2fill = "" end local ifthen = function( variable, value, result ) if variable == value then io.write( result ) end end %>


<% local myform = form.info local tags = { "status", "version", "autostart", } displayinfo(myform,tags,"viewonly") %>


Primary Listener service

These parameters define the interface and port that the web proxy uses to accept connections.


Filter Service

These parameters define the ip address and port that the web proxy forwards requests to. This is typically the address that DansGuardian (Web Content Filter) is listening on. If you want this web proxy to handle retrieving the content, then leave these blank.

Filtering is a cpu-intensive process. The FilterRegex is a list of regular expressions that qualify for filtering. Anything not matching the regular expression filter will bypass the content filter. It is safe to leave this at the default settings.


Access Logs

This determines if the visited sites are logged or not.

Log visited sites
> No access log > Use access log

Disk Cache Parameters

This determines if the disk is used for caching. This can speed up web surfing when many clients are accessing the Internet, but it requires a local hard disk.

Enable disk caching
>No >Yes

Allowed Ports

Web servers typically run on port 80; SSL (https) servers typically run on port 443. Some web servers run on other ports as well. These fields list all ports and port ranges that are considered "safe" for the web proxy to handle.

It is safe to leave these values at their default values.


Save changes

Save above changes
<% if #service.error > 0 then %>
Config status
<% io.write(service.error ) %>
<% end %>
Process information
This process runs as a service. When you make and save changes, the configuration files for the service are changed. However, the changes will not be applied until you restart the service.


Daemon control
> > > <% if (service.message) and (service.message.descr) and (#service.message.descr > 0) then %>
<% io.write( service.message.descr ) %>
<% end %>