path: root/tinydns-model.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tinydns-model.lua')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/tinydns-model.lua b/tinydns-model.lua
index 24e0437..ad83798 100644
--- a/tinydns-model.lua
+++ b/tinydns-model.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
module(..., package.seeall)
+-- Load libraries
+-- Set variables
local configdir
local datafile
local configfiles = {}
local configitems = {}
+local packagename = "tinydns"
local processname = "tinydns"
local configfile = "/etc/conf.d/" .. processname
local baseurl = "/etc/tinydns"
@@ -21,26 +24,50 @@ else
configdir = "/etc/" .. processname
datafile = "/var/cache/data"
+descr = {
+ prefix={
+ ['.']="Name server for your domain (NS + A + SOA)",
+ ['&']="Deletegate subdomain (NS + A)",
+ ['=']="Host (A + PTR)",
+ ['+']="Alias (A, no PTR)",
+ ['@']="Mail exchanger (MX)",
+ ["'"]="Text record (TXT)",
+ ['^']="Reverse record (PTR)",
+ ['C']="Canonical Name (CNAME)",
+ ['Z']="SOA record (SOA)",
+ [':']="Generic record",
+ ['%']="Client location",
+ },
+ reverse={
+ ['nsourdomain']=".",
+ ['nsdomain']="&",
+ ['host']="=",
+ ['alias']="+",
+ ['mx']="@",
+ ['ptr']="^",
+ ['cname']="C",
+ ['soa']="Z",
+ [':']=":",
+ ['locations']="%",
+ },
+ fieldlabels={
+ ['.']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['&']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['=']={"Prefix", "Host", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['+']={"Prefix", "Alias", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['@']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Mail exchanger", "Distance", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['^']={"Prefix", "PTR", "Domain name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['C']={"Prefix", "Domain name", "Canonical name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
+ ['Z']={"Prefix", "Unknown", "Primary name server", "Contact address", "Serial number", "Refresh time", "Retry time", "Expire time", "Minimum time", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location",},
+ [':']={"Prefix", },
+ ['%']={"Prefix", },
+ },
--configdir = "hidden for the moment - This row is here only for debug purpose"
-- ################################################################################
-local function get_version()
- local cmd_output_result, cmd_output_error
- local cmd = "/sbin/apk_version -vs " .. processname .." 2>/dev/null"
- local f = io.popen( cmd )
- local cmdresult = f:read("*l")
- if (cmdresult) and (#cmdresult > 0) then
- cmd_output_result = string.match(cmdresult,"^%S*") or "Unknown"
- else
- cmd_output_error = "Program not installed"
- end
- f:close()
- return cmd_output_result,cmd_output_error
-- Return a table with the config-content of a file
-- Commented/Blank lines are ignored
local function get_value_from_file(file)
@@ -77,26 +104,12 @@ local function recursedir(path, filearray)
-local function autostarts()
- local cmd_output_result
- local cmd = "/sbin/rc_status | egrep '^S' | egrep '" .. processname .."' 2>/dev/null"
- local f = io.popen( cmd )
- local cmdresult = f:read("*a")
- if (cmdresult) and (#cmdresult > 0) then
- cmd_output_result = "Process will autostart at next boot (at sequence '" .. string.match(cmdresult,"^%a+(%d%d)") .. "')"
- else
- cmd_output_error = "Not programmed to autostart"
- end
- f:close()
- return cmd_output_result, cmd_output_error
-- Functin to split items into a table
local function split_config_items(orgitem)
local delimiter = ":"
local output = {}
output = format.string_to_table(string.sub(orgitem,1,1) .. ":" .. string.sub(orgitem,2),delimiter)
- output.type = check_signs("prefix")
+ output.type = descr['prefix']
output.type = output.type[string.sub(orgitem,1,1)] or "unknown"
return output
@@ -111,14 +124,9 @@ local function searchforconfigfiles()
table.insert(configfiles, v)
- -- Debug option (adds the sampleconfig content)
--- table.insert(configfiles, "/usr/share/acf/app/tinydns/sampleconfig.conf")
local function recurseoutput(table,cnt)
if not (cnt) then cnt=0 end
cnt = cnt + 1
@@ -203,6 +211,54 @@ local function validfilename(path)
return false, "Not a valid filename!"
+-- Example taken from PIL
+-- Sort by Keys
+local function pairsByKeys(t,f)
+ local a = {}
+ for n in pairs(t) do
+ -- This is to fix some bug when next table is indexnumber instead of name
+ if (tonumber(n) == nil) then
+ a[#a + 1] = n
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(a,f)
+ local i = 0 -- iterator variable
+ return function () --iterator function
+ i = i + 1
+ return a[i], t[a[i]]
+ end
+local function rebuild_table(t,domains_rebuilt)
+ if not (type(t) == "string") then
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if (tonumber(k)) then
+ table.insert(domains_rebuilt, v)
+ else
+ table.insert(domains_rebuilt, {label=k})
+ rebuild_table(v,domains_rebuilt[#domains_rebuilt])
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(domains_rebuilt, function(a,b) return (a.label < b.label) end)
+ end
+-- This function removes all records that doesn't have the filter-value
+local function filter_table(t1,domains_filtered,filter)
+ if not (type(t1) == "string") then
+ for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do
+ for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do
+ if (v2.label) then
+ if ( string.find(filter,v2.label) ) then
+ table.insert(domains_filtered, v2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
-- ################################################################################
@@ -212,47 +268,9 @@ end
-- This function could be used to check that valid parameters are used in different places
function check_signs(sign)
- local output = {}
- local output = {prefix={
- ['.']="Name server for your domain (NS + A + SOA)",
- ['&']="Deletegate subdomain (NS + A)",
- ['=']="Host (A + PTR)",
- ['+']="Alias (A, no PTR)",
- ['@']="Mail exchanger (MX)",
- ["'"]="Text record (TXT)",
- ['^']="Reverse record (PTR)",
- ['C']="Canonical Name (CNAME)",
- ['Z']="SOA record (SOA)",
- [':']="Generic record",
- ['%']="Client location",
- },
- reverse={
- ['nsourdomain']=".",
- ['nsdomain']="&",
- ['host']="=",
- ['alias']="+",
- ['mx']="@",
- ['ptr']="^",
- ['cname']="C",
- ['soa']="Z",
- [':']=":",
- ['locations']="%",
- },
- fieldlabels={
- ['.']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['&']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['=']={"Prefix", "Host", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['+']={"Prefix", "Alias", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['@']={"Prefix", "Domain", "IP address", "Mail exchanger", "Distance", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['^']={"Prefix", "PTR", "Domain name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['C']={"Prefix", "Domain name", "Canonical name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", },
- ['Z']={"Prefix", "Unknown", "Primary name server", "Contact address", "Serial number", "Refresh time", "Retry time", "Expire time", "Minimum time", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location",},
- [':']={"Prefix", },
- ['%']={"Prefix", },
- },
- }
- if (sign) then
- output = output[sign]
+ local output
+ if (sign) and (descr[sign]) then
+ output = descr[sign]
return output
@@ -260,12 +278,14 @@ end
-- Present some general status
function getstatus()
local status = {}
- local version,versionerrtxt = get_version()
+ local value, errtxt = processinfo.package_version(packagename)
status.version = cfe({ name = "version",
label="Program version",
- value=version,
- errtxt=versionerrtxt,
+ value=value,
+ errtxt=errtxt,
status.status = cfe({ name="status",
label="Program status",
@@ -281,7 +301,7 @@ function getstatus()
- local autostart_sequense, autostart_errtxt = autostarts()
+ local autostart_sequense, autostart_errtxt = processinfo.process_botsequence(processname)
status.autostart = cfe({ name="autostart",
label="Autostart sequence",
@@ -297,8 +317,6 @@ function getlocations(self,filter_type)
local config = {}
local configobjects = {}
local locations = {}
- local debug
- local version,versionerrtxt = get_version()
local listenaddr = getopts.getoptsfromfile_onperline(configfile,"IP") or {}
-- Loop through all available configfiles
@@ -344,54 +362,6 @@ function getconfig(self,filter_type)
return config
--- Example taken from PIL
--- Sort by Keys
-local function pairsByKeys(t,f)
- local a = {}
- for n in pairs(t) do
- -- This is to fix some bug when next table is indexnumber instead of name
- if (tonumber(n) == nil) then
- a[#a + 1] = n
- end
- end
- table.sort(a,f)
- local i = 0 -- iterator variable
- return function () --iterator function
- i = i + 1
- return a[i], t[a[i]]
- end
-local function rebuild_table(t,domains_rebuilt)
- if not (type(t) == "string") then
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- if (tonumber(k)) then
- table.insert(domains_rebuilt, v)
- else
- table.insert(domains_rebuilt, {label=k})
- rebuild_table(v,domains_rebuilt[#domains_rebuilt])
- end
- end
- table.sort(domains_rebuilt, function(a,b) return (a.label < b.label) end)
- end
--- This function removes all records that doesn't have the filter-value
-local function filter_table(t1,domains_filtered,filter)
- if not (type(t1) == "string") then
- for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do
- for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do
- if (v2.label) then
- if ( string.find(filter,v2.label) ) then
- table.insert(domains_filtered, v2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-- If you enter 'filter_type' (this should be one of the options found in local function check_signs() ) then
-- the output will be filtered to only contain this type of data.
function getconfigobjects(self,filter_type, filter_levels)
@@ -409,8 +379,8 @@ function getconfigobjects(self,filter_type, filter_levels)
-- Create domain information tables
local domain
- -- * START * COMMONT SETTINGS ***************************************************************************************
- local descr=check_signs("prefix")
+ -- * START * COMMONT SETTINGS ****************************************
+ local descr=descr['prefix']
-- Use only configs that has a valid prefix
-- We filter away location-definitions
-- If function is called with some filter options... then show only the filtered values
@@ -616,7 +586,7 @@ function getconfigobjects(self,filter_type, filter_levels)
- -- * END * COMMONT SETTINGS ***************************************************************************************
+ -- * END * COMMONT SETTINGS ********************************************
-- Inject the previous data into the right table
local value = filecontent_table[2]
local currenttable
@@ -651,84 +621,6 @@ function getconfigobjects(self,filter_type, filter_levels)
return domains_filtered
--- Function to recursively inserts all filenames in a dir into an array
-local function recursedir(path, filearray)
- local k,v
- for k,v in pairs(posix.dir(path) or {}) do
- -- Ignore files that begins with a '.'
- if not string.match(v, "^%.") then
- local f = path .. "/" .. v
- -- If subfolder exists, list files in this subfolder
- if (posix.stat(f).type == "directory") then
- recursedir(f, filearray)
- else
- table.insert(filearray, f)
- end
- end
- end
--- ################################################################################
--- DEBUG INFORMATION (Everything below will be deleted in the future)
-function getdebug()
- local debug = {}
- local signs = get_available_signs("prefix") or {}
- debug.debugprefixes = cfe({
- name = "debugprefixes",
- label="Available prefixes",
- option=signs,
- type="select",
- size=table.maxn(signs)+1,
- })
- local signs = get_available_signs("suffix") or {}
- debug.debugsuffixes = cfe({
- name = "debugsuffixes",
- label="Available suffixes",
- option=signs,
- type="select",
- size=table.maxn(signs)+1,
- })
- debug.configdir = cfe({
- name = "configdir",
- label="configdir",
- value=configdir,
- })
- debug.datafile = cfe({
- name = "datafile",
- label="datafile",
- value=datafile,
- })
- for k,v in pairs(configfiles) do
- local cnfcontent
- fake, cnfcontent = get_value_from_file(v)
- for kk,vv in pairs(cnfcontent) do
- table.insert(configitems,vv)
- end
- end
- debug.configitems = cfe({
- name = "configitems",
- label="configitems",
- option=configitems,
- type="select",
- })
- debug.configfiles = cfe({
- name = "configfiles",
- label="configfiles",
- option=configfiles,
- type="select",
- })
- return debug
function getfilelist ()
local listed_files = {}
for k,v in pairs{baseurl} do
@@ -740,12 +632,6 @@ function getfilelist ()
function get_filedetails(self,path)
--- local path
--- if (num == "2") then
--- path = configfile2
--- else
--- path = configfile
--- end
if not (validfilename(path)) then
return false, "Not a valid filename!"
@@ -802,6 +688,7 @@ function get_filedetails(self,path)
return file
function updatefilecontent (self, filetochange)
local path =
local modifications = filetochange.value