module(..., package.seeall) require("procps") require("getopts") require("fs") require("format") local configdir local datafile local configfiles = {} local configitems = {} local processname = "tinydns" local configfile = "/etc/conf.d/" .. processname local initdoptions = getopts.getoptsfromfile_onperline("/etc/init.d/" .. processname) if (initdoptions) then configdir = initdoptions.DATADIR datafile = initdoptions.ROOT .. "/data" or "/var/cache/data" else configdir = "/etc/" .. processname datafile = "/var/cache/data" end --configdir = "hidden for the moment - This row is here only for debug purpose" -- ################################################################################ -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS local function get_version() local cmd_output_result, cmd_output_error local cmd = "/sbin/apk_version -vs " .. processname .." 2>/dev/null" local f = io.popen( cmd ) local cmdresult = f:read("*l") if (cmdresult) and (#cmdresult > 0) then cmd_output_result = string.match(cmdresult,"^%S*") or "Unknown" else cmd_output_error = "Program not installed" end f:close() return cmd_output_result,cmd_output_error end -- Return a table with the config-content of a file -- Commented/Blank lines are ignored local function get_value_from_file(file) local output = {} local filecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(file) for i=1,table.maxn(filecontent) do local l = filecontent[i] if not (string.find ( l, "^[;#].*" )) and not (string.find (l, "^%s*$")) then table.insert(output, string.match(l,"(.-)%s*$")) end end if (#output > 0) then return true, output else return false, output end end -- Function to recursively inserts all filenames in a dir into an array local function recursedir(path, filearray) local k,v for k,v in pairs(posix.dir(path) or {}) do -- Ignore files that begins with a '.' if not string.match(v, "^%.") then local f = path .. "/" .. v -- If subfolder exists, list files in this subfolder if (posix.stat(f).type == "directory") then recursedir(f, filearray) else table.insert(filearray, f) end end end end -- Functin to split items into a table local function split_config_items(orgitem) local delimiter = ":" local output = {} output = format.string_to_table(string.sub(orgitem,1,1) .. ":" .. string.sub(orgitem,2),delimiter) output.type = check_signs("prefix") output.type = output.type[string.sub(orgitem,1,1)] or "unknown" return output end -- Feed the configfiles table with list of all availage configfiles local function searchforconfigfiles() local cnffile = {} recursedir(configdir, cnffile) for k,v in pairs(cnffile) do local configcontent = get_value_from_file(v) if (configcontent) then table.insert(configfiles, v) end end -- Debug option (adds the sampleconfig content) -- table.insert(configfiles, "/usr/share/acf/app/tinydns/sampleconfig.conf") end searchforconfigfiles() local function recurseoutput(table,cnt) if not (cnt) then cnt=0 end cnt = cnt + 1 for k,v in pairs(table or {}) do if (type(v) == "string") then io.write(" ".. tostring(v) .. "
") else io.write(" ".. tostring(k) .. "
") recurseoutput(v,cnt) end end end -- Create table with doman levels local function recursedomains(t,array,maxn,currnum) if not (currnum) then currnum = maxn + 1 end currnum = currnum - 1 if not (currnum == 0) then if not (array[t[currnum]]) then array[t[currnum]] = {} end recursedomains(t,array[t[currnum]],maxn,currnum) end -- FIXME: This is a /really uggly/ hack to return the current table -- If it's fixed nicely... it would be wonderful! if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]][t[maxn-4]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]][t[maxn-4]][t[maxn-5]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]][t[maxn-4]][t[maxn-5]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]][t[maxn-4]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]][t[maxn-4]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]][t[maxn-3]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]][t[maxn-2]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) and (array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]]) then return array[t[maxn]][t[maxn-1]] end if (array[t[maxn]]) then return array[t[maxn]] end end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- This function could be used to check that valid parameters are used in different places function check_signs(sign) local output = {} local output = {prefix={ ['.']="Name server for your domain", ['&']="Name server", ['=']="Host", ['+']="Alias", ['@']="Mail exchanger", ['=']="Host", ['^']="PTR record", ['C']="Canonical Name", ['Z']="SOA record", [':']="Generic record", ['%']="Client location", }} output = output[sign] return output end -- Present some general status function getstatus() local status = {} local version,versionerrtxt = get_version() status.version = cfe({ name = "version", label="Program version", value=version, errtxt=versionerrtxt, }) status.status = cfe({ name="status", label="Program status", value=procps.pidof(processname), }) status.configdir = cfe({ name="configdir", label="Config directory", value=configdir, }) status.configfiles = cfe({ name="configfiles", label="Config files", value=configfiles, }) return status end -- Return config-information function getlocations(self,filter_type) local config = {} local configobjects = {} local locations = {} local debug local version,versionerrtxt = get_version() local listenaddr = getopts.getoptsfromfile_onperline(configfile,"IP") or {} -- Loop through all available configfiles for k,v in pairs(configfiles) do local filecontent, fileresult fileresult, filecontent = get_value_from_file(v) for kk,vv in pairs(filecontent) do local domaindetails = {} local filecontent_table = split_config_items(vv) -- This is mostly for debugging -- This table contains all available configs table.insert(configobjects, cfe({ name=vv, value=vv, option=filecontent_table, })) -- Create a table with location items -- Containing all objects that start with % if (filecontent_table[1] == "%") then if not (locations[filecontent_table[2]]) then locations[filecontent_table[2]] = {} end table.insert(locations[filecontent_table[2]], filecontent_table[3]) end end end return locations end function getconfig(self,filter_type) local config = {} local listenaddr = getopts.getoptsfromfile_onperline(configfile,"IP") or {} config.listen = cfe({ name = "listen", label="IP address to listen on", value=listenaddr.IP or "", }) return config end -- Example taken from PIL -- Sort by Keys local function pairsByKeys(t,f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do -- This is to fix some bug when next table is indexnumber instead of name if (tonumber(n) == nil) then a[#a + 1] = n end end table.sort(a,f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable return function () --iterator function i = i + 1 return a[i], t[a[i]] end end local function rebuild_table(t,domains_rebuilt) if not (type(t) == "string") then for k,v in pairs(t) do if (tonumber(k)) then table.insert(domains_rebuilt, v) else table.insert(domains_rebuilt, {label=k}) rebuild_table(v,domains_rebuilt[#domains_rebuilt]) end end table.sort(domains_rebuilt, function(a,b) return (a.label < b.label) end) end end -- This function removes all records that doesn't have the filter-value local function filter_table(t1,domains_filtered,filter) if not (type(t1) == "string") then for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do if (v2.label) then if ( string.find(filter,v2.label) ) then table.insert(domains_filtered, v2) end end end end end end -- If you enter 'filter_type' (this should be one of the options found in local function check_signs() ) then -- the output will be filtered to only contain this type of data. function getconfigobjects(self,filter_type, filter_levels) local domains = {} --Loop through all available configfiles for k,v in pairs(configfiles) do local filecontent, fileresult fileresult, filecontent = get_value_from_file(v) for kk,vv in pairs(filecontent) do local domaindetails = {} local filecontent_table = split_config_items(vv) -- Create domain information tables local domain -- * START * COMMONT SETTINGS *************************************************************************************** local descr=check_signs("prefix") -- Use only configs that has a valid prefix -- We filter away location-definitions -- If function is called with some filter options... then show only the filtered values if ( not (filter_type) or ( (filter_type) and (filter_type == filecontent_table[1]))) and (descr[filecontent_table[1]]) and not (filecontent_table[1] == "%") then domain = format.string_to_table(filecontent_table[2], "%.") -- We rebuild the table and add previous level-information to the current level for i = table.maxn(domain),2,-1 do domain[i-1] = domain[i-1] .. "." .. domain[i] end local domainoptions = {} -- Add details to the previous object table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name="type", label="Type", value=descr[filecontent_table[1]], })) -- Set values and labels for field #3 local name = "ip" local label = "IP address" -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == "^") or (filecontent_table[1] == "C") then name = "pointdomain" label = "Domain" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "mname" label = "Primary nameserver" end if (filecontent_table[1] == ":") then name = "rectype" label = "Type of record" end if (filecontent_table[3]) and (#filecontent_table[3]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[3], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #4 name = "ttl" label = "Time to live" -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == ".") or (filecontent_table[1] == "&") then name = "ns" label = "Name server" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "@") then name = "mx" label = "Mail exchanger" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "rname" label = "Contact address" end if (filecontent_table[4]) and (#filecontent_table[4]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[4], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #5 name = "timestamp" label = "Time stamp" -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == ".") or (filecontent_table[1] == "&") then name = "ttl" label = "Time to live" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "@") then name = "dist" label = "Distance" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "ser" label = "Serial number" end if (filecontent_table[5]) and (#filecontent_table[5]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[5], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #6 name = "lo" label = "Location" -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == ".") or (filecontent_table[1] == "&") then name = "timestamp" label = "Time stamp" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "@") then name = "ttl" label = "Time to live" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "ref" label = "Refresh time" end if (filecontent_table[6]) and (#filecontent_table[6]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[6], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #7 local name = nil local label = nil -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == ".") or (filecontent_table[1] == "&") then name = "lo" label = "Location" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "@") then name = "timestamp" label = "Timestamp" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "ret" label = "Retry time" end if (filecontent_table[7]) and (#filecontent_table[7]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[7], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #8 local name = nil local label = nil -- Some configs uses third column in some other way if (filecontent_table[1] == "@") then name = "lo" label = "Location" end if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then name = "exp" label = "Expire time" end if (filecontent_table[8]) and (#filecontent_table[8]> 0) and (name) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name=name, label=label, value=filecontent_table[8], })) end -- Set values and labels for field #9-12 if (filecontent_table[1] == "Z") then if (filecontent_table[9]) and (#filecontent_table[9]> 0) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name="min", label="Minimum time", value=filecontent_table[9], })) end if (filecontent_table[10]) and (#filecontent_table[10]> 0) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name="ttl", label="Time to live", value=filecontent_table[10], })) end if (filecontent_table[11]) and (#filecontent_table[11]> 0) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name="timestamp", label="Time stamp", value=filecontent_table[11], })) end if (filecontent_table[12]) and (#filecontent_table[12]> 0) then table.insert(domainoptions, cfe ({ name="location", label="Location", value=filecontent_table[12], })) end end -- This is the main information on each object domaindetails = cfe ({ name=filecontent_table[2], label=filecontent_table[2], option=domainoptions, }) end -- * END * COMMONT SETTINGS *************************************************************************************** -- Inject the previous data into the right table local value = filecontent_table[2] local currenttable if (type(domain) == "table") then currenttable = recursedomains(domain, domains, table.maxn(domain)) end ---[[ if (domaindetails.value) then table.insert (currenttable , domaindetails) end --]] end end -- TODO: Sort the domains table! -- Sorting is not possible when things is done as they are (se above) -- problem comese when we use keynames instead of [1], [2], ... -- Next we rebuild the domains table and do it so it can be sorted local domains_sorted = {} local domains_rebuilt = {} rebuild_table(domains,domains_rebuilt) -- Filter away not wanted records local domains_filtered = {} -- local filter_level2 = "" -- < This is DEBUG!!! REMOVE WHEN DONE! -- filter_table(domains_rebuilt,domains_filtered,filter_level2) domains_filtered = domains_rebuilt return domains_filtered end -- ################################################################################ -- DEBUG INFORMATION (Everything below will be deleted in the future) function getdebug() local debug = {} --[[ local signs = get_available_signs("prefix") or {} debug.debugprefixes = cfe({ name = "debugprefixes", label="Available prefixes", option=signs, type="select", size=table.maxn(signs)+1, }) local signs = get_available_signs("suffix") or {} debug.debugsuffixes = cfe({ name = "debugsuffixes", label="Available suffixes", option=signs, type="select", size=table.maxn(signs)+1, }) --]] debug.configdir = cfe({ name = "configdir", label="configdir", value=configdir, }) debug.datafile = cfe({ name = "datafile", label="datafile", value=datafile, }) for k,v in pairs(configfiles) do local cnfcontent fake, cnfcontent = get_value_from_file(v) for kk,vv in pairs(cnfcontent) do table.insert(configitems,vv) end end ---[[ debug.configitems = cfe({ name = "configitems", label="configitems", option=configitems, type="select", }) --]] debug.configfiles = cfe({ name = "configfiles", label="configfiles", option=configfiles, type="select", }) return debug end