module(..., package.seeall) -- Load libraries require("modelfunctions") require("getopts") require("fs") require("format") require("validator") -- Set variables local configfiles = {} local packagename = "tinydns" local processname = "tinydns" local configfile = "/etc/conf.d/" .. processname local configdir = "/etc/"..processname local descr = { prefix={ ['.']="Name server for your domain (NS + A + SOA)", ['&']="Delegate subdomain (NS + A)", ['=']="Host (A + PTR)", ['+']="Alias (A, no PTR)", ['@']="Mail exchanger (MX)", ["'"]="Text record (TXT)", ['^']="Reverse record (PTR)", ['C']="Canonical name (CNAME)", ['Z']="SOA record (SOA)", [':']="Generic record", ['%']="Client location", }, fieldlabels={ ['.']={"Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['&']={"Domain", "IP address", "Name server", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['=']={"Host", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['+']={"Alias", "IP address", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['@']={"Domain", "IP address", "Mail exchanger", "Distance", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['\'']={"Domain", "Text Record", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['^']={"PTR", "Domain name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['C']={"Domain", "Canonical name", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['Z']={"Domain", "Primary name server", "Contact address", "Serial number", "Refresh time", "Retry time", "Expire time", "Minimum time", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location",}, [':']={"Domain", "Record type", "Record data", "Time to live", "Timestamp", "Location", }, ['%']={"Location", "IP prefix", }, }, } -- ################################################################################ -- LOCAL FUNCTIONS -- Return a table with the config-content of a file -- Commented/Blank lines are ignored local function get_value_from_file(file) local output = {} local filecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(file) for i=1,table.maxn(filecontent) do local l = filecontent[i] if not (string.find ( l, "^[;#].*" )) and not (string.find (l, "^%s*$")) then table.insert(output, string.match(l,"(.-)%s*$")) end end if (#output > 0) then return true, output else return false, output end end -- Function to recursively inserts all filenames in a dir into an array local function recursedir(path, filearray) local k,v for k,v in pairs(posix.dir(path) or {}) do -- Ignore files that begins with a '.' if not string.match(v, "^%.") then local f = path .. "/" .. v -- If subfolder exists, list files in this subfolder if (posix.stat(f).type == "directory") then recursedir(f, filearray) else table.insert(filearray, f) end end end end -- Functin to split items into a table local function split_config_items(orgitem) local delimiter = ":" local output = {} output = format.string_to_table(string.sub(orgitem,2),delimiter) output.type = string.sub(orgitem,1,1) output.label = descr['prefix'][output.type] return output end -- Feed the configfiles table with list of all available and allowed configfiles local function searchforconfigfiles(allowedlist) if #configfiles > 0 then return configfiles end local cnffile = {} recursedir(configdir, cnffile) if allowedlist then local reverseallowed = {} for x,name in ipairs(allowedlist) do reverseallowed[name] = x end for k,v in pairs(cnffile) do if reverseallowed[v] then table.insert(configfiles, v) end end else configfiles = cnffile end return configfiles end local function validfilename(path) for k,v in pairs(configfiles) do if (v == path) then return true end end return false, "Not a valid filename!" end -- ################################################################################ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS function startstop_service(action) return modelfunctions.startstop_service(processname, action) end -- Present some general status function getstatus() local status = modelfunctions.getstatus(processname, packagename, "TinyDNS Status") status.value.configdir = cfe({ label="Config directory", value=configdir, }) local config = getconfig() status.value.listen = config.value.listen return status end function getconfig() local config = {} local listenaddr = getopts.getoptsfromfile(configfile,"","IP") or "" config.listen = cfe({ label="IP address to listen on", value=listenaddr, }) local test, errtxt = validator.is_ipv4(config.listen.value) if not test then config.listen.errtxt = errtxt end return cfe({ type="group", value=config, label="TinyDNS Configuration" }) end function setconfig(conf) local test, errtxt = validator.is_ipv4(conf.value.listen.value) if not test then conf.value.listen.errtxt = errtxt conf.errtxt = "Failed to set configuration" else getopts.setoptsinfile(configfile,"","IP",conf.value.listen.value) end return conf end -- If you enter 'filter_type' (this should be one of the options found in local function check_signs() ) then -- the output will be filtered to only contain this type of data. function getconfigobjects(file_name, allowedfiles, filter_type) configfiles = searchforconfigfiles(allowedfiles) local configobjects = {} --Loop through all available configfiles for i,filename in pairs(configfiles) do if not file_name or file_name == filename then local filecontent = fs.read_file_as_array(filename) for linenumber,configline in ipairs(filecontent) do local domaindetails = {} local filecontent_table = split_config_items(configline) filecontent_table.configline = configline -- Use only configs that has a valid prefix -- If function is called with some filter options... then show only the filtered values if ( not (filter_type) or ((filter_type) and (filter_type == filecontent_table.type)) ) and (filecontent_table.label) then filecontent_table.filename = filename filecontent_table.linenumber = linenumber -- we're gonna add a reverse domain name to make it easier to sort local domain = {} for mt in string.gmatch(filecontent_table[1], "([^.]+)") do table.insert(domain, mt) end local reversedomain = {} for i=#domain,1,-1 do table.insert(reversedomain, domain[i]) end filecontent_table.sort = table.concat(reversedomain, ".") -- add it to the table table.insert(configobjects, filecontent_table) end end end end -- Sort the table by domain name (entry 1) table.sort(configobjects, function(a,b) if a == b then return false elseif a.sort ~= b.sort then return a.sort < b.sort elseif a.configline ~= b.configline then return a.configline < b.configline end a.errtxt = "Duplicate entry" b.errtxt = "Duplicate entry" return false end) for i,entry in ipairs(configobjects) do entry.sort = nil end return cfe({ type="structure", value=configobjects, label="DNS Entries", filename=file_name, fieldlabels=descr.fieldlabels }) end function getfilelist(allowedfiles) configfiles = searchforconfigfiles(allowedfiles) return cfe({ type="list", value=configfiles, label="List of config files" }) end function get_filedetails(path, allowedfiles) configfiles = searchforconfigfiles(allowedfiles) if not validfilename(path) then local result = modelfunctions.getfiledetails("") result.value.filename.value = path return result else return modelfunctions.getfiledetails(path) end end function set_filedetails (filedetails, allowedfiles) configfiles = searchforconfigfiles(allowedfiles) filedetails.value.filecontent.value = string.gsub(format.dostounix(filedetails.value.filecontent.value), "\n+$", "") local success, errtxt = validfilename(filedetails.value.filename.value) if success then fs.write_file(filedetails.value.filename.value, filedetails.value.filecontent.value) filedetails = get_filedetails(filedetails.value.filename.value) else filedetails.value.filename.errtxt = errtxt filedetails.errtxt = "Failed to set config file" end return filedetails end function getnewconfigfile() local options = {} options.filename = cfe({ value=configdir.."/", label="File Name" }) return cfe({ type="group", value=options, label="New config file" }) end function createconfigfile(self, configfile, allowedfiles) configfile.errtxt = "Failed to create file" local path = configfile.value.filename.value local validfilepath, filepatherror = validator.is_valid_filename(path,configdir) if (validfilepath) then if (fs.is_file(path)) then configfile.value.filename.errtxt = "File already exists" else local file =, "w") file:close() configfile.errtxt = nil -- We have to add this file to the allowed list local found = false for i,name in ipairs(allowedfiles) do if name == configfile.value.filename.value then found = true break end end if not found then -- this modifies the session allowedfiles[#allowedfiles + 1] = configfile.value.filename.value require("authenticator") authenticator.change_setting(self, self.sessiondata.userinfo.userid, "dnsfiles", allowedfiles) end end else configfile.value.filename.errtxt = filepatherror end return configfile end function remove_file(path, allowedfiles) configfiles = searchforconfigfiles(allowedfiles) local success = "Failed to delete file" local errtxt if not (fs.is_file(path)) then errtxt = "File doesn't exist!" elseif (validfilename(path)) then local cmd, errors = io.popen( "/bin/rm " .. path, r ) local cmdoutput = cmd:read("*a") cmd:close() success = "File Deleted" else errtxt = "Not a valid filename!" end return cfe({ value=success, label="Delete config file result", errtxt=errtxt }) end