path: root/weblog-model.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'weblog-model.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/weblog-model.lua b/weblog-model.lua
index dd22723..619a538 100644
--- a/weblog-model.lua
+++ b/weblog-model.lua
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ local database_creation_script = {
"CREATE TABLE weblog(sourcename character varying(40), clientip inet NOT NULL, clientuserid character varying(64) NOT NULL, logdatetime timestamp(3) without time zone NOT NULL, uri text NOT NULL, bytes bigint NOT NULL, reason text, score integer, shortreason text, badyesno int, deniedyesno int, bypassyesno int, wordloc text, goodwordloc text, selected boolean, id serial)",
"CREATE TABLE source (sourcename character varying(40) NOT NULL, method character varying(100) NOT NULL, userid character varying(32), passwd character varying(255), source character varying(255) NOT NULL, tzislocal boolean, enabled boolean)",
"CREATE TABLE usagestat (sourcename character varying(40) NOT NULL, date timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL, numrequest integer, numblock integer)",
- "CREATE TABLE watchlist (clientuserid character varying(64) NOT NULL, expiredatetime timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL)",
"ALTER TABLE ONLY source ADD CONSTRAINT source_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sourcename)",
"CREATE INDEX dbhistlogdatetimeidx ON dbhistlog USING btree (logdatetime)",
"CREATE INDEX pubweblogclientdateidx ON pubweblog USING btree (logdatetime, clientuserid)",
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ local database_creation_script = {
"GRANT SELECT ON pubweblog_history TO "..DatabaseUser,
"GRANT SELECT ON usagestat TO "..DatabaseUser,
- "GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON watchlist TO "..DatabaseUser,
-- ################################################################################
@@ -231,20 +229,6 @@ local deletesourceentry = function(sourcename)
return res
--- Add blocked users (from blocklog) to the watchlist, removing old entries if updated.
-local addtowatchlist = function()
- local watchdays = config.watchdays or 14
- local sql = "insert into watchlist select clientuserid, " ..
- "(max(logdatetime) + INTERVAL '"..watchdays.." days') as expiredatetime " ..
- "from weblog where deniedyesno > '0' group by clientuserid"
- local res1 = assert (con:execute(sql))
- sql = "delete from watchlist where exists " ..
- "(select * from watchlist w where w.clientuserid = watchlist.clientuserid " ..
- "and w.expiredatetime > watchlist.expiredatetime)"
- local res2 = assert (con:execute(sql))
- logme("There are now " .. (res1-res2) .. " new names in the watchlist")
-- Generate usage statistics from weblog and blocklog
local updateusagestats = function()
-- update the usagestat table from weblog
@@ -270,12 +254,6 @@ local importpubweblog = function()
logme("truncated staging table")
--- Delete people from the watchlist when they have expired out
-local groomwatchlist = function()
- local res = assert (con:execute("delete from watchlist where expiredatetime < now()"))
- logme("removed " .. res .. " names from watchlist")
-- Delete useage stats from more than a year ago
local groomusagestat = function()
local res = assert (con:execute("delete from usagestat where " ..
@@ -293,7 +271,6 @@ end
-- Delete old junk from pub tables
local groompublogs = function()
local purgedays = config.purgedays or 30
- --local watchdays = config.watchdays or 14
local now = os.time()
@@ -310,33 +287,6 @@ local groompublogs = function()
logme("Deleted " .. res .. " old records to from pubweblog")
-local listwatchlistentries = function()
- local entries = {}
- -- retrieve a cursor
- cur = assert (con:execute("SELECT * from watchlist ORDER BY clientuserid"))
- row = cur:fetch ({}, "a")
- while row do
- entries[#entries+1] = {clientuserid = row.clientuserid, expiredatetime= row.expiredatetime}
- row = cur:fetch (row, "a")
- end
- -- close everything
- cur:close()
- return entries
-local importwatchlistentry = function(clientuserid, expiredatetime)
- local sql = string.format("INSERT INTO watchlist VALUES ('%s', '%s')",
- escape(clientuserid), escape(expiredatetime))
- local res = assert (con:execute(sql))
- return res
-local deletewatchlistentry = function(clientuserid)
- local sql = string.format("DELETE FROM watchlist WHERE clientuserid='%s'", escape(clientuserid))
- local res = assert (con:execute(sql))
- return res
local generatewhereclause = function(clientuserid, starttime, endtime, clientip, badyesno, deniedyesno, bypassyesno, score, urisearch, selected)
local sql = ""
local where = {}
@@ -1002,10 +952,8 @@ function importlogs()
-- Process the logs
if success then
- addtowatchlist()
- groomwatchlist()
-- Purge old database entries
@@ -1042,102 +990,6 @@ function getactivitylog()
return retval
-function getwatchlist()
- local retval = cfe({ type="list", value={}, label="Weblog Watchlist" })
- local res, err = pcall(function()
- databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- retval.value = listwatchlistentries() or {}
- databasedisconnect()
- end)
- if not res then
- retval.errtxt = err
- end
- return retval
-function getnewwatchlistentry()
- local watch = {}
- watch.clientuserid = cfe({ label="User ID" })
- local watchdays = config.watchdays or 14
- watch.expiredatetime = cfe({"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", os.time() + watchdays*86400), label="Expiration Date" })
- return cfe({ type="group", value=watch, label="Watchlist Entry" })
-local function validatewatchlistentry(watch)
- local success = true
- for i,name in ipairs({"clientuserid", "expiredatetime"}) do
- if watch.value[name].value == "" then
- watch.value[name].errtxt = "Cannot be empty"
- success = false
- end
- end
- if not watch.value.expiredatetime.errtxt then
- local res, err = pcall(function()
- databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- local s
- s,watch.value.expiredatetime.errtxt = testdatabaseentry("TIMESTAMP", watch.value.expiredatetime.value)
- databasedisconnect()
- success = success and s
- end)
- if not res and err then
- watch.value.expiredatetime.errtxt = err
- success = false
- end
- end
- return success
-function createwatchlistentry(watch)
- watch.value.clientuserid.value = watch.value.clientuserid.value:lower()
- watch.errtxt = "Failed to create watchlist entry"
- local success = validatewatchlistentry(watch)
- if success then
- local res, err = pcall(function()
- databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- local watchlist = listwatchlistentries() or {}
- for i,w in ipairs(watchlist) do
- if w.clientuserid == watch.value.clientuserid.value then
- watch.value.clientuserid.errtxt = "User ID already exists"
- success = false
- break
- end
- end
- if success then
- local count = importwatchlistentry(watch.value.clientuserid.value, watch.value.expiredatetime.value)
- if count > 0 then
- watch.errtxt = nil
- end
- end
- databasedisconnect()
- end)
- if not res and err then
- watch.errtxt = watch.errtxt .. "\n" .. err
- end
- end
- return watch
-function deletewatchlistent(clientuserid)
- local result = cfe({ errtxt="Failed to delete watchlist entry", label="Delete watchlist entry result" })
- local res, err = pcall(function()
- databaseconnect(DatabaseUser)
- local number = deletewatchlistentry(clientuserid)
- databasedisconnect()
- if number > 0 then
- result.value = "Watchlist entry deleted"
- result.errtxt = nil
- end
- end)
- if not res and err then
- result.errtxt = result.errtxt .. "\n" .. err
- end
- return result
local validateparameters = function(params)
local success = true
if params.clientip.value ~= "" and string.find(params.clientip.value, "[^%d%.]") then
@@ -1323,7 +1175,6 @@ function getconfig()
result.sortby = cfe({ type="select", value=config.sortby or "logdatetime", label="Sort By field", option={"logdatetime", "logdatetime DESC", "clientuserid", "clientuserid DESC", "clientip", "clientip DESC", "bytes", "bytes DESC", "score", "score DESC", "reason"}, seq=4 })
result.minimumscore = cfe({ value=config.minimumscore or "0", label="Minimum Score", descr="Minimum Score to search for", seq=5 })
result.window = cfe({ value=config.window or "5", label="Time Window", descr="Minutes of activity to display before and after selected block", seq=6 })
- result.watchdays = cfe({ value=config.watchdays or "14", label="Days to Watch", descr="Number of additional days to keep history for users in watchlist", seq=9 })
result.purgedays = cfe({ value=config.purgedays or "30", label="Days before Purge", descr="Days to keep history, regardless of audit", seq=10 })
result.shorturi = cfe({ type="boolean", value=(config.shorturi == "true"), label="Truncate URLs", descr="You can limit the length of displayed URLs by enabling this option", seq=7 })
result.shortreason = cfe({ type="boolean", value=(config.shortreason == "true"), label="Short Reason", descr="Display a short reason (dansguardian only)", seq=8 })
@@ -1340,10 +1191,6 @@ local function validateconfig(newconfig)
newconfig.value.window.errtxt = "Must be a number"
success = false
- if not validator.is_integer(newconfig.value.watchdays.value) then
- newconfig.value.watchdays.errtxt = "Must be a number"
- success = false
- end
if not validator.is_integer(newconfig.value.purgedays.value) then
newconfig.value.purgedays.errtxt = "Must be a number"
success = false
@@ -1375,7 +1222,6 @@ function updateconfig(newconfig)
configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "auditstart", newconfig.value.auditstart.value)
configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "auditend", newconfig.value.auditend.value)
configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "window", newconfig.value.window.value)
- configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "watchdays", newconfig.value.watchdays.value)
configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "purgedays", newconfig.value.purgedays.value)
--configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "groupby", newconfig.value.groupby.value)
configcontent = format.update_ini_file(configcontent, "", "shorturi", tostring(newconfig.value.shorturi.value))