#!/usr/bin/lua5.3 local request = require("http.request") local yaml = require("lyaml") local json = require("cjson") local utils = require("utils") local conf = require("config") ---- -- convert apkindex list to a table function get_apkindexes() local res = {} local qty = 0 for line in io.lines(conf.apkindex_list) do branch, repo, arch = line:match("^alpine/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/APKINDEX.tar.gz") if type(res[branch]) == "nil" then res[branch] = {} end if type(res[branch][repo]) == "nil" then res[branch][repo] = {} end res[branch][repo][arch] = 1 qty = qty + 1 end return res, qty end ---- -- convert last-modified header date to timestamp function rfc2616_date_to_ts(s) local day,month,year,hour,min,sec local m = { Jan=1, Feb=2, Mar=3, Apr=4, May=5, Jun=6, Jul=7, Aug=8, Sep=9, Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12 } local format = "%a+, (%d+) (%a+) (%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+) GMT" local day,month,year,hour,min,sec = s:match(format) return os.time({day=day,month=m[month],year=year,hour=hour,min=min,sec=sec}) end ---- -- get a list of http urls from mirrors yaml function get_mirrors(uri) local res = {} local headers, stream = assert(request.new_from_uri(uri):go()) if headers:get(":status") ~= "200" then error("Failed to get mirrors yaml!") end local y = assert(stream:get_body_as_string()) stream:shutdown() local mirrors = yaml.load(y) for idx, mirror in ipairs(mirrors) do for _,url in ipairs(mirror.urls) do if url:match("http://") then table.insert(res, url) end end end return res end function get_index_status(uri) local res = {} local status, modified local headers, stream = request.new_from_uri(uri):go(conf.http_timeout) if type(stream) == "table" then stream:shutdown() end if headers then status = headers:get(":status") else return "failed" end if status == "200" then modified = headers:get("last-modified") modified = rfc2616_date_to_ts(modified) end return status, modified end --- write results to json file on disk function write_json(t) local output = ("%s/%s"):format(conf.outdir, conf.status_json) local f = assert(io.open(output, "w")) local json = assert(json.encode(t)) f:write(json) f:close() end --- print msg on console when debug is provided function msg(s) if arg[1] == "debug" then print(s) end end --- show a process indicator on stdout function progress(num) if arg[1] == "debug" then num = (num < 10) and "0"..num or num io.write(("Indexes left: %s\r"):format(num)) io.flush() end end -- check all apkindex for specific mirror function check_apkindexes(mirror) local indexes, num_indexes = get_apkindexes() local branches = {} local qty = 0 local cnt = 0 local allowed_archs = utils.to_list(conf.archs) for branch in utils.kpairs(indexes, utils.sort_branch) do local repos = {} for repo in utils.kpairs(indexes[branch], utils.sort_repo) do local archs = {} for arch in utils.kpairs(indexes[branch][repo], utils.sort_arch) do if type(allowed_archs[arch]) == "number" then local uri = ("%s/%s/%s/%s/APKINDEX.tar.gz"):format(mirror, branch, repo, arch) status, modified = get_index_status(uri) table.insert(archs, {name=arch, status=status, modified=modified}) if status == "200" then qty = qty+1 end end cnt = cnt + 1 progress(num_indexes-cnt) end table.insert(repos, {name=repo, arch=archs}) end table.insert(branches, {name=branch, repo=repos}) end return branches, qty end function process_mirrors() local res = {} local mirrors = get_mirrors(conf.mirrors_yaml) for idx,mirror in ipairs(mirrors) do local start_time = os.time() res[idx] = {} res[idx].url = mirror msg(("[%s/%s] Getting indexes from mirror: %s"):format(idx, #mirrors, mirror)) res[idx].branch, res[idx].count = check_apkindexes(mirror) res[idx].duration = os.difftime(os.time(),start_time) end return res end function process_master() msg(("Getting indexes from master: %s"):format(conf.master_url)) local res = {} res.url = conf.master_url res.branch = check_apkindexes(conf.master_url) return res end write_json( { master = process_master(), mirrors = process_mirrors(), date = os.time(), version = conf.version } )