env = require('luasql.mysql').mysql() con = assert(env:connect("alpine-www-backup", 'www-backup', 'sYUsThNBGnPR6fmy', '')) print (con) cur = assert(con:execute([[ select r.title as title, r.timestamp as timestamp, b.body_value as body from node_revision r, node n, field_revision_body b where n.vid=r.vid and n.type='news' and r.status=1 and r.vid=b.revision_id; ]])) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") while row do local fn = "posts/"..row.title:gsub("[ :]", "-")..".md" local f = io.open(fn, "w") f:write(("---\n".. "title: '%s'\n".. "date: %s\n".. "---\n".. "\n# %s\n"):format(row.title, os.date("%Y-%m-%d", tonumber(row.timestamp)), row.title)) f:write(row.body) f:close() -- io.write(row.body) row = cur:fetch ({}, "a") end cur:close() con:close() env:close()