-- script to parse the aports tree and generate the secdb yaml yaml = require('lyaml') function read_apkbuild(file) local repo, pkg = file:match("([a-z]+)/([^/]+)/APKBUILD") local f = io.open(file) if f == nil then return end while true do line = f:read("*line") if line == nil then break end if line:match("^# secfixes") then local y = " - pkg:\n".. " name: "..pkg.."\n" while line ~= nil and line:match("^#") do local l = line:gsub("^# ", " ") if l == nil then break end y = y..l.."\n" line = f:read("*line") end f:close() io.write(y) return end end f:close() end function arch_list(a) local str="" for i=1,#a do str=str.." - "..a[i].."\n" end return str end function verify_yaml(file) f = io.open(file) if f == nil then return 1 end print("Verifying "..file) local data = yaml.load(f:read("*all")) for _,p in pairs(data.packages) do assert(type(p.pkg.name) == "string") for k,v in pairs(p.pkg.secfixes) do assert(type(k) == "string", file..": "..p.pkg.name..": not a string: "..tostring(k)) assert(string.match(k, "^[0-9]+")) end end f:close() end opthelp = [[ --repo=REPO set repository --release=VERSION distro release branch --verify=FILE verify generated yaml ]] archs = { ["v3.2"] = { "x86_64", "x86", "armhf" }, ["v3.3"] = { "x86_64", "x86", "armhf" }, ["v3.4"] = { "x86_64", "x86", "armhf" }, ["v3.5"] = { "x86_64", "x86", "armhf", "aarch64" }, } opts, args = require('optarg').from_opthelp(opthelp) if opts.verify then os.exit(verify_yaml(opts.verify)) end repo = (opts.repo or "main") distroversion = (opts.release or "v3.4") -- print header io.write(([[ --- distroversion: %s reponame: %s archs: ]]..arch_list(archs[distroversion])..[[ urlprefix: http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine apkurl: "{{urlprefix}}/{{distroversion}}/{{reponame}}/{{arch}}/{{pkg.name}}-{{pkg.ver}}.apk" packages: ]]):format(distroversion, repo)) for i = 1,#arg do read_apkbuild(arg[i]) end