diff options
authorRasmus Thomsen <oss@cogitri.dev>2019-05-15 18:04:05 +0200
committerFrancesco Colista <fcolista@alpinelinux.org>2019-05-28 08:53:53 +0000
commitf1acd9476c060b33c8f08a571a5ee38bcf983bbc (patch)
parent8fb3ea758373f40a24a58165e3bac06d934e8673 (diff)
community/libsoup: upgrade to 2.66.2
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/community/libsoup/APKBUILD b/community/libsoup/APKBUILD
index af1dc689b0..6893b3d079 100644
--- a/community/libsoup/APKBUILD
+++ b/community/libsoup/APKBUILD
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-# Maintainer: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
+# Contributor: Natanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>
+# Maintainer: Rasmus Thomsen <oss@cogitri.dev>
-pkgdesc="Gnome HTTP Library"
+pkgdesc="Gnome HTTP client/server Library"
-options="!check" # Requires a running Apache HTTPd. not kidding...
+options="!check" # Wants to bind to ports, which doesn't work in our environment
subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-lang"
-depends_dev="gnutls-dev sqlite-dev"
-makedepends="$depends_dev libgcrypt-dev libgpg-error-dev zlib-dev
- gobject-introspection-dev intltool vala libxml2-dev libpsl-dev"
+makedepends="libgcrypt-dev libgpg-error-dev zlib-dev meson gtk-doc
+ gobject-introspection-dev vala libxml2-dev libpsl-dev sqlite-dev"
# secfixes:
@@ -19,23 +19,22 @@ source="https://download.gnome.org/sources/$pkgname/${pkgver%.*}/$pkgname-$pkgve
# - CVE-2017-2885
build() {
- cd "$builddir"
- DATADIRNAME=share ./configure \
- --build=$CBUILD \
- --host=$CHOST \
+ meson \
--prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
- --disable-more-warnings \
- --disable-static \
- --disable-tls-check \
- --enable-introspection=yes \
- --localedir=/usr/share/locale
- make
+ -Dtls_check=false \
+ -Dgssapi=false \
+ -Ddoc=true \
+ . output
+ ninja -C output
+check() {
+ ninja -C output test
package() {
- cd "$builddir"
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C output install
-sha512sums="13d16457a443294020621df34205c570d25a6ff048ab68633cc504d70a8a1281a38dddb54110fd35a059bd69aebc3fd49b5ab0fc42abf4f4a19746a25050119d libsoup-2.64.1.tar.xz"
+sha512sums="1df443470239f23d22301e37e36f3d34963352ee0122f317cd15b19d90115831091bddcee27bc6f0d4994adcf4e5bd9c0395de2bd7f39ae305ba0edea7789092 libsoup-2.66.2.tar.xz"
diff --git a/community/libsoup/CVE-2017-2885.patch b/community/libsoup/CVE-2017-2885.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c22616ad5b..0000000000
--- a/community/libsoup/CVE-2017-2885.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-From 03c91c76daf70ee227f38304c5e45a155f45073d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Dan Winship <danw@gnome.org>
-Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 09:56:43 -0400
-Subject: Fix chunked decoding buffer overrun (CVE-2017-2885)
- libsoup/soup-filter-input-stream.c | 22 +++++++++++-----------
- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libsoup/soup-filter-input-stream.c b/libsoup/soup-filter-input-stream.c
-index cde4d12..2c30bf9 100644
---- a/libsoup/soup-filter-input-stream.c
-+++ b/libsoup/soup-filter-input-stream.c
-@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ soup_filter_input_stream_read_until (SoupFilterInputStream *fstream,
- GCancellable *cancellable,
- GError **error)
- {
-- gssize nread;
-+ gssize nread, read_length;
- guint8 *p, *buf, *end;
- gboolean eof = FALSE;
- GError *my_error = NULL;
-@@ -251,10 +251,11 @@ soup_filter_input_stream_read_until (SoupFilterInputStream *fstream,
- } else
- buf = fstream->priv->buf->data;
-- /* Scan for the boundary */
-- end = buf + fstream->priv->buf->len;
-- if (!eof)
-- end -= boundary_length;
-+ /* Scan for the boundary within the range we can possibly return. */
-+ if (include_boundary)
-+ end = buf + MIN (fstream->priv->buf->len, length) - boundary_length;
-+ else
-+ end = buf + MIN (fstream->priv->buf->len - boundary_length, length);
- for (p = buf; p <= end; p++) {
- if (*p == *(guint8*)boundary &&
- !memcmp (p, boundary, boundary_length)) {
-@@ -268,10 +269,9 @@ soup_filter_input_stream_read_until (SoupFilterInputStream *fstream,
- if (!*got_boundary && fstream->priv->buf->len < length && !eof)
- goto fill_buffer;
-- /* Return everything up to 'p' (which is either just after the boundary if
-- * include_boundary is TRUE, just before the boundary if include_boundary is
-- * FALSE, @boundary_len - 1 bytes before the end of the buffer, or end-of-
-- * file).
-- */
-- return read_from_buf (fstream, buffer, p - buf);
-+ if (eof && !*got_boundary)
-+ read_length = MIN (fstream->priv->buf->len, length);
-+ else
-+ read_length = p - buf;
-+ return read_from_buf (fstream, buffer, read_length);
- }
-cgit v0.12