path: root/community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install
diff options
authorStuart Cardall <developer@it-offshore.co.uk>2016-08-18 20:46:53 +0000
committerCarlo Landmeter <clandmeter@gmail.com>2016-08-21 22:24:04 +0200
commit5c9f3ca3e307be53b45beeed2ce1626f38008625 (patch)
tree919836fe454e953f46685adf8228b0401280d4b6 /community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install
parent6a00a953ba02bab6440a2c784e7db37c6eaeace1 (diff)
testing/[various]: move to community
albatross-themes apk-post-messages autossh bitcoin btrbk entr ffmpegthumbnailer firejail firetools fwsnort gnome-colors imapsync inetutils-syslogd inotify-tools-inc isync junit ktsuss letsencrypt-nosudo libmbim libndp libqmi libteam mini-sendmail modemmanager namecoin networkmanager nginx-naxsi numix-themes nxapi opencl-headers opencl-icd-loader opus-tools perl-authen-ntlm perl-bit-vector perl-data-uniqid perl-file-copy-recursive perl-getopt-argvfile perl-io-tee perl-iptables-chainmgr perl-iptables-parse perl-module-scandeps perl-par-dist perl-par-packer perl-par perl-uri-escape psad py-crcmod py-graphviz py-lz4 py-opencl py-opengl-accelerate runit secpwgen secure-delete socklog spacefm tinyssh udevil virt-viewer virtualbricks whois wrk xpra zram-init
Diffstat (limited to 'community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install b/community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d2510fb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/bitcoin/bitcoin.post-install
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+config=$(grep -F 'config=' /etc/init.d/bitcoin |sed 's/config=//')
+randgen() {
+ output=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9a-zA-Z!@#$%^&*_+-' | head -c${1:-$1}) 2>/dev/null
+ echo $output
+ port=$(( 1024 + $(( $RANDOM % $(( 65534 - 1024 )) )) ))
+ while netstat -atn | grep -q :$port; do port=$(expr $port + 1); done; echo $port
+ sed -i "/rpcuser=/ c \rpcuser=USER-"$(randgen 32)"" $config
+ sed -i "/rpcpassword=/ c \rpcpassword=PW-"$(randgen 64)"" $config
+ sed -i "/rpcport=/ c \rpcport="$(findRandomTcpPort)"" $config
+ print_green "Generated random user / password / port in:" " $config\n"
+print_green() {
+ local prompt="${STRONG}$1${GREEN}$2${NORMAL}"
+ printf "${prompt}%s"
+if grep -F "changeme" $config 1>/dev/null; then
+ GenPasswd
+exit 0