path: root/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap
diff options
authorMitch Tishmack <mitch.tishmack@gmail.com>2016-07-14 21:53:20 -0500
committerBartłomiej Piotrowski <b@bpiotrowski.pl>2016-08-06 10:33:57 +0200
commit8488e8747aa7cb275882157b8a4a53c274c71927 (patch)
tree9d8c265d31506eb043ca762bf82aa68313b39d02 /testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap
parent8b3da42f05895f9633097e603a7e8c334ba1515c (diff)
testing/ghc-bootstrap: new aport
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap')
8 files changed, 695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/Dockerfile b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ef2572f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Mostly self contained setup to build a stage2 ghc for musl
+from debian:8.0
+# Install stock bindist for cross compile
+env ghc 7.10.3
+env arch x86_64
+env llvm 3.7.1
+env cabal
+# all needed packages for compiling
+run apt-get clean && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ binutils-gold \
+ musl-tools \
+ build-essential \
+ wget \
+ curl \
+ libncurses-dev \
+ autoconf \
+ elfutils \
+ libgmp-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ git \
+ libtool \
+ pkg-config \
+ libffi-dev \
+ cmake \
+ g++ \
+ python \
+ pixz \
+ openssl \
+ bison \
+ flex \
+ git
+add http://llvm.org/releases/$llvm/llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz /tmp/
+add http://llvm.org/releases/$llvm/polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz /tmp/
+# Install a non ancient version of llvm on debian, I'm purposefully ignoring
+# debian repos in favor of compiling to not have to deal with
+# "what debian upstream has a current version of llvm" nonsense, takes more
+# time to do that than just build the right llvm from source.
+workdir /tmp
+copy bootstrap/llvm-$llvm.sh /tmp/llvm.sh
+run openssl sha1 llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(llvm-3.7.1.src.tar.xz)= 5dbdcafac105273dcbff94c68837a66c6dd78cef" && \
+ openssl sha1 polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(polly-3.7.1.src.tar.xz)= 0e3a461907cde7505fbdb44bf61ff318aa9254f7" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz && \
+ /tmp/llvm.sh && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/llvm-$llvm.src
+add https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/$ghc/ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz /tmp/
+# Install debian ghc binary from upstream.
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(ghc-7.10.3-x86_64-deb8-linux.tar.xz)= bab16f95ef4fe6b7cc2fb6b36a02dceeeb53faa4" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+run ./configure --prefix=/usr && \
+ make -j1 install && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+add https://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-install-$cabal/cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz /tmp/
+# Install cabal so we can install alex/happy to pull off of git
+# bootstrap cabal and install alex/happy the same way apks are built
+# only globally
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz | grep "SHA1(cabal-install- f1375c928794f45f253b8ec92c2af4732fec597b" && \
+ tar xzpf /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz
+workdir /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal
+run ./bootstrap.sh --global --no-doc && \
+ cabal update && \
+ cabal install --global alex happy && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal
+# First up, install/compile the cross compiler with musl libc
+# armv7 hard float cross compiler, we basically rebuild ghc again here with
+# the cross compiler, and the llvm we built for x86_64 as well
+workdir /tmp
+run git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/GregorR/musl-cross.git musl-cross
+workdir /tmp/musl-cross
+run echo GCC_BUILTIN_PREREQS=yes >> config.sh && \
+ echo ARCH=arm >> config.sh && \
+ echo TRIPLE=arm-linux-musleabihf >> config.sh && \
+ echo GCC_BOOTSTRAP_CONFFLAGS=\"--with-arch=armv6 --with-float=hard --with-fpu=vfp\" >> config.sh && \
+ echo GCC_CONFFLAGS=\"--with-arch=armv6 --with-float=hard --with-fpu=vfp\" >> config.sh && \
+ echo GCC_STAGE1_NOOPT=1 >> config.sh && \
+ echo CC_BASE_PREFIX=/usr >> config.sh && \
+ echo MAKEFLAGS=-j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) >> config.sh && \
+ echo "BINUTILS_CONFFLAGS='CXXFLAGS=-fpermissive --enable-gold --enable-plugins --disable-werror'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "CFLAGS='-g -O2 -fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "CPPFLAGS='-fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "LDFLAGS='-fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh
+copy bootstrap/gmpurl.patch gmpurl.patch
+run patch -p1 < gmpurl.patch && \
+ ./build.sh && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/musl-cross
+add http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.0.1/ghc-8.0.1-src.tar.xz /tmp/
+env tardir /tmp/root
+env destdir /tmp/root/armhf
+env crosscc arm-linux-musleabihf-gcc
+env target arm-linux-musleabihf
+env triple arm-unknown-linux-musleabihf
+env ghc 8.0.1
+# add cross toolchain to PATH
+env PATH /usr/$target/bin:$PATH
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 ghc-$ghc-src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(ghc-8.0.1-src.tar.xz)= 585a2d34a17ce2452273147f2e3cef1a2efe1aa5" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-src.tar.xz
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+env PATH $PATH:/usr/$triple/bin
+copy bootstrap/$arch/bootstrap.patch bootstrap.patch
+run patch -p1 < bootstrap.patch
+run cp mk/build.mk.sample mk/build.mk && \
+ ./boot && \
+ echo "BuildFlavour = quick-llvm" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "INTEGER_LIBRARY = integer-simple" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "HADDOCK_DOCS = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_HTML = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_PS = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_PDF = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ ./configure \
+ --target=$target \
+ --prefix=/usr
+run make -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) || make -j1
+run make -j1 install STRIP_CMD=$target-strip DESTDIR=$destdir
+# unlit and hp2ps both build using the stage0, not having luck
+# getting the build patched right so for now lets just
+# remove and rebuild these c helper programs
+run rm $(find $destdir -name "*-hp2ps")
+# remove target prefix from stage2 binaries
+# HACK, just build unlit with the cross compiler and move it to /usr/bin in the install dir
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc/utils/unlit
+run $crosscc unlit.c -o $(find $destdir -name unlit)
+# remove target prefix from stage2 binaries
+workdir $destdir/usr/bin
+run (for i in $triple-* ; do ln -s $i ${i#$triple-} || /bin/true ; done )
+copy bootstrap/armhf/settings /tmp/settings
+run mv /tmp/settings $(find $destdir -name settings -type f)
+run rm -fr $destdir/usr/share/doc
+workdir $tardir
+# Compress to xz via pixz because xz is normally too
+# old for -TN multithreads
+run tar -I'pixz -9' -cf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-$triple.tar.xz .
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/bootstrap.patch b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/bootstrap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e5fc95432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/bootstrap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+index fa1141e..6ff2ac4 100644
+--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
++++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+@@ -2448,8 +2448,7 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynload" (hasArg parseDynLibLoaderMode)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dylib-install-name" (hasArg setDylibInstallName)
+ -- -dll-split is an internal flag, used only during the GHC build
+- , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "dll-split"
+- (hasArg (\f d -> d { dllSplitFile = Just f, dllSplit = Nothing }))
++ , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "dll-split" (NoArg (addWarn "ignoring -dll-split"))
+ ------- Libraries ---------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "L" (Prefix addLibraryPath)
+diff --git a/ghc.mk b/ghc.mk
+index 5e4ecc6..a07ff73 100644
+--- a/ghc.mk
++++ b/ghc.mk
+@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ else # CLEANING
+ PACKAGES_STAGE0 = binary Cabal/Cabal hpc ghc-boot hoopl transformers template-haskell
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "NO"
+ ifneq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "ios"
+-PACKAGES_STAGE0 += terminfo
+ endif
+ endif
+@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ endif
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Target)" "NO"
+ ifneq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "ios"
+-PACKAGES_STAGE1 += terminfo
+ endif
+ endif
+ PACKAGES_STAGE1 += haskeline
+@@ -968,8 +968,8 @@ INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF=$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)/package.conf.d
+ # Install packages in the right order, so that ghc-pkg doesn't complain.
+ # Also, install ghc-pkg first.
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "NO"
+ else
+ INSTALLED_GHC_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc.exe
+ INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc-pkg.exe
+diff --git a/rules/build-package-way.mk b/rules/build-package-way.mk
+index 905b7f0..3e23b1f 100644
+--- a/rules/build-package-way.mk
++++ b/rules/build-package-way.mk
+@@ -62,17 +62,6 @@ $1_$2_$3_ALL_OBJS = $$($1_$2_$3_HS_OBJS) $$($1_$2_$3_NON_HS_OBJS)
+ ifeq "$3" "dyn"
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)" ""
+-$$($1_$2_$3_LIB) : $1/$2/dll-split.stamp
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0)" ""
+-$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0) : $1/$2/dll-split.stamp
+-$1/$2/dll-split.stamp: $$($1_$2_depfile_haskell) $$$$(dll-split_INPLACE)
+- $$(dll-split_INPLACE) $$< "$$($1_$2_dll0_START_MODULE)" "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)"
+- touch $$@
+ # Link a dynamic library
+ # On windows we have to supply the extra libs this one links to when building it.
+ ifeq "$$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
+diff --git a/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk b/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
+index f099d4e..6dcf911 100644
+--- a/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
++++ b/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
+@@ -160,13 +160,6 @@ $1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS = \
+ $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_SplitSections)),$$(if $$(findstring dyn,$3),,-split-sections),) \
+ $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_DYNAMIC_TOO)),$$(if $$(findstring v,$3),-dynamic-too))
+-ifeq "$3" "dyn"
+-ifeq "$$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)" ""
+-$1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS += -dll-split $1/$2/dll-split
+ $1_$2_$3_ALL_CC_OPTS = \
+ $$(WAY_$3_CC_OPTS) \
+diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+index af3032d..1c38e8e 100644
+--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
++++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ {-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009.
+diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
+index 5f76e1b..2f9b558 100644
+--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
++++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Executable ghc-pkg
+ ghc-boot,
+ bytestring
+ if !os(windows)
+- Build-Depends: unix,
+- terminfo
++ Build-Depends: unix
+ if os(windows)
+ c-sources: CRT_noglob.c
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/settings b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/settings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..549d03dd64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/armhf/settings
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[("GCC extra via C opts", " -fwrapv -fno-builtin"),
+ ("C compiler command", "gcc"),
+ ("C compiler flags", " -marm -fno-stack-protector"),
+ ("C compiler link flags", " --no-pie -fuse-ld=gold -Wl,-z,noexecstack"),
+ ("Haskell CPP command","gcc"),
+ ("Haskell CPP flags","-E -undef -traditional"),
+ ("ld command", "ld.gold"),
+ ("ld flags", " -z noexecstack"),
+ ("ld supports compact unwind", "YES"),
+ ("ld supports build-id", "YES"),
+ ("ld supports filelist", "NO"),
+ ("ld is GNU ld", "YES"),
+ ("ar command", "ar"),
+ ("ar flags", "q"),
+ ("ar supports at file", "YES"),
+ ("touch command", "touch"),
+ ("dllwrap command", "/bin/false"),
+ ("windres command", "/bin/false"),
+ ("libtool command", "libtool"),
+ ("perl command", "/usr/bin/perl"),
+ ("cross compiling", "YES"),
+ ("target os", "OSLinux"),
+ ("target arch", "ArchARM {armISA = ARMv6, armISAExt = [VFPv2], armABI = HARD}"),
+ ("target word size", "4"),
+ ("target has GNU nonexec stack", "False"),
+ ("target has .ident directive", "True"),
+ ("target has subsections via symbols", "False"),
+ ("Unregisterised", "NO"),
+ ("LLVM llc command", "llc-3.7"),
+ ("LLVM opt command", "opt-3.7")
+ ]
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/gmpurl.patch b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/gmpurl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c919fa3946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/gmpurl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -r d72695b410e3 defs.sh
+--- a/defs.sh Sun Jul 26 15:38:58 2015 -0400
++++ b/defs.sh Sun Jan 31 23:18:18 2016 +0000
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
+ gccprereqs() {
+ if [ ! -e gcc-$GCC_VERSION/gmp ]
+ then
+- fetchextract http://gmplib.org/download/gmp/ gmp-$GMP_VERSION .tar.bz2
++ fetchextract http://gmplib.org/download/gmp/archive/ gmp-$GMP_VERSION .tar.bz2
+ mv gmp-$GMP_VERSION gcc-$GCC_VERSION/gmp
+ fi
+--- a/extra/build-gcc-deps.sh Sun Jul 26 15:38:58 2015 -0400
++++ b/extra/build-gcc-deps.sh Sun Jan 31 23:18:18 2016 +0000
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ # GMP
+-fetchextract ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/gmp-$GMP_VERSION/ gmp-$GMP_VERSION .tar.bz2
++fetchextract ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/archive/gmp-$GMP_VERSION/ gmp-$GMP_VERSION .tar.bz2
+ cp -f "$MUSL_CC_BASE/extra/config.sub" gmp-$GMP_VERSION/configfsf.sub
+ buildinstall '' gmp-$GMP_VERSION --host="$TRIPLE" --enable-static --disable-shared
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/llvm-3.7.1.sh b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/llvm-3.7.1.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..49e44dfc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/llvm-3.7.1.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+#-*-mode: Shell-script; coding: utf-8;-*-
+export script=$(basename "$0")
+export dir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
+export iam=${dir}/${script}
+cd "$llvm_srcdir"
+ -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/usr/include \
+ -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/libxml2 \
+ "
+mv /tmp/polly-$llvm_version.src "$srcdir_polly" || return 1
+ unset CFLAGS
+ unset CXXFLAGS
+ test -z "${OCFLAGS}" && OCFLAGS="-O3"
+ test -z "${OCXXFLAGS}" && OCXXFLAGS="-O3"
+ cflags="${OCFLAGS} -DNDEBUG -I$srcdir/tmp/include"
+ cxxflags="${OCXXFLAGS} -DNDEBUG -fno-devirtualize"
+ export CC=gcc
+ export CXX=g++
+ ffi_include_dir="$(pkg-config --cflags-only-I libffi | sed 's|^-I||g')"
+ cflags="${OCFLAGS} -DNDEBUG"
+ cxxflags="${OCXXFLAGS} -DNDEBUG"
+ mkdir -p "${llvm_builddir}"
+ cd "${llvm_builddir}"
+ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Wno-dev ${_cmake_final_flags} \
+ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="${cflags}" \
+ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="${cxxflags}" \
+ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$srcdir/tmp/lib" \
+ -DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR="$ffi_include_dir" \
+ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$srcdir/tmp" \
+ "${llvm_srcdir}" || return 1
+ (
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$srcdir/tmp/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
+ make -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) llvm-tblgen || return 1
+ make -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) || return 1
+ ) || return 1
+ export CFLAGS="${OCFLAGS}"
+ # install portion
+ make -j1 install || return 1
+) || return 1
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/Dockerfile b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ca75c60ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Mostly self contained setup to build a stage2 ghc for musl
+from debian:8.0
+# Install stock bindist for cross compile
+env ghc 7.10.3
+env arch x86_64
+env llvm 3.7.1
+env cabal
+# all needed packages for compiling
+run apt-get clean && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y \
+ binutils-gold \
+ musl-tools \
+ build-essential \
+ wget \
+ curl \
+ libncurses-dev \
+ autoconf \
+ elfutils \
+ libgmp-dev \
+ zlib1g-dev \
+ git \
+ libtool \
+ pkg-config \
+ libffi-dev \
+ cmake \
+ g++ \
+ python \
+ pixz \
+ openssl \
+ git \
+ bison \
+ flex
+add http://llvm.org/releases/$llvm/llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz /tmp/
+add http://llvm.org/releases/$llvm/polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz /tmp/
+# Install a non ancient version of llvm on debian, I'm purposefully ignoring
+# debian repos in favor of compiling to not have to deal with
+# "what debian upstream has a current version of llvm" nonsense, takes more
+# time to do that than just build the right llvm from source.
+workdir /tmp
+copy bootstrap/llvm-$llvm.sh /tmp/llvm.sh
+run openssl sha1 llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(llvm-3.7.1.src.tar.xz)= 5dbdcafac105273dcbff94c68837a66c6dd78cef" && \
+ openssl sha1 polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(polly-3.7.1.src.tar.xz)= 0e3a461907cde7505fbdb44bf61ff318aa9254f7" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/llvm-$llvm.src.tar.xz && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/polly-$llvm.src.tar.xz && \
+ /tmp/llvm.sh && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/llvm-$llvm.src /tmp/build
+add https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/$ghc/ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz /tmp/
+# Install debian ghc binary from upstream.
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(ghc-7.10.3-x86_64-deb8-linux.tar.xz)= bab16f95ef4fe6b7cc2fb6b36a02dceeeb53faa4" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-$arch-deb8-linux.tar.xz
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+run ./configure --prefix=/usr && \
+ make -j1 install && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+add https://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-install-$cabal/cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz /tmp/
+# Install cabal so we can install alex/happy to pull off of git
+# bootstrap cabal and install alex/happy the same way apks are built
+# only globally
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz | grep "SHA1(cabal-install- f1375c928794f45f253b8ec92c2af4732fec597b" && \
+ tar xzpf /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal.tar.gz
+workdir /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal
+run ./bootstrap.sh --global --no-doc && \
+ cabal update && \
+ cabal install --global alex happy && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/cabal-install-$cabal
+# Build our cross compiler with musl libc from the sabotage linux stuff
+workdir /tmp
+run git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/GregorR/musl-cross.git musl-cross
+workdir /tmp/musl-cross
+run echo GCC_BUILTIN_PREREQS=yes >> config.sh && \
+ echo ARCH=x86_64 >> config.sh && \
+ echo TRIPLE=x86_64-pc-linux-musl >> config.sh && \
+ echo GCC_STAGE1_NOOPT=1 >> config.sh && \
+ echo CC_BASE_PREFIX=/usr >> config.sh && \
+ echo MAKEFLAGS=-j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) >> config.sh && \
+ echo "BINUTILS_CONFFLAGS='CXXFLAGS=-fpermissive --enable-gold --enable-plugins --disable-werror'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "CFLAGS='-g -O2 -fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "CPPFLAGS='-fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh && \
+ echo "LDFLAGS='-fPIC -DPIC'" >> config.sh
+copy bootstrap/gmpurl.patch gmpurl.patch
+run patch -p1 < gmpurl.patch && \
+ ./build.sh && \
+ rm -fr /tmp/musl-cross
+add http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.0.1/ghc-8.0.1-src.tar.xz /tmp/
+env tardir /tmp/root
+env destdir /tmp/root/x86_64
+env triple x86_64-pc-linux-musl
+env crosscc $triple-gcc
+env ghc 8.0.1
+workdir /tmp
+run openssl sha1 ghc-$ghc-src.tar.xz | grep "SHA1(ghc-8.0.1-src.tar.xz)= 585a2d34a17ce2452273147f2e3cef1a2efe1aa5" && \
+ tar xJpf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-src.tar.xz
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc
+env PATH $PATH:/usr/$triple/bin
+copy bootstrap/$arch/bootstrap.patch bootstrap.patch
+run patch -p1 < bootstrap.patch
+run cp mk/build.mk.sample mk/build.mk && \
+ ./boot && \
+ echo "BuildFlavour = quick-llvm" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "INTEGER_LIBRARY = integer-simple" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "HADDOCK_DOCS = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_HTML = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_PS = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ echo "BUILD_SPHINX_PDF = NO" >> mk/build.mk && \
+ ./configure \
+ --target=$triple \
+ --prefix=/usr
+run make -j$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) || make -j1
+run make -j1 install DESTDIR=$destdir
+run rm $(find $destdir -name "*-hp2ps")
+# remove target prefix from stage2 binaries
+# HACK, just build unlit with the cross compiler and move it to /usr/bin in the install dir
+workdir /tmp/ghc-$ghc/utils/unlit
+run $crosscc unlit.c -o $(find $destdir -name unlit)
+# remove target prefix from stage2 binaries
+workdir $destdir/usr/bin
+run (for i in $triple-* ; do ln -s $i ${i#$triple-} ; done )
+copy bootstrap/$arch/settings /tmp/settings
+run mv /tmp/settings $(find $destdir -name settings -type f)
+run rm -fr $destdir/usr/share/doc
+workdir $tardir
+# Compress to xz via pixz because xz is normally too
+# old for -TN multithreads
+run tar -I'pixz -9' -cf /tmp/ghc-$ghc-$triple.tar.xz .
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/bootstrap.patch b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/bootstrap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e5fc95432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/bootstrap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+index fa1141e..6ff2ac4 100644
+--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
++++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+@@ -2448,8 +2448,7 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynload" (hasArg parseDynLibLoaderMode)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dylib-install-name" (hasArg setDylibInstallName)
+ -- -dll-split is an internal flag, used only during the GHC build
+- , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "dll-split"
+- (hasArg (\f d -> d { dllSplitFile = Just f, dllSplit = Nothing }))
++ , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "dll-split" (NoArg (addWarn "ignoring -dll-split"))
+ ------- Libraries ---------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "L" (Prefix addLibraryPath)
+diff --git a/ghc.mk b/ghc.mk
+index 5e4ecc6..a07ff73 100644
+--- a/ghc.mk
++++ b/ghc.mk
+@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ else # CLEANING
+ PACKAGES_STAGE0 = binary Cabal/Cabal hpc ghc-boot hoopl transformers template-haskell
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "NO"
+ ifneq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "ios"
+-PACKAGES_STAGE0 += terminfo
+ endif
+ endif
+@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ endif
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Target)" "NO"
+ ifneq "$(TargetOS_CPP)" "ios"
+-PACKAGES_STAGE1 += terminfo
+ endif
+ endif
+ PACKAGES_STAGE1 += haskeline
+@@ -968,8 +968,8 @@ INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF=$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)/package.conf.d
+ # Install packages in the right order, so that ghc-pkg doesn't complain.
+ # Also, install ghc-pkg first.
+ ifeq "$(Windows_Host)" "NO"
+ else
+ INSTALLED_GHC_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc.exe
+ INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc-pkg.exe
+diff --git a/rules/build-package-way.mk b/rules/build-package-way.mk
+index 905b7f0..3e23b1f 100644
+--- a/rules/build-package-way.mk
++++ b/rules/build-package-way.mk
+@@ -62,17 +62,6 @@ $1_$2_$3_ALL_OBJS = $$($1_$2_$3_HS_OBJS) $$($1_$2_$3_NON_HS_OBJS)
+ ifeq "$3" "dyn"
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)" ""
+-$$($1_$2_$3_LIB) : $1/$2/dll-split.stamp
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0)" ""
+-$$($1_$2_$3_LIB0) : $1/$2/dll-split.stamp
+-$1/$2/dll-split.stamp: $$($1_$2_depfile_haskell) $$$$(dll-split_INPLACE)
+- $$(dll-split_INPLACE) $$< "$$($1_$2_dll0_START_MODULE)" "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)"
+- touch $$@
+ # Link a dynamic library
+ # On windows we have to supply the extra libs this one links to when building it.
+ ifeq "$$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
+diff --git a/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk b/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
+index f099d4e..6dcf911 100644
+--- a/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
++++ b/rules/distdir-way-opts.mk
+@@ -160,13 +160,6 @@ $1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS = \
+ $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_SplitSections)),$$(if $$(findstring dyn,$3),,-split-sections),) \
+ $$(if $$(findstring YES,$$($1_$2_DYNAMIC_TOO)),$$(if $$(findstring v,$3),-dynamic-too))
+-ifeq "$3" "dyn"
+-ifeq "$$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
+-ifneq "$$($1_$2_dll0_MODULES)" ""
+-$1_$2_$3_ALL_HC_OPTS += -dll-split $1/$2/dll-split
+ $1_$2_$3_ALL_CC_OPTS = \
+ $$(WAY_$3_CC_OPTS) \
+diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+index af3032d..1c38e8e 100644
+--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
++++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ {-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2009.
+diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
+index 5f76e1b..2f9b558 100644
+--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
++++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Executable ghc-pkg
+ ghc-boot,
+ bytestring
+ if !os(windows)
+- Build-Depends: unix,
+- terminfo
++ Build-Depends: unix
+ if os(windows)
+ c-sources: CRT_noglob.c
diff --git a/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/settings b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/settings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd33b80f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/ghc-bootstrap/bootstrap/x86_64/settings
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[("GCC extra via C opts", " -fwrapv -fno-builtin"),
+ ("C compiler command", "gcc"),
+ ("C compiler flags", " -fno-stack-protector"),
+ ("C compiler link flags", "--no-pie"),
+ ("Haskell CPP command","gcc"),
+ ("Haskell CPP flags","-E -undef -traditional "),
+ ("ld command", "ld.gold"),
+ ("ld flags", ""),
+ ("ld supports compact unwind", "YES"),
+ ("ld supports build-id", "YES"),
+ ("ld supports filelist", "NO"),
+ ("ld is GNU ld", "YES"),
+ ("ar command", "ar"),
+ ("ar flags", "q"),
+ ("ar supports at file", "YES"),
+ ("touch command", "touch"),
+ ("dllwrap command", "/bin/false"),
+ ("windres command", "/bin/false"),
+ ("libtool command", "libtool"),
+ ("readelf command", "readelf"),
+ ("perl command", "perl"),
+ ("cross compiling", "YES"),
+ ("target os", "OSLinux"),
+ ("target arch", "ArchX86_64"),
+ ("target word size", "8"),
+ ("target has GNU nonexec stack", "True"),
+ ("target has .ident directive", "True"),
+ ("target has subsections via symbols", "False"),
+ ("Unregisterised", "NO"),
+ ("LLVM llc command", "llc-3.7"),
+ ("LLVM opt command", "opt-3.7")
+ ]