path: root/testing/vdr
diff options
authorTaner Tas <taner76@gmail.com>2017-07-11 07:00:09 +0000
committerNatanael Copa <ncopa@alpinelinux.org>2017-07-24 10:40:53 +0000
commit5a98b04cc37938b42fc9de0da61eef3792e8c001 (patch)
tree242d791ac3c05a956f7a26bc28a3f50390e6113a /testing/vdr
parent60d203036f77aa3a021d0a66264031059c9a2f55 (diff)
unmaintained/vdr/APKBUILD -> testing/vdr:
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/vdr')
5 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/vdr/APKBUILD b/testing/vdr/APKBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09376e2760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/vdr/APKBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Contributor: Carlo Landmeter <clandmeter@gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: Taner Tas <taner76@gmail.com>
+pkgdesc="Video Disk Recorder"
+depends_dev="libexecinfo-dev fontconfig-dev freetype-dev gettext-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev fribidi-dev
+ libcap-dev alsa-lib-dev libvdpau-dev libva-dev libx11-dev xcb-util-dev xcb-util-wm-dev
+ ffmpeg-dev libcdio-dev mpv"
+makedepends="$depends_dev coreutils"
+subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-lang $pkgname-softhddevice $pkgname-femon $pkgname-mpv"
+ vdr-plugin-femon-${_femon_ver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/rofafor/vdr-plugin-femon/archive/${_femon_ver}.tar.gz
+ vdr-plugin-softhddevice-${_softhddevice_ver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/rofafor/vdr-plugin-softhddevice/archive/${_softhddevice_ver}.tar.gz
+ vdr-plugin-mpv-${_mpv_ver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/chriszero/vdr-plugin-mpv/archive/${_mpv_ver}.tar.gz
+ vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-${_vnsiserver_ver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/FernetMenta/vdr-plugin-vnsiserver/archive/${_vnsiserver_ver}.tar.gz
+ vdr-plugin-streamdev-${_streamdev_ver}.tar.gz::https://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/vdr-plugin-streamdev.git/snapshot/vdr-plugin-streamdev-${_streamdev_ver}.tar.gz
+ musl-compat.patch
+ softhddevice-musl.patch
+ streamdev-for-2.3.7.patch
+ Make.config"
+prepare() {
+ rm -rf ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/skincurses
+ cp -aP $srcdir/vdr-plugin-femon-${_femon_ver} ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/femon
+ cp -aP $srcdir/vdr-plugin-softhddevice-${_softhddevice_ver} ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/softhddevice
+ cp -aP $srcdir/vdr-plugin-mpv-${_mpv_ver} ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/mpv
+ cp -aP $srcdir/vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-${_vnsiserver_ver} ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/vnsiserver
+ cp -aP $srcdir/vdr-plugin-streamdev-${_streamdev_ver} ${builddir}/PLUGINS/src/streamdev
+ cd "$builddir"
+ default_prepare
+build() {
+ cd "$builddir"
+ cp $srcdir/Make.config $builddir
+ make
+softhddevice() {
+ depends="${pkgname} alsa-lib libvdpau libva ffmpeg-libs"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ mkdir -p ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv usr/lib/vdr/lib${subpkgname}.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+femon() {
+ depends="${pkgname}"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ mkdir -p ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv usr/lib/vdr/lib${subpkgname}.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+mpv() {
+ depends="${pkgname} mpv-libs libcdio"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ mkdir -p ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv usr/lib/vdr/lib${subpkgname}.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+vnsiserver() {
+ depends="${pkgname}"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ mkdir -p ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv usr/lib/vdr/lib${subpkgname}.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+streamdev() {
+ depends="${pkgname}"
+ cd "$pkgdir"
+ mkdir -p ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv lib${subpkgname}-server.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+ mv lib${subpkgname}-client.so.${pkgver} ${subpkgdir}/usr/lib/vdr
+package() {
+ cd "$builddir"
+ make -j1 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+sha512sums="9dd8d90b365c255bfdf334f6f20a65671dbaf02da68dffdba003fe59243fc0636213b9df47bd6d350046fe4c6b3cb7568f2d9fd5ccdbff534328bc82e5a18d0b vdr-2.3.8.tar.bz2
+4f09246b0293617ee959ea768f215724c3996e10d7ee09399ce7c571d30e34da062df84d44465142261ea06069b09bac8b4a683a8dee54713385cc73f485c426 vdr-plugin-femon-28e4fb8de8578a1b8a36eb38d2e710dc60be7e3f.tar.gz
+e6f0a6c92ab4ce282ece053eb254fe8be51c2284651a6c1c215d5cf2a51093dd387490a8731b8d41ba7c0f87ea9e0f638a89e56f718f73691fb4e195a5fbf409 vdr-plugin-softhddevice-9c90c5afbd85a113781a7d8fb10e7d68a109c698.tar.gz
+a9047da75cc11e675123d418c15a9712ac019658836630c7949699e39a0ade555dd2d52845abffd2cce0857e2c810f4bb5a7bf8b80dbc1a3c1b75002392dece3 vdr-plugin-mpv-87543f7058b88a3ace8550551bb3982cc304720e.tar.gz
+8fd60ff87bdc5eeadd6438902171340df940293c275fde0bda413c7bb788a8d08942b24523998692111621117b0b47e35eb8c65c55a7365c18bf520afa019167 vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-2c42df3cf1ba37184e9106091f383ea6009490da.tar.gz
+63b0fb071f0bd38a2f8077ae5a71a484217c5c887ae815161c757058ecd75360a4f78c86eb12060b45404113581f3bcb0b2ea814aa6b60d18f88f84eba8b8f5b vdr-plugin-streamdev-b84b7d858cf4f6f3473ba72d456326c048946cb0.tar.gz
+f47461445515e44f5cdb9c6d3b1bcae323bb83ba3de7c77a3be4d9ac99ed9e76ebe2ee720660c5593fa4b6995366b9d98bf1683f7b8786518a444de7754731ca musl-compat.patch
+c6f89ba45bf02c0d85963797ff579f3ae0616a827f2b883685b44241bddea7916c3d6da21790553d161884c39d12ee21fc10f7d9d5aee9767cdde10cde02baac softhddevice-musl.patch
+60262ccb296bb098a469cce102f97da191af811ba7b0cbabc9d071275b1262f71e57933541b9a30fa0f4336384b2a5a711577e772ff7c751ddb07a9cbdd067dc streamdev-for-2.3.7.patch
+0add913727ebc2ab290211354e2310573f7ece14fcad8636b0a1d7cff49e32027e2d5a6aab3050e577f62387efff8aecc73dfc16e0f876ae28c5257fc9b6c67f Make.config"
diff --git a/testing/vdr/Make.config b/testing/vdr/Make.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc519ae853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/vdr/Make.config
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+PREFIX = /usr
+VARDIR = /var
+CONFDIR = /etc/vdr
+INCDIR = $(PREFIX)/include
+LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/vdr
+LOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/locale
+MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/man
+PCDIR = $(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig
+RESDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/vdr
+VIDEODIR = $(VARDIR)/lib/vdr/video
+CACHEDIR = $(VARDIR)/cache/vdr
+LIBS+=-lintl -lexecinfo
diff --git a/testing/vdr/musl-compat.patch b/testing/vdr/musl-compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b5dbbf457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/vdr/musl-compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+diff --git a/i18n.h b/i18n.h
+index f8ad9de..b002bbf 100644
+--- a/i18n.h
++++ b/i18n.h
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ const cStringList *I18nLanguages(void);
+ ///< have an actual locale installed. The rest are just dummy entries
+ ///< to allow having three letter language codes for other languages
+ ///< that have no actual locale on this system.
+-const char *I18nTranslate(const char *s, const char *Plugin = NULL) __attribute_format_arg__(1);
++const char *I18nTranslate(const char *s, const char *Plugin = NULL) __attribute__((__format_arg__ (1)));
+ ///< Translates the given string (with optional Plugin context) into
+ ///< the current language. If no translation is available, the original
+ ///< string will be returned.
+diff --git a/osd.c b/osd.c
+index 524700a..ef975f5 100644
+--- a/osd.c
++++ b/osd.c
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <sys/ioctl.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+-#include <sys/unistd.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
+ #include "device.h"
+ #include "tools.h"
+diff --git a/thread.c b/thread.c
+index 47eb977..58dba43 100644
+--- a/thread.c
++++ b/thread.c
+@@ -155,7 +155,9 @@ cRwLock::cRwLock(bool PreferWriter)
+ writeLockThreadId = 0;
+ pthread_rwlockattr_t attr;
+ pthread_rwlockattr_init(&attr);
++#if defined(__GLIBC__)
+ pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(&attr, PreferWriter ? PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NP : PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP);
+ pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock, &attr);
+ }
+@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ cMutex::cMutex(void)
+ locked = 0;
+ pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
+ pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
+- pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP);
++ pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr);
+ }
+diff --git a/tools.c b/tools.c
+index 754673d..fef9d2d 100644
+--- a/tools.c
++++ b/tools.c
+@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ char *ReadLink(const char *FileName)
+ {
+ if (!FileName)
+ return NULL;
+- char *TargetName = canonicalize_file_name(FileName);
++ char *TargetName = realpath(FileName, NULL);
+ if (!TargetName) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT) // file doesn't exist
+ TargetName = strdup(FileName);
+@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@
+ struct dirent *cReadDir::Next(void)
+ {
+ if (directory) {
+-#if !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 24) // readdir_r() is deprecated as of GLIBC 2.24
++#if __GLIBC__
+ while (readdir_r(directory, &u.d, &result) == 0 && result) {
+ #else
+ while ((result = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
+diff --git a/tools.h b/tools.h
+index 73cca5a..03f5fd1 100644
+--- a/tools.h
++++ b/tools.h
+@@ -28,6 +28,16 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include "thread.h"
++# define ACCESSPERMS (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) /* 0777 */
++#ifndef ALLPERMS
+ typedef unsigned char uchar;
+ extern int SysLogLevel;
+@@ -400,7 +410,7 @@
+ private:
+ DIR *directory;
+ struct dirent *result;
+-#if !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 24) // readdir_r() is deprecated as of GLIBC 2.24
++#if __GLIBC__
+ union { // according to "The GNU C Library Reference Manual"
+ struct dirent d;
+ char b[offsetof(struct dirent, d_name) + NAME_MAX + 1];
+@@ -738,7 +748,7 @@ public:
+ data[i] = T(0);
+ size = 0;
+ }
+- void Sort(__compar_fn_t Compare)
++ void Sort(int (*Compare)(const void *, const void *))
+ {
+ qsort(data, size, sizeof(T), Compare);
+ }
+diff --git a/vdr.c b/vdr.c
+index 8a49471..c2a82aa 100644
+--- a/vdr.c
++++ b/vdr.c
+@@ -670,12 +670,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Terminal) {
++#ifdef __GLIBC__
+ // Claim new controlling terminal
+ stdin = freopen(Terminal, "r", stdin);
+ stdout = freopen(Terminal, "w", stdout);
+ stderr = freopen(Terminal, "w", stderr);
+ HasStdin = true;
+ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &savedTm);
++ // stdin, stdout, stderr are declared FILE const* by musl C library
++ fprintf(stderr, "Option '-t' is only supported if VDR has been built against glibc.\n");
++ return 2;
+ }
+ isyslog("VDR version %s started", VDRVERSION);
diff --git a/testing/vdr/softhddevice-musl.patch b/testing/vdr/softhddevice-musl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8564ef5e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/vdr/softhddevice-musl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+--- a/PLUGINS/src/softhddevice/audio.c
++++ b/PLUGINS/src/softhddevice/audio.c
+@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
+ #include <inttypes.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <math.h>
++#include <sched.h>
+ #include <libintl.h>
+ #define _(str) gettext(str) ///< gettext shortcut
+@@ -1584,7 +1585,7 @@
+ if (err < 0) { // underrun error
+ return -1;
+ }
+- pthread_yield();
++ sched_yield();
+ usleep(OssFragmentTime * 1000); // let fill/empty the buffers
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/testing/vdr/streamdev-for-2.3.7.patch b/testing/vdr/streamdev-for-2.3.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b9b9e1023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/vdr/streamdev-for-2.3.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From ce74c3ab559d579c37ad8ac29ddfc188d2f3ba26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jasmin Jessich <jasmin@anw.at>
+Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 21:01:01 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fixed compilation for vdr 2.3.7
+--- a/PLUGINS/src/streamdev/server/connectionVTP.c
++++ b/PLUGINS/src/streamdev/server/connectionVTP.c
+@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ private:
+ enum eStates { Channel, Event, Title, Subtitle, Description, Vps, Content, Rating,
+ EndEvent, EndChannel, EndEPG };
+ cConnectionVTP *m_Client;
++#if APIVERSNUM < 20300
+ cSchedulesLock *m_SchedulesLock;
+ const cSchedules *m_Schedules;
+ const cSchedule *m_Schedule;
+ const cEvent *m_Event;
+@@ -210,7 +212,9 @@ cLSTEHandler::cLSTEHandler(cConnectionVTP *Client, const char *Option):
+ cLSTEHandler::~cLSTEHandler()
+ {
++#if APIVERSNUM < 20300
+ delete m_SchedulesLock;
+ }
+ bool cLSTEHandler::Next(bool &Last)
+--- a/PLUGINS/src/streamdev/Makefile.orig
++++ b/PLUGINS/src/streamdev/Makefile
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ ### The directory environment:
+ # Use package data if installed...otherwise assume we're under the VDR source directory:
+-PKGCFG = $(if $(VDRDIR),$(shell pkg-config --variable=$(1) $(VDRDIR)/vdr.pc),$(shell pkg-config --variable=$(1) vdr || pkg-config --variable=$(1) ../../../vdr.pc))
++PKGCFG = $(if $(VDRDIR),$(shell pkg-config --variable=$(1) $(VDRDIR)/vdr.pc),$(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:../../.." pkg-config --variable=$(1) vdr))
+ LIBDIR = $(call PKGCFG,libdir)
+ LOCDIR = $(call PKGCFG,locdir)
+ PLGCFG = $(call PKGCFG,plgcfg)
+@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
+ -include $(PLGCFG)
+ ### export all vars for sub-makes, using absolute paths
+-LIBDIR := $(shell cd $(LIBDIR) >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)
+-LOCDIR := $(shell cd $(LOCDIR) >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)
+ export
+ unexport PLUGIN