path: root/unstable/hypermail
diff options
authorMichael Mason <ms13sp@gmail.com>2009-03-25 21:25:33 +0000
committerMichael Mason <ms13sp@gmail.com>2009-03-25 21:25:33 +0000
commitcabafc4958da8e94135754628570d4f771152ddd (patch)
tree62db198e0549c9ee71ed412c97f54bbfb7af84db /unstable/hypermail
parent0d48a9c85ddf7aee34b250f56ee0c213b9f9c843 (diff)
unstable/hypermail mdri2mbox.lua added
Diffstat (limited to 'unstable/hypermail')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unstable/hypermail/mdir2mbox.lua b/unstable/hypermail/mdir2mbox.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd883e02db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unstable/hypermail/mdir2mbox.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+-- This script takes a mlmmj archive "maildir format" directory and
+-- writes out an mbox formatted file to stdout
+-- Copyright (c) 2009 N. Angelacos under the GPL 2 License
+require "posix"
+-- command line parser, or exit
+check_command_line = function ()
+ local source_dir = arg[1]
+ local source_time = arg[2]
+ if (source_dir == nil ) then
+ io.stderr:write("mdir2mbox source_dir [hours]\n" ..
+ "Writes an mbox formatted file to stdout from the files in source_dir\n" ..
+ "If [hours] is given, then only files newer then [hours] are processed\n")
+ os.exit(-1)
+ end
+ if (posix.stat(source_dir, "type") ~= "directory") then
+ io.stderr:write(source_dir .. " is not a directory\n")
+ os.exit(-1)
+ end
+ return source_dir, source_time
+-- Get candidates
+get_candidates = function (source, hours)
+ local all = posix.dir(source)
+ local candidates = {}
+ local timestamp = 0
+ if (hours) then
+ timestamp = os.time() - hours * 3600
+ end
+ for k,v in ipairs(all) do
+ local st = posix.stat(source .. "/" .. v)
+ if (st) and (st.type == "regular") and (st.mtime > timestamp) then
+ table.insert(candidates,source .. "/" .. v)
+ end
+ end
+ return candidates
+file_to_mbox = function (path)
+ local fh = io.open(path)
+ if (fh == nil) then
+ return
+ end
+ local headers = ""
+ local l = ""
+ -- get headers
+ repeat
+ headers = headers .. l
+ l = (fh:read("*l") or "" ) .. "\n"
+ until (#l == 1)
+ local from = string.match("\n" .. headers, "\nFrom: ([^\n]*)")
+ if from == nil then
+ from = string.match("\n" .. headers, "\nReply-To: ([^\n]*)")
+ end
+ if from == nil then
+ from = "<nobody@nowhere.com>"
+ end
+ from = string.match(from, "<([^>]*)>") or string.match(from, "([^ ]*)")
+ local date = string.match("\n" .. headers, "\nDate: ([^\n]*)")
+ if date == nil then
+ date = os.date ("%c", posix.stat(path, "mtime"))
+ end
+ local weekday,day,month,year,time,offset = string.match(date, "([^,]*), +(%d+) (%a+) (%d+) ([%d:]*) ([%d]*)")
+ print ("From " .. from .. " " .. string.format("%s %s %s %s %s", weekday, month, day, time, year, offset ))
+ print (headers)
+ -- get rest of message
+ repeat
+ local foo = fh:read("*l")
+ if foo then
+ print(foo)
+ end
+ until (foo == nil)
+candidates = get_candidates(check_command_line ())
+for k,v in ipairs(candidates) do
+ file_to_mbox(v)
+print ("")