path: root/community/open-vm-tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'community/open-vm-tools')
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/community/open-vm-tools/APKBUILD b/community/open-vm-tools/APKBUILD
index 2aa577fbc8..6f4b6b0781 100644
--- a/community/open-vm-tools/APKBUILD
+++ b/community/open-vm-tools/APKBUILD
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ source="$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/archive
+ tools.conf.patch
@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ a38bb2ac16657be9f7e9b2a5e32d23e66db1f283284c1cb8e7ffe853e047373397e60f01e735a28e
c18280eb3fdfe1e3ecc5aa116369908c71917bd4dd49743a9abf78e0096e8d6c7d4323057cf506ef31886b893b2e4c4839656172edd5097a347efa96aea1c86c systemLinux.c-fixup-for-Alpine.patch
8288503c54c5a15268b1590d747d4f246fa348734ebc70f3bd56f8cec6419d032ee6bf52a7579ee088f2c80f5b0d85f050e0615d6ad6cd8da016efa2a626ce17 mock-res_ninit-and-res_nclose.patch
dbcec24beafbbe94c8ed12482f9d0c643a6bbec256198cdc898513410271a3e2c0b7e35b0997ee0e91b1567f4ed0ecf44740b8c972dd5b2fc4bf21643653153a fix-mount.vmhgfs-symlink.patch
+2704bd733fdbee956e6e8bf7dd5c4de314cb742185e5c0a4b781910d4e79cf9080b64496f8819d8d10711fdb159da6bfc6a7b8683edbb028ed6b4f7fe8eb5c71 tools.conf.patch
d4d0c0c3042eef4d241c933de6f7c398a88275744b3576efc2f909acd681752f548e4ae4a17eca7db731ee0b9254b46169a48463d12a72ec6354065d788159f4 open-vm-tools.initd
820ff0ed2911c63970ee7cfad4cd9ea4a0eeee000de4e87e2d231bf8816a48af3af73ad288cca0adddf9e8fed7f36c72298fe0549fe945aded33fc186a6b31dd open-vm-tools.confd
5626c68b8ee01ece804f314b829476280e892581a448c27092e32a60b04d40ecfa8e8eca464c4376c3cfc497eb60406798b7383d1a747a173d3cd8b78d23100b open-vm-tools.logrotate"
diff --git a/community/open-vm-tools/tools.conf.patch b/community/open-vm-tools/tools.conf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cec79121d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/community/open-vm-tools/tools.conf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Remove Windows-only stuff and fix default paths.
+--- a/open-vm-tools/tools.conf
++++ b/open-vm-tools/tools.conf
+@@ -65,10 +65,7 @@
+ # Log destinations for various services
+ # By default, logs go to
+-# %windir%/temp/vmware-<servicename>.log
+-# for Windows, and
+ # /var/log/vmware-<servicename>-<username>.log
+-# for Linux, MacOS and Solaris.
+ # Possible values for handler are:
+ # file: logs to a file. Set *.data to the file name
+@@ -80,7 +77,6 @@
+ # std: Logs to stdout for level >= 'message',
+ # and to stderr for more severe than 'message'.
+ # syslog: logs to syslog
+-# outputdebugstring: uses OutputDebugString (Windows only)
+ # If handler is 'syslog' and the OS is Linux, the facility
+ # can be set with <domain>.facility. The facility value can be one of
+@@ -97,33 +93,33 @@
+ # Enable tools service logging to a file.
+ #vmtoolsd.level = debug
+ #vmtoolsd.handler = file
+-#vmtoolsd.data = c:/tmp/vmtoolsd-${USER}.log
++#vmtoolsd.data = /var/log/vmtoolsd-${USER}.log
+ # Enable 'vmsvc' service logging to a file.
+ #vmsvc.level = debug
+ #vmsvc.handler = file
+-#vmsvc.data = c:/tmp/vmsvc.log
++#vmsvc.data = /var/log/vmsvc.log
+ # Enable VMwareResolutionSet.exe logging to a file.
+ # Comment this for Linux guest, sometimes vmusr logs are not generated due
+ # to this being uncommented
+ #vmresset.level = debug
+ #vmresset.handler = file+
+-#vmresset.data = c:/tmp/vmresset.log
++#vmresset.data = /var/log/vmresset.log
+ # Enable new "vmusr" service logging to a file.
+ #vmusr.level = debug
+ #vmusr.handler = file
+-#vmusr.data = c:/tmp/vmusr.${USER}.log
++#vmusr.data = /var/log/vmusr.${USER}.log
+ # Set the following configuration if you want to collect the logs for
+ # vmware-toolbox-cmd utility
+ #toolboxcmd.level = debug
+ #toolboxcmd.handler = file
+-#toolboxcmd.data = c:/tmp/vmtoolboxcmd-${USER}.log
++#toolboxcmd.data = /var/log/vmtoolboxcmd-${USER}.log
+ # Enable old VMwareUser/vmware-user logging to file.
+-#log.file = c:/tmp/vmtools.log
++#log.file = /var/log/vmtools.log
+ # Enable "hgfsServer" request handling logging to the appropriate service file.
+ #hgfsServer.level = debug
+@@ -158,18 +154,11 @@
+ #poweroff-script=poweroff-vm-default
+ # Runs when the virtual machine is resumed after it was suspended.
+-# On Windows guest operating systems, if the virtual machine is configured to
+-# use DHCP, the default script renews the IP address of the virtual machine.
+-# On Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD guest operating systems,
+-# this script starts networking for the virtual machine.
++# This script starts networking for the virtual machine.
+ #resume-script=resume-vm-default
+ # Runs when the virtual machine is being suspended.
+-# On Windows guest operating systems, if the virtual machine is configured
+-# to use DHCP, the default script releases the IP address of the virtual
+-# machine.
+-# On Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and FreeBSD, this script stops networking for
+-# the virtual machine.
++# This script stops networking for the virtual machine.
+ #suspend-script=suspend-vm-default
+ [guestinfo]
+@@ -203,8 +192,6 @@
+ # Interface names can use wildcards like '*' and '?'.
+ # Default for Linux and all non-Windows:
+ #exclude-nics=veth*,docker*,virbr*
+-# Default for Windows:
+ # max umber of IPv4 routes to gather.
+ #max-ipv4-routes=100
+@@ -216,25 +203,10 @@
+ #diskinfo-include-reserved=false
+-# Unity is available for Windows only.
+-# Set to true to override system decisions about whether unity should be available.
+-# Override the desktop background color when in Unity mode.
+-# The socket type can be 'ipsocket' or 'vsocket':
+ [resolutionKMS]
+ # Default is true if tools finds an xf86-video-vmware driver with
+ # version >= 13.2.0. If you don't have X installed, set this to true manually.
+-# This only affects tools for Linux.
+ #enable=true
+ [guestosinfo]
+@@ -247,12 +219,8 @@
+ [vmbackup]
+-# enableSyncDriver is not available for Windows:
+ #enableSyncDriver=true
+-# enableVSS is Windows only:
+ # See https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2146204
+ # can be used to fallback to FS quiescing forcely when there are app quiescing
+ # problems for specific Windows systems
+@@ -261,7 +229,6 @@
+ #execScripts=true
+ #scriptArg=
+-# Linux only
+ # The value of excludedFileSystems is a comma-separated list of glob-style
+ # patterns specifying the file systems to be excluded from quiesced snapshots.
+ # The patterns may use '*' (wildcard) to represent any string of characters
+@@ -271,12 +238,8 @@
+ #excludedFileSystems=
+ # Whether to execute scripts on quiescing.
+-# Scripts are executed from /etc/vmware-tools/backupScripts.d on Linux and
+-# %installpath%\backupScripts.d on Windows, and the legacy scripts
+-# "c:\windows\pre-freeze-script.bat"
+-# "c:\windows\post-thaw-script.bat"
+-# Linux:
++# Scripts are executed from /etc/vmware-tools/backupScripts.d,
++# and the legacy scripts:
+ # "/usr/sbin/pre-freeze-script"
+ # "/usr/sbin/post-thaw-script"
+ #
+@@ -295,17 +258,3 @@
+ # Whether to use vgauth for guest op authentication
+ #useVGAuth=true
+-# The autoupgrade plugin is only available for Windows.
+-# The "allow-upgrade" option controls whether automatic upgrades (or reinstalls)
+-# are allowed. The two options "allow-add-feature" and "allow-remove-feature"
+-# control whether adding or removing a feature will be allowed. The two latter
+-# ones only affect Windows tools.