path: root/main/kamailio/DMQ-multi-notify.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/kamailio/DMQ-multi-notify.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/main/kamailio/DMQ-multi-notify.patch b/main/kamailio/DMQ-multi-notify.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fa20c5505..0000000000
--- a/main/kamailio/DMQ-multi-notify.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/modules/dmq/dmq.c b/modules/dmq/dmq.c
-index fcbd8f8..8deed9b 100644
---- a/modules/dmq/dmq.c
-+++ b/modules/dmq/dmq.c
-@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ str dmq_server_socket = {0, 0};
- struct sip_uri dmq_server_uri;
- str dmq_notification_address = {0, 0};
-+int multi_notify = 0;
- struct sip_uri dmq_notification_uri;
- int ping_interval = MIN_PING_INTERVAL;
-@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ static param_export_t params[] = {
- {"ping_interval", INT_PARAM, &ping_interval},
- {"server_address", PARAM_STR, &dmq_server_address},
- {"notification_address", PARAM_STR, &dmq_notification_address},
-+ {"multi_notify", INT_PARAM, &multi_notify},
- {0, 0, 0}
- };
-diff --git a/modules/dmq/dmq.h b/modules/dmq/dmq.h
-index eedadb3..f96ac03 100644
---- a/modules/dmq/dmq.h
-+++ b/modules/dmq/dmq.h
-@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ extern str dmq_request_method;
- extern str dmq_server_socket;
- extern struct sip_uri dmq_server_uri;
- extern str dmq_notification_address;
-+extern int multi_notify;
- extern struct sip_uri dmq_notification_uri;
- /* sl and tm */
- extern struct tm_binds tmb;
-diff --git a/modules/dmq/doc/dmq_admin.xml b/modules/dmq/doc/dmq_admin.xml
-index 7eabc1a..7e9c048 100644
---- a/modules/dmq/doc/dmq_admin.xml
-+++ b/modules/dmq/doc/dmq_admin.xml
-@@ -101,6 +101,26 @@ modparam("dmq", "notification_address", "sip:")
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
-+ <section id="dmq.p.multi_notify">
-+ <title><varname>multi_notify</varname>(int)</title>
-+ <para>
-+ Enables the ability to resolve multiple IPv4/IPv6 addresses for a single notification address.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ A value of zero resolves to the first IP address found. A non-zero value resolves to all IP addresses associated with the host. This includes addresses from DNS SRV records, A and AAAA records.
-+ </para>
-+ <para>
-+ <emphasis>Default value is <quote>0</quote>.</emphasis>
-+ </para>
-+ <example>
-+ <title>Set <varname>multi_notify</varname> parameter</title>
-+ <programlisting format="linespecific">
-+modparam("dmq", "multi_notify", 1)
-+ </example>
-+ </section>
- <section id="dmq.p.num_workers">
- <title><varname>num_workers</varname>(int)</title>
- <para>
-diff --git a/modules/dmq/notification_peer.c b/modules/dmq/notification_peer.c
-index 2acb9a8..2f281c5 100644
---- a/modules/dmq/notification_peer.c
-+++ b/modules/dmq/notification_peer.c
-@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
- #include "notification_peer.h"
-+#define MAXDMQURILEN 255
-+#define MAXDMQHOSTS 30
- str notification_content_type = str_init("text/plain");
- dmq_resp_cback_t notification_callback = {&notification_resp_callback_f, 0};
-@@ -58,27 +61,277 @@ error:
- return -1;
- }
-+* Create IP URI
-+* INPUT:
-+* Arg (1) = container for hosts
-+* Arg (2) = host index
-+* Arg (3) = host name pointer
-+* Arg (4) = host name length
-+* Arg (5) = parsed URI pointer
-+* OUTPUT: 0=unable to create URI
-+int create_IP_uri (char **puri_list, int host_index, char *phost,
-+ int hostlen, sip_uri_t *puri)
-+ int pos;
-+ char *plist;
-+ char *perr = "notification host count reached max!\n";
-+ /**********
-+ * insert
-+ * o scheme
-+ * o user name/password
-+ * o host
-+ * o port
-+ * o parameters
-+ **********/
-+ plist = puri_list [host_index];
-+ if (puri->type == SIPS_URI_T) {
-+ strncpy (plist, "sips:", 5);
-+ pos = 5;
-+ } else {
-+ strncpy (plist, "sip:", 4);
-+ pos = 4;
-+ }
-+ if (puri->user.s) {
-+ strncpy (&plist [pos], puri->user.s, puri->user.len);
-+ pos += puri->user.len;
-+ if (puri->passwd.s) {
-+ plist [pos++] = ':';
-+ strncpy (&plist [pos], puri->passwd.s, puri->passwd.len);
-+ pos += puri->passwd.len;
-+ }
-+ plist [pos++] = '@';
-+ }
-+ if ((pos + hostlen) > MAXDMQURILEN) {
-+ LM_WARN ("%s", perr);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ strncpy (&plist [pos], phost, hostlen);
-+ pos += hostlen;
-+ if (puri->port_no) {
-+ if ((pos + 6) > MAXDMQURILEN) {
-+ LM_WARN ("%s", perr);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ plist [pos++] = ':';
-+ pos += ushort2sbuf (puri->port_no, &plist [pos], 5);
-+ }
-+ if (puri->params.s) {
-+ if ((pos + puri->params.len) >= MAXDMQURILEN) {
-+ LM_WARN ("%s", perr);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ plist [pos++] = ';';
-+ strncpy (&plist [pos], puri->params.s, puri->params.len);
-+ pos += puri->params.len;
-+ }
-+ plist [pos] = '\0';
-+ return 1;
-+* Get DMQ Host List
-+* INPUT:
-+* Arg (1) = container for hosts
-+* Arg (2) = maximum number of hosts
-+* Arg (3) = host string pointer
-+* Arg (4) = parsed URI pointer
-+* Arg (5) = search SRV flag
-+* OUTPUT: number of hosts found
-+int get_dmq_host_list (char **puri_list, int max_hosts, str *phost,
-+ sip_uri_t *puri, int bSRV)
-+ int host_cnt, len;
-+ unsigned short origport, port;
-+ str pstr [1];
-+ char pname [256], pIP [IP6_MAX_STR_SIZE + 2];
-+ struct rdata *phead, *prec;
-+ struct srv_rdata *psrv;
-+ /**********
-+ * o IP address?
-+ * o make null terminated name
-+ * o search SRV?
-+ **********/
-+ if (str2ip (phost) || str2ip6 (phost)) {
-+ if (!create_IP_uri (puri_list, 0, phost->s, phost->len, puri)) {
-+ LM_DBG ("adding DMQ node IP host %.*s=%s\n",
-+ phost->len, phost->s, puri_list [0]);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ strncpy (pname, phost->s, phost->len);
-+ pname [phost->len] = '\0';
-+ host_cnt = 0;
-+ if (bSRV) {
-+ /**********
-+ * get SRV records
-+ **********/
-+ port = puri->port_no;
-+ phead = get_record (pname, T_SRV, RES_ONLY_TYPE);
-+ for (prec = phead; prec; prec = prec->next) {
-+ /**********
-+ * o matching port?
-+ * o check max
-+ * o save original port
-+ * o check target
-+ * o restore port
-+ **********/
-+ psrv = (struct srv_rdata *) prec->rdata;
-+ if (port && (port != psrv->port))
-+ { continue; }
-+ if (host_cnt == max_hosts) {
-+ LM_WARN ("notification host count reached max!\n");
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ return host_cnt;
-+ }
-+ pstr->s = psrv->name;
-+ pstr->len = psrv->name_len;
-+ origport = puri->port_no;
-+ puri->port_no = psrv->port;
-+ host_cnt += get_dmq_host_list (&puri_list [host_cnt],
-+ MAXDMQHOSTS - host_cnt, pstr, puri, 0);
-+ puri->port_no = origport;
-+ }
-+ if (phead)
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ }
-+ /**********
-+ * get A records
-+ **********/
-+ phead = get_record (pname, T_A, RES_ONLY_TYPE);
-+ for (prec = phead; prec; prec = prec->next) {
-+ /**********
-+ * o check max
-+ * o create URI
-+ **********/
-+ if (host_cnt == max_hosts) {
-+ LM_WARN ("notification host count reached max!\n");
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ return host_cnt;
-+ }
-+ len = ip4tosbuf (((struct a_rdata *) prec->rdata)->ip,
-+ pIP [len] = '\0';
-+ if (create_IP_uri (puri_list, host_cnt, pIP, len, puri)) {
-+ LM_DBG ("adding DMQ node A host %s=%s\n", pname, puri_list [host_cnt]);
-+ host_cnt++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (phead)
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ /**********
-+ * get AAAA records
-+ **********/
-+ phead = get_record (pname, T_AAAA, RES_ONLY_TYPE);
-+ for (prec = phead; prec; prec = prec->next) {
-+ /**********
-+ * o check max
-+ * o create URI
-+ **********/
-+ if (host_cnt == max_hosts) {
-+ LM_WARN ("notification host count reached max!\n");
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ return host_cnt;
-+ }
-+ pIP [0] = '[';
-+ len = ip6tosbuf (((struct aaaa_rdata *) prec->rdata)->ip6,
-+ &pIP [1], IP6_MAX_STR_SIZE) + 1;
-+ pIP [len++] = ']';
-+ pIP [len] = '\0';
-+ if (create_IP_uri (puri_list, host_cnt, pIP, len, puri)) {
-+ ("adding DMQ node AAAA host %s=%s\n", pname, puri_list [host_cnt]);
-+ host_cnt++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (phead)
-+ free_rdata_list (phead);
-+ return host_cnt;
- /**
- * @brief add a server node and notify it
- */
--dmq_node_t* add_server_and_notify(str* server_address)
-+dmq_node_t* add_server_and_notify (str *paddr)
- {
-- /* add the notification server to the node list - if any */
-- dmq_node_t* node;
-- node = add_dmq_node(node_list, server_address);
-- if(!node) {
-- LM_ERR("error adding notification node\n");
-- goto error;
-+ char puri_data [MAXDMQHOSTS * (MAXDMQURILEN + 1)];
-+ char *puri_list [MAXDMQHOSTS];
-+ dmq_node_t *pfirst, *pnode;
-+ int host_cnt, index;
-+ sip_uri_t puri [1];
-+ str pstr [1];
-+ /**********
-+ * o init data area
-+ * o get list of hosts
-+ * o process list
-+ **********/
-+ if (!multi_notify) {
-+ pfirst = add_dmq_node (node_list, paddr);
-+ } else {
-+ /**********
-+ * o init data area
-+ * o get list of hosts
-+ * o process list
-+ **********/
-+ for (index = 0; index < MAXDMQHOSTS; index++) {
-+ puri_list [index] = &puri_data [index * (MAXDMQURILEN + 1)];
-+ }
-+ if (parse_uri (paddr->s, paddr->len, puri) < 0) {
-+ /* this is supposed to be good but just in case... */
-+ LM_ERR ("add_server_and_notify address invalid\n");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ pfirst = NULL;
-+ host_cnt =
-+ get_dmq_host_list (puri_list, MAXDMQHOSTS, &puri->host, puri, 1);
-+ for (index = 0; index < host_cnt; index++) {
-+ pstr->s = puri_list [index];
-+ pstr->len = strlen (puri_list [index]);
-+ pnode = add_dmq_node (node_list, pstr);
-+ if (pnode && !pfirst)
-+ { pfirst = pnode; }
-+ }
- }
-- /* request initial list from the notification server */
-- if(request_nodelist(node, 2) < 0) {
-- LM_ERR("error requesting initial nodelist\n");
-- goto error;
-+ /**********
-+ * o found at least one?
-+ * o request node list
-+ **********/
-+ if (!pfirst) {
-+ LM_ERR ("error adding notification node\n");
-+ return NULL;
- }
-- return node;
-- return NULL;
-+ if (request_nodelist (pfirst, 2) < 0) {
-+ LM_ERR ("error requesting initial nodelist\n");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ return pfirst;
- }
- /**