path: root/main/lxc/setup-lxc-guest
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/lxc/setup-lxc-guest')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/main/lxc/setup-lxc-guest b/main/lxc/setup-lxc-guest
deleted file mode 100755
index 0519ae0299..0000000000
--- a/main/lxc/setup-lxc-guest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-# simple script to set up a new lxc guest
-# test the first argument against the remaining ones, return success on a match
-isin() {
- local _a=$1 _b
- shift
- for _b; do
- [ "$_a" = "$_b" ] && return 0
- done
- return 1
-# remove all occurrences of first argument from list formed by
-# the remaining arguments
-rmel() {
- local _a=$1 _b
- shift
- for _b; do
- [ "$_a" != "$_b" ] && echo -n "$_b "
- done
-# Issue a read into the global variable $resp.
-_ask() {
- local _redo=0
- read resp
- case "$resp" in
- !) echo "Type 'exit' to return to setup."
- sh
- _redo=1
- ;;
- !*) eval "${resp#?}"
- _redo=1
- ;;
- esac
- return $_redo
-# Ask for user input.
-# $1 = the question to ask the user
-# $2 = the default answer
-# Save the user input (or the default) in $resp.
-# Allow the user to escape to shells ('!') or execute commands
-# ('!foo') before entering the input.
-ask() {
- local _question=$1 _default=$2
- while :; do
- echo -n "$_question "
- [ -z "$_default" ] || echo -n "[$_default] "
- _ask && : ${resp:=$_default} && break
- done
-# Ask for user input until a non-empty reply is entered.
-# $1 = the question to ask the user
-# $2 = the default answer
-# Save the user input (or the default) in $resp.
-ask_until() {
- resp=
- while [ -z "$resp" ] ; do
- ask "$1" "$2"
- done
-# Ask for the user to select one value from a list, or 'done'.
-# $1 = name of the list items (disk, cd, etc.)
-# $2 = question to ask
-# $3 = list of valid choices
-# $4 = default choice, if it is not specified use the first item in $3
-# N.B.! $3 and $4 will be "expanded" using eval, so be sure to escape them
-# if they contain spooky stuff
-# At exit $resp holds selected item, or 'done'
-ask_which() {
- local _name=$1 _query=$2 _list=$3 _def=$4 _dynlist _dyndef
- while :; do
- # Put both lines in ask prompt, rather than use a
- # separate 'echo' to ensure the entire question is
- # re-ask'ed after a '!' or '!foo' shell escape.
- eval "_dynlist=\"$_list\""
- eval "_dyndef=\"$_def\""
- # Clean away whitespace and determine the default
- set -o noglob
- set -- $_dyndef; _dyndef="$1"
- set -- $_dynlist; _dynlist="$*"
- set +o noglob
- [ $# -lt 1 ] && resp=done && return
- : ${_dyndef:=$1}
- echo "Available ${_name}s are: $_dynlist."
- echo -n "Which one $_query? (or 'done') "
- [ -n "$_dyndef" ] && echo -n "[$_dyndef] "
- _ask || continue
- [ -z "$resp" ] && resp="$_dyndef"
- # Quote $resp to prevent user from confusing isin() by
- # entering something like 'a a'.
- isin "$resp" $_dynlist done && break
- echo "'$resp' is not a valid choice."
- done
-# Ask for user input until a non-empty reply is entered.
-# $1 = the question to ask the user
-# $2 = the default answer
-# Save the user input (or the default) in $resp.
-ask_until() {
- resp=
- while [ -z "$resp" ] ; do
- ask "$1" "$2"
- done
-# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname#Restrictions_on_valid_host_names
-valid_hostname() {
- # check length
- if [ $(echo "$1" | wc -c) -gt 63 ]; then
- echo "Hostname '$1' is too long."
- return 1
- fi
- # check that it only contains valid chars
- if ! [ -z "$(echo $1 | sed 's/[0-9a-z-]//g')" ]; then
- echo "Hostname must only contain letters (a-z), digits (0-9) or -"
- return 1
- fi
- # must not start with -
- case "$1" in
- -*) echo "Hostname must not start with a '-'"; return 1;;
- esac
- return 0
-# return last ipv4 address and mask
-# $1 = interface
-last_ipv4_addr_mask() {
- local _iface=$1
- ip addr show dev $_iface | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}' | tail -n1
-valid_ip_and_prefix() {
- [ "$1" ] || return 0
- ipcalc -s -m $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 && ! ipcalc -s -m $1/0 >/dev/null 2>&1
-# ask for hostname
-# $1 = default
-# retrusn hostname in global var $resp
-ask_hostname() {
- while true; do
- ask "Hostname for new lxc container:" $1
- if [ -d /var/lib/lxc/$resp ]; then
- echo "/var/lib/lxc/$resp already exist"
- continue
- fi
- if [ -d /lxc/$resp ]; then
- echo "/lxc/$resp already exist"
- continue
- fi
- valid_hostname $resp && break
- done
-ask_ifaceopts() {
- # get ip address(es)
- resp=
- local ifaceopts= _def= _iface=
- local ifaces=$(ip addr | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^[0-9]/ {printf "%s" $2} END {printf "\n"}')
- local last_iface=$(echo $ifaces | sed 's/.* //')
- while [ "$resp" != "done" ]; do
- if [ -z "$ifaces" ] || [ "$ifaces" = "lo " ] || [ -n "$ifaceopts" ]; then
- _def="done"
- else
- _def=$(echo $ifaces | sed 's/.* //')
- fi
- ask_which "network interface" "to use for $_hostname" \
- "$ifaces" $_def
- [ "$resp" = "done" ] && break
- _iface=$resp
- ifaces=$(rmel $_iface $ifaces)
- # suggested ip by last digit + 1
- _last_ip_mask=$(last_ipv4_addr_mask $_iface)
- _last_ip=${_last_ip_mask%/*}
- _last_ip_digit=${_last_ip##*.}
- _ip=${_last_ip%.*}.$((($_last_ip_digit + 1) % 256))
- _mask=${_last_ip_mask#*/}
- while true; do
- ask "Enter IP address/mask for $_iface:" $_ip/$_mask
- valid_ip_and_prefix "$resp" 2>&1 && break
- echo "$resp is not a valid IPv4 address/mask"
- done
- _ip_mask=$resp
- ifaceopts="$ifaceopts --interface $_iface:$_ip_mask"
- echo "lxc.network.ipv4 = $_iface/$_ip_mask" >> /tmp/lxc-$hostname.conf
- conffile=/tmp/lxc-$hostname.conf
- done
- resp="$conffile"
-ask_template() {
- local temp
- # get template
- while true; do
- ask "Enter template file (or empty for generate a new):" \
- $_template
- if [ -z "$resp" ] || [ -r "$resp" ]; then
- break
- fi
- echo "Can not read $resp"
- done
- temp=$resp
- if [ -z "$temp" ]; then
- temp=/tmp/template.tar.gz
- echo "Generating template..."
- if setup-lxc-template -q -o $temp; then
- echo "ok"
- else
- echo "Failed to create template"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- resp=$temp
-usage() {
- echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [-h] [HOSTNAME...]"
- exit 1
-while getopts "h" opt; do
- case "$opt" in
- h) usage;;
- ?) usage;;
- esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then
- echo "Need to be root. Sorry."
- exit 1
-while true; do
- ask_hostname $1
- _hostname=$resp
- ask_ifaceopts
- _conffile=$resp
- ask_template
- _template=$resp
- lxc-create -n $_hostname \
- -f $_conffile \
- -t "$_template" \
- || exit 1
- shift
- [ $# -le 0 ] && exit 0