path: root/main/util-vserver/alpine.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/util-vserver/alpine.patch')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/util-vserver/alpine.patch b/main/util-vserver/alpine.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3727db8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/util-vserver/alpine.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+diff --git a/distrib/alpine/initpost b/distrib/alpine/initpost
+index 4bb639d..969e20c 100644
+--- a/distrib/alpine/initpost
++++ b/distrib/alpine/initpost
+@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ vdir="$cfgdir"/vdir
+ cd "$vdir"
+-echo ">>> Creating missing dirs..."
+-$_CHROOT_SH mkdir proc sys dev home etc etc/rcL.d etc/rcK.d 2>/dev/null
++echo ">>> Creating missing dirs ..."
++$_CHROOT_SH mkdir proc sys dev home etc run 2>/dev/null
+ # remove mtab which is a link
+ if test -e "$vdir/etc/mtab"; then
+@@ -32,40 +32,54 @@ if test -e "$vdir/etc/mtab"; then
+ fi
+ # trick to install busybox links and boot services
+-echo ">>> Installing boot services..."
++echo ">>> Installing boot services ..."
+ vserver="$1"
+-$_VSERVER "$vserver" stop &>/dev/null || true
+-$_VSERVER "$vserver" start --rescue --rescue-init /bin/busybox sh -c '
+- /bin/busybox --install -s
+- if [ -x /sbin/rc-update ]; then
+- /sbin/rc-update add syslog boot
+- /bin/rmdir /etc/rcL.d /etc/rcK.d
+- else
+- /sbin/rc_add -s 20 -k syslog
+- fi
++$_CHROOT_SH mkdir /etc/runlevels 2>/dev/null
++$_CHROOT_SH mkdir /etc/runlevels/boot 2>/dev/null
++$_CHROOT_SH link /etc/init.d/syslog /etc/runlevels/boot/syslog
+ # set up hostname
+ if test -r "$cfgdir"/uts/nodename; then
+- echo ">>> Setting hostname..."
++ echo ">>> Setting hostname ..."
+ $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/hostname < "$cfgdir/uts/nodename"
+ fi
+ # create fstab
+ echo -e "none\t/\tnone\tdefaults" | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/fstab
+-# create busybox style inittab
+-cat <<EOF | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/inittab
++# set up cmd.start and cmd stop if needed
++test -e "$1"/apps/init/style && initstyle=$(cat "$1"/apps/init/style)
++if test "$initstyle" == "openrc" -o "$initstyle" == "gentoo"; then
++ echo ">>> Installing openrc init-style magic ..."
++ $_CHROOT_SH mkdir /lib 2>/dev/null
++ $_CHROOT_SH mkdir /lib/rc 2>/dev/null
++ $_CHROOT_SH mkdir /lib/rc/sh 2>/dev/null
++ cat <<EOF | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /lib/rc/sh/init-vserver.sh
++RUNLEVEL=1 /sbin/rc sysinit && /sbin/rc boot || exit 1
++/sbin/rc \${1:-default}
++exit 0
++ $_CHROOT_SH chmod 0755 /lib/rc/sh/init-vserver.sh
++ $_CHROOT_SH mkdir /etc/init.d 2>/dev/null
++ echo "exit 0" | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/init.d/shutdown.sh
++ $_CHROOT_SH chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/shutdown.sh
++ echo "exit 0" | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/init.d/reboot.sh
++ $_CHROOT_SH chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/reboot.sh
++ echo ">>> Creating busybox style inittab ..."
++ # create busybox style inittab
++ cat <<EOF | $_CHROOT_SH truncate /etc/inittab
++::sysinit:/sbin/rc sysinit
++::wait:/sbin/rc default
++::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/rc shutdown
+ ::ctrlaltdel:/usr/bin/killall5 -15
+-# set up cmd.start and cmd stop if needed
+-test -e "$1"/apps/init/style && initstlye=$(cat "$1"/apps/init/style)
+-if test "$initstlye" != "plain"; then
+- echo "/etc/init.d/rcL" > "$cfgdir/apps/init/cmd.start"
+- echo "/etc/init.d/rcK" > "$cfgdir/apps/init/cmd.stop"
+ fi
+ # vserver should not be running at this point but lets be sure
+diff --git a/distrib/alpine/initpre b/distrib/alpine/initpre
+index 58ea449..0257e20 100644
+--- a/distrib/alpine/initpre
++++ b/distrib/alpine/initpre
+@@ -20,14 +20,19 @@
+ vdir="$1"/vdir
+ . "$2"
++echo ">>> Adding /run to fstab ..."
++echo "none /run tmpfs size=1m,mode=0755 0 0" >> "$1"/fstab
+ # initstyle sanity
+ initstyle=sysv
+ test -e "$1"/apps/init/style && initstyle=$(cat "$1"/apps/init/style)
+ echo ">>> Checking init-style ... $initstyle"
+-if test "$initstyle" != "sysv" && test "$initstyle" != "plain" ; then
+- echo "!!! The init-style is not supported for Alpine Linux"
+- echo "!!! Please use sysv or plain"
++case "$initstyle" in
++ plain|openrc|gentoo) ;;
++ *) echo "!!! The init-style $initstyle is not supported for Alpine Linux"
++ echo "!!! Please use plain or openrc"
++ ;;