path: root/testing/prayer/makefile_install_config.patch
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/prayer/makefile_install_config.patch')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/prayer/makefile_install_config.patch b/testing/prayer/makefile_install_config.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15002ad0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/prayer/makefile_install_config.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+--- a/files/etc/prayer-accountd.cf
++++ b/files/etc/prayer-accountd.cf
+@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
+ # Default accountd.cf file suitable for RedHat Linux only.
+ # See distribution for some sample files for FreeBSD and Solaris
++accountd_port = 145
++authtype = pam
+ msforward_name = ".MSforward"
+ forward_name = ".forward"
+ aliases_name = "vacation.aliases"
+--- a/files/Makefile
++++ b/files/Makefile
+@@ -66,21 +66,16 @@ install-aconfig:
+ install-motd:
+ $(INSTALL) -o $(RO_USER) -g $(RO_GROUP) -m $(PUBLIC_FILE) \
+- etc/motd.html ${BROOT}${PREFIX}/etc
++ etc/motd.html ${BROOT}/etc/prayer
+ install:
+- ./install.sh
+- if [ ! -f $(BROOT)$(PREFIX)/certs/prayer.pem ]; then $(MAKE) install-cert; fi
++ ${INSTALL} -d -o ${RO_USER} -g ${RO_GROUP} -m ${PUBLIC_DIR} ${BROOT}${PREFIX}
++ ${INSTALL} -d -o ${RO_USER} -g ${RO_GROUP} -m ${PUBLIC_DIR} ${BROOT}/etc/prayer
++ tar -c --owner ${RO_USER} --group ${RO_GROUP} --mode "a-x+X" icons static | tar -C ${BROOT}${PREFIX} -x
+ if [ ! -f $(BROOT)$(PRAYER_CONFIG_FILE) ]; then $(MAKE) install-config; fi
+ if [ ! -f $(BROOT)$(ACCOUNTD_CONFIG_FILE) ]; then $(MAKE) install-aconfig; fi
+- if [ ! -f $(BROOT)$(PREFIX)/etc/motd.html ]; then $(MAKE) install-motd; fi
++ if [ ! -f $(BROOT)/etc/prayer/motd.html ]; then $(MAKE) install-motd; fi
+ redhat-install-init.d:
+ install -D -o root -g root -m 755 \
+--- a/files/etc/prayer.cf.SRC
++++ b/files/etc/prayer.cf.SRC
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var_prefix = "__VAR_PREFIX__"
+ # User ID to run as if we start off as root
+ prayer_user = "prayer"
+ # Group ID to run as if we start off as root
+-prayer_group = "prayer"
++prayer_group = "nogroup"
+ # Run prayer as background process.
+ # TRUE => will return as soon as valid configuration is found.
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ directory_perms = 0750
+ imapd_user_map = ""
+ # Default imapd server.
+-imapd_server = localhost
++imapd_server = localhost/notls
+ # Name of Prayer user preferences file on IMAP server
+ prefs_folder_name = ".prayer"
+@@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ icon_expire_timeout = 7d
+ # Locatation of SSL certificate file (only used if SSL ports defined).
+ # Required if we are going to provide SSL services.
+-ssl_cert_file = "$prefix/certs/prayer.pem"
++ssl_cert_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
+ # Locatation of SSL private key file (only used if SSL ports defined).
+ # Required if we are going to provide SSL services.
+-ssl_privatekey_file = "$prefix/certs/prayer.pem"
++ssl_privatekey_file = "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
+ # Master server will regenerate shared RSA key at this interval:
+ ssl_rsakey_lifespan = 15m
+@@ -282,8 +282,9 @@ ssl_rsakey_lifespan = 15m
+ # RSA key remains fresh in child process for this long after first actual use.
+ ssl_rsakey_freshen = 15m
+-# SSL session cache timeout.
+-ssl_session_timeout = 24h
++# SSL session cache timeout. Uncomment to enable SSL session caching.
++# You should also arrange for prayer-ssl-prune to be run periodically.
++#ssl_session_timeout = 24h
+ # EGD socket, if system has no /dev/urandom
+ #egd_socket = "/var/prngd/urandom"
+@@ -374,13 +375,15 @@ sendmail_path = /usr/lib/sendmail
+ ispell_path = /usr/bin/ispell
+ # Message of the day file
+-motd_path = "$prefix/etc/motd.html"
++#motd_path = "/etc/prayer/motd.html"
+-# HTML to insert into login page
+-#login_insert1_path = "$prefix/etc/ucsnews.html"
+-# HTML to insert into login page
+-#login_insert2_path = "$prefix/etc/ucsnews.html"
++# HTML to make available to login template as $login_insert1
++# (only used in "cam" template set).
++#login_insert1_path = "/etc/prayer/login1.html"
++# HTML to make available to login template as $login_insert2
++# (currently not used in any template set).
++#login_insert2_path = "/etc/prayer/login2.html"
+ # Login security: Prayer's front page defaults to a login form.
+ # If the user does not connect via SSL then this can be changed
+@@ -409,10 +412,11 @@ bin_dir = "__BIN_DIR__"
+ # Various directories used by the running system
+ # Logs stored in $log_dir
+-log_dir = "$var_prefix/logs"
++log_dir = "/var/log/prayer"
+ # $lock_dir used for interlocking between prayer processes
+-lock_dir = "$var_prefix/locks"
++# (only on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD)
++lock_dir = "$var_prefix"
+ # $socket_dir is location for unix domain sockets which connect frontend
+ # to backend in proxy mode of operation.
+@@ -420,7 +424,7 @@ socket_dir = "$var_prefix/socke
+ # Split socket directory into 64 subdirs keyed on first letter of sessionID
+ # Code provides compatibility in both directions: can switch back and forward
+-socket_split_dir = TRUE
++socket_split_dir = FALSE
+ # Name of Unix domain socket (in $socket_dir) used for initial handshake
+ # between prayer and prayer-session processes when a user logs in
+@@ -434,7 +438,7 @@ ssl_session_dir = "$var_prefix/ssl_s
+ tmp_dir = "$var_prefix/tmp"
+ # Location for PID files for prayer and prayer-session master processes.
+-pid_dir = "$var_prefix/pid"
++pid_dir = "$var_prefix"
+ # Interface to Hermes finger database
+ #lookup_rpasswd = "/data/finger/rpasswd.cdb"
+@@ -452,7 +456,7 @@ pid_dir = "$var_prefix/pid"
+ # Template stuff
+ template_path = "__PREFIX__/templates"
+-template_set = "cam"
++template_set = "old"
+ template_use_compiled = TRUE
+ template old "Traditional"
+@@ -601,14 +605,14 @@ hiersep = "/"
+ dualuse = FALSE
+ # Names of postponed_folder and sent_mail_folder, relative to maildir
+-postponed_folder = "postponed-msgs"
+-sent_mail_folder = "sent-mail"
++postponed_folder = "Drafts"
++sent_mail_folder = "Sent"
+ # Default domain for outgoing mail. Defaults to "$hostname".
+ # default_domain = "<valid mail domain>"
+ # Language for ispell.
+-ispell_language = "british"
++ispell_language = "american"
+ # Size of small and large compose windows
+ small_cols = 80