path: root/testing
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* testing/py-procfs: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python API for the Linux /proc virtual filesystem https://github.com/pmuller/procfs
* testing/py-runstatus: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python library to detect program states https://github.com/riquito/runstatus/
* testing/py-hurry-filesize: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python library for human readable file sizes https://pypi.python.org/pypi/hurry.filesize
* testing/py-docopt: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python argument parser http://docopt.org/
* testing/py-uptime: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python uptime library https://github.com/Cairnarvon/uptime
* testing/py-isort: fix pkgnameFabian Affolter2013-10-221-1/+1
* testing/py-incoming: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python JSON validation framework https://github.com/vaidik/incoming
* testing/py-bumpy: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python file builder and CLI tool http://github.com/scizzorz/bumpy
* testing/py-pybles: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python module to represent tables in the terminal http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pybles/
* testing/py-blessings: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning https://github.com/erikrose/blessings
* testing/py-flask-components: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Flask files discovery extension https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Components
* testing/py-isort: upgrade to 2.0.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/git2json: upgrade to 0.2.1Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-exconsole: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Emergency/postmortem Python console https://github.com/Eugeny/exconsole
* testing/py-apitree: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python web service API backend https://github.com/jmatthias/apitree
* testing/py-reconfigure: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python library for parsing and generation configuration file formats https://github.com/Eugeny/reconfigure
* testing/py-lockfile: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python file locking module https://github.com/smontanaro/pylockfile
* testing/py-hearplanetapi: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Python API wrapper for Hear Planet http://pypi.python.org/pypi/HearPlanetAPI/
* testing/py-setuptools-pep8: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Setuptools plugin for pep8 https://github.com/CraigJPerry/setuptools-pep8
* testing/py-setuptools-flakes: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Setuptools plugin for pyflakes https://github.com/johnnoone/setuptools-pyflakes.git
* testing/py-setuptools-lint: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Setuptools plugin for pylint https://github.com/johnnoone/setuptools-pylint
* testing/py-setuptools-git: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Setuptools plugin for Git https://github.com/wichert/setuptools-git
* testing/py-linkedin: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Python API wrapper for linkedin https://github.com/michaelhelmick/linkedin/
* testing/py-oauth2: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python library for OAuth https://github.com/simplegeo/python-oauth2
* testing/py-vkontakte: update dependsFabian Affolter2013-10-221-1/+1
* testing/py-vkontakte: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Python API wrapper for vk.com http://bitbucket.org/kmike/vkontakte/
* testing/py-thepiratebay: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Python API for The Pirate Bay https://github.com/thekarangoel/TPB
* testing/py-dateutils: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Various Python utilities for working with date and datetime objects https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dateutils
* testing/py-purl: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | An immutable Python URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation https://github.com/codeinthehole/purl
* testing/py-hackernews: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | Python API for Hacker News https://github.com/thekarangoel/HackerNewsAPI/
* testing/asciinema: update dependsFabian Affolter2013-10-221-1/+1
* testing/asciinema: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+40
| | | | | A Command line recorder for asciinema.org service https://github.com/sickill/asciinema/
* testing/py-nikola: upgrade to 6.1.1Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/awake: split out python packageFabian Affolter2013-10-221-2/+9
* testing/py-awake: rename to awakeFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+0
* testing/redis: update source urlFabian Affolter2013-10-221-1/+1
* testing/redis: patch to unbundle jemallocFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+14
* testing/redis: upgrade to 2.6.16Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-9/+27
* testing/jemalloc: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+50
| | | | | A general purpose malloc(3) implementation http://www.canonware.com/jemalloc/
* testing/py-nikola: upgrade to 6.1.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-ujson: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A fast Python JSON encoder and decoder http://github.com/esnme/ultrajson
* testing/py-sphinxcontrib-actdiag: upgrade to 0.6.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-actdiag: upgrade to 0.5.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-sphinxcontrib-seqdiag: upgrade to 0.6.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-seqdiag: upgrade to 0.9.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-sphinxcontrib-nwdiag: upgrade to 0.7.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-nwdiag: upgrade to 1.0.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag: upgrade to 1.3.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-blockdiag: upgrade to 1.3.0Fabian Affolter2013-10-221-4/+4
* testing/py-argh: new aportFabian Affolter2013-10-221-0/+41
| | | | | A Python argparse wrapper http://github.com/neithere/argh/