# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Maintainer: Jose-Luis Rivas # # secfixes: # 11.10.1-r0: # - CVE-2019-5737 # 11.3.0-r0: # - CVE-2018-12121 # - CVE-2018-12122 # - CVE-2018-12123 # - CVE-2018-0735 # - CVE-2018-0734 # 9.10.0-r0: # - CVE-2018-7158 # - CVE-2018-7159 # - CVE-2018-7160 # 9.2.1-r0: # - CVE-2017-15896 # - CVE-2017-15897 # pkgname=nodejs-current # The current stable version, i.e. non-LTS. pkgver=11.11.0 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="JavaScript runtime built on V8 engine - current stable version" url="https://nodejs.org/" arch="all !mips64 !mips64el" license="MIT" depends="ca-certificates" depends_dev="libuv" makedepends="linux-headers python2 paxmark zlib-dev libuv-dev openssl-dev c-ares-dev nghttp2-dev" subpackages="$pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc" provides="nodejs" replaces="nodejs nodejs-lts" # nodejs-lts for backward compatibility source="https://nodejs.org/dist/v$pkgver/node-v$pkgver.tar.gz dont-run-gyp-files-for-bundled-deps.patch link-with-libatomic-on-mips32.patch " builddir="$srcdir/node-v$pkgver" prepare() { default_prepare # Remove bundled dependencies that we're not using. rm -rf deps/cares deps/openssl deps/uv deps/zlib } build() { cd "$builddir" case "$CARCH" in mips*) _carchflags="--with-mips-arch-variant=r1 --with-mips-float-abi=soft";; esac ./configure --prefix=/usr \ $_carchflags \ --shared-zlib \ --shared-libuv \ --shared-openssl \ --experimental-http-parser \ --shared-cares \ --shared-nghttp2 \ --openssl-use-def-ca-store # we need run mksnapshot at build time so paxmark it early. make -C out mksnapshot BUILDTYPE=Release paxmark -m out/Release/mksnapshot make # paxmark so JIT works paxmark -m out/Release/node } # TODO Run provided test suite. check() { cd "$builddir"/out/Release ./node -e 'console.log("Hello, world!")' ./node -e "require('assert').equal(process.versions.node, '$pkgver')" } package() { cd "$builddir" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # It's strange, but it really needs to be paxmarked again... paxmark -m "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/node # Remove npm, it's provided by main/nodejs package. rm -r "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/npm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/npx } sha512sums="f4c23b94c0d2e723355fe11428dee441d4450c7786fd168a3bb5506dc8db9ba7c505868a3c9b29c064f8275d2129b0685a1e9221d62c67ba29f8f80048413e8e node-v11.11.0.tar.gz 3697009ae7bf90e7a83da33eac915de9cb32680cafc8003e727540f98942312699e0ee2ebf3014dea15b1f4bcf93f983eec521ad86d75073664c64f5fdeea84d dont-run-gyp-files-for-bundled-deps.patch adba24239eb8ccb1d27664e9a8b2af0992e2b7b59d03d67bd18598bf0a266f1b572e312980face891f93fad0330488e2af1ab8f524c1798746adb64bed994831 link-with-libatomic-on-mips32.patch"