# Loglevel Debug|Info|Warning|Error. Default is: Info # The logfile is located at /var/log/quassel.log. #LOGLEVEL="Info" # The address(es) quasselcore will listen on. Default is #LISTEN="" # Specify the network service that corresponds to the "bind" setting # in your configuration file. For example, if you bind to, # this should be set to "loopback" which provides the loopback interface. rc_need="loopback" # The port quasselcore will listen at. Default is: 4242 #PORT="4242" # User we want our daemon to run under. #USER="quassel" # Group we want our daemon to run under. #GROUP="quassel" # Directory we store all quasselcore content. #CONFIGDIR="/var/lib/quassel" # File quasselcore will log all its events into. #LOGFILE="/var/log/quassel.log"