If anyone is interested I updated the workaround ftp credential patch
for The previous one bombed on urls with email addresses in them.

This one will probably bomb someplace else :)  

7/9/2009 ftp patch:

--- a/src/HTTPHeader.cpp	2009-06-13 14:10:15.000000000 -0500
+++ b/src/HTTPHeader.cpp	2009-07-09 17:29:16.000000000 -0500
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 // modifies the URL in all relevant header lines after a regexp search and replace
 // setURL Code originally from from Ton Gorter 2004
 void HTTPHeader::setURL(String &url) {
-	String hostname;
+	String hostname,credentials;
 	bool https = (url.before("://") == "https");
 	int port = (https ? 443 : 80);
@@ -420,12 +420,18 @@
 		hostname = hostname.before(":");  // chop off the port bit
+	//Restore stripped credentials
+	credentials="";
+	if (header.front().after("://").before(hostname.toCharArray()).contains("@")) { // Contains a username:password combo
+		credentials = header.front().after("://").before(hostname.toCharArray());
+	}
 #ifdef DGDEBUG
 	std::cout << "setURL: header.front() changed from: " << header.front() << std::endl;
 	if (!https)
-		header.front() = header.front().before(" ") + " " + url + " " + header.front().after(" ").after(" ");
+		header.front() = header.front().before(" ") + " " + url.before("://") + "://" + credentials + url.after("://") + " " + header.front().after(" ").after(" ");
 		// Should take form of "CONNECT example.com:443 HTTP/1.0" for SSL
 		header.front() = header.front().before(" ") + " " + hostname + ":" + String(port) + " " + header.front().after(" ").after(" ");