#!/usr/bin/env perl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # markdt by Timo Teräs # based on mkknlimg by Phil Elwell for Raspberry Pi # based on extract-ikconfig Dick Streefland # # (c) 2009,2010 Dick Streefland # (c) 2014,2015 Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited # (c) 2015 Timo Teräs # # Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use integer; usage() if (@ARGV != 1); my $out_file = $ARGV[0]; my $trailer_magic = 'RPTL'; my $trailer; my $dtok = 1; my $ddtk = 0; my $is_283x = 0; my $ofh; my $total_len = 0; sub pack_trailer { my ($atoms) = @_; my $trailer = pack('VV', 0, 0); for (my $i = $#$atoms; $i>=0; $i--) { my $atom = $atoms->[$i]; $trailer .= pack('a*x!4Va4', $atom->[1], length($atom->[1]), $atom->[0]); } return $trailer; } # Construct the trailer my @atoms; push @atoms, [ $trailer_magic, pack('V', 0) ]; push @atoms, [ 'DTOK', pack('V', $dtok) ]; push @atoms, [ 'DDTK', pack('V', $ddtk) ]; push @atoms, [ '283x', pack('V', $is_283x) ]; $trailer = pack_trailer(\@atoms); $atoms[0]->[1] = pack('V', length($trailer)); $trailer = pack_trailer(\@atoms); # Write the trailer aligned to 4-byte boundary die "* Failed to open '$out_file' for append\n" if (!open($ofh, '>>', $out_file)); $total_len = tell($ofh); syswrite($ofh, "\x000\x000\x000", (-$total_len & 0x3)); syswrite($ofh, $trailer); close($ofh); exit(0);