#!/sbin/openrc-run piddir=/var/run/quagga pidfile=$piddir/$SVCNAME.pid command=/usr/sbin/$SVCNAME command_args="-d -f /etc/quagga/$SVCNAME.conf --pid_file $pidfile" depend() { need net after firewall opennhrp } cleanup() { ebegin "Cleaning up stale zebra routes..." ip route flush proto zebra eend $? } checkconfig() { if ! [ -e /etc/quagga/$SVCNAME.conf ] ; then eerror "You need to create /etc/quagga/$SVCNAME.conf first." eerror "An example can be found in /usr/share/doc/quagga/$SVCNAME.conf.sample" eerror "from quagga-doc package" return 1 fi return 0 } start_pre() { checkconfig || return 1 checkpath --owner quagga:quagga --directory $piddir cleanup }