# Contributor: Ɓukasz Jendrysik # Contributor: Kaarle Ritvanen # Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Maintainer: Natanael Copa pkgname=uwsgi pkgver=2.0.14 pkgrel=8 pkgdesc="uWSGI application container server" url="http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/" arch="all" license="GPL2" depends="mailcap" install="uwsgi.pre-install" pkgusers="uwsgi" pkggroups="uwsgi" makedepends=" attr-dev curl-dev geoip-dev jansson-dev libcap-dev linux-headers linux-pam-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev lua5.2-dev paxmark pcre-dev postgresql-dev python python2-dev python3-dev zeromq-dev zlib-dev " source="http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-${pkgver}.tar.gz uwsgi.initd uwsgi.ini readme.emperor alpine.buildconf musl-fix-python.patch " builddir="$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" # Plugins for Python 2 or without compile dependency on Python. # You may specify a custom name for so lib and subpackage after a colon. _plugins=" alarm_curl cache carbon cgi cheaper_backlog2 cheaper_busyness corerouter curl_cron dumbloop dummy echo emperor_amqp emperor_pg emperor_zeromq fastrouter forkptyrouter geoip gevent graylog2 http legion_cache_fetch logcrypto logfile logpipe logsocket logzmq lua msgpack nagios notfound pam ping pty python rawrouter redislog router_basicauth router_cache router_expires router_hash router_http router_memcached router_metrics router_radius router_redirect router_redis router_rewrite router_static router_uwsgi rpc rrdtool rsyslog signal spooler sslrouter stats_pusher_file stats_pusher_socket stats_pusher_statsd symcall syslog transformation_chunked transformation_gzip transformation_offload transformation_template transformation_tofile tuntap ugreen webdav xslt zabbix zergpool " # Plugins for Python 3. # You may specify a custom name for so lib and subpackage after a colon. _plugins3="gevent:gevent3 python:python3" subpackages="" for _p in $_plugins $_plugins3; do subpackages="$subpackages uwsgi-${_p#*:}:_plugin" done _desc_gevent="uWSGI plugin for gevent (Python 2)" _desc_gevent3="uWSGI plugin for gevent (Python 3)" _desc_python="uWSGI plugin for Python 2" _desc_python3="uWSGI plugin for Python 3" prepare() { default_prepare || return 1 cp "$srcdir"/alpine.buildconf buildconf/alpine.ini } build() { cd "$builddir" msg "Building core" # ccache seems to trigger some weird bug on musl CC="gcc" python2 uwsgiconfig.py --build alpine || return 1 export UWSGICONFIG_LUAPC="lua5.2" local item for item in $_plugins; do _build python "$item" || return 1 done for item in $_plugins3; do _build python3 "$item" || return 1 done } _build() { local python="$1" local plugin="${2%:*}" local myname="${2#*:}" msg "Building $plugin plugin ($myname)" $python uwsgiconfig.py --plugin plugins/$plugin alpine $myname } package() { cd "$builddir" install -m 755 -D uwsgi \ "$pkgdir"/usr/sbin/uwsgi || return 1 install -m 644 -D "$srcdir"/readme.emperor \ "$pkgdir"/etc/uwsgi/conf.d/readme.emperor || return 1 install -m 644 -D "$srcdir"/uwsgi.ini \ "$pkgdir"/etc/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini || return 1 install -m 755 -D "$srcdir"/uwsgi.initd \ "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/uwsgi || return 1 install -m 775 -d -o root -g uwsgi "$pkgdir"/var/log/uwsgi # Disable emutramp/mprotect, this is needed for luajit and cffi. paxmark -em "$pkgdir"/usr/sbin/uwsgi } _plugin() { local name="${subpkgname#$pkgname-}" local desc="$(eval "echo \$_desc_$name")" pkgdesc="${desc:-"uWSGI plugin $name"}" depends="uwsgi" cd "$builddir" install -m 755 -D ${name}_plugin.so \ "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/uwsgi/${name}_plugin.so || return 1 } sha512sums="cf557ba27cb1c28e784e8909043bca874cd56846aa9ebaf1ff229191ad20484e467147a6ea7cc629399d4afd6e4ac4479b2f6827729df04321eef4bf842b9e42 uwsgi-2.0.14.tar.gz 63137d45437e00deb970d66e2abddf7f235636b748f6cf545f54ff5557066c2a71db5c4a3bab2edceb4e65d3d7fac887f1f4c0e77658127e02b64d3026780b4c uwsgi.initd 370202e143d0e041a2e36905346080d3ca592c9a74705a8c4e142a1307d22b921c10e673d683ca284ea27d184474ed86edd7723a6e590d35a562ad7cf6afa529 uwsgi.ini 2798c9d2e49e29292ffe6a5a29b866301c78d5f322fc5d07dfa9569efdaa5220237a5f6744652fbdd957be29311ddaff190541333f042cbf0e907dfa98ce3e2a readme.emperor f3cff00926929a5bb40afafb65fd5228582af35fbf524562282020c4c4ae9c659231b2381f4b3cceb18e8f3f6c888c21bdd8ed4ddcd81e92fbc6a0891800ce38 alpine.buildconf de68b16b44e554a79c073c9befa10566796316dbf4c375b4d6b633d80b0282694cca233f0a70f3d6570584324f14276826bbeb8f38b550c00087a05f9ba9227f musl-fix-python.patch"