# Contributor: Ɓukasz Jendrysik # Maintainer: Natanael Copa pkgname=xorg-server pkgver=1.20.8 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="X.Org X servers" url="https://www.x.org/wiki" arch="all" license="MIT" options="suid" subpackages="$pkgname-dbg $pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc xvfb $pkgname-xephyr $pkgname-xnest $pkgname-xwayland" # the modesetting driver is now shipped with xorg server replaces="xf86-video-modesetting" depends=" font-misc-misc font-cursor-misc xkeyboard-config xkbcomp xinit " depends_dev=" libepoxy-dev libxfont2-dev mesa-dev libpciaccess-dev " makedepends=" $depends_dev meson xorgproto xtrans libxshmfence-dev pixman-dev xkbcomp-dev libxkbfile-dev nettle-dev wayland-dev wayland-protocols libdrm-dev libxext-dev libx11-dev libxau-dev eudev-dev libxcb-dev xcb-util-dev xcb-util-image-dev xcb-util-keysyms-dev xcb-util-renderutil-dev xcb-util-wm-dev libxdmcp-dev " source="https://www.x.org/releases/individual/xserver/xorg-server-$pkgver.tar.bz2 xwayland-glx.patch " # secfixes: # 1.20.3-r0: # - CVE-2018-14665 # 1.19.5-r0: # - CVE-2017-12176 # - CVE-2017-12177 # - CVE-2017-12178 # - CVE-2017-12179 # - CVE-2017-12180 # - CVE-2017-12181 # - CVE-2017-12182 # - CVE-2017-12183 # - CVE-2017-12184 # - CVE-2017-12185 # - CVE-2017-12186 # - CVE-2017-12187 # - CVE-2017-13721 # - CVE-2017-13723 prepare() { default_prepare sed -i -e 's/termio.h/termios.h/' hw/xfree86/os-support/xf86_OSlib.h } build() { # xorg modules does not work with the -z now and it seems like we # cannot pass over the linker flag to .so files. so we tweak the # gcc specs. export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__gid_t=gid_t -D__uid_t=uid_t" export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-z,lazy" _fontroot="/usr/share/fonts" meson \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \ --localstatedir=/var \ --buildtype=plain \ -Dxorg=true \ -Dxephyr=true \ -Dxwayland=true \ -Dglamor=true \ -Dxwayland_eglstream=false \ -Dxnest=true \ -Ddmx=false \ -Dxvfb=true \ -Dxwin=false \ -Ddefault_font_path=$_fontroot/misc,$_fontroot/100dpi:unscaled,$_fontroot/75dpi:unscaled,$_fontroot/TTF,$_fontroot/Type1 \ -Dglx=true \ -Dxdmcp=true \ -Dxdm-auth-1=true \ -Dxcsecurity=true \ -Dsecure-rpc=false \ -Dipv6=true \ -Dxkb_dir=/usr/share/X11/xkb \ -Dxkb_output_dir=/var/lib/xkb \ -Dos_vendor="${DISTRO_NAME:-Alpine Linux}" \ -Dlisten_tcp=false \ -Dlisten_unix=true \ -Dlisten_local=true \ -Dsuid_wrapper=true \ -Dpciaccess=true \ -Dudev=true \ -Dhal=false \ -Dsystemd_logind=false \ -Ddpms=true \ -Ddri1=true \ -Ddri2=true \ -Ddri3=true \ . output ninja -C output } check() { ninja -C output test } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C output install chmod u+s "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/Xorg ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/X # Don't conflict with xf86-input-evdev rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf install -m755 -d "$pkgdir"/var/lib/xkb } xvfb() { pkgdesc="Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/Xvfb "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } xephyr() { pkgdesc="kdrive based X Server which targets a window on a host X Server as its framebuffer" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/Xephyr "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } xnest() { pkgdesc="A nested Xorg server" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/Xnest "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } xwayland() { pkgdesc="run X clients under wayland" mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin mv "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/Xwayland "$subpkgdir"/usr/bin/ } sha512sums="ab0ec0fcbf490c61558b9297f61b58fd2dedb676c78bef6431dc9166054743b43a0091b88a8b3f4e81d1f539909440ee7e188a298cefabe13ea89159639cd805 xorg-server-1.20.8.tar.bz2 004c9a7d920af8825a311d32433bf64190d45583d57bb20b3c5ef39d8011ced7bf17b73296e56078ca791e6cd923594dacfe3fbf7af7c98934627e34559c85d8 xwayland-glx.patch"