#!/usr/bin/lua5.2 local posix = require 'posix' local json = require 'cjson' local lpc = require 'lpc' local aac = require 'aaudit.common' local function usage() print([[ Usage: aaudit [create|commit] [OPTIONS...] Options for create: -s SERV Use server SERV -d DESC Description for repository (default: hostname) -t ADDR Specify ADDR as target device (default: local source IP) -g GRP Add in group GRP (can be specified multiple times) Options for create and commit: -m MSG Specify message for the commit -L Local change (use local 'contact' as change author) ]]) os.exit(1) end local verbose = false local conf = aac.readconfig() or {} local req = {} for ret, optval in posix.getopt(arg, 'vs:d:t:m:Lg:') do if ret == 'v' then verbose = true elseif ret == 's' then conf.server = optval elseif ret == 'd' then conf.description = optval elseif ret == 't' then conf.target_address = optval elseif ret == 'm' then req.message = optval elseif ret == 'L' then req.local_change = true elseif ret == 'g' then req.groups = req.groups or {} table.insert(req.groups, optval) else usage() end end if conf.server == nil then print("Error: No server configured.") usage() end req.command = arg[1] if arg[1] == "create" then req.description = conf.description or aac.readfile("/etc/hostname"):gsub("\n","") req.ssh_host_key = aac.readfile("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub") or aac.readfile("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub") or aac.readfile("/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub") aac.writeconfig(conf) arg[1] = "commit" end req.apkovl_follows = true if arg[1] ~= "commit" then usage() end local pid, SW, SR = lpc.run('ssh', '-T', ('%s@%s'):format(conf.user or "aaudit", conf.server)) SW:write(json.encode(req),'\n') if req.apkovl_follows then local APKOVL = io.popen("lbu package -", "rb") while true do local block = APKOVL:read(2^13) if not block then break end SW:write(block) end APKOVL:close() end SW:close() local reply for line in SR:lines() do if line:match("^{") and line:match("}$") then reply = json.decode(line) elseif verbose then print(line) end end SR:close() lpc.wait(pid) if reply then if reply.ok then io.write("OK: ",reply.msg,"\n") else io.write("ERROR: ",reply.msg,"\n") end if reply.notified then io.write("Notified: ",reply.notified,"\n") end else io.write("ERROR: No reply received from server\n") end